Some Cheap Bundle Train
Steam support will only revoke the key and give you a new one, if Y was Skyrim, Barbie or Fortix.
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wow i'm barely know that there is a barbie game on steam.
Gonna buy that for my sister if it included in next sale :v
seriously, its that hard to request a revoke on steam?
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Oh yes!
In case you got another game, you'll have to wait until a random very important Volvo employee adds you and offers to revoke and restore your game key for just 2 CS keys. There might be a discount during sales.
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As far as I'm aware, Steam staff will not personally revoke keys for any reason. The distributors that authorized the keys, on the other hand, may agree to a revocation. But even if they do revoke it, that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be willing to send you a replacement. Your only other option would be to contact the developer directly, and ask them to put in the revocation and to create a new key for you.
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i'm imagine that thing gonna be soooooooo complicated :|
btw, thanks for the advice
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well, if it were me.. I'd send them the right key. a-yup.
or you can ask support to change the giveaway to the key for the game they received if they agree. it might take a while or a few months, though.
edit: This happened to me once once, but the winner suggested it to be changed to the right giveaway. It took a few months, I think.
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or you can ask support to change the giveaway to the key for the game they received if they agree.
edit: This happened to me once once, but the winner suggested it to be changed to the right giveaway. It took a few months, I think.
SleepyCat (Moderator)
We cannot change the giveaway to an entirely unrelated title. This option is reserved for changing one edition of the game to another or changing titles of giveaways for downloadable content for the same game.
It's not just Sleepy that has clarified that, multiple staff members have affirmed that as being the rule in place for that function.
So your situation either involved a different version of the same game, or was an abberation- either way, not something that can neccesarily be counted on for the OP's circumstances. :X
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Well, I guess they are out of luck.. (in my situation the game had similar names, but I don't know if that was taken into consideration)
Accidents DO happen, so I thought maybe they might do it anyway :(
edit: Here was my personal case
The name was very similar. Particulars to Particula, so maybe that was the only reason why they allowed it.
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I think by the rules you have to send them the right key, and just wave goodbye to the wrong key you gave them.
But most people I've had dealings with on this site are pretty reasonable. So in the first instance you can always ask the winner if he or she is happy to change the giveaway to the key you did give them. I imagine the lovely support people here would then be happy to make the change for you. But if the winner doesn't agree, you may be out of luck. :(
Thank you for the poll-train! :)
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well, i'm planning to do that, only if i'm not running X & Y GA at the same time tho
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As long as the second giveaway hasn't also ended, you can still manually delete it in the left sidebar on the giveaway's page [or through the support ticket page]. In the circumstance that it also ended, staff may agree to a giveaway deletion, if the giveaway winners acknowledge they received the key(s) for the other game(s), as then you'll have clear proof of your intent to deliver, and that a mistake was honestly made. I've no firm familiarity with the policy there, however.
Of course, giveaways can always be deleted with winner permission, and most winners will agree to it for mistakes like this (and if they're self-centered enough to not agree, then imo it's best to say "screw 'em", and take the Not Received :X).
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DISCLAIMER: I'm kidding. -_-
Just send them the right game so they can mark it received.
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Last time i get this case is about deleted wrong key game giveaway which winner prefered wrong key. And another winner one i bought new correct key again. Fortunately price is 2 and 10 bucks.
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The rate games get bundled these days, you want to waste months for just 1 key restoration? Consider it a Christmas gift to a friend [wrong one] and just give the correct key.
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yap. :)
beside, i don't like something complicated and takes too long time.
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its not yet happen to me. i'm just curious about that
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if i were you i'd just give them the key for the game in addition to the old one, the fault is with you not them, just give them the extra key.
alot of times when i trade with people, we agree on a certain deal, and if one side cannot hold his game because it was a dupe or mistakenly doesn't have it anymore despite saying "ok" beforehand, he compensates the other side with 2 additional games instead of that game, that's just my opinion though.
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The last time I saw Steam community moderators indicate that Steam Support might do that was about 3 years ago, and they listed the following stipulations:
Past that, it's been fairly well established in recent years that Steam no longer provides any sort of purchase support for purchases made outside of the Steam Store. While it technically wouldn't hurt to ask, the OP'd have to be willing to deal with the hassle that is Steam Support and the likely very lengthy delays interacting with them would take. The game'd have to not be easy to replace to be worth that hassle, I think. :X
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Message by Support Tech Mason on Thu, Oct 23 2014 12:48
Hello Roman,
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
As a one-time customer service gesture, we have restored your CD key.
Please note, in the future, all CD keys that are registered will be permanently registered to this account.
Moer like 2 years, but still may work.
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Honestly, don't ever know what'll happen with Steam Support. :P
Yeah, never hurts to try, but there's still the fact (assuming that list above is still valid) that the winner would have had to have not yet interacted with the game in any way, and be willing to put in the ticket to support [since it'd have to come from the account that activated the game]. If you've made a public gib, the odds of finding a winner willing to go through the hassle might not be entirely favorable, even if the other elements on that list are proven unnecessary. :X
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Sorry, it's not clear to me, have you let the winner know and asked them if they already activated the wrong key? If they haven't, they might just avoid touching it and wait for the right one. Thus you could try to give it to somebody else (ofc, there is no guarantee the winner won't lie about it, but if, for example, you already have a giveaway for that game and either don't wish to delete it or it's a problem to do so, you might as well give that key to the new winner and worry about this only if they report it as used - I hope I'm making sense XD).
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its just my curiosity, if i someday mistakenly sent wrong key (other game key) to the winner.
not what actually happen to me right now :v that's why i can't explain the detail much further
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i'm not good at searching something like this. already trying to search, find something so close but different case :
so, Lets say i made a "X" games giveaway. Then i'm accidentally sent the winner a "Y" games Key. because the winner didn't have that "Y" games, ofc Steam gonna automatically activated that game on their account.
So what should i do? should i giving the winner the right key? what about that "Y" games? does steam support gonna revoke that key if i explain?
Edit: thanks for the response guys.
Btw, its not what currently happen to me, i'm just curios about that. i'll take a note about this topic. cause you know, i'm pretty sure someday i'll do the mistake like this.
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