True or True?
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Its a gift, you're not supposed to expect anything in return!
Edit: Checked in after 2 days.... WTF is this drama down below!!???
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^ This person is right and their words can also be directed to people who keep telling OP that it's because their giveaways are supposedly worthless. Wrong point. You guys know that's not how the website works.
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Target succesfully hit.
Just read the rules. I owe you no satisfaction. ยฏ_(หโกห)_/ยฏ
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calm down mate it's not like your as good as me either but you can't say that they are a leech either
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don't worry about others your very kind with your giveaways
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What I'm pointing out is that you have a 0.8 ratio, so you're not even a 1/1, so to many you are leeching yourself. I'm just stating the facts, not here to say you are a leech. Although there is a big difference between a someone like shortcakey who has 717 wins over his given, and you who's only 116 wins over your given. Still, you've won 116 more than you've given, I guess that's something right?
PS: Not sure why you gotta be toxic after I sent you 1 reply, but it doesn't work on me. Good luck tho.
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As i said to eeev, with such standards the site would be 99% leechers and then you talk about how these are suddenly my standards, this gave me a wtf.
You should never look at sheer numbers only, they can be misleading, always look at the RCV too.
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Sure but 116 games over the even balance doesn't bother you?
Also there's something wrong with sgtools I just noticed that looking at my own acc it's displaying 600 less given and 6 less won. for you it says 382 won instead of 588 so 206 games are somehow not counted in your won cv? for you it says 448 sent instead of 472 so 24 games aren't counted in your sent cv?
What's going on with sgtools? I would suggest not using it for actual data as it's not reporting actual numbers as of right now clearly. It's literally off by 40% on your won ratio. 40% WOW.
So of course with this data your acc looks much more normal, but what if they include the 206 and 24 missing games?
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No worries you replied to me, it's just the comment thread that is too long so it looks like this. Well I'm assuming he didn't want to consider the site values since he was bothered by me showing those firstly, so I assumed maybe he's talking about using SGTools which makes his data look a lot nicer, but I pointed out why that's not right, and that's because sgtools is bugged. I don't know what other tool he could be using to calculate his RCV.
EDIT: and yes, this comment is a reply to you so you'll get a notification for it, but all comments now will show up just under prosac's comment.
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Well I'm assuming he didn't want to consider the site values since he was bothered by me showing those firstly
I don't get it, why you're still implying my stats may be bad, when they're probably better than 95% of the site users.
You're also assuming a lot of wrong things.
And instead talking about that leecher, we're suddenly discussing my stats, which are perfectly fine.
You don't even know my personal situation, that i have very less spare money at hand and instead using this as an excuse for not giving back, like many greedy leechers do, i try my best to maintain a healthy ratio.
Idk, if your agenda is to get others into blacklisting me, like you did a long time ago or what you're aiming for.
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Idk what you think I'm implying or not, I'm just stating facts and it's not like you're in denial or something. I simply stated that you too have a ratio of less than 1. I don't personally care, I think I have a public giveaway ratio better than most people also I've made more level 0 giveaways more than anything else I've made as far as I'm aware. There's accounts that have given thousands but no public giveaways they just traded between their friends in a group of 5-10 people. So it's not like this data means anything even if you look at an account with a 10000000000 given to 1 won ratio, because if everything they've given is in a private group, it means 0, and tbh I don't even know why CG is counting it as anything. That's a flaw of SG imo and an exploit to level up by trading games. I just pointed out you're not even either like eeev did, and then I added that to some that might mean you're also leeching. Didn't mean I also called you a leech, just pointed out that while you call him a leech, to some you also are one, as you're also in the negatives. I don't personally care who takes, otherwise I wouldn't making level 0 giveaways, which are the foundation of any new member experience of this site and without which this site wouldn't exist. If your defense is that 95% of the users have a less than 1 ratio, which is probably true, then the point is the same, those users have a less than 1 ratio. So 95% of users have taken more than given. It is what it is. Doesn't make their ratio positive or a good thing. It's still in the negative. It's nice that some have a better ratio than others. Shame on shortcakey for more than likely being a middle aged dude with this attitude and approach to life but it is what it is. It doesn't put you in the positive either. Around $500 RCV will though.
Now I commend you for being more consistent than me on making a few giveaways once month, however, literally 95% of them are in private groups with less than 50 entries, sometimes 5 entries from what I'm noticing. But I can commend you for mostly entering on GA's from your groups at least, so it pretty much evens out. However, and this is my opinion, this doesn't help support this site. A private community of trading games you each don't have between each other. What's a new member going to do if they come on the site and there's no giveaways because all of yours are in a private group? There's a lot of mentalities like this on this website, such as "make all your ga 2+ to avoid the bots", but that makes no sense, as you yourself said you're not in the best position to give, and how old are you and in what country are you? Imagine someone much younger than you, in a country with a much worse economy coming to sg to try to level to +2 to enter any giveaways. Maybe they can't. Also, if those people were level 0, they wouldn't be saying "make your ga level 2+" because they'd be cutting themselves off it. So it's hypocrisy.
System is there and you can use it as you wish. None of us are here without some faults in how we operate.
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You're deflecting or why do you suddenly come up with circle jerks groups, which no one mentioned before?
I just pointed out you're not even either like eeev did, and then I added that to some that might mean you're also leeching.
I don't share that opinion, as i already answered eeev. IMHO this conclusion is more than plain stupid, because 95% of the site users would be leechers this way and only the remaning 5% would be divine users, which is unrealistic black/white thinking.
I don't personally care who takes, otherwise I wouldn't making level 0 giveaways
Great job giving to bots, multis, autojoiners and such
however, literally 95% of them are in private groups with less than 50 entries
You looked at SG Tools earlier, but now you don't with getting my exact % of public GAs. And then you don't even differ between public and private groups. You should get your facts right, otherwise it's just stating made-up things.
However, and this is my opinion, this doesn't help support this site.
And in my opinion you aren't helping the site with level zero GAs giving to all sorts of shady accounts
A private community of trading games you each don't have between each other.
Just assuming other wrong things, you obviously don't know shit about how to differ between legit groups and circle jerk groups and then trying to imply i'm in those circle jerk ones. Same stupid conclusions Amano made. If his WL GAs get 5-10 entries, does this make his WL a circle jerk WL?
What's a new member going to do if they come on the site and there's no giveaways because all of yours are in a private group?
Unrealistic reality.
There's a lot of mentalities like this on this website, such as "make all your ga 2+ to avoid the bots"
Best mindset ever, but 2+ is pretty low, you can get there with spending about 2-3$
but that makes no sense, as you yourself said you're not in the best position to give
And i still managed to get to level 7, think about it again.
Imagine someone much younger than you, in a country with a much worse economy coming to sg to try to level to +2 to enter any giveaways. Maybe they can't. Also, if those people were level 0, they wouldn't be saying "make your ga level 2+" because they'd be cutting themselves off it. So it's hypocrisy.
As i sad, level 2 will cost as less as 2-3$, that should be affordable even in a bad economy.
But i'm not here to discuss the whole topic with you, acknowledging you have a different opinion, which may probably based on lacking knowledge and falsly drawn conclusions out of it, which you have already shown.
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From my point of view you're a great user and reigifts is an outstanding user.
But i just wanna react to that :
Great job giving to bots, multis, autojoiners and such
I'm not as generous as reigifts and unlike him usually put a lvl1-3+ barrier on public (and 0 on private because there are other ways to anti-bots). But sometimes for rare occasions i can lvl0 public and it's funny because another user litteraly wrote me something really similar very recently.
So what i would answer is that you're not wrong there are a lot of bots / autojoiners at lvl0, but honestly i don't know how to discern between them and real users, and there are probably too at higher lvl. Manually lvlup an account, and then pouf! make it automatic, or something like that. Also i agree with reigifts that the users with the less financial means are logically lvl0.
Well i gifted Skyrim looong time ago to a user who was (and still is lvl0). I was so happy when i've seen at that time that he had less than 50 games on steam, i thought oh this guy will be happy ! Well after 2-3 years i checked fastly but he didn't play (and i was sad, even though i shouldn't be giving lessons on that, being far from having played everything i won here either). But i re-checked maybe 1 week ago (no i don't check constantly, i just did twice on 10 years XD ) and now he has some more games... and he played Skyrim. It made my day. Thank you !
PS. @Prosac super games roguebook and destroyer u-boat hunter
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Yeah, not everyone at level zero is per se bad, but you have to start somewhere to weed out the bad ones, because owner doesn't care and you only have 1000 blacklist slots, which isn't even enough to blacklist all the bad ones at 5+
Also i agree with reigifts that the users with the less financial means are logically lvl0.
I have to disagree here, it'll cost 1 Cent to get to level 1, just buy a 1$ bundle on Fanatical ONCE and you're not level zero anymore. Everyone who has a PC, pays rent, food and electricity should have that 1$ available.
For example the first thing i did after looking into the site was creating a GA to level up and have better chances at higher level GAs.
PS.: I think Citizen Sleeper is much cooler. Btw i'm trying to give away only games, which i personally enjoy.
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You're theorically right but forget the children without credit cards that were given a PC and their games (sometimes it's the familial PC, also when we were young we were gifted 1 game at birthday 1 game at christmas), and sometimes students with hard financial troubles that were given a PC, etc. this sort of users
I guess the skyrim user at that time was exactly this sort of user : a child or young teenager.
When i started on steamgifts, i was tasking on tremor had no credit card, no money of my own, no way to do real money. With the tasks i could get TF2 keys, sell them on steam market and with that buy games. But i was lucky.
edit :
I can't keep up with the conversation with all these lines coming down, it's too hard for me. XD
I know no more who talks to who. Did you know there could be so many vertical lines ? โธ๏ธโธ๏ธโธ๏ธโธ๏ธโธ๏ธ
CG if you hear me, shouldn't you add one color for each vertical line, a bit like bus or metro lines ? (no in fact it's certainly not an emergency)
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Balance always helps..
Some public, some lvl 0, some a bit higher, maybe even a group if someone likes it. The more the merrier
I usually do a bigger than lvl 0 ga only when I want (hope) for a key to be claimed extra fast. It has a success rate of 60-70% for me so far
In the end of the day.. What matters to me is that a gift is a gift.. Expecting something in return isn't the idea of a gift
Edit: I'm impatient lately.. lol xD
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Well, i got pocket money as a child and even some additional money from distributing brochures, doing tasks on the internet would be another option today, i earned about 800$ years ago and bought me some Star Citizen ships with.
Where there's a will there's a way
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Great job giving to bots, multis, autojoiners and such
Yeah, but not only.. At least someone is happy, I prefer to think of it like this.
But some sort of balance is good too. Some lvl 0, some a bit bigger and so on
And in my opinion you aren't helping the site with level zero GAs giving to all sorts of shady accounts
With 0 level 0 ga's imo the site will die faster than speedy gonzales. Or no, better yet, it will remain alive until all who are already registered will have stopped using it. No new blood isn't good
does this make his WL a circle jerk WL
If his wl people have the same wl then in essence yes (by the definition he is going about)
Unrealistic reality.
Due to lvl 0 ga's
Best mindset ever, but 2+ is pretty low, you can get there with spending about 2-3$
And with 0 you can do that. Like always, unless in a searched wl or a group that really checks, you can never be 100% sure. It will just be harder to spot or you'll be wishing it's true
I don't believe one can avoid 100% of any bot thingy unless you know the other person.. (and even then that's an if)
Don't get me wrong. I understand why you are thinking like this. I just can't agree on no public and/or lvl 0 ga's despite the many abusers
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With 0 level 0 ga's imo the site will die faster than speedy gonzales. Or no, better yet, it will remain alive until all who are already registered will have stopped using it. No new blood isn't good
I have a different stance here, chances to win at level 0 are probably 1 to 1000 if not worse and what is exactly, what the OP is complaining about. I don't think we need more level zeroes aka new blood, who are lowering the chances any further, so people leave the site out of frustration.
The lower levels are easy to reach with just some bucks and the fresh blood people we need, who do GAs and contribute to the health of the site, will reach level 3 or 4 in no time, so this should be the bare minimum level restriction in my opinion.
And as a last word, the higher the level, the less the chance in having an shady account as winner.
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"You're deflecting or why do you suddenly come up with circle jerks groups, which no one mentioned before?"
Because you're part of such groups?
"I don't share that opinion, as i already answered eeev. IMHO this conclusion is more than plain stupid, because 95% of the site users would be leechers this way and only the remaning 5% would be divine users, which is unrealistic black/white thinking."
Well technically for every user that ends up having left SG with a less than 1 ratio, they have taken more than given. Of course it's unrealistic, I'm not saying this is what I want or expect. I'm just explaining that just as you think someone is leeching because their ratio is worse than yours by quite a bit, you were also not in the positive. 1 is positive, any less is a negative ratio. It doesn't bother me for reasons I already stated and my stats obviously, I'm just explaining to you and you're somehow in denial but acceptance of this. Just as you can have a negative ratio although it's almost even, someone else can have a negative ratio and much worse. Just as you can maybe not afford to give as much as you take, someone else can maybe not afford to give even close to the little you can. Just stating those are possibilities. There are users who can't afford to give anything. It's perfectly fine, but that doesn't make your ratio positive because they have a much worse ratio than yours, it's still less than 1. It's ok though. Not sure why you're struggling with this.
"Great job giving to bots, multis, autojoiners and such"
As long as here and there a user who can't afford to give at all or very little wins one of my giveaways, I'll be happy with it and keep doing so.
"You looked at SG Tools earlier, but now you don't with getting my exact % of public GAs. And then you don't even differ between public and private groups. You should get your facts right, otherwise it's just stating made-up things."
It seems sgtools doesn't report accurate data, so I don't see what I'd be looking at it again for. If it falsifies data I don't care about it.
"And in my opinion you aren't helping the site with level zero GAs giving to all sorts of shady accounts"
That's a belief you can blindly hold but I can't help you if you don't want to. SG would be dead without people making lvl 0 giveaways. If you can't understand and accept that, I can't help you. I get it, if I made level 2 giveaways, only people who gave what, $100 worth of cv(so like $5 like you said) could join. I'd literally cut every single person trying out the site for their first time. Every single one. This wasn't my experience when I joined the site many years ago, so I'm not going to make it someone elses experience where they come to the site and it says "please first give $100 worth of games first, here go buy these shit games and give them away to other people level 2 and above". That whole concept is so stupid, in kind words. You're assuming every new users, especially inexperienced ones who have no games and want to win some, understand the whole cv as good as you do(because you did when you joined for sureeee) and not just that, they understand how to go to key resellers and buy cheap games, and then make the giveaways etc. and they wouldn't find that shady before they can win anything. I mean if your approach isn't off the charts stupid, I don't know what you think it is. Maybe I should pick a random topic and ask you about it, and when you don't know about it, I'll call you a bot, shady, or whatever. This isn't to say there's no bots on sg, I'm sure there are, but your approach is stupid, there is no other way to explain it.
"Just assuming other wrong things, you obviously don't know shit about how to differ between legit groups and circle jerk groups and then trying to imply i'm in those circle jerk ones. Same stupid conclusions Amano made. If his WL GAs get 5-10 entries, does this make his WL a circle jerk WL?"
Depends if it's a group or if it's a whitelist, and depends on the rules of the group and how you know each other. However, awfully coincidental that only 5 to 10 people in that group can enter and awfully coincidental that it makes a big part of the ga you make. Thankfully it's also a coincidence that you win mostly in that group, and not public giveaways, otherwise trust me I'd be pointing that out, but you've at least been good about that, hence why I said it pretty much evens out. Doesn't excuse why group ga's with 5 entries count towards any cv, but that's something that I wish CG looked at.
"Unrealistic reality."
What? The point is that if things were as you want them to be, that would be the scenario. Was that how it was when you joined? Were there no level 0 giveaways?
"Best mindset ever, but 2+ is pretty low, you can get there with spending about 2-3$"
Why not level 10 though? Is it because you wouldn't qualify anymore? Let's make them all level 10, and then you tell me how it is. Maybe then you could experience how someone who's level 0 feels when people like you say that. Weird though, I feel like at some point, you should've been level 0 too. But maybe you somehow skipped. Maybe as unable as you are to gift more now to level yourself to an even ratio, maybe back then you had nothing too. Who knows. Maybe now that you have a little you forgot the bad times. Or maybe you just never had them and you're doing pretty good and you're just full of crap. You tell me.
"And i still managed to get to level 7, think about it again."
Seems to me like you're in a much better position to give then. Pretty much as good as me or anyone else that will be level 10 soon. Maybe the comment above is true, maybe you didn't have the bad times and you're just playing victim. How can you compare yourself to someone who can't give at all? Also how can you not have compassion for someone who can't give at all? Especially since you've been blessed to be able to give so much already? I don't get it.
"As i sad, level 2 will cost as less as 2-3$, that should be affordable even in a bad economy.
But i'm not here to discuss the whole topic with you, acknowledging you have a different opinion, which may probably based on lacking knowledge and falsly drawn conclusions out of it, which you have already shown."
This depends, I've many times heard no when a kid asked for $5. Me included, I wasn't financially fortunate growing up. So I can tell you right now as a little kid I've stolen some money from various sources just so I can get some wafers and candy as a kid cause that's what I craved although I'm a little bit ashamed to admit that but it is what it is, you make do with what you can. When it came to video games at that time, I used to sail the seas, that's of course many years later when I finally got a computer that was already ancient behind what others were using, and play free demos and things when I couldn't figure things out. But it was enough for me. Slightly different times now and I'm glad I can now give to someone who might find themselves in a similar position to mine when I was a kid. If it's a bot it is what it is, if one of those keys goes to the right place it's worth the others going to the void.
I doubt a kid who can barely get anything will take their just earned $5 and ask their parents to buy him steam keys off this pretty shady looking key reselling site when the parents might not even have paypal and they'd have to type their credit card info in like that's totally what your mom and dad would've said yes when you were a kid, all for the kid then to go to SG to make a giveaway and give his one or two keys away rather than activate them on his own acc. I think you're talking way more complicated for a kid than you actually imagine it being mostly because you're probably early 30's. You forgot not everything is so simple for everyone as it is for you just because you've been doing it for years.
Either way I wish you the best, but we do have very different opinions on this whole subject.
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Because you're part of such groups?
Because you clearly lacking knowledege about groups, drawing false conclusions and accusing me as bad? As i already said above.
It seems sgtools doesn't report accurate data, so I don't see what I'd be looking at it again for. If it falsifies data I don't care about it.
And then you just make up random numbers?
SG would be dead without people making lvl 0 giveaways.
Unfounded assumption.
I get it, if I made level 2 giveaways, only people who gave what, $100 worth of cv(so like $5 like you said) could join.
100 CV would be level 4 and i didn't said this would cost just 5$, 100 CV will cost about 20$.
You're throwing a lot of random numbers around.
please first give $100 worth of games first,
you're mixmatching CV with real $ here, but that shouldn't happen to an experienced user, so i have to assume this is intended and should tell everyone, that you're trying to twist facts
they understand how to go to key resellers and buy cheap games, and then make the giveaways etc.
no, they can go to Fanatical, which is heavily advertised here and where every new bundle gets a thread showing the CV you get.
They can get 5 CV for 1$ with Fanatical bundles, yes my calculations are based on that and not on Keysellers.
However, awfully coincidental that only 5 to 10 people in that group can enter and awfully coincidental that it makes a big part of the ga you make.
Also awfully coincidental that i still get a lot of different winners all of a sudden, which is probably a strong indicator, that it's not a circle jerk group, but as i already mentioned, lacking knowledge and falsly drawn conclusions on your side.
There are always a lot of other users who can join, but don't choose to, because of various reasons.
I won't read more of that wall of text, which will probably contain just more BS and unfounded accusations.
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While I always find small groups or toooo ratio based to be "blind lottery trading", it differs a lot than what you is describing.. Granted some tiny groups can do that, it wouldn't apply to most (known) groups. Heck most don't even check if their rules are being followed xD
Also, there is absolutely no way for ALL to have a better than 1:1 ratio for the simplest reason that the excess games would have nowhere to go.
You both are thinking extreme opposite people. The very young/poor/unfortunate/you name it vs heavy abusers.
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Not trying to confuse you, I'm not saying it should be expected for users to have a 1/1 ratio. I don't care about that as I specified. But I did want to point out to prosac that just as he can judge someone for having a 0.15 ratio or something, his is also still 0.85 or so. There's tons of groups that wont even consider you for an application if your ratio is less than 1. So to many, he's also leeching. Do I actually mind or care, no, but I wanted to point it out, and it really bothered him. At the same time I pointed out that someone can have an amazing ratio but be in a group with 4 of his steam friends and swap games with each other, so basically doing fraud although it's an ok exploit here for whatever reason. Probably because if people couldn't exploit the site in some ways sg would be dead. I just meant to state that just as he has that mentality about leechers, someone else is gonna consider him a leecher, and someone else is gonna abuse the system in some other way, and then you got me who has a huge backlog and still have to play somehow through all my 700+ wins. So I meant to say we're all at fault somehow.
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I'm not sure why you are in need to judge my life. That's pretty much passive-aggressivity, what doesn't make your act better than Prosac's. Though, I couldn't care less about what both of you think about me. Just saying you're in need to point fingers as well, just like him. It's not as if you should care as well.
But if you consider it, it's such a time loss, since whatever your real intention is, in the end you just sound like "you're not now, but get a better ratio, so you will be allowed to insult whoever you want", while he replies "but I'm already allowed!", while you are just like "oh, it's not me, it's what community thinks, though I still feel the need to publicly point my finger at you". Crazy and pointless discussion, isn't it? It's like you are shaming him, while still saying "it's not mine, it's society's opinion; so don't blame me, blame society". There is certainly no hypocrisy about it, huh?
If you think about it, it's just ironic that users considered "the worst kind of user" like OP or me can still cause much more hateful/toxic reactions than the thread content itself. A single random post, then a lot of users who have such a high opinion about themselves start to insult each other just because a silly sentence. You guys should at least admit that it's deadly funny!
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You literally made full circle. First you complain someone judged you as if you're not the type to do so, then you say you don't care, then you proceed to say others are also to be judged. Did you not notice when you typed it? Welcome to the internet I guess? It's 2024 we still say that....
I shame you, him and ME in the same comment, I literally wrote "System is there and you can use it as you wish. None of us are here without some faults in how we operate.". That doesn't mean I can't point something out. You do you, but you've been here longer than I have, you could slowly improve on it and eventually balance yourself out or get closer. Maybe one day you too want to give to the you 10 years ago who didn't have much, rather than be prideful that you contribute to him having less because you can. Not something you should be proud of. Do it, but don't be proud off. Part of the reason I'm even telling you this is because of all the troll posts you've made before. I can tell how you are based on those. So no I'm not impressed.
Not sure what's so funny about it, but again, you're probably just made that way? Things are just funny to you.
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Well, yeah. They're funny for me. Who else should they be for? It's such a pity that not everyone appreciate irony...
I don't know why you think I'm proud or what I'm supposedly proud of. But the fact I don't feel ashamed for anything may give you that feeling. Maybe that's what makes everyone get so triggered. That's funny. But things are not only black or white, you should know.
PS: Not sure why you gotta be toxic after I sent you 1 reply, but it doesn't work on me. Good luck tho.
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would i be called a leech? i got like meh games and 3 DLCs but i have gift a pretty good game, the milk in a box of milk and goes on, like, i think if the person gives better games they receive its not supposed to be a leech, or else im a leech and should give leftover games so i get better ratio than giving actually good and ejnjoyable/playable games to poor people like me
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I guess you would count since you gave less than you won
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What did you expect statistically ? There are 1,2 millions users, and much less giveaways for all these users. When you play the lottery outside, your probability of winning is even lower. Imagine if all these 1,2 millions users had the same expectations. Also the gifts don't come from nowhere, it's people trying to make other people's day.
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That's the total number of accounts ever created. But I'd say more than 95% are inactive users now.
Most people (like OP) joined the site, entrered few ga and expected to win them all, but obviously they didn't.
So they leave and never come back, thinking it was a "scam".
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There's always the helpful winning probability stats that give you a more helpful indicator. I don't know, it's kind of wild when people go screaming how this site is a scam on the forums or trustpilot (or whatever other site that other guy screaming about how this site was a scam was citing as proof) when they give you statistics. I'm sure most people screaming "scam" barely entered enough giveaways to have an expected gift rate of 1.0. It's usually just kid that don't know how statistics work and have the immaturity to make posts like these/scream scam on trustpilot.
Just as an example, I'm at 4771 giveaways entered. 23 won, ~25 expected according to the winning probability stat, assume equal probability (best lazy case but definitely not accurate) so probability of winning is 0.0052, plug it into a binomial probability calculator and bingo bango bongo, there's a 48.4% chance that I won 23 or less games as a general approximation. Assuming OP enters giveaways where he is 1 in 1000 and enters 1000 giveaways (he only entered 321), it's a 37% chance for him to have won no gifts at all, which is just "a tad unlucky".
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Right i hadn't thought of it that way, but among them there are also a lot of people who log on every few months just to join the public draws and don't bother with the forum.
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I answered you that because from my personal experience when I talked about this site to some people from my friend list, they never stayed around here for very long.
I checked 6 of them (that I can remember) here:
1 of them did not even try to enter any ga, stayed online for 23 minutes and never came back (5 years ago)
Another one entered only 5 ga and left the site the very next day. (8 years ago)
Another one tried for a little bit more than 1 month and entered 157 ga (6 years ago)
And the next three guys tried a little bit harder with:
So I guess the one who stick around more, are the one lucky enough to win very early, and if it doesn't happen after few days/weeks/months, then they just leave and forget about it.
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I answered you that because from my personal experience when I talked about this site to some people from my friend list, they never stayed around here for very long.
Can't say you're wrong, i've the same experience about that.
So I guess the one who stick around more, are the one lucky enough to win very early, and if it doesn't happen after few days/weeks/months, then they just leave and forget about it.
But here i won my first gift maybe +1 year after joining, and i'm sure it's not rare, the people who wait sometimes for years before their 1st win. I remember vaguely a guy who was waiting for +3 years and still trying.
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But my dear you give back to the site also which is why your a nice person
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Ah i found the 2nd person who blacklisted me
(don't remove i'm good this way it was just a funny observation, i was checking a random public gift you made to add you to whitelist otherwise i wouldn't even have noticed, but i think it's perfect the way it is now let's just continue our ways)
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Duck i'm sorry i thought it was because of the list i made some time ago, i was trying to get blacklisted by those who don't like disabled, lgbtq+, and a number of other things. XD
If it wasn't that sorry again then i blued you.
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I said in the list that i was pro-nuclear, french and catholic too. I was hunting for those who don't tolerate different opinions (my blacklist is empty but i wanted them to auto-blacklist themselves).
So then by mistake thought i had caught a fish, my reaction comes from that. Sorry again i feel stupid feel free to join next months !
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People notice that and like with my community train at Christmas I ask only for what people have and would like to give I never ask for top brand new games but if people do what they can it does show and I notice as do others so thank you
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no idea your already on my whitelist Mr cdeypolockfilet and now of course so is cami666
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duno to be honest I saw Cupcake never did so I never bothered either
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But your profile picture is actually really cool. You actually deserve more :)
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Stats - Personal - Community
Luck Per Month
See if you've been lucky or unlucky throughout the past year. The graph estimates the number of giveaways you should have won each month based on the giveaways you entered, and displays the difference compared to the number of gifts you actually won.
How many of your entries are sufficient to view here?
ใOr, if not, how many entries you have?
Some of the older discussions have information about each of these individuals.
๏ฝฅContributor Value and Levels
๏ฝฅWhat are "No Value", "Reduced Value", and "Full Value" giveaways? How do they affect my overall contributor value?
๏ฝฅWhat are levels, and how can I increase my level?
๏ฝฅWhy did my level decrease?
Perhaps you should read such titles.
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Yeah you are right i am here for 4 months and i got only 29 games that worth nearly 500 dollars. This site is terrible and community on the site is also terrible. For example people are nice and helpfull. What kind of person give expensive games to random people? What kind of person answer your question so nicely and quickly on a discussion that you open. This people are crazy run away before they get you. Save yourself i beg you. ๐คก
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thanks for that and your contribution you go on my white list unlike this person who went on a list of mine that was another colour
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1) Your sardonic tone here made me chuckle
2) You have a great start here and a good ratio...clearly you're participating, which is what keeps this site and its culture alive. So you know what? Let me give you a little boost too...welcome to my whitelist as well. ๐๐๐
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Which comment are you asking about specifically? Maybe put a link here?
Not many things in just a comment get you a temp ban unless it's not obvious that you're being sarcastic and it appears that you're suggesting actual violence or it breaks the politics/religion/intentionally stirring the pot in an uphelpful way rules. ;)
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Where you're talking about how many GAs you entered/games you won?
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Ah, that one. I don't think that it breaks any rules. But if someone reports it or anything, let me know and I'll participate in the mod conversation. ๐
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Gave more than I got, and I got NONE.
You gave away nothing of any value and I don't just mean that the keys were from free giveaways but also that they are shovelware games not worth playing. If you wish I can give you 6 keys for other shovelware games so you can leave this site with an even balance.
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More funny people with good ratios! Huzzah! I love finding good reasons to add people to my whitelist. ;)
("accompanying tantrum" just has me chuckling...I need to find a way to integrate that into a t-shirt somewhere)
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I keep trying but can't figure out the puzzle ๐คฃ
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They gave trashware that they only gave out of intent to exploit wins, but got our valuable time.
Pretty sure they're still the ones winning out here. ๐
Also, given that the only way to win on giveaway sections of sites like scamgala is to exploit free games, there's also the implication that the reason their expectations are the way they are is because they've manipulated and abused other sites before now. I mean, not sites we'd care about or ever lower ourselves to use ourselves but, all the same, shame on them~ :P
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Had more giveaways from other sites that this Dogshit Dream Pipe Site, full of shitty hopes.
Gave more than I got, and I got NONE.
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