Well, the title is pretty clear.

I am trying to enter less and less giveaways and trying to play my backlog lately. I am using ESG filter for <$13 games.

The thing is, sometimes i find some great games that cost less than $13 and i think an "Overwhelmingly Positive" filter can help this issue. I don't think it will look out-of-place as well.

My only concern is i don't know if this is technically possible. If yes, i think it is a good idea.

5 years ago

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Yeah or nah?

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Good Idea

Sounds good. No idea if it's feasible though.
Not that there aren't a lot of games I wouldn't play that are still rated overwhelmingly positive on Steam but it would certainly help to identify games faster.

5 years ago

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and plenty I have loved with a "mixed" or merely "positive" rating.

5 years ago

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Very true. Many more probably even.

5 years ago

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It's technically possible because there are numbers for that on SteamDB.
It's good for who enters the giveaway but not sure for creators. No one would wants to see orphan crappy trains, except trading card collectors.

5 years ago

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Well, isn't it already happens?

At least it is happening for me :D Generally, i enter a maximum of one or 2 games in a train. %90 time zero.

5 years ago

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I usually only enter ones on my wishlist but there are people still enter those. Perhaps this could affect them.

5 years ago

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I don't think so because of 2 reasons.

First, browse filters doesn't affect trains since they are not open giveaways

Secondly, people who enters those "crappy" games know what they are entering. Knowing the game is not "overwhelmingly positive" won't be a surprise for them.

5 years ago

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Browse filter may not be effective but SG still can pull the required data from SteamDB for every individual game, even if they're invited-only. I agree with the second part more or less though.

5 years ago

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not exactly a filter, but with esgst you can add a tag under the game titles that show their rating. you can also color-code them.

5 years ago

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Well, ESGST is broken for me right now :(

5 years ago

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Can i ask you how? I search through settings but probably miss it.

4 years ago

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8.2 games > game categories. rating is the 26th category, and i also have the sub-option enabled "show the percentage and number of reviews next to the icon."
there are several good tags i like to use so i'd suggest going through them all and activating whichever seems helpful to you.

4 years ago

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Finally saw it. Looks like it is 7.2 for me, that is why i was missing it :)


4 years ago

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I'd love this!! My GA group is based on very positive reviews. It would make it easier to spot if one of the members accidentally posted one that's under the review requirement.

5 years ago

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That's a tag/category in ESGST under Setting # 8.2.26.

Aside from that, giveaways that don't meet review requirements can be found using an export the SteamDB data, exporting giveaway data via ESGST, then cross referencing them using the AppIDs. The only limitation of Steam is that subs don't have ratings, only apps do.

5 years ago

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This is something I'd like to see added to SG. I don't like using plugins or addons.

5 years ago

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+1 (infinity)

5 years ago

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I was just going to try it but ESGST is broken -_-

5 years ago

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The only thing Steamgifts offers so far is to filter for the metascore, e.g.: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?metascore_min=90

5 years ago

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That one can work actually, thanks :)

4 years ago

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Also filter out non-achievement games. No achievements - not a game.

5 years ago

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No achievements - not a game.


5 years ago

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So all games made before XBOX 360/PS3 are not actually games?

5 years ago

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They are games again when achievements are added.

5 years ago

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OMG what was I playing with in the 90s... when there was no internet...

5 years ago

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Dark Ages of gaming

5 years ago

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I didn't think I was that old... I'd better start looking for a good retirement house...

5 years ago

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I play games to enjoy the content of the game. I never understood why people like achievements. Also, I don't understand why anyone would want to go back through a game to collect achievements, it seems like a frustrating hassle and complete waste of time. Collecting achievements is like collecting digital cards, badges, and Steam account levels. I don't see any purpose to this other than to compare yourself to other people online and feel better than them because your numbers are bigger.

I hate that social media part of Steam. It seems like there are so many people that spend more time collecting games, cards, and badges to increasing their Steam numbers than they spend actually playing their games.

5 years ago

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Then you do not understand sports, KPI, army and many other things.

5 years ago

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I don't like sports, but I don't see how it has anything to do with Steam numbers other than being competitive. I have never hear of KPI, but I just looked it up and don't see how it could relate to using Steam. I understand the army, but don't understand how you can compare it to Steam. Are you building up your numbers on Steam to defend yourself or attack another Steam user? I honestly have no idea what you are talking about with any of those things.

5 years ago

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People are social beings. They compete and cooperate with each other. And also people like rewards and signs that show they're capable of something. From the very beginning of video gaming consoles had two controllers, and then, when technologies allowed, achievements were introduced, so people could compare the success of each other playing even the most autistic self-centered games. Good designed games usually has very interesting and challenging achievements, that enrich my gameplay. Sometimes I expand my boundaries trying to achieve something hard, and it most definitely influenced my personality. Social pride from a rare achievement becomes a secondary thing when I feel I've become better. Thus, video game achievements motivated me to achieve something in real life - in sports and in money earning.

5 years ago

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I just never thought of people playing single player games in a competitive way. I am a competitive person. I was addicted to Counter Strike for many years and enjoy playing racing games against people online, but I always played single player games as a form of escapism. I like to forget the real world for a while and enjoy a good story based game. Adding achievements to these games seems kind of pointless to me.

I guess I can understand if people want to make single player games competitive by adding achievements, but that is not something I will ever enjoy. I don't find it enjoyable to go back through a game I already completed just so I can show a bunch of random people on the internet that I did something that thousands of other people have also done. It feels like a waste of time, especially with how many games I have in my backlog that I am interested in playing.

5 years ago

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Single player games are played by speedrunners for world records, speedrun summits like AGDQ are interesting to watch, and video analysis of speedruns on Youtube are interesting too. I watch it along with DOTA 2 events because it's an actual sport where people compete, not the classical so-called sport, where physical disciplines are a vanity fair of doping users, and intellectual disciplines are devalued by AI. My escapism gaming years before Steam was a mistake. Lost years, I don't want to count them.

5 years ago

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+1 to this.

5 years ago

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I've ignored (on Steam) and hidden (here on SG) some very high in demand games. So I think it's safe to say, that for me personally "overwhelmingly positive" doesn't really mean much. I still think it's a good idea though, as it may be helpful to others. What would really help me, would be filtering by Steam tags.

5 years ago

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I think "overwhelmingly positive" doesn't mean high demand tho, there are some games with "overwhelmingly positive" ratio but low sales. I am not sure but as far as i know, the "recommended" tab is for high demand games.

What would really help me, would be filtering by Steam tags.

Yeah, that would be nice too

5 years ago

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You're right, "overwhelmingly positive" doesn't necessarily mean in high demand. There's games with extremely good reviews ("overwhelmingly positive"), which somehow slipped under the radar in terms of sales and wishlists. The other way round is certainly true, though, that most of the top wishlisted games generally come with positive reviews. In any case it's not really suitable for me personally to find interesting games. The "recommended" tab, in my experience, shows some hybrid of learned (meaning your previous giveaway entries) and high demand results.

5 years ago

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There's games with extremely good reviews ("overwhelmingly positive"), which somehow slipped under the radar in terms of sales and wishlists.

That is why i exactly want that feature :)

5 years ago

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Understood. That's why I said, it's a good idea idea even though it would be useless for me personally.

5 years ago

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The last few months I've been busy hiding all giveaways I'm not interested in. It only takes a few clicks per day and I get a clean giveaway list in return. When you start doing this it requires some time and dedication to keep on hiding everything you don't like. But eventually you will only have to hide a couple games a day after some time. Cleans up Steamgifts to show only giveaways you're interested in. Currently more than 7000 games hidden and it works like a charm for me.

5 years ago

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That would work, but isn't that almost feel like a job?

I tried to do that before knowing ESGST and it was so boring i was about to leave the site.

5 years ago

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Like I said, at the start it takes some time. But eventually you only have to hide a few games a day. I've probably spent 3 hours all together of the last few months hiding everything. But I'm profitting from that now. In my opinion well worth it.

5 years ago

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I am glad you are enjoying it, but not for me :/

5 years ago

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+1, I have over 15,000 games hidden and it makes the site so much better. Almost all giveaways I see are for games I want and if it's something I don't recognize, then it is a new game to me and I want to check the Steam page to see if it is something I may be interested in.

5 years ago

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what about this https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?metascore_min=80 you get games that score is 80 or more

5 years ago

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That can work actually, thanks :)

4 years ago

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Why bilion filters?
Blacklisting games works pretty fine, for me is in tab "all" 3 giveaways :D

5 years ago

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I don't want to spend years blacklisting games

5 years ago

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