I thought time would make things easier to pick but nope it's gotten worse. So I need help. I only have about $8 left and I can only be certain that I can get one more purchase before the sale ends. Problem is that many are over $4. I can't decide.

A lot of low-cost games that are popular purchases this sale I already have such as the Half Life / Portal games and Mordor.

  • STASIS - $6.79 ($19.99). It is a horror scifi point-and-click adventure game that . I played the free second game (more of a interlude to the next title) in this budding series. CAYNE is creepy. There's only one jumpscare and the horror is more atmospheric and in the logs than anything else. Problem is that the character in CAYNE didn't respond to the logs so I saw the twist coming a mile away. If STASIS is anything like CAYNE then that means that it'll have a low-burn horror plot and damned good work put into making the maps, props, and characters.
  • J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars - $4.99 ($19.99) and $1.24 ($4.99). It is a sci-fi point-and-click adventure game that apparently starts out small but gets bigger and more complex as you go further along. The DLC contains a bonus 'chapter'. I've been doing my best to avoid spoilers but it looks phenomenal for what comes across to me like a scifi short story rendered as a video game.
  • Windscape - $5.77 ($16.99). It is a first person 3DZelda-like labor of love that blends sandboxy exploration/crafting with a beautiful world and hard boss fights. So maybe a kind of indie first person Breath of the Wild? It is Early Access so while it isn't finished according to the page the game won't go up in base price.
  • MagicMaker - $4.99 ($9.99). I know its another proc-gen platformer but where it really seems to shine is its active and passive ability system. You create your own spells through applying different elements to create different effects. One spell you make could pass through walls and set things on fire while another can literally bounce around the stage and multiply every time it slams into an enemy. You create the Bullet Curtain rather than being its target. On one hand this never seems to go lower than $5. On the other I keep putting off getting it and I'm itching for it.
  • World's Dawn - $2.99 ($9.99). Harvest Moon-like Farming Sim. Yeah I know Stardew Valley has it beat in length, stuff, and look but this was The Harvest Moon project before Stardew stampeded to the finish line. Where Stardew has you rush along, World's Dawn takes its time.
  • Asura - $7.99 ($9.99). Indian-myth hacknslash with proc-gen skilltrees. It looks hard. It looks fun. It looks amazing. I am a little put off by the rogue-like derived aspects as I have plenty of those as is but oh man this definitely has caught my eye.

As a thank you for looking in this thread and hopefully voting, I have prepared a few giveaways.

7 years ago

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What would you buy?

View Results
J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars
World's Dawn

Windscape looks very interesting, but it's still in early access, so I'd personally maybe go for STASIS. But you'd know better than anyone what you like-- I just hope that you have fun with whatever you end up getting :)

7 years ago

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Can't help you decide but thanks for pointing me to World's Dawn... looks really good

Have a bump too!

7 years ago

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Added World's Dawn to my wish list. )

7 years ago

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I would do stasis just because you already played one of the game and I am a horror genre fan.

7 years ago

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I really like J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars. It looks great! Had to put it on my wishlist, thanks to you :3
I hope, no matter what you pick in the end, that you will have fun with it ^.^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I can't help you but so much here since a few of these titles don't really grab me, gameplay wise but I myself just bought J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars in the sale. I couldn't pass it up as it's been on my wishlist for ages but I haven't played it yet - I hope it's as good as it looks. I also just added Windscape and World's Dawn to my wishlist thanks to your post.

Could you possibly afford either:

  1. J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars + World's Dawn or
  2. MagicMaker + World's Dawn ?

I know either way would be close to (hopefully not over) your limit, but if you did that at least you'd be able to get 2 games just in case one of them isn't what you expected. MagicMaker doesn't appeal to me so much but it sounds like it has a lot to offer for those who enjoy the genre. Regardless of what you decide on, happy playing!

7 years ago

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To answer your question: I can afford both sets. I actually was going to have them as options but figured I'd let the results speak for themselves. Now if I'm able to swing by a store that sells Steam giftcards before noon while running some errands I'll be able to get more than one game. If not, then I'll be assured that I have at least one more title and had the help in narrowing the selection down.

7 years ago

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I would normally vote on stasis but considering how limited they were with the previous game i would bet in something else.

I voted asura for best apparent return for investment in hours of fun to be had, having some inovation (procedural skill trees) and dam- inidian mythology!!! Wishlisted right away.

But despite voting on asura my true vote goes to Windscape. I can't really recommend most ea games considering unfinished content and windscapes apparent earlier development but to see it come to light depends on buying it. When i see people 'that interested me but won't buy because EA' im like wtf? If the guys are funding though ea that means without people buying the EA it will fail- thus EAs proportion of failure compared to kickstarter (all the cash upfront).
And goddammit i want a first person zelda. Another one that was under my radar that i now wishlisted and may buy this sale or soon.

Cautionary tale: Battle brothers. Expedition vikings. Some EA titles im mad at myself for not buying earlier before release. Be aware that most EA increase in price upon release.

My favorite purchases these past years were EA titles. Subnautica, dead cells, warbands bushido at the top, but theres plenty more.
It may change now with some recent purchases i didn't even played yet (hollow knight) but seriously- on the past 2 years, with the exception of doom, i didn't felt i got way more return for my money then some great EA titles.

7 years ago

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I'm well aware that some EA titles go up in price after release, I often look at description for info on release and the one here said that they are NOT planning on raising the price.

Honestly though it is a bit of a mixed bag in quality for EA I agree but sometimes its really worth getting anyway or you're given very nice offers. Like for instance when JumpJet Rex I believe was on Early Access they had the game either on sale or slightly cheaper in base price but included a spare gift-copy with an EA purchase. For me I've seen more poor results from Kickstarter than Early Access. Not to mention that many Kickstarter titles I've had my eye on have not been finished yet even after four years of development. I'm looking at you, A Hat in Time. Then there was the screwup with Red Ash thanks to it being started while Mighty No 9 wasn't finished yet and considering how MN9 came out I'm both relieved and disheartened that the Mega Man Zero + Legends style game wasn't able to be.

7 years ago

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I haven't played any of the games but have a bump!

My friend has played World's Dawn and she says it's a cuter version of Stardew Valley but not as in depth. It also focuses on the social aspect more then the farming.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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I've only played Windscape from this list and though it was fun, I'd still choose STASIS or J.U.L.I.A.

7 years ago

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If you go for quality content I'd go for Stasis (which I voted for) - It's almost like a Point&Click version of Dead Space.

If you want to spend loads of time on a single title I'd go for Magic Maker but you should be aware that it gets really repetitive quite soon.
When I played that game there were like 6 different levels which you need to do over and over again (every time with different goals and enemies became stronger depending on the quest you intend to fulfill). The idea itself was good and creating speels is fun but that's all about it.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Lissahearn.