How about dumbass threads to begin this one.
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Not wi-
Oh. Hmm...
Well, I really like the Steamgifts browser extension.
Least favorite though? Erm...
The fact that people aren't forced to read the rules & FAQ before creating a giveaway.
With a close second being people that complain about a site that's designed around the idea of strangers giving away free stuff to other strangers.
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People who complain about "Contributor only" giveaways.
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Doubtful unless it keeps happening, but they won't get the wanted Contribution status.
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As I said before: My issue isn't contributor only giveaways, but when you are making 5+ giveaways and ALL of them are Contributor Only. Even if only ONE of the giveaways made was for everyone, it would be contributing to the community. Which is what I thought the point was :P
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There is no community without the contributors. Some gifters like to reward these people.
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Why haven't you contributed to the community yet? You've already won a giveaway, don't you think it's time to give something back?
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I had a job when I was 15, you can also have a bank account at that age as well so that means you can use PayPal.
So what's standing in your way?
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No car, no getting off the road I live on, it's a Dirt Road. There aren't any jobs in my town anyway, there are like 10-15 businesses. And they're all ready filled up.
I do have an account, but at the moment it's connected to my parent's joint account and their card. So whenever I want to use money from it my mother has to log into hers, transfer the money to hers, and then I can use the money. And with two brothers who also spend money, and the federal government's regulations of a certain amount of money transfers a month, I'm up a creek without a paddle. It's not a matter of being able to afford, it's a matter of being able to actually access the money. Luckily though, my account is soon going to be detached and all my own. Happeh time.
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What federal government regulation limits the amount of times you can transfer money? o_O
I've lived in the US for over 31 years now (my entire life) and I've never heard of such a regulation.
Also, there are lots of ways to make money without even leaving your bedroom (or where ever your PC is). YouTube is a very popular site for which you could make quite a bit of money from just recording yourself playing video games. I have a channel with only 32 videos and less than 50k views total and I've made around $20 from it. If I actually put some effort into it I could probably make around $100 a month or more. That's more than enough money to fund a decent gaming habit (and a nice gifting habit).
All you really need is a little effort and the sky's the limit. ~_O
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I do have a YouTube, I just wish I could upload more. I have a pretty shoddy internet connection, but I try many a days to upload as much as possible.
My mom was talking about being over the limit from transferring from one account to another already for this month and if we do it too many more times we get locked out. Then again, it might have something to do with being part of Navy Federal.
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Leeches that don't contribute to the great tradition of selfless giving and complain about contributor-only giveaways
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The "community"? You mean the people who aren't contributing to the site, and just leeching off generous people? The kind that enter hundreds of giveaways and don't spend a single cent to return the favor? I don't really feel bad for them at all.
I've only made non-contributor giveaways on accident or before such functionality was even implemented. It's much nicer to know my game is going to a user that's bothered to contribute to SG
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There are SO MANY VARIABLES to account for that you cannot, absolutely /cannot/, call those who don't make giveaways "leechers" without giving it a second thought. Insulting such a large portion of the community is not at all in the spirit of this site.
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I'm sorry, but if someone can afford a computer, internet and games, they can spend $1 on a bundle and gift it to the community they claim to care about.
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I absolutely can and will, because that's what it is. I don't settle for euphemisms
Ageofarmageddon makes a very good point- you have a computer and a Steam account, and you can't afford to buy a $2 game to give away? A $1 Humble Indie Bundle? One of the games you got for free during the Great Gift Pile?
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Like I said, 15 with no money. And until my mom gives me that checking account of my very own, I can't keep taking money out when I have to account for my brother's and Parent's spending as well. Oh, and I didn't get any games from the Gift Pile, I think I only bought one game that sale. Skyrim...
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If you had the means and disposable income to buy Skyrim for yourself at some point, you had the means and disposable income to buy a game for SG at some point- it's as simple as that
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I wasn't even using Steam Gifts at the time :P.
Summer Sale however, that was fun. Bought quite a few games for my brother's birthday, and some people I owed games. And at the end of the day, I had no money left. I recently got back to presale status though, so I have some money now. I get to wait till next month when it's my Birthday and I get my own completely separate account >:D
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I think I'd like to see the site introduce advanced searching features.
Features such as search by point cost (price), game rating, and/or number of entries.
Other than that, I think this site is great!
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Mine would have to be people who create 5+ giveaways at the same time and have them all be contributor only.
I hope this is me
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People who make giveaways expecting you to give them the game.
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My least favorite thing about Steamgifts, is the reply system. A lot of times its pain to find where or what pages they could be on. Then have have to re-read each post to find if there where any new before the last reply.
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You still have to find the page where the reply is.
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Contributors who get elitist and bitch about leechers constantly.
I'm not saying all contributors do it or anything, but I have never once complained about contributor giveaways and on more than one occasion I've had people tell me my opinion is worthless because I haven't contributed, each time during discussions that have absolutely nothing to do with contributing. If someone (who is a "leecher") is bitching about contributors or contributor points I can understand people getting irritated and saying they have no right to complain about it but when it's pulled out of nowhere when it's completely irrelevant to the topic at hand, it gets really annoying.
I tend to just roll my eyes at it though because annoying as it may be, if I'm having a heated discussion or debate with someone and after a while all they have to say is "well you haven't contributed so what you say doesn't matter", clearly they just don't have a better debate to put up and they can no longer defend their point in a valid way. I find it kind of funny that people think they're supposed to "win" some sort of argument with that.
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+1, the elitists think they get some kind of higher membership on the site; as far as I know, they don't :P
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You mean besides this?
This is a thank you giveaway for contributors. All users that have successfully sent $0.01 worth of gifts are eligible to enter. Your contributions to date, $79.14.
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and yet, a contributor's opinion is (or should be) worth the same as anyone else :)
they have to respect the same rules, and are eligible to being reported/banned just the same :P
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Opinion and thoughts; yes everyone is equal :)
You were just saying how they dont get any special perks, where in fact they do.
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There are indeed some contributors who show them selfs as elitists and make giveaways to show off each other, when that happens, it's not being a contributor at all, but a douchebag. I clearly only make giveaways for my group - Notable odds, but I do it not to be an elitist, but to share with friends, lately the group has been open for the public and those who are active enough get a change to join some giveaways.
Lastly, about "leechers", there are tons of backed off stories about people joining giveaways, winning them, not being thankful, trading away the games and etc.. the contribution feature is to filter out some of those people, sadly including people like you, who you seem to be decent.
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Aye, people that have given a lot, are pretty much bound to bump into problem cases. Enough of them and no wonder that some turn bitter after the experience.
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I would prefer a forum software was used that was more standard (such as phpBB for example). It might not fit the design of the site perfectly, but it would have so many other advantages, such as separate sections. This would allow the forums to be easier to navigate, so people to post topics about Steamgifts itself, puzzle giveaways and related topics, music and other non-site-related information, and notifications about new game sales and bundles, and would keep it all categorized. It would also facilitate subscription to topics you were interested in (so you were notified of updates via e-mail), monitoring topics you have created, showing topics that have been created or updated since your last visit, and many other things.
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I also find it odd that the forums are just one big blob of topics. Even BBS' from 10+ years had these features.
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Sometimes, the forums can be magical, and friendly, and nice.
And sometimes, the forums can be shit.
This thread showed both sides for me.
S.Gits and S.Gifts, two sides to the same disturbing coin.
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Wait, so in that thread, you asked your friend about something, he gave his thoughts on it (in a very calm and mild mannered way), and then you complain about him (after you brought it up and asked yourself). People in the thread say they don't see what you're so upset about and then you complain about the thread where they do that (after, once again you brought it up and asked yourself). Basically what you're complaining about here is things not going exactly as you want them to when you bring them up yourself.
Maybe the problem isn't everyone else, but the stick up your arse.
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Nay, I've given up and will simply agree with everyone.
I'm sorry I'm a scumbag.
I'm sorry I took offense with, what seemed to me, to be an inappropriately hostile response from a nondescript question.
I'm sorry for existing.
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This is a great site, but it has it's flaws or just things that are pet peeves to us.
Mine would have to be people who create 5+ giveaways at the same time and have them all be contributor only.
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