My first two wins were BEEP and Civ V, both on Halloween. A few days ago I won Lost Planet 2 and I noticed that I only had one previous win listed. I had marked both of the first two as sent, and activated both, but now only BEEP is listed. Civ V is still in my Steam library. What happened?

11 years ago*

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If the giveaway creator gave away multiple copies of Civ 5 around the time they were free from CVG, they may have been deleted for abusing the free game offer. It won't affect your game, it is just so the abusers don't get the 20% CV for giving away multiple copies of the game.

11 years ago

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As the above user states, abused giveaways have been deleted from profiles at times. It has happened in the past with other giveaways. I won a DLC from one user who had been abusing a free DLC for several months. Even worse was that they weren't labelled as such, so the user had been getting $1 CV for each of the more than 60 giveaways for it. When Support was notified, users lost all those giveaways from their profiles.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by kirbman101.