Touché... except EA has more influence because of Origin and the millions of other games it has.
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BF4 honestly isn't that different from BF3 either, isn't that what everyone hates in CoD anyway?
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This, it's like they are supposed to work for free and gift everything to everyone... (and with humble origin there were still complains...) Very few people would be actually capable of running a company without failing in a few months.
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A fine capitalist mantra, if ever there was one.
"I buy, therefore I am".
Personally I'm more of a "BUGGER EA - POWER TO THE PEOPLE" kind of guy, but it takes all sorts :)
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People can hate several things at the same time, the fact that EA is greedy as shit doesn't make COD any good. Activision is as greedy as them. And they even said in a recent interview that they were a company that took many risks. Yeah, selling the same game every year should be risky, but saddly it isn't.
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No shit, Sherlock.
But the business practices are widely regarded as being fucking terrible. Pay full price at launch and only receive 1/3 of the game, rest you can get by paying the full price again. Sounds lovely, doesn't it? It's like going to a bar, ordering your drink and paying for it, and when you're about to drink it the bartender snatches it out of your hand and goes "You were thinking about drinking this? Sorry, but you have to pay extra for that"
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The big difference being that the masses continue to support this with their games as opposed to their drinks.
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Stating the obvious. Just like every other publisher or developer out there, but they don't throw shit in the faces of their customers/fans.
I always thinks its funny/sad that fanboys (cant be anyone else since its EA) defend them with 'it's a company' argument :x
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I'm certainly not an EA fanboy. I only have a few EA games whihc came from the humble bundle. I just hate the daily (hourly) whining about EA. It's not like other big games dlc's come for free. Look at Civilization V's dlc's in example. The last one (brave new world) costs just as much as the main game (30$).
If you don't want to pay the money, just don't. But don't whine about it everywhere.
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Yes, ever heard of an expansion pack? That's how DLC's should be (to be honest, I don't have it and dont know what content it has, only idled in Civ V for cards lol, but that was the regular price for expansion packs so i expect it to be an expansion which is most of the time 100 times better than most DLC's).
And nah, I enjoy whining about EA stuff, like many others, they ruined to many things already. Deal with it :P
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And then they do something like make the next Battlefront and everyone (including a good majority of people who "hate" EA) buy it up. Nothing will change as long as EA continue to release what people want, bad business practices or not.
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Funny, it's also the slogan for real life. I don't see anyone making a fuss out of that.
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It's not so because he say but because it's a fact. And your comment just shows how little you can do to defend you pointless statement. If you haven't noticed still - it may be not OK to do things in game that are OK in RL and vice versa. Because I say so :P
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First off, who is "we"? Are you actually speaking for everyone here? I play games for a new challenge, not to escape real life. Others play them to belong to a group of friends. Games have plenty of elements of reality in them. Perhaps that's what makes them so good to many people. This is just one more of them.
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People forget all about these things whenever there is a remotely interesting looking game involved.
It's why videogaming is on such a gigantic slippery slope for privacy and DRM issues, and has such a bad history with companies belching out defective or half-finished products. As long as we feed them with money, they can continue as they see fit and just ignore the background hum of discontent. For every gamer who mindfully abstains from companies and titles that come with bad practices, there are at least ten that will eat it up without a second thought.
Shame, really.
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Translation of the slogan:
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Honestly after playing BF3, I realized the series died for me. The latest iterations didn't have that amazing feel of grappling for map control together with your team like in BF2, or the epicness of Titan mode in BF2142. Flag placement also seems much more strategic in the older BF's.
And that horrible unlock system in BF3....
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+1 for COD2, it is with the first COD game, the only good COD ever made... sadly :(
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So buy indie games. Big studios pull crap like this because they have big teams to support. Buy a game made by just one or two guys (or maybe gals).
I did buy the Humble Origin Bundle, but all my money went to charity. I think I only redeemed Burnout. It looks fun. Might redeem Dead Space, I dunno. Saving the others for giveaways.
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Then you don't know anything about indie games. Indie games are "independent video games" which means they are made and published by developers that are independent from Valve, EA or any other big companies. They don't have big publisher financial support.
Kongregate isn't indie games - it's something absolutely different.
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I seriously don't get that point of that slogan and I don't get why people hate CoD WHEN THIS IS THE SLOGAN FOR BF4 PREMIUM it seriously makes me want to not buy the game or anything that connected to the game.
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