How about If someone already have KF+DLCs on his steam library and want make giveaway on
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Look I want new concept for CV to better and I want add secondary CV option for Bundle list and humble bundle weekly
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Google translate ftw!
But yes, the list keeps getting longer! I don't think anybody foresaw the bundle flood. I believe this is at least part of why the site is debating what to do with contributor value. Manually adjusting individual prices, as you suggest, sounds to me like a lot of work, so I doubt that will happen.
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I think cg is hero like superman because PHP master for this site. So you don't worry
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Well, no one is going to spend $100+ or anything of the sort for the humble bundle unless they actually want to help the developers or something similar, they aren't going to do it to give away because with that $100 they could purchase multiple things and give them away to get that CV.
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I agree that this situation will soon come when all the games will be on the bundle list
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we're overwhelmed with new games constantly comin out.. I wouldn't worry about that.
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but the people who need the older games will not get any as most of the contributors will stop giving away those as their cv will not increase. You cannot just live with the new things rolling up.
For eg: You cannot just leave ur mom and dad behind and just care about your children.
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LOL if anyone doesn't need games then why they participate in ga's?
It is just different way of talking.
People participate in ga's for which they need games and they create ga's for which they can offer.
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1) Yes, the current CV system needs an update
2) Setting a fixed temporary price is a shipload of manual work and therefore not a good suggestion - and it will also lead to some people clinging on to their Steam keys until the temporary price drop has been removed.
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So, don't make it temporary. It's not like it didn't happened already (Serious Sam Classic is worth $5 on SG, while Steam Price is $10 - might be related to it being only available through buying some other stuff, but AFAIK that was the case even before that lock).
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I don't know, a Valve Humble Weekly Sale seems pretty likely to me...
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and the BTA price would be:ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS
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I'm getting pretty tired of everything being listed as a bundle etc, my cv just decreased from $39.98 to $29.98 so I guess Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold edition has been listed too
Edit: I might as well become a full-time dedicated leecher since everything is gonna decrease in value not leaving much incentive to bother with giveaways, and no don't come at me with arguments of giving away because you want to make people happy, if I can't benefit from it in any way at all, there's no point
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Bundle tagging doesn't work retrospectively. The Steam Store price simply changed. It affects all of us as time goes by.
If you paid more than thirty dollars for those games, please add me on Steam and I will personally refund you the difference.
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I didn't but nonetheless man, I don't particularly have much money to spare for others, so when CV value decreases it's kinda annoying...
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I gave it away like yesterday or the day before, and the price hasn't changed since then, not on the UK Steam Store at least
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"Humble Bundle weekly is weekly event and not same with My suggestion please set CV $3,00 for Killing Floor+DLCs and $1 for RO 1 & $1 for RO 2 for temporary time. I think its fair CV."
This is actually one of the better solutions I have seen thus far, it should appease most people that aren't super greedy with CV.
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True, Iread it wrong, I read it as: Make those only count for 1-3 dollars permanently, that would work imo
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That shouldn't matter at all... Giftable copies are always worth more in trading, because then you can trade that away without any problems, and store it in your inventory. But on steamgifts... you are supposed to activate it yourself, no matter if it's a key or a gift, so that is kind of a stupid idea.
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Ideally, that's what should be done -- bundle keys should not be treated the same as giftable Steam inventory items. However, people don't seem to agree on how to make that distinction. I think the easiest way (and one that's probably been mentioned before) is self-reporting: the creator says whether it's a Steam item or a key when the giveaway is made, and the winner gets to say whether he/she got a Steam item or a key when marking the item as received. As long as you don't think most people are cheats and liars, this should be OK. The creator and winner most likely don't know each other, so there's probably not much incentive to lie to help the other person, and the one to benefit more from lying is the creator (by getting Steam item credit for a bundle key). So if the winner says it was a key when the creator said it was a Steam item, the creator gets key credit. If both say the same thing, then that credit is given. The last case is if the creator says it's a key, but the winner says its a Steam item. I'm not sure that would happen, or the best way to handle it off hand, but it doesn't seem likely to me. But again, if most people don't lie and cheat, a simple checkbox for both the creator and winner should be sufficient to handle this -- making the distinction becomes the users' responsibility with the creator initiating it and the winner verifying it.
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I rather have full value for bundle games as we do now than that.
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Learn how it works before making you sound stupid :)
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Dear Admin,
I am really sure about this because only problem some steam games got Humble Bundle weekly sale so it got similar treatment like all games on bundle list and it will become permanently. My prediction only some certain people include admin can buy ubisoft collection pack to get more contributor value.
For next time, Most steam games if get Incredible Coupon like Sniper Ghost Warrior gold edition will include to bundle list too because cheapest like fortix although not most people in the world to buy this game like CS:GO. Its very ridiculous.
I think contributor value system need rework again to more fair and suitable with prices on steam store. Example: If I buy Torchlight 2 with sale 75% off so we can get same contributor value after make giveaway on SG.
Humble Bundle weekly is weekly event and not same with My suggestion please set CV $3,00 for Killing Floor+DLCs and $1 for RO 1 & $1 for RO 2 for temporary time. I think its fair CV.
For Admin, What do you think? If a guy buy 1 KF+DLCs key more than USD $100 on and after make KF Bundle he's got nothing for CV. I think it make less spirit to people make better life for human cause.
Any thoughts?
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