Do you believe that binaural beats work?
I wonder how it works on non-transgender men. If it will also decrease stomach circumference, where will the fat be redistributed?
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The frequencies I chose where specifically designed for the result I was looking for. You can also find ones that claim to help just lose weight, which, if it works, is probably done by affecting your metabolism. From my understanding, binaural beats work by overwriting the messages your brain sends, like a sort of brainwashing.
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Whether they're proven or not doesn't always matter when it comes to peoples' opinions (the poll speaks for itself).
And you aren't wrong, my case is debatable. It's only been four days, I'm the only subject, I'm listening to a variety of files, it's YouTube so the quality isn't always the best, etc. I'm only listing the measurements and my personal conclusion based on them, which is positive so far.
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Sources? Results are almost always either inconclusive or can't differenciate from placebo effect.
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Bump thread, while not of use to me, I deemed this thread very ineresting and hope it can help others with similar interest/issus/desires/etc
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I wish you good luck and to be safe. I think it's really interesting as way of thinking and solving problem, and very brave to share it.
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I've tried binaural beats for a while when i was experimenting with different states of consciousness and also when i was looking for a way, any way, of reducing depression. Please note that i wasn't expecting anything from it, it was more of an half assed try, so there wasn't the placebo effect in action. I wasn't really able to get much out of it despite constant exposure and most studies are kinda uncertain that it may actually work, but i should give you a couple of warnings: high exposure (14+ hours per day is way too much) of binaural beats while using headphones can cause hearing damage and dizziness to your brain, even at low volume.
The second is that binaural beats found of Youtube won't really work because YT compression kinda alter the frequencies at which it operates. You should look out for more accurate sources of binaural beats, some online shops do sell uncompressed and clean files that MIGHT work, but it's almost impossible to find out if you're being ripped off (most if not all smartphone apps are complete bullshit) without measuring it yourself with special audio equipment.
Also i don't want to be that guy who ruins the fun for everyone, but assuming binaural beats actually work for you, you wouldn't be able to notice changes in your body THAT fast. First you'll need a lot of constant exposure for your brain to actually register the effect of the noise (from a couple of days to at least a month, especially when dealing with radical body changes rather than mind and behaviour), then it would start sending different signals to the rest of your body altering your hormones production, ending with transfering those changes to your body shape, redistributing fat around according to your hormone output. It's like exercising, you don't start losing weight right the next day.
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I had indeed considered that placebo could play into it, but decided that it couldn't hurt; unless I do it the way I am, where I listen to it more than I know I should. I also don't expect YouTube videos to work for exactly the reason that you're saying, it's just the most accessible for me usually. I stated that I went in with prior positive experience, so I had the feeling that something might happen, yet what has happened over the past 4 days or so really is shocking to me, because it actually has had some effect after all..
EDIT: No, I agree with you, there's no reason that it should happen that fast. That's the entire reason for the thread to be made so early. I found it very unusual.
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TL;DR: MtF trans woman listens to high pitched noise and gets bigger boobs.
As this post in no way relates to pornography and instead a relatively new possible alternative medicine, I hope it is allowed to stay here. If not, I understand, as it is slightly mature.
Backstory: I am a MtF transgender woman and can not afford HRT. I looked around for alternative ways of increasing my estrogen levels/decreasing testosterone and found binaural beats. I have known about these for a while, and used them for serotonin boosts to help with depression in the past, but this time, being since Sunday, I decided to do a semi-professional experiment to test their effectiveness on myself.
Binaural beats: A binaural beat is an audio file that plays two different sound frequencies into each ear, and the difference between the two forms a new frequency that your brain interprets (for example, a 200 Hz frequency and 205 Hz frequency will result in a 5 Hz frequency).
Fun fact: 5 Hz frequencies are theta frequencies, which are seen during very deep sleep and meditation.
Question: Will binaural beats increase breast size?
Hypothesis: Using binaural beats will increase breast size by redistributing body fat.
Method: I decided to document any changes that happen weekly for one month of nearly nonstop listening to a mix of different videos on YouTube without changing my diet or exercising any more or less. While that does make this less controlled, my goal was to see if binaural beats are effective, not if a particular video is. The measurements taken include bust size (in Inches), bra size (in US size), height (in Inches), and weight (in Pounds/Lbs). I would have also taken waist measurements, but didn't consider those before starting, so I don't know the effect.
Measurements prior to starting:
Measurements after 2 days:
Measurements after 4 days:
Conclusion so far: The results that I see exceed what I expected. At the current rate, I will not continue for the entire month. Binaural beats are likely not intended to be listened to for 14+ hours every day. If you attempt this
Why take measurements before the first interval?: I saw a noticeable change in my breast shape and size, as well as a possible decrease in the circumference of my stomach. I slightly regret not measuring that at the start, but I intend to from this point forward.
Do you also plan to measure your waist now?: Yes.
Can I take a look at the videos?: Considering the mature nature of the videos and fact that this works by affecting the chemicals your brain produces, I will not post the link to my playlist here. However, you may add me on Steam and ask.
Is the playlist exclusively for breast enlargement?: It was, until I saw results as quickly as I did. While not great for the quality of this experiment, I did add in other body changing videos. If you wish to know what they are for and their results, you may add me on Steam and ask . If I deem that enough people ask, I will add that to the measurements.
Will you be updating this post regularly?: Yes. If you do not wish to come back to see the updates, yet still want to know how it's going, you may add me on Steam and ask.
Those measurements would look better formatted as a table. Here is the link on formatting so you can learn how to do that.: Thank you, but I don't intend on doing that. If you wish to do so and then send me the finished product, I have no issue with using it. Again, you may add me on Steam.
I have a question...: You may ask here, or you may add me on Steam. I will respond to both as quickly as I can, which is usually immediately if I'm not at my volunteer job.
Please note that a possible reason that I achieved any results so quickly is that I held the opinion that binaural beats are effective before starting.
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