Would you appreciate it if SG would tell you when you lose CV (+ what GA it's removed from)?
It would (at best) effectively double the database that SG has to keep on steam prices. I know we often get the "what happened to my CV" threads, but I don't think it's that much of an issue and I wouldn't propose going through with something like that without knowing the cost.
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hmm you might be right about the database thing, I guess? But doesn't SG already count the bundles + when they're bundled? Otherwise they wouldn't be able to remove CV, would they?
I don't really care about all those "what happened to my CV" threads, I am just curious about statistics :P That's why it bothers me that the "stats" page does NOT show the real statistic, just the current development if it's upwards.
I'd just like to know which of the games got removed and when ^^ I am unable to do anything with this information, but I am yet curious about it.
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they would have to code it to remember the date things changed on sg end. as right now it just takes the current value and applies it to whats there. its one of those things that dosn't effect the site enough to be a priority also when it's added theres a chance anything before the change would still be wrong.
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I like that sorta attitude - my main problem ain't that the CV got removed though, it's about what for + why the stats don't show it? .-.'
I am curious when it comes to statistics and facts, so it bothers me a little that there is no way to trace the ups and downs
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As your level increases, the CV drops become insignificant anyway, and the only time you'll notice is when you drop a level temporarily, and that's usually easy to get back.
If it makes you feel any better, when I made level 7, I made a thread and a joke about losing my level and dropping back to 6. Sure enough, five minutes after I made the thread, I was level 6 again. You just gotta laugh it off and keep rollin'. :P
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thanks a lot for the thread!! =)
well, I've been through this some times.. I kept on going forward to 8 and backwards to 7 several times, and most of the times I didn't really know why, I mean.. since I make lots of giveaways, which were the responsible games, the culprits XD
of course it's nothing important, but it's a nice feature in my view if the SG creators can implement it in some way!! =)
and oh, as I said I was some days level 7, some days after level 8, but as you said the chart is only going upwards without showing when I got back to 7.. don't know why =)
obviously this isn't something crucial, it could be a nice addition and information to have, that's all =)
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Previous CV values of users aren't stored in database, so the graph is just an extrapolation based on the current value of your giveaways
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and I assume there are no plans to change that.
Alright, thank you for the answer though (:
ONE QUESTION THOUGH: IF I entered a giveaway for Level 7+ while I had the CV necessary, dropped down a Level, would I be still eligble to win? Will I be kicked out of the GA automatically? Is it up to the GA Creator if she/he is fine with it?
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Probably not, storing every CV change of every user for no other purpose than showing it on a graph doesn't seem sensible.
Yes it would be up to the giveaway creator, you would still be among the entries and migth be picked as the winner.
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Since I'm bundletrash I hardly ever get to experience the glory of getting full CV for a game, but I do enjoy giving them away no less. Especially if someone wins that had a game wishlisted or entered a bunch of GAs for it already.
That said it would be kinda neat to know when something's deducted. From what I've seen though, the discussions are doing a good job updating people on what changed and why, so short of being inactive for the longest time you would hopefully not have any trouble finding out why your CV dropped. I don't know if mine dropped before but it probably went right by me if it did XD I give when I can, and during times I do not I hardly even know what my exact CB is without looking it up haha.
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I just noticed it since I went from Level 7 back to 6 twice already - otherwise it'd have gone past me aswell^^
I am not really bothered by it since that's just how it is, and just like you, I enjoy giving away games for the sake of making others happy. Otherwise my ratio wouldn't be like it is :P
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Ain't that the truth... but when you have this certain kind of appreciation for the role games play in your life, you can't help but want to share that feeling with others, eh? Wanting to do something for them in a way you can, even if it isn't gonna be a life-changing event for them.
(Hooray for subtle sap? XD Albeit I'm sure it won't affect everyone, but a girl can dream of making the world a better place one GA at a time haha.)
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I mainly just add blue hearts when I feel like it tbh. Sometimes cuz they're funny, sometimes cuz of a nice ratio, sometimes because I just think they're friendly and sympathetic - everyone has his or her own standards.
About giving away..people will appreciate the thought, so it doesn't matter. Of course it's nice and appreciated if you give away 'better' games, but it's not mandatory. People will be happy about anything (: so just give away what you feel like
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That's easier said than done (for me)! Truth be told I struggle neurologically with making decisions. It's a tough thing to fight against sometimes. I mean everyone is indecisive sometimes but even a question like "do you wanna eat X or Y today?" sends me into a spiral of overthinking and anxiety. Hence I am always grateful to hear from others because it tends to ease the pressure of making even the simplest of decisions.
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yeah its kinda annoying. ive only dealt with it once at lvl 5 going back to 4 where i noticed my numbers change cuz humble monthly got bundled. just yesterday or day before i noticed my lvl went down from 5.08 to 5.02 i mainly noticed it from stats page but i wouldve gradually noticed by price level since i use esgst but i did almost lose level again. if it werent for the fact most of my games were bundled from start it wouldve been really confusing by what happened. thats why theres so many cv threads, there was no notice of humble monthlies start to be bundled so everyone was so confused and i still notice some people still question what happened
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yeah it would be nice to know what. i mean its been almost 2 months since i gave away staxel and just couple of days ago it was finally bundled. i was expecting it though when the monthlies got bundled but that was wasnt for so long. the rest and other ones were done all most as soon as they were released but staxel kept holding onto that full cv.
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I'm not really bothered, but I did vote "Yes", since this recently happened to me. I dropped from 8 to 7 and tried to work out why. SGTools lastbundled list is helpful, but after a cursory glance could not see why, and left it at that.
I get why this won't happen though. CV is calculated from the current price as reported by the Steam API. To do what you want would require recording each price change. Someone could probably script this using data from ITAD. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if ESGST did it already!
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i don't think they'd have to record it. The stats are basically just one code (price) at a time. And when your CV changes the next line of code will be added. Basically like an Excel sheet - you will just add new numbers..
even though they'd have to have those for each user then and can't make a universal "current price, current cv" thing
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You've been warned before about keeping the omerta. Mentioning the chickens is the last straw. Louey and Vinnie will be by in an hour to drive you out to the woods to "have a little talk."
Kiss your family. And put on a clean shirt.
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I honestly don't see how it would be horribly difficult to code the contributor level so that it can't drop once it has been attained.
Of course the whole point of the CV system is to give an incentive to make more giveaways, the level dropping works in the same direction.
OTOH level dropping is a negative, rather than positive reinforcement, a punishment rather than a reward, which is likely the reason why this particular issue is one of this community's more resilient and prolific among the several defunct equines.
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Ok, so just wait till a bundle with expensive games in it doesn't get marked immediately after it comes out, buy it 5 times for 1$ or something and reach level 6+ with it. Even when it gets properly marked the level doesn't go down anymore. See the little issue here?
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So what you're saying is it's impossible (aka impractically difficult) to tell apart price drops that percolate from Steam, from manual retroactive changes made by the bundle guy, which I don't think it is.
Wait, I think that's the cue for the "but... but... but... the added complication would make SteamGifts assplode" crowd.
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As far as I remember price drops later on will not remove CV.
e.g. if I give away a title which is worth 30€ on steam right now, and it gets lowered to 20€ in two months, my CV should not be removed since I clearly gave it away BEFORE the prices changed.
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It does. CV is calculated real-time based on your list of given away games and their current full price. If a 100-dollar game gets F2P, you will get 0Â CV for it from then on. You could call it the "Battleborn effect" if there would be a chance that anyone even remembers what Battleborn is.
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Why sad? It is marginal. It is actually too little. A system like this without inflation is just generating bigger divides between the top and the lower segments as time goes on as it will be more difficult or more expensive to catch up. Inflation, as long as it is controlled, is a good thing for any economy, be it real or make-believe. People really tend to forget that.
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Depends on how much you want to start optimising it. The actual real-world price you have to pay to reach 5000 CV for level 10 got hundreds of dollars cheaper in the past 1-2 years. A few years ago bundles with 5Â CV/USD were considered exceptionally good; nowadays, they are barely worth to farm CV.
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mhm you might be right about this - well, you probably are.
I am just happy to give away some things and like leveling up :P It's like getting "something" in return to all those dollars you spend :P
even if I wouldn't get any levels, I'd probably still give games away..just cuz I enjoy it
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It is not that. It just requires you to keep a database of every single Steam product's undiscounted price at every single day or a database that somehow automatically assigns a set of prices with dates, also by crawling the entire Steam catalogue daily to see if something changed.
That is not something you would easily fit on a floppy drive. Or maintain the data flow with a low-cost CPU. Or would code in a jiffy. Just look at SteamDB, a similar venture, and how large it is.
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No possibility for abuse there.
Buying a bundle on release, creating 1 hour giveaways before the bundler can add the games to the bundled list, enjoy full CV forever.....
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Heyo Steamgifts-community,
you all know that you can and probably will lose CV sometimes. That much is known and, well, understandable.
Sadly I don't get the following: In your stats page you can see your Contributor Level to "See how your contributor level has increased since you registered."
The description seems to be quite right since it only shows how much it has increased - not how much it has dropped.
I went back to Level 6 again. I've been Level 7 twice now, but that's okay, that's how this site works and I accept it. More about this later on.
Now here's my problem:
Even though I've been Level 7 twice, this accurate statistic says the highest contributor Level I've achieved is my current one at 6.97. Why doesn't it show the CV I used to have? Why is there a statistic for it if it leaves out important numbers?
Random thought in between: Does it remove the received CV of the winner aswell? E.g. if the GA of game X got bundled and the contributor got it's CV removed, will the statistics of the winner still show the old "real CV won" value or will it be updated aswell?
Additional question: Is there any way to see which of the games I gave away got bundled? Yes, I know there is a list, but I'm really lazy mostly so I am not motivated enough to manually check it. Is there any way to ask e.g. SGTools when which of my giveaways got bundled? (I hope people get what I mean with this)
And do you think SG should add some sort of notification system if your CV drops? e.g. a short message "The game XY you gave away on XX.XX.XXXX got bundled and the CV was removed from your account"?
Thank you for reading this much.
Obligatory Giveaway running till Oct. 6th
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