Sorry mac but outside of sending a message to their steam account you cant do anything until 7 days are up so far as I know.
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Oddly enough, it's similar for me. Won something, tried to redeem the key but Steam told me it's already activated. Gifter told me it probably expired blablabla won't get a key and now I have to see that bar every single time and click it in case I won something else.
First world problems.
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Totally, I realize it is a silly first world problem, just wish we could get rid of the bar, feels like it is mocking me!
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I was thinking the same thing, Steamgifts must introduce some Personal message system so problems like these could not happen anymore...
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Possibly a good idea except I would feel like a creepy stalker!
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You make a valid point! Mind you I could always buy the bundle it is in, and then giveaway as keydrops all the ones I don't want (which is pretty much every other game in the bundle it is in!). Only really interested in Septerra Core from the current Bundle Stars. Probably will end up doing that in the end!
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It wont be fair. If the creator wants to talk to u, he will. Otherwise its just your impatience and your problem.
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Did you actually read it? It isn't impatience! I am perfectly fine waiting, just I am under the impression the Gifter thinks it was sent as the Gifter did send to the other winner already.
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Did u actually understand what i said? PM system is not needed. Just imagine tons of beg/spam private messages.
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I wasn't suggesting a PM system of that nature. I was suggesting a button that would let you send a message (perhaps one use), to the gifter. If you are not a winner, you would not have a button to press. No spam/begging would be possible.
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Ok, that makes sense a bit. But still, it's the creator who contacts you, not u who bother him/her(not YOU exactly if u didn't get that)
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I usually don't contact them first unless I think there is an issue (or they ask to be added). Just assumed the email didn't go through since the other person got theirs and rather than making the Gifter wait the week and get the neg mark that I would try to set things right prior.
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I think the idea with the additional button isn't that bad. Currently as gifter you can mark a gift as send but I have no idea what it actually does. The button you suggest could get clickable once the gifter has marked the gift as send. This would prevent people from instantly clicking it and annoy the gifter and it would give the winner the possibility to see if the gift was send. Some people block every friend request they get because of bad experience with beggars. If the winner tried to contact the gifter and got blocked like it was in your case the winner could easily send a signal to the gifter without the possibility of it being spam or begging and therefore increasing the chance the gifter will actually react to it.
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That is what I was thinking just put in to far better words! I am going to copy that in to the OP and give credit.
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Marking a gift as sent will remove the message bar that tells you that one of your giveaway has ended. On that note, however, I wish the winner could see if the gifter has marked it as sent or not.
It would help because I had a case where the gifter e-mailed it to me but it went in my junk mail and it took 7 days for me to be able to mark it as not received then another day for the gifter to see that and contact me to let me know it was e-mailed. If I could have seen that the gifter marked it as sent I probably would have thought to look around some more. Sure, I could just learn to check my junk mail more but if this system was in place it'd just clear up a lot of things. It would also help in OP's case to know whether the gifter has sent it or not.
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A lot of people hate it when the winner is too excited and adds the "supplier."
I've been in your position and confused for a week only for them to add me on the 7th day to give me the game and I was told that I shouldn't have added them and to wait. He was just being a douche though.
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Yeah, that's why I don't add usually. Just figured the gifter typoed my email when it was sent.
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Just wait until the 7th day and mark it as not received. The sender can either re-send or just ignore it (and get marked)
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I agree, but there are a lot of people out there who aren't so well rounded
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I sent a gift to someone once by email and after 7 days it was marked as not-received. Once I noticed the mark on my profile I added the guy and gave the key directly. Email never ended up getting to him I guess.
Hopefully the same happens to you, once the gifter sees he has a not-received mark he'll likely look into it and sort it out. A PM system would still be nice though :)
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And here I have the opposite problem. I sent the gift, the winner has marked it as received. I've tried adding them as friend on Steam. I sent the gift via email through Steam. So it got marked as received but it is still sitting in my inventory with the text "Sent to t*****" (email masked for protection).
Now I know technically they still have a few days to actually redeem it. Just annoying.
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tl;dr I wish we could contact the Gifter outside of Steam through Steam Gifts (perhaps an automated message that you can only send once) or suppress a green bar before the 7 days are up when it becomes clear the Gifter isn't going to send it (any add-ons for that?).
Full Version:
I won a giveaway going on 4 days ago, one of two copies of a game I actually really wanted to get. The gifter has been on many times since then both on here and on Steam and has made more giveaways. The Gifter has sent to the other winner already pretty much on day 1, and I am not on the gifter's blacklist. I did comment on the giveaway too. I am thinking the Gifter probably thinks it was sent, but it was not actually sent (not in junk). I tried adding the gifter on Steam after a couple of days and was placed on ignore instantly. I wish we could either send automated message through SG to the gifter saying "Hey if you emailed it to me, I did not get it" or in the very least, be able to mark the bar as seen so it doesn't show up every time we come on Steam Gifts. I am still hopeful that the Gifter will realize the reason why I have not marked it received is that I have not got it and "re-send" it, just hate having to mark it not received if the Gifter actually thinks it was sent. The Gifter's record is otherwise clean.
Before you say "Gifter still has time" or "Just hit not received after 7 days and move on" I am just commenting it would be nice if we had some way to interact with the Gifter outside of Steam. They have our email, but we do not have theirs so can't do it via email. Could make a post like this on the forums and hope the Gifter sees it, but that makes it way too public and odds are the Gifter will not see it. Failing all that, some way to suppress the green bar (add-on?) as it turns from something nice to see to something disappointing.
qwertz12 put this idea in to far better words than I managed to get across so I am going to post it below:
I think the idea with the additional button isn't that bad. Currently as gifter you can mark a gift as send but I have no idea what it actually does. The button you suggest could get clickable once the gifter has marked the gift as send. This would prevent people from instantly clicking it and annoy the gifter and it would give the winner the possibility to see if the gift was send. Some people block every friend request they get because of bad experience with beggars. If the winner tried to contact the gifter and got blocked like it was in your case the winner could easily send a signal to the gifter without the possibility of it being spam or begging and therefore increasing the chance the gifter will actually react to it.
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