
Alright, it's closed. Well, not completely, you still may post whatever you want, but the last entry was from kamenipsixi on page 8. Now I need the time to listen to it all, choose most impressive ones, then send the links. I will inform you when it will happen.

My Birthday is near the corner (June 28, isn't it the same day when Summer Sales will begin?) and I'm going to support the old tradition by making some giveaways. But it is me you are dealing with, so you won't get the games so easily. What's the trick?

Post here music track you think / feel I'm going to like, plus choose the game from the list. Once I think that is enough (I will warn you when it's one day before the end, should last about a week), for every game I choose specific amount of users with the tracks I liked the most . As it's done, I create private giveaways and share the link with them. No Contribution amount will be used. Please, don't post anything blindly yet, read detailed rules first:

  • If you are new user of this site, please refer to our FAQ/Rules prior to do anything else;
  • It must be Youtube link only, I won't accept any other link. If you cannot find the track there or Youtube has incorrect version / extremely low quality only, left the artist name and track title instead. I will find it on my own. Make sure you have typed it right! Also, check this topic and learn how to create clickable links. Proper formatting will save my time;
  • Maximum of two tracks per user. You are free to post any amount of music, but I won't take into account more than first two tracks;
  • No more than one post with music + game name. I will check it. Failed to do so is disqulified;
  • Right after two tracks are posted, name one game you want to get from my list below in the same comment;
  • Be certain with tracks. I will check the thread periodically and write down my opinion secretly, and so editing your post might be pointless. You may change game you'd like to get as many times as you want before the end of "contest". Also, don't edit your previously created message to add music or else I might miss it, post a new one;
  • You may talk here freely, but post your entry only as the parental comment, meaning you won't be qualified for posting entry as a reply to one's comment;
  • Almost anything, really. Any length (well, it's hard to rate tracks lasting for less than 1 minute, so try to avoid posting such), any genre, with vocal or without it. Don't however post anything just in purpose of trolling, you won't succeed and will merely make yourself disqualified. Don't post compilations - only separate tracks! And yeah, don't try music from My Little Pony or remixes or anything connected with the show - it won't work;
  • On the rare occasion I might reply to you with "choose another track(s)". Simply edit your post and don't ask anything ;)

If you got the desired game somewhere during all this or changed your mind, just edit your post. If you won't respond to my message (after the end of this little "contest") or won't enter the giveaway near before its end, I will replace you with another user, and thus you will completely lose the opportunity to win.
I will run private giveaways for three days probably, so that's enough of time. If some game won't get enough users wanting it or the music won't please me at all, I won't create giveaway for said game. So don't hesistate to invite your friends to this very thread.
All games are tradeable copies. "Entries" means how much users I will choose for particular game - no more, no less. Here's the list:

This was asked more than once, so let me clarify. My nickname is Hollow Ichigo ---> H. Ichigo ---> Hichigo, and aside from that, you also may call me just Hollow or Ichigo, or Ichi, Hichi, Hich, or even Twichigo. Do as you wish.

As soon as it's over, I can post some examples of music I do like. Are you interested? Say that in your post. This is purely optional and will not affect your chances to win in any way. Please, say yes only if you are really interested.

I once was completely ignored. Ponies do never forget. Say NO to Pony Racism, support Pony Order Never Yield (PONY!) by wearing pony avatar, let pony racists taste the rainbow!

12 years ago*

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Number One
Number Two

CoH Complete Pack :>

12 years ago

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Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

Guns N' Roses - Civil War

Company of Heroes Complete Pack, and happy birthday! :D

12 years ago

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Jasper Byrne - Lone Survivor Main Theme (you probably know that one, but it's great and reminds me of Clubbed To Death)
Copperpot - I am a Banana (my ringtone, nothing is better than underrated and underground hip-hop ^^)

I would like to enter the giveaway of SS3. I'm actually interested what kind of music do you like, Hichigo. :) I bet you hate dubstep and like classic rock. :P Have a nice birthday!

12 years ago

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I love longboarding and summer and chilling so this is what I listen to...

Tycho - Coastal Brake

Best Coast - When The Sun Don't Shine

I know these won't count, I just couldn't choose:

The Drums - Let's Go Surfing

Best Coast - Sun Was High (So Was I) // true story

deadmau5 - Faxing Berlin // classic

I doubt you would like my taste in music, but just in case: Serious Sam 3. And happy birthday dude :)

12 years ago

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happy bday; don't want any game, but here u have some examples of good music from me:
Massive Attack - Teardrop
Linkin Park - The Messenger
Tricky - Evolution Revolution Love

One of the best threads here - set of great random music ;]

12 years ago

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Safer Than Heaven - The Kickdrums; Pretty good band, they do a lot of hip-hop production too -- listen to Thieves in the Choir by them if you like this song.

Kool On - The Roots; The Roots are one of the best Hip-Hop groups ever. This is one of their better songs. If you like this song listen to the all of Undun. Great album.

Thanks for the opportunity. Serious Sam 3 for me.

12 years ago

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There is only one song you need 'Happy Birthday' Its great!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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OK! Fun fun here we go.

The first one is my all time favorite, whilst it's a bit long please play it start to end, you won't appreciate it if you skip around. Also sorry for the start, it's cos it's mixed in from a prev song on an album. As soon as you hear the heartbeat like beat that's the actual song.

Above & Beyond - No One On Earth(Gabriel & Dresden Club Mix)

.. if you like it there are longer and better qual versions.

The next is by Robyn but not one that made it into the charts so not well known. Dunno why but I find it charming and love it to bits.

Robyn - Robot Boy

Oh yeah the game.. if it's allowed I'd like a Serious Sam 3, for my other half, so we can play coop. If not allowed since I own all games, no hard feelings! Happy Birthday and hope you like the tunes.

12 years ago

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You won't be able to enter the giveaway anyway, so it would be better for your dear person to post music instead.

12 years ago

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That's fine, I'm happy to just wish happy birthday. And please listen to the tunes anyway. :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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wall of text...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Globus - Europa ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc56moy0poA )

Stratovarius - Destiny ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB7dol-NtRY )

Company of Heroes Complete Pack

Thank you ;) And good birthday

12 years ago

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GYe7LqTnTE Chiddy Bang - Mind Your manners

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psdJcrNda84 Neon Trees - Everybody Talks
Sanctum for sure

12 years ago

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Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - Home
Jamiroquai - Canned Heat

I'd like Sanctum Collection, please! And happy birthday!
Btw, I hope you listen to the whole songs and not just the first minute ;)

12 years ago

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This is a new band that I think you'll like :D I love 'em. (You'll have to forgive me, I've got no idea how to make a link in a word)

Man Without Country - Puppets: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g2lLMmCtfE

Man Without Country - Inflammable Heart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRhWFbMxEwc&list=PL44522B3B05779C4C&index=3&feature=plcp

And I would like Serious Sam 3 please :]
Happy birthday!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Light Metal
Heavy Metal
Serious Sam 3
Thanks for the giveaway!

12 years ago

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So many choices so little options. Oh well. Happy Birthday and thanks for answering my ticket :P

deadmau5 - HR 8938 Cephei

Stone Sour - Through glass

Company of Heroes Complete Pack

12 years ago

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Here it is, I want Serious Sam 3: BFE.

12 years ago

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Here it is, I want Serious Sam 3: BFE.

12 years ago

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DJ Ralmm - Come on - Serious Sam 3: BFE

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Hichigo.