Try playing on Easy a few times if you're having trouble. It's a pretty difficult game until you get the hang of it and a lot depends on random luck, so if you begin on Easy to finish the game and unlock some ships it'll be a lot less frustrating, and you will learn things that will be useful to know on Normal.
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I'm interested in it, but it just seems like it could be a little repetitive.
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There is a pattern indeed, but the game is hard to master, so even if you know some repetitive parts, in the great scheme of things you still have a lot of thinking to do in order to reach the last sector and still be able to overcome the last challenge.
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it is amazing, which is why i gave it away last week!
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I've still only managed to reach the final sector once, and I died in the first fight. Just didn't have enough firepower to reliably break down those powerful shields while he certainly had enough to pummel me. But yeah, it's an incredible little game, well worth the $9 I spent on it. Buying it directly from the devs gets you a DRM free copy through the Humble Store as well as a Steam key. Even if it appears in a bundle at some point, I'm happy to have spent the full amount (minus the first week discount) to support these guys.
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The final mothership boss is pretty easy if you're well-prepared. The most important things to have (in my opinion) are:
upgraded shields, so you don't die too quickly
upgraded engines, to max your evasion chances
upgraded blast doors and sensors to at least level 2
an upgraded teleporter plus a trained boarding team of Mantis and/or Rock crew (a boarding drone helps as well)
weapons and/or drones capable of bringing down the mothership's shields (whether it's burst lasers to blow them away, ion weapons to shut them down, missiles or bombs to bypass them entirely, or any combination)
Once you have that, you can send your boarders to disable the mothership's weapons (the third weapon bay from the left is the triple missile launcher, which you will want to take out first ALWAYS). The mothership doesn't have doors to its weapon bays so it can't send crew to repair them - once you take them down they're down for the entire fight. When the mothership starts sending boarders your way, your own trained boarding team can act as a defense. Use your regular weapons to blow their shields to pieces and keep firing once their down to destroy the hull. If you have a stealth upgrade you can use that to dodge the enemy superweapons, just by going invisible just before it hits, but if you have good shields and a lot of evasion it's not necessary.
IMO the hardest part is getting to the boss with all the stuff you need to beat it, but once you get there it's pretty straight forward.
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I def want to check out FTL, it looks like a ton of fun. theres a guy on, lethalfrag, who has been playing it for the last few days for hours and hours. if you want to check it out before buying it, go to his live stream, lethalfrags twitch stream
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I was really excited about this game, but now that I've been playing it for a while, it's really repetitive. Especially in the early sectors, there's really very little variation in the random events you get. Every run through feels kind of the same to me until maybe the 6th sector or so.
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The events you get depend a lot of the kind of sector you're in. For example a Rock homeworld sector gives different events than a rebel occupied sector or an uncharted nebula sector.
But you're right, the game does get repetitive after a while. I'd love to see a game with similar gameplay mechanics, but a much wider scope and more freedom.
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I just wanted you all to know what an amazing game it is and that you should try it out.
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