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"Nintendo Switch 2 is backward compatible, and the video confirms the Switch 2 plays both physical and digital Nintendo Switch games."
Cool. That's what I was hoping to hear.
"Certain Nintendo Switch games may not be supported on or fully compatible with Nintendo Switch 2, however."
Whether or not a game is supported solely falls on the shoulders of the game developers, correct? Like, just updating the game to run in an acceptable fashion on the new hardware?
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I think certain games that rely on accessories might not be compatible from a hardware perspective. I'm thinking of the Labo series in particular where the new joy cons probably won't work.
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I wasn't aware there were actual gimmick games on the Switch. I thought the gimmick this time around was just the docking station so you could play on your TV! Thanks for the helpful info. :)
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I remember those!! They had cardboard thingies that would turn your Switch into those arcade-like game-specific controllers, like having an actual joystick, a steering wheel and pedals, a piano, a VR headset... Really interesting concept!
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Nintendo does love their gimmicks. Some of them do end up being pretty cool though. :)
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its most likely the gimmicky games that won't work, ones that require external hardware mostly.
its also just a safe thing to put on marketing even if 100% of games end up being backwards compatible, protects from lawsuits from false advertising.
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its also just a safe thing to put on marketing even if 100% of games end up being backwards compatible, protects from lawsuits from false advertising.
Solid point. Thanks for your time and helpful info. It's appreciated. đ
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its also just a safe thing to put on marketing even if 100% of games end up being backwards compatible, protects from lawsuits from false advertising.
This, very much so.
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Sometimes games are programmed in such a weird way that even getting them to run properly on hardware revisions can be tricky (I remember back in the day there being a very short list of early PS2 games that bugged out on a slim model, and also some Genesis games that weren't compatible with the Genesis 3 or the six buttons controller) so I imagine they put that there to cover their asses in case some obscure game straight up doesn't even boot up on the Switch 2 and the devs can't be asked to patch it.
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Ah, I remember that PS2 games situation. I also remember personally having issues with the early fat PS3's that were backward compatable, especially with the model that lacked the emotion engine chip but could still emulate. Funner/simpler times. :)
Thanks for your time and info!
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Pretty sure Sony had to give back some money in the form of store credit to those who bought fat PS3's because they removed PS2 emulation and some other features in firmware revisions after selling them, the issue being that those features where literally mentioned in the boxes. Also Microsoft originally published a list of backward compatible Xbox titles on the Xbox 360 that they then had to shorten when users started playing them and discovered that they ran but poorly. So there's precedent of companies jumping the gun and promising compatibility that wasn't quite up to a reasonable standard, and Nintendo is so litigious that their army of layers probably told them to be as vague as possible... and to preemptively sue the consumers if they complain too much :P
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Sony really did drop the ball with the first few years of the PS3, that's for sure. I ended up really appreciating their screw-ups though (not the PSN hack though, that was nonsense), as it meant they had to try hard to catch-up to the 360, which eventually meant a really great & varied game catalogue. Looking back, I think the PS3 is my favorite console of theirs. Killzone, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, Uncharted, inFamous. Lots of good dude action games, and a pretty neat collection of Japanese titles too.
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+1 for backwards compatibility! I was mildly afraid Nintendo was gonna try to pull some shenanigans
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I feel like Nintendo has a good track record of 1 generation of backwards compatibility for a while now, only exceptions really are when the games change cart sizes/to discs and such. Of all the companies I feel like Sony is the one to give the middle finger to backwards compatibility. Microsoft I feel like just has a foot in the door to give people options these days.
gamecube played on the wii, wii played on the wii u.
gameboy played on gameboy color(sure not a full generation bump but hey, was a big bump in tech regardless)
GB/GBC played on GBA
GBA played on DS
DS played on 3DS
the real question will be with whatever follows the switch 2.
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While I agree with you, it makes no sense. Sony was one of the first companies to do backwards compatibility. PS1 could play on PS2. PSP could play on Vita. When PS3 first came out it could play (some) PS1 and PS2. Then everybody else started doing it and Sony said "screw this, take it out." If I didn't know better I would think they were TRYING to frustrate their player base.
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Why they don't make it more interesting like movie sequels? Return of Nintendo Switch. Nintendo Switch Reloaded. Nintento Switch Strikes Again! Nintendo Switch Does Dallas. Nintendo Switch: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. Son of Nintendo Switch. Nintendo Switch and the Holy C&D.
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The "Nintendo 64" was specifically a "Screw you Sony, we're TWICE as good as you are!" when the PS1 was 32 bit... because the PS1 was originally meant to be an add-on to the SNES but then there were issues and Sony said "fine, we'll do it ourselves." By putting it in the name, they made SURE that every Sony fan knew that Nintendo was better literally every time the console got mentioned. It actually was going to be called the "Ultra Nintendo" until they decided they needed the 64 on there. "Ultra 64" was the working name for a while, but they really wanted the Nintendo name attached, so they dropped the Ultra and called it Nintendo 64.
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"I hope you're all excited for our next console, the... uh..." frantically skims through Dragon Ball episodes "... The Nintendo Ultra Instinct! We need a new naming scheme... Are we sure we did all the Digimon levels already? What other Anime are there?"
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"Nintendo Switch 2 is official, with more details coming on April 2, 2025"
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It's a very 'safe' console. I don't think it will reach the sales of the Switch, but I like the fact that switch owners will have a built in library when they upgrade. We've got a lot of switch games, so depending on what else the console offers we might be tempted to make the jump sooner rather than later.
I do also think the use of the joy con as a mouse could open up a lot of possibilities. I know there are already some games that support a mouse, but because it's not a standard accessory developers haven't been able to rely on it. Whereas if every console comes with a controller that can work as a mouse, it means right away a whole lot of PC exclusives could find a way to get onto the console.
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It feels like the market was already saturated with Nintendo Switch and they need to renew their income source.
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Cool, this might be the most straight forward console sequel Nintendo has done since the Game Boy Color, they clearly don't wanna risk fucking it up right out of the gate like they did with the Wii U so even the name is as obvious as humanly possible.
Although given that one of the main new features of the Switch 2 is that it's larger than the original Switch I imagine they'll be releasing a "Switch 2 Lite" in the not too distant future just to satisfy those who want it to be more portable, gotta have a pocket-friendly model if they want to differentiate themselves from the gaming handheld PC's market slowly gaining terrain.
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We will get Nintendo Switch 2 before GTA Vi
Interesting hmmmmm
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I guess this will be the first Nintendo console where I'll pass. And I had them all since the NES and Gameboy.
Not that I have anything to complain about the Switch 2. But just Metroid and Xenoblade Chronicles really interest me and that's simply not enough to justify buying a Switch, considering that the Switch lost its unique appeal with the appearance of the Steam Deck.
A Deck 2 I'd buy in a heartbeat.
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Metroid, Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, Zelda.
that's enough to get me to buy one... although I do need to do the Xenoblade 2 DLC... and 3 entirely still(lets not talk about the upcoming remaster/port/whatever it is).
and finish the 2nd half of 3rd F3H route... and do the final route(the other split of black eagles).
I won't be trying to get one day 1 though like I did with the first switch(managed to get 1 retail with no preorder on day 3)
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I hear you, I used to love Zelda and Fire Emblem too. But I already struggled to finish Breath of the Wild and when I had the opportunity to borrow Tears of the Kingdom I just passed.
Maybe they'll make a new Zelda that I'll consider a must play candidate but currently I don't feel it.
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I don't really like Nintendo as a company.
Their marketing strategy is something really weird for me.
By their game catalogue and target audience you see it's a console heavily oriented to kids, but their main buyers are all adults, and not precisely young adults.
It's always surprising.
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Many people seem to think that if they played Mario and Zelda when they were 6 and it was the best thing in the world,they still wanna play the 20th sequel and pretend it's the greatest game ever made when they're 36 as well.
It's mystifying to me as well but I didn't grew up with consoles so I don't have that weird "this is the best game ever cause it was on PC" mentality. A lot of propping up of console exclusives as greatest games ever used to be done entirely to justify that purchase and to fight that the other kid is lesser cause he got a different toy.
In this day and age Nintendo has even worse business practices than Sony and M$ which is truly remarkable how backwards they are. But they are never held accountable,cuz 37th sequel to same 5 Nintendo IP's is apparently peak of video games according to their cultists. That absolves them from their billion anti consumer policies. They are apparently "pure" and do it for the love of video games lol.
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Yeah, Sony at least is making it's way to PC and realized that it might be more market avaliable outside of their box.
Nintendo on the other hand build a box, they closed it hermetically and then it's trying to fit eveything inside it.
With the Nintendo Switch they made a comback to the domestic sofa consoles world, the console showed it's age really fast and their own IPs turned out to be underperforming and technically limited because they had to adapt it to old hardware.
Lot of companies choose to make games in a graphic style that feels like the PS2 era just to be sure that it's able to run on the Nintendo Switch.
And the prices Nintendo charges for their old games (from the 90-00s) it's insane, they are trying to milk the blinded fans as much as they can and they still clap like it's some kind of engenieering feat never done before... When you can simply use emulators from between 00-10 that did that without issues.
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My expectation for the future of Nintendo consoles is that the Switch line will replace the Nintendo (3)DS as Nintendo's handheld console, turning the "a home console you can carry with you" gimmick into "a handheld you can connect to the TV". There'll be slight additions and revisions over the years (a camera perhaps, some gimicky stuff), but for the most part, it'll be... well, a Switch.
And while that keeps going on, Nintendo will work on the next big home console, get a bit experimental with it again. Try to give us something we can't get from a PlayStation, even if it's not as powerful. Perhaps they'll try their hand at Virtual Reality? Or something nobody expects, as Nintendo is wont to do.
And maybe that'll be amazing and revolutionise the gaming sphere, showing us why Nintendo is a household name and making Sony and Microsoft try to catch up to their newest innovation... or we get another Wii U situation and it'll fail spectacularly, which would also be funny in its own way.
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I think they are kinda out of gimmicks, and can't come with both a console and handheld anymore.
It's a shame VR didn't really become cheaper for it to become more available for more people, and where are the wireless sets?
I never tried augmented reality, i think that's more of a mobile thing too, but why not on your tv through a console?
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I wouldn't be so sure. Nintendo may not always hit their mark (or rather, they always insist on hitting their mark, regardless of what the player base wants), but they are certainly creative and able to surprise us. Watch them come up with something completely unexpected that nobody would have thought of or considered viable... and then watch them mess it up, anyways, because they want to do it their way, even if it's to their own detriment. (Although it's possible they've grown out of that mindset at least a little bit.)
I suppose the problem about VR kind of fed itself. New technology: Complicated and expensive => not suitable for the mass market => lack of interesting games (relative to the well-established video game industry) => low customer base => low profits => no incentive to develop the technology further => VR stays complicated and expensive. (Although I'll admit I don't have a lot of insight into that topic; never really looked further into the whole VR stuff.)
And hey, if anyone is crazy enough to go out on a limb on something considered rather niche... Nintendo might be able to pull it off. And maybe they're clever enough not to call it Virtual Boy 2, but who knows. It's always a toss-up with them.
Augmented Reality sounds interesting, too. Maybe we'll get that Smellovision, after all!
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But that used to be a standard, that any hardware in the 90's was expensive, like how a printer would be a month's wage and then the more people buying it, the cheaper it would become. But now it's all greed and artifical prices like nvidia does and VR never went down in price either, a valve index is still expensive.
3d printing unfortunately was also a bust expect for the few with some money to spare, but it's hardly in every household nor i expect that to ever happen soon.
And consoles had their own gimmicks, so they didn't had to compete with pc's, now they have to compete with a steamdeck and they have to have the power of a pc too, making the consoles also very expensive (like a playstation 5) on top of that the game got way expensive too with >80 euro and there are hardly exclusives anymore, nintendo has it's mario/yoshi etc but microsoft/sony doesn't.
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"In a video, below, Nintendo showed off the functionality of the next-gen console in vague terms, with a tease of more information to come via a Nintendo Direct dated April 2.
Unfortunately, Nintendo did not announce a Switch 2 release date, but did say the console will be available in 2025. Nintendo also failed to announce a price. In fact, there remain a number of details we still don't know yet, such as software launch line-up. However, the video showed a new Mario Kart.
Rumors about Nintendo's next system have been persistent for several years now, coming to a head in recent weeks as details about the console's physical form and even its motherboard began to leak via various accessory makers. In particular, this reveal confirms many of the details the leaks had recently converged on, including the console essentially being a slightly larger Nintendo Switch with magnetically connected Joy-Con and the apparent ability to use the Joy-Con as a mouse.
We also learned from Nintendo itself late last year that the Nintendo Switch 2 is backward compatible, and the video confirms the Switch 2 plays both physical and digital Nintendo Switch games, as well as Switch 2 exclusive games. Certain Nintendo Switch games may not be supported on or fully compatible with Nintendo Switch 2, however."
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