Cube World is more like Zelda meets Diablo meets Minecraft than just Minecraft, if you catch my drift
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It's in alpha so there's not much to do. I feel like it has a lot of potential, but I'm not going to continue playing it until it's further along in development. I would probably buy it anyway since the price is going to rise the further along it gets.
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LAN stands for Local Area Network and is used to play a game with someone on your same wifi/network
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The combat in the game is good and the game look's like minecraft and it has cube's. Everyone like's cubes right?
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I like it, but there is not much you can do right now. The controls are decent and the character movement is fairly fluid, but the attack system gets old due to having so few possible attacks. Basically you just keep doing the same thing over and over in fights. You do get additional ones that you can put your points into, but they aren't great. I think you will see a lot more added as time goes by, making it a bit funner.
The game does look like Minecraft, but doesn't play like it at all. You don't mine everything. You can pick up crafting stuff, but you have to return to the city to do anything. Once there, you can do some limited upgrades and crafting. The game actually plays more like a typical 3rd Person MMORPG type game, just with those graphics. You run around attacking stuff, gathering things, and pretty much doing not a whole lot else. The game has a ways to go, but it is in Alpha testing, right now, so I feel like it will grow into something.
I'm not sure it was worth the $19ish I paid for it, but it probably will be someday. Since the price might go up, I can't recommend against it. I mean it is further along than some of the other Alphas I picked up recently, like Kerbal Space Program, Starforge, Kenshi, and Under The Ocean. You do get a huge map and there is a lot of stuff to kill. That will at least entertain you. I'm sure they will add a lot more as time passes.
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Cube world is Zelda + Minecraft + Diablo + World of warcraft and many other games, At this moment the game is in Alpha But really worth to buy it, Later on its going to be open MMO just like World of Warcraft but you will be able to make lan servers too!, So its really fun mostly with friends, Try to not find a server with hackers, I bought this game and Played it to level 37 Now just waiting for more updates to not get bored of this game, Hope this helped ^^
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They said they were only testing the MMO aspect, never for sure stated it would become that.
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The game is fun. First time I played 8 hours straight with a couple of friends, after that a couple of hours alone but it wasn't that fun. So you kinda want to play with other people.
Right now, there is not enough to do to get excited for more then - say - 10 hours. But as the developer fill in more content, the game may become even more fun and longer to play. It's just stupid that people bash this game because they think it's a Minecraft clone.
And by the way, I don't like that people say that this game is "like" Minecraft (with or without the addition of other games), because the only thing Cube World shares with Minecraft is the voxel based graphics. And instead of saying "this game is like Minecraft + Diablo + Zelda ..." you can say "this game is a voxel based Diablo + Zelda".
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Not really, no. There's nothing to do but grind boring dungeons. Once you get to level 10 you literally have seen all the content there is to see in the game. The skills are terribly boring. I would have probably bought it if it had been $10, not even close to being worth $20 imo.
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It's a quite fun game, especially if you play with other people. It's a lil more expensive that what I would like, but there is a lot of potential for improvement.
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btw, you can play an unlimited number of cube world copies atm with one account. There's no account checking like minecraft atm.
Gameplay: grind and learn the game for the first 1.5 hours, after you get the hang of the game, you'll have fun playing by hunting for loots. Will be more fun if you have 2-3 friends to play with, pretty rewarding if you guys go play as a team. The new patch killed easy item farming and super fast hang gliding so I'd say it's worth around 14hours right now before you get maxed out. Then it's up to you guys how much you explore the map (Going out of biome, or revealing all the map in 1 biome).
Some bad things atm:
People w/ Intel/Nvidia reports having problems more often
The server host must posses a powerful cpu + internet, I'm getting a constant 50kbp/s downstream when playing multiplayer.
Night is super hard because there's absolutely no light (no moon yet), even with a golden lamp, it's still hard to explore at night
In my experience, I got bored @ lvl 160+ where I was easily killing bosses in the lava biome, but I think that's just because that biome isn't done yet
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I found out about it yesterday and it looks pretty fun. Just wanted opinions from those of you that have played it already. Does it feel like a clone of Minecraft? Can I play LAN on one account? Thanks in advance!
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