So, Steam is a huge success and we for the most part love it. But, I have to say that the way Steam is using these cards to make money bothers me. Yes, we can vote with our money and not buy into it, but it seems that people are taking it all in hook, line and sinker. Discuss.

11 years ago*

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Well i think that is a good idea...i looks nice and fun to collect

But i'd like steam to leesen their fees !!

11 years ago

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I am happy with this beta program, cards look pretty good and badges & stuff are nice :)

11 years ago

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Not bad, I traded my cards and a few tf2 items to make my 3 badges so I don't really feel cheated since they are TRADING cards. If I had bought them, then I might've felt cheated.

11 years ago

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I now have Batman AC Goty thanks to the cards so im happy :)

11 years ago

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Valve does not force you to use the market. You can trade cards just fine with friends.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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How do you expect people to respond thoughtfully when you do not explain WHY Steam making money with these cards bothers you? Also, why does it bother you that other people enjoy something that you do not, and that they are willing to pay for it? I am not interested in, and do not pay for: U2 concerts, live football games, or charity dinners with the president. I however do not begrudge others these experiences.

11 years ago

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Odds are, because those experiences you've listed are richer than owning virtual trading cards.

Granted... they're also far more expensive.

11 years ago

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More expensive, and "richer" is relative.

I personally have spent no more than $5 on the trading cards thus far (besides "virtual wealth" in the form of TF2 items and a couple small games in my inventory which I traded for cards) and I find it hard to fathom spending $60 - $100 for a set of foil cards, but I DO find the cards very satisfying to the collector in me. I also find they stir a sense of nostalgia, as I grew up with super-hero trading cards. I am quite satisfied with myself every time I've managed to craft a badge, whether through purchasing or trading for cards. For me the on-going experience of the card collection, badges, backgrounds, and emoticons (I find that "finding" the backgrounds and emoticons is more satisfying than buying also) and the excitement of new cards coming out is richer than those other experiences I listed.

Still I understand why someone would see it the other way around.

11 years ago

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Its his cant argue with other people thoughts,only disagree with them

11 years ago

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Unless someone can articulate the reasons behind their opinions, it really serves no purpose to bring them up for discussion, which he did. If he is going to start the topic, he needs to be clear about his position.

Discussion only takes place when two or more people are responding to each other's thoughts. Without all sides taking part it is just like people standing in a room shouting semi-random feelings to noone in particular. That is not a discussion and gets nothing productive done.

11 years ago

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Basically, the OP hates that steam is a company that requires profit to survive.

11 years ago

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Uh, I'm the OP and I love Capitalism so it has NOTHING to do with hating profit to survive. And you have to be kidding me to think that Valve had to come out with this to "survive."

11 years ago

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I just wish Valve had slightly different priorities when it comes to updates and stuff... Other than that, this is great.

11 years ago

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I like free money..

11 years ago

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So far I have made $1 by selling cards. It's not much, but it's $1 I wouldn't have otherwise.

11 years ago

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They give you free stuff and then make some money in return. Seriously, what the hell is there to complain about?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

11 years ago

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earned 160 euro cause of cards... well i guess i love cards

11 years ago

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I don't have problem with Steam Trading Cards, though a bit disappointed.

When I first heard of STC, I expected trading cards to be... more beautiful, like, MTG. I'd be more inclined to collect those cards if they have new, unique and professionally done artworks, specially created for trading cards. Right now, they are just small cropped version of existing artworks.

11 years ago

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It like a small sale. I can buy HL2 for 10$ and sell cards on community market for somewhat 1-2. I know it's not a huge amount, but still.

11 years ago

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I wanted a REAL Trading Cards, with beautiful art, meaningful purpose. Some personality. I got some cards that I can sell and absolutely need to spend money to get all of them. Or most. Or a lot. In order for you to get a badge someone most likely has to sell his cards and thus cant get it. Meh. :-(

11 years ago

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I like it now I wish they would slow down on games that are getting cards and maybe have some better guidelines up like. I already know I will probably never ever have a foil badge and I sell those off ASAP. But I do trade around for cards with friends to get level 5 in each. Now just waiting for steam summer sale to get some games I don't own that have cards, and get more cards on the market.

11 years ago

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I like them since I can sell them and get "free" games.

11 years ago

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You have problems with the fact that other people enjoy something that you don't? Wow, let's not let you anywhere near government.

11 years ago

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LoL, I don't think that at all.

11 years ago

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well it got me the blood pack dlc for shugun 2 free + some other dlc's free

11 years ago

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It's a win win. Valve gets profit, card sellers also gets profit. Also card collectors get their own amusement by collecting cards and badges.

11 years ago

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You can make money from cards, i know it's stuck to steam wallet, but money is money. You can buy a few games on sale if you manage things properly. I still got like 10+ cards to collect right now, i can make enough money from those and tf2 promo items to buy something like metro last light, except i won't, i'll wait for something better and more worthy of buying.

11 years ago

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I too am awaiting Secret of the Magic Crystals 2.

11 years ago

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I don't mind the cards. bought myself 2 DLC's from the sales profit. I don't get people want to pay for these though..

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by RDBruski.