I got my account back after it was hacked once, back when all it had on it was the half life complete pack when they actually mailed out stuff with it.
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They made exceptions in their policies for me multiple times due to circumstances.
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I haven't. When I purchase games from steam store and save them as gift into my inventory, it always takes about 1 hours that I can find them in my inventory.
First time I experienced this, I thought my purchase failed and I lost my money. Then I contacted steam support for helping me with this. I was waiting in front of my PC and 1 hour later I received my gift and 5 hours later steam support replied me that I need to check my steam account and they will check the transaction as well...I was speechless...
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The expression on your avatar is amusingly appropriate :)
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I got a free Battlefield 2 Collection from EA because my 6 year old Battlefield 1942 disk was corrupt... I like EA's support right now.
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Yeah I heard about things like that, but I don't really care... That's the only EA product I own...
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steam usually is good when asked for help, valve is constantly improving things and i've seen them add features suggested.
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Not me, no. Both times I got told to go fuck myself pretty much.
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I actually got good service. I asked for them to delist my Deus Ex HR so I can get the Augmented/special edition in and I had copies in my inv. So they removed DXHR but also removed a few other purchases from the same day.
Told em about it and they gave me copies of the removed stuff, and I believe they also reimbursed my wallet for some reason. I can't quite remember, but it was a good day.
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I had an ok-ish experience with them, i guess. A while back, I had gotten a Steam wallet gift card and I had activated it, but when I tried to purhcase something from the store, for some reason an error kept popping up and the purchase failed. So I followed the advice on the page and contacted support.
A day or two later, they sent me a link and told me to purchase items on a web browser, using the link. So I did, and lo and behold; it worked! I was pretty happy and was surprised by the fact that Steam support had actually helped me, considering all the horrible stories I'd heard about them.
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same happened to me, but i had to wait like 2 weeks..
was still happy though, and i sent back "Thank you!"
and they replied back, "I am glad that the issue is resolved."
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the only good experience was in buying a game via steam.
thats pretty easy but when i wanted support because something wasnt working right the pissed me off and told me they cant help me.
then i told them how they could help me and that was a suggestion that they could do but they refused to do it.
in my case i think the support can go to hell, they were useless for me.
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I've had them reverse a few trades for me in the past and each time they were relatively prompt, helpful, and overall pretty friendly. I also see Valve employees lurk several forums I frequent and sometimes step in to answer questions and even correct problems people are having. I've got no problem with them.
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I hope it won't be a silly one. Because generally they don't read the whole post you wrote and recommend to install DirectX or something else funny.
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I like achievements, and I don't play AirMech nor Team Fortress 2.
I want to get them both removed because they have a lot of achievements that lowers my game completion rate.
There is "Starvoid" too, this game is dead, no one plays it, but since I won it here, I will have to talk with staff.
As for now, only TF2 and AirMech.
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Oh, just three days ago I described in very first words of my ticket what I already did trying to fix error I'm experiencing - twice, I added, on my laptop and PC. They replied with automatic message telling me to do exact same things, except I did a little bit more than they suggested like clearing cache/cookies and checking two different machines if it worked.
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Well. It sucks they sent you up a tree. Two times my dear Wife or meself had problem caused by Steam - first time not being able to buy gifts, and second a bundle not registering all of the contents for whom it was gifted to - two times they straightened it up. It took some time alright, but the outcome counts. I was absolutely shocked as I'm not used to things going right.
My impression is, you gotta be polite, not easily deterred & to-the-point. If you got an answer reeking of them not reading your ticket, answer back and respectfully demand for them to read it a few times and take literally, or rephrase the message, split it into a list, etc.
There is this trend not to actually read all kinds of text messages (EVERY-freaking-where in the world) in some cases not even to skim the text and instantly reply "Nah, we can't help you, go away. Hope this helped and as always, have a wonderful day :)". The only remedy for this is either to pay them a visit in corpora, call them or just be insisting with messages - gradually dumbing them down to the point when they can finally be assed to read them ;)
Hope this helps. Bear in mind, this is insight from a person surviving with some success in a certain eastern-european hellhole, with all its obtrusive bureaucracy and malice so it's field-tested, hurr.
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Not me.
I usually take my time to write a proper support ticket, do a spell check, try to word the subject as simple and understandable as possible. Every time i receive a completely unrelated and apathetic reply.
I get pissed like a motherfucker, seeing how i spend a half hour writing a proper message (unlike the 99% preschooler spam, they get every day) and get this bullshit in return. I've got the feeling i should start my next ticket the same way they reply - with rather unrelated bullshit and empty phrases.
TL;DR Valve support is fucking horrible.
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nope, when you have monkeys that don't get feed banana's they don't work too good.Origin support is 100000000000000000000000000x times better, steam just don't give too fucks and want to keep as much profit as they can.. hiring 24/7 live support would make there support fuck loads better but that comes into hooker and drug money so won't happen
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Steam's support is just going to get worse as they get more customers and continue to refuse to hire more support staff. Out of the ten or so times I've had to contact them with an issue, maybe one of those times resulted in a satisfactory experience. They need to drop the canned auto-response and get some professionals in there.
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I contacted them about 5 times for different stuff, and never had a problem.
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Payday: The Heist disappears from my steam library, and I get a 4-pack as a sorry.
Was my only good experience with them, though/ :V
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I traded some TF2 items for Pre-order of Skyrim and then it disappeared from my library. I got some error message and I think the seller might have got his money back or something. I contacted steam support, provided proof that I owned Skyrim and they gave it back to me.
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I had a good experience, but it was mainly because they suck that much at their job. I needed to get a refund (and for valid reason) but because they couldn't refund items individually they had to refund the whole cart of the games I bought together with the specific game (and I had a quite few games there), so they refunded the whole cart. But then when I checked my Library I still had the games (and still do), so yeah.
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