I'm pretty sure they are the ones avoiding trying to be scammed, that's why they want your ID, so you can prove you are from Italy if you want it for 1.49 Euros. The regular price for everyone else on the site is 23.48 Euros. Change the language at the top and see. Of course everyone will try to scam the 94% off price if they can, but are not in the appropriate region.
Oh and use Steamgifts + all the new posts are at the top.
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The problem is, it doesn't say that you have to be in Italy. You can enter a US location and it will still take your money just fine, then (sometimes) they will demand proof of your identity (not your location, they never mention that; they say they want to confirm you're who you say you are.)
It's possible that they intended for the deal to be Italy-only, which is why you only get it if the site is set to Italian language. But they didn't convey it anywhere and didn't block purchases from outside of Italy before taking payments; and they're not saying so when they ask for ID. So it's obvious they screwed up.
(One possibility is that there's an internal miscommunication about where the deal applies, resulting in it not technically being limited to Italy, but someone who thinks it was intended to be so hitting the "demand verification of ID" button which sends a form letter that doesn't mention anything about Italy, because no more appropriate button is available on account of the discount not being set up properly on their end.)
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I told them I was in UK when registering, then paid with a verified UK paypal account with a confirmed UK delivery address and got my key, so if that was their intention, they are doing it wrong. Some people have also bought one successfully and then got asked for verification on subsequent purchases.
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Yeah, ultimately it seems pretty random, I'm just saying that it can't be just if they think you are outside of Italy, as some who are completely clear that they are not in Italy are still getting keys.
I wonder if people actually in Italy are getting the verification step (with the same regularity)....
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What it might be is that they have multiple people doing manual confirmations, and some of them think that the deal is available outside of Italy, and some don't; so it's decided at random based on who confirms your deal.
But that still doesn't explain why they're not just saying "sorry, this deal is not available in your locale, here is your money back."
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@mastaninjax you are a retard, its enforced due to our LAW....
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Lol, they come from my town?! I could visit them and ask for the reason xD
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Calling it a scam seems like a bit much.
My guess is that this discount went viral after being posted all over the internet (which probably does include a lot of traders / resellers trying to use shady methods to buy huge numbers of keys), and the people on the front line of handling all these orders are panicking and making mistakes. That doesn't totally excuse it, but I think it's probably more incompetence than malice -- they just weren't ready for the kind of things that happen when you offer a 94% discount on a popular AAA title, below what it's ever been offered for before.
I think there's still some chance that it will get pushed up the chain, someone reasonable will look at the huge number of Paypal disputes, and they'll throw up their hands and say "give them all their keys, we'll eat whatever losses happen."
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That a good posibility. There a lot o people who made this things, i´m sure that in the next days some people will try to sell SD keys.
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Same bro I didn't even know. I went on the thread and everyone was all exited to get they're cheap Sleeping Dogs so I thought it was like a price mistake or something and went to buy it immediately. Got the verification thing and they just took my money. I filed a dispute though.
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Well I just won a Sleeping Dogs LE giveaway and the person sent me a Steam Key for it - it worked. I'm downloading it now.
I don't know if he got it via this method, but it seems likely. So for those scared about entering Sleeping Dogs giveaways because of this post, don't be.
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Yeah, fair enough. Just wanted to throw that out there because sometimes people see "scam" in a thread title and think "exploited keys" which usually get banned.
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Welcome to Gamesrocket - Your platform for games download. Count down and start playing!
From where i need to do that countdown? from 5 hours? 6 hours passed soon.... maybe i just started from wrong number wait... i lost my count...... well .. pic a number ... just any ... sheeps.... zzz..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..z (snore).
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I just bought Sleeping dogs from that page, and i activated in steam. For the people that already buy the game, chech your profile in gamesrocket. In your account is the adquired game and your key.
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Just for the record, i verified my account in gamesrocket before buying the game. Hope that the people that buy the game can solve that problem ( in an old gamespot post a guy said that he sent his data to retrieve his game ).
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Just adding my two cents, in case someone don´t found his keys.
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Nope.. i have logged in and out, nothing seems to help.
I can find my order, but not keys.
On my e-mail i can find only receipt from paypal and confirmation of my order from gamesrocket.
On my PayPal account i can see they have got my payment.
So.. i understand why people starts to think this is scam ( i don't yet)
But surely the most slow-motioned purchase ever.
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Would never buy anything on Origin, even if it was only to get a Steam key.
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Ive just buyed 2 keys from them, first from the spain region for 1.95 EUR and 1 for a guy in Australia in the Italy page for 1.49 EUR and i didnt have any problem, my paypal is from spain and verified both with credit card and bank account, i think they are just taking some precautions since a lot of accounts arent really verified in paypal, im pretty sure that if you try to pay directly with credit card you wont have any problem...
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I live in Canada and I paid via credit card. Surely it needs some trust company to do this sometimes, and using skrill as a middle man is acceptable. It charges about 3% using credit card but I don't care about 0.05 EUR. And my payment via credit card was smooth without problem. Got key after they accepted the payment. I didn't get any verification form or something like that. I am not saying I tried to pay via credit card. I did pay that and it worked.
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It seems to be random how they're choosing people to verify. I entered all my real CC data, and they successfully billed my card, but I still got the "please verify" email.
Did you click on the "Credit Card (3,00% Supplemento)" button or the "Skrill/Moneybookers (3,00% Supplemento)" button?
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Worked for me, no issues.
My payment details are from the UK, I live in Mexico. My paypal account has been verified for many years
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They RANDOMLY send the extra information request to people.. it's not about paypal account being verified or not, it's not about which country you're from, it's not about paying with Credit Card.. it's random. It's crappy nonetheless but it's not a scam, it's just really bad customer service considering they request the extra information only once they already received the payment.
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Honestly, fuck that. I'm not wasting my time with a gamble about whether or not I'll be asked to provide all this extra proof when I buy something from their site. I'm fine with verifications, but asking me to take pictures of myself and all this? Even if it wasn't a ton of extra pointless work when they've already taken my money, I'm not sodding doing that.
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^This. The address Paypal has for the company is in Germany.
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I immediately sent them a request to cancel the transaction. If they don't do it today, I'm going to have to make PayPal reverse it.
They can't TAKE your money without GIVING you the purchased product. They may require verification BEFORE purchase, but not AFTER they have taken your money.
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No company that uses paypal cannot ask u for ID or passport because its against paypal's policy to ask a customer to send copy of their ID or passport and could lead to closing of company's paypal account. If there are alot of disputes regarding this issue their account can and will be closed. Also have verified Paypal account and got verification issues, opened dispute and mentioned ID/passport issues
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Yes this is true. Paypal does not allow companies (or anyone) to ask for ID. Especially not govt ID like a passport. Paypal rep told me if enough people report this they will cancel the companies account.
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In the topic about the sale someone sent a part of their site rules and it said, that they require ID and stuff to confirm your maturity for certain games if you are buying them between 6am and 11pm. It may be timezone dependant so thats why some people got their codes and others needed to fill the form.
Not sure how true that is though, just a guess.
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I ordered at 4 am their time and got the request for passport.
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lol, "luckily I gave them my card so they have less info"
Um, no.
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I didn't try this, because I had the same problem in the past with other discount key sites. You make your paiement with paypal to a .it or .de site (Europe), and receive nothing. You then ask the technical support, and are asked for the same kind of thing by a chinese representative. I've been asking for my picture, and for my ID card (full reproduction including any security/verification number printed on it, allowing a malicious people to borrow later your identity).
The paypal policy states that if there is no physical good, there is no refund / dispute policy. In other words, you cannot ask Paypal to refund you for such a key. It simply means that there is NO justification for the seller to ask for this personal information, as you have no way of cancelling the payment.
I don't know if it is a scam or just stupidity, but I stay far from this kind of deal. My 2 cents.
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Paypal refunded all my money + some. Maybe I complain well.
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