The last few days I've seen a lot of shit posting and political threads. I won't post any threads because that would be calling out. I'm personally getting kinda sick of it in the past these posters would get banned after a few threads a few examples are (if this is still calling out please say so but since they're already permanently banned I don't know if it's still considered calling out.) Poepstinktvies and Konrad. Do I think these people deserve it? Personally I don't think it should be bannable except if it's getting really bad, but if we're banning users for this shouldn't everyone get banned the same way?

Now let's talk about political threads. A week ago or so there was posted a political/harassment thread here. Personally I don't think these threads should be posted here since it's only fueling anger.

What do you guys think? Please post it down below in the comments.

7 years ago

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Should shitposting be bannable?

View Results
Yes, 1 day time out
Yes, 1 week ban.
Yes, Permanent ban.
No. But everyone should be considered equal. If someone gets banned for shit posting so should other persons.

But konrad was on another level. How to forget his tries to get back to steamgifts lol.

7 years ago

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At least konrad left us with many stories and memories :3

7 years ago

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Oh, now I wanna know.

7 years ago

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Konrad wasn’t banned for threads but for multiple accounts...

7 years ago

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Thanks for Skyrim.

7 years ago

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Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

7 years ago

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Every time konrad gets mentioned I feel like I've missed out on some important SG experience (since I only joined 3 months ago) πŸ˜„

Also, why are you lumping politics and harassment together?

7 years ago

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Google Konradz+Steamgifts

7 years ago

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Konrad is a legend :D
Essentially full-on shitposting with a total moron :D

But I think the reason why they're lumped together is that these threads do in some cases cause harassment. Not just those "One in a million" issues either. It's more like a 1 in 10. Like people throwing in their ideas and then shutting everyone else down by mockery or just something else.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I believe it should be left to the mods to decide what belongs here and what doesn't.
If you don't approve of a thread, report it.

As for the thread you mentioned, at least one mod explicitly said it was fine.

7 years ago

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Fair enough to that, I'd say. But this can easily turn into preferential treatment.
I'd say equality is best here, so that you can't just ban liberals, but let conservatives run amok or the other way around.

7 years ago

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Sure, it could lead to preferential treatment, but that applies anywhere such a decision is made, regardless of who is making it.
That said, I'd actually trust the moderators before I'd trust the masses around here.

7 years ago

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But having just objective rules in place wouldn't give power to the masses. If you said "All topics must be gaming related, otherwise you'll be suspended according to the suspension guidelines", then it would just apply to everyone.

Most of the rules in SG to me are very vague, meaning that I could easily break one of them and not get punished, while someone else could get punished for it. But in the end, it just falls down to differing opinions, nothing more.

7 years ago

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If you said "All topics must be gaming related, otherwise you'll be suspended according to the suspension guidelines"

You don't see how that could be subject to interpretation as well? Someone makes a long topic about whatever they like, then adds something about gaming, then cries "gaming related!" As it stands now, you can put whatever you want in the General section by simply adding giveaways to the thread. "SG related!" I've never understood why it works that way, but it does.

Unfortunately, no matter what rules you set, there are going to be those who try to get around them. We're seeing it all over the forums right now, in fact. I believe it's just better to have the Off-Topic section, ask people to use it, and let the moderators do what they do when things begin to get out of hand. For that reason, I believe some of the rules have been left a little vague on purpose - to allow mods the leeway to make those judgement calls.


7 years ago

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One could discriminate on opinion, the other could only really discriminate on how much the topic is related to a relatively neutral subject.
You could also add an extra sentence that says "the majority of your post must be gaming related"
Sure, it's not perfect, but that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking that the system couldn't be abused as easily as it could be now.
I'm not saying that they are though. I trust the mods enough to let them do their thing.

7 years ago

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I get what you're saying. I'm just not as optimistic about a "happy medium" as you are. Some people are going to do what they do, rules or not, and make excuses for it until someone comes along and slaps them good and hard on the hand (and even then some won't stop).

My solution? Slap 'em harder the next time.

7 years ago

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Fair enough.
I just hope that there won't be an issue where essentially the same topics with just altering points of view will have the problem where only one of them gets punished.
I don't want to be afraid when I say things that might not be the popular opinion.
My solution wasn't great, but frankly, I don't think the current one is either :/

7 years ago

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Yes that's what I'm concerned about.

7 years ago

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If someone has a habit of posting useless threads, they should be dealt with. Especially if that thread leads to things like a user encouraging suicide.

7 years ago

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Did this actually happened?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I visit the forums far less than I used to simply because of all the shitposts. It used to be a much more fun place.

7 years ago

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They should add a category for shitposts

Or a way to hide discussions

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Wouldn't it be nice if you don't need scripts, but it's included in the site

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the link

7 years ago

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Or we just should get rid of off'topic all together and keep forums about SG and video game stuff only :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Together with the bugs/suggestions category too so we get rid of all those questions about stuff that isn't related to the site or games for that fact.

7 years ago

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IMO mods should just change category in this case to off-topic

7 years ago

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i agree

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I don't think they got banned for the shitposts, but something else.
As long as shitposters don't infringe any rules, why ban them ? Just ignore the threads i guess. But SG should have a built in feature to hide posts.
Thread that should ban the users should be threads full of blatant lies ("true" lies, which can be dismissed by facts, i'm not talking about opinions threads, since they are opinions and not truth).

7 years ago

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Define shitposting really, some try it with a bit of humor, hide a giveaway in it, nor do it often. Should those be banned? No.
Only a very few are taking it too limits as the banned users in the example. Should those be banned? Yes.

And that's not an option in the poll.

7 years ago

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I think that as any public medium, we should be able to be autonomous and show a minimum of self-governance. I personally think that politic and social post should be allowed, and even encouraged as these things have an influence on us in life. SG is not a safe space. If you are triggered by social post, don't open them. If you do not agree, try at first to read and understand the point of view of the user. If your only participation is in degrading, making fun of, or disregarding the OP point of view, you should refrain from posting. If you do post, don't expect anything for your disrespectful use of your freedom of speech does not mean you'll be respected in return.

This goes for both sides. I often see /reada lack of respect coming from everywhere. The key here is to take a minimum of time in rereading yourself before posting as sometimes emotion takes the better of us.

At last, IMHO, as we are a kind of community, we should at lest show each other a minimum of respect, patience and compassion. But this doesn't mean that we won't get offended by posts. So, as another user wrote earlier don't bump shitposts, don't answer, just pass your way and forget about it; everybody will be better off.

Oh, and by the way, don't forget, you are on the internet, you CAN turn the computer off and go elsewhere, nobody is tying you to your chair to read/respond to everything you see here.

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7 years ago

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I don't have a problem with political posts. If I'm not interested in a particular post or topic, I just ignore it and move on.

7 years ago

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We don't contemplate the option of not entering the threads you dislike?

7 years ago

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I like how misandrist threads get praised while threads that parody them get locked. Sounds fair. Either allow all political threads or don't, but this double standard is disgusting indeed.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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yup, also thats where you need to pounce .i. to get the best bantz

7 years ago

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These are not the droids you seek... :-p

7 years ago

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To begin with, I think shit posting and political posts are two very different things. Also, freedom of speech.
Either way, there's a very simple solution to anything you don't find interesting in the forums: just don't click on those threads-- problem solved.

7 years ago

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you forgot about one thing people sometime don't understand the difference between the fact and being racists.

when we say the truth they call us racist that funny

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yep I got suspended for "harrassing" another user because I said they were probably a crazy cat lady with no life cause they are obsessed with people playing wins or something...

I reported another user for calling me an attention whore because I was advertising my twitch (Like no shit Sherlock of course I want attention for that) and it was in a conversation I wasn't included in. They also harassed another user by shaming him about playing his wins calling him a leech for plus 1s.

One ticket is closed for being "resolved" because they were replied to to stop even know it hasn't had a reply in hours. The other has remained open for a month.

So repeat offences even when directed at a user is cool. I was literally called out as well as the "attention whore girlfriend"

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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It's a weird place this is.

I thought your thread was really funny as well. Cheered me up!

7 years ago

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Just had to say: Doesn't have to be anything wrong with the moderators themselves since I would think they're trying to do their best. It could easily mean that the guidelines they have to work with are too subjective for the current community which seems a lot more volatile than it used to be.

7 years ago

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in my idea they have to let ppl to post what they want to in off topic area .... you know because it is said off topic.. but if they post went form good to battleground they need to lock it and no one can post anything about it for a week .

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I'll just leave my suggestion: press the eject button and let the rotten personalities rot this forum.
I was happy when I found this place til it rot due some users. Steamgifts used to be a VERY good place and VERY user friendly site with general happiness and some sporadic effortless hate here and there (which was fun as hell deal with them). Since decadence due high activity by some rotten users, I feel way happier after decide to abandon forums (except deals section which is a great section that didn't rot yet, despite the efforts to the rotten ones). It is waste of time and resourses fight against natural consequences. The sooner you accept, the sooner the problem will be solved.

7 years ago

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To be honest, I don't mind 'shitposting' as I can find it amusing/entertaining in its own way.
But it would help if there was a clearerdivision between such threads and 'regular threads' so the community doesn't have to tear itself apart whenever there's another batch of threads that seperate people into two distinct groups.

7 years ago

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