So surprise surprise, Ubisoft is pulling a metro exodus on steam users again by pulling Anno 1800 from steam and making it epic exclusive,
but you can pre-purchased on Steam until launch and it will be honored.

It was expected since Ubi made a deal with epic in the long run.

At this point, I don't care anymore. The whole thing became more stupid to the point where even mention it became mundane.

So to make things interesting I would like to know what do you guys think? especially the fans of the series.

5 years ago*

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What do you think ?

View Results
Will pre-order it on steam
Will pre-order it on uplay
Will pre-order it on epic
Don't care about the game

Weird. If anything I would have expected them to make it Uplay exclusive.
Well, Epic probably paid them more than such a niche genre can make. (and that's coming from a huge Anno fan)

5 years ago

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They never did Uplay exclusives though. Previously it was Steam + Uplay, now it's Epic + Uplay.

And honestly, if Ubi did put out a title I was really interested in, I'd probably buy it directly from them anyway. Might as well send all my money to the creator if I can and all that.

And the "but multiple launchers bla bla bla..." argument loses a lot of strength while Playnite is around.

5 years ago

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While I do see the problem with forced exclusivity installing multiple launcher was never a real problem for me so I don't see myself ever using a program like Playnite because I don't see the benefits.

Honestly when I hear people complaing "It's so hard to tell if I already own a game" I feel like there are much bigger problems at play there than not knowing if and on what client you own a game.

5 years ago

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There are many uplay exclusives, though.

5 years ago

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Don't you still need to install steam/uplay/etc with playnite?

5 years ago

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They never did Uplay exclusives though.

As I recall, there has actually been a handful of them. Off the top of my head, Ode. Of course, those may have been exclusives out of happenstance rather than intent, so the nuance of the matter may in fact be a bit different.
Interestingly, Ubisoft also did a couple of Steam exclusives [due to the games being online-only and having their networking handled through Steamworks].

5 years ago*

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For me at least it was never about the launcher. I had like 4 before the epic shenanigans happened.
I was like yea, no problem. It sure sucks to have another lurcher but no big deal.

-Then I know it was a DRM launcher (I thought it was a GOG DRM-free launcher). But no big deal, my mistake anyway.
-Then it was a lackluster, featureless launcher. But no big deal they are still new, in a week or two they will improve.
-Then over 10M Epic store account got hacked because of there weak security. Now I'm worried.
-Then they start pulling exclusives on a PC platform. Ok, now that's stupid.
-Then their launcher is basically spyware to steal all your data and sell it to a Chines company. I won't even visit there website after that.

And the list can go on and on. So trust me, it's not "only because it's another launcher" it's because of a lot of reasons, a lot.

5 years ago

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Interesting, why would you expect to be Uplay exclusive considering all their previous games were on steam?

As for the money part, I'm sure they paid a lot to make them pull 2 weeks before release even after the metro exodus backlash.

5 years ago

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Interesting, why would you expect to be Uplay exclusive considering all their previous games were on steam?

Well, IF there are going to abandon Steam I thought they would prefer their own store since Uplay also seems to have the necessary market penetration (at least compared to Epic).

It's like why would I pay somebody to sell my cake when I own a bakery myself.
But maybe I'm oversimplyfing things there.

5 years ago

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According to my theory :D, they are using epic store in a way to boost their store.
I find this quote very interesting "preorders on the Ubisoft Store are six times higher", so people preorder on uplay directly rather than ordering it on epic.

So maybe that's why? plus of course, the huge amount of money epic is giving to them.

5 years ago

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Yeah, I remember hearing about that with the Division. And I guess it makes sense:

If I wasn't playing Division 2 on PS4 and had to decide between buying it on Epic or Uplay it would 100% be a Uplay purchase. And I assume a lot of people think likewise.

5 years ago*

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Well, Ubi knows most people won't buy from Epic and will buy from Uplay (so extra sales there), and Ubi will also gets the money Epic pays for the exclusivity deal. That looks like win/win for Ubi.

edit: yeah, basically what The0Warrior said, heh.

5 years ago

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Now that I look at it like that it actually makes a lot of sense.
It's like surrounding yourself with unattractive people to make yourself appear more desirable. (while at the same time also eliminating their biggest retail competitor.)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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In my opinion, the bad press on epic store after what they're doing. Is enough and better than any new term steam would apply.

5 years ago

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But adding a contract clause that doesn't allow them to put the game up on steam and pull a bait and switch because of getting a bribe would help. Basically, they can't put it up on steam then decide to make steam users wait a year while selling it on ANY other online store that sells PC games

5 years ago

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It might backfire though. Valve really need to be careful because some publishers/developers are already looking for an out and if Valve starts threatening legal action it'll only drive them out faster.
Besides, they're still getting their 30% cut from all pre-orders, which I'm sure have been on the rising because of this widespread fear of a game becoming the next Epic exclusive.

5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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<cencored word> them both. I don't like than trader (it's Ubisoft in this case) trolling customers. It's too dirty, so it's better leave both of them alone without any purchases.
I've not anything againt Epic or Ubisoft if they don't dirty trolls customers. You must use store in which u announced ur products except extreme cases.

5 years ago*

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Well so far, almost 90% of epic store games was originally on steam before they become epic exclusive.

5 years ago

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I don't know too much interesting games for me in this case. Anno 1800 was one of interesting.

5 years ago

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this site is gonna become

5 years ago

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That would be difficult considering how epic has like 10 good games only on it.

5 years ago

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Don't care about the game and also don't care if Epic (& Uplay of course) have it time exclusively. If Steam really wants the AAA games on their store instead of just shovelware they should do more to keep the publishers/devs happy.

5 years ago*

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To be honest I dont think there much steam can do to retaliate ..
Anyones considering Epic because Epic is paying them to exclude steam and go to them. From other threads I remember that some exclusives have been paid amount of planned sales, so devs dont have to even care about selling anything - they already got the money

Steam cant really trow around money, and I dont think Epic can neither.. This is full speculation from me, but I think Epic is playing pretty risky game themselves - their basically paying devs to go to them, and hoping they will earn it back when the game goes on sale.. So if the game sells badly, they are out of good sum of money so Its a gamble wether it sells or not, wether they earn back the money or dont.

Ill be glad if someone more informed on this can correct me, but at this point thats how I see it

5 years ago

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Epic has already stated that buying exclusives won't go on forever. It's to establish the store. And Steam is a multi-billion dollar company, they can practically crap money. The trouble is they've become so complacent and lazy. If they really want the big sales from titles they can change the cut they take from the publishers/devs. However, I suspect they'll just wait it out and see what happens, which isn't neccessarily a bad move. What's few million earned less when you have so much money?

5 years ago

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the topic is wrong, it is not epic store exclusive, it will be on uplay too and because of uplay it will be on many other retailer shop.

5 years ago

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Being on MS store doesn't stop people claiming Outer World is Epic "exclusive".
Face it, exclusive means "not on Steam" for some reason now. Cause "just not on Steam" wouldn't cause quite the desired rage throwing exclusive around.

5 years ago

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If something is specifically excluded, them I would call it an exclusive deal.

5 years ago

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That would make all non-Epics like Bloodline 2 "exclusives".
Maybe not open that can of worms and keep to it's actual definition?

5 years ago

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can any1 confirm that it is permanent exclusive, not 1 year?

5 years ago

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I didn't read anything on their site or on the articles talking about it being timed. I think it's going the all exclusive deal since it's a Ubi game and they did the same with the division 2.

5 years ago

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Tencent owns more than 40% of Epic Games shares, recently Tencent also has bought a considerable percentage of Ubisoft shares too. Maybe Tencent shareholders influenced on this decision of making newer Ubisoft games an Epic "exclusive" title (and that sucks).

5 years ago

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Yea, I heard they own like 5% of Ubisoft. Kinda make more sense now on this decision.

5 years ago

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Far Cry New Dawn wasnt'.. I think it'll be select titles what are Epicgames / Uplay exclusive..

I'm thinking their niche titles... Division 2 was a bigger loss then Anno 1880 IMO..

5 years ago

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It's not an Epic exclusive. It will also be available on UPlay.

5 years ago

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Will, any game not going to be on steam is kind of exclusive.

As Hassat phrased it better

exclusive means "not on Steam" for some reason now.

Which is what we roll with anyway. But yea what you saying is absolutely right.

5 years ago

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It's on two stores, so it's not exclusive, obviously. It's just not on Steam, like it's not on GOG or Discord.

While I personally don't like exclusivity, I think launcher exclusivity is not nearly as bad as hardware exclusivity. Sony and Nintendo are way worse than Epic in that regard. And I think it's a good development that finally someone challenges Steam. Every other attempt basically failed. This one might actually work. Therefore I am fine with Anno and other games not being on Steam. If Epic succeeds in being an equally big competitor to Steam, it might be good for all of us in the end.

5 years ago

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Sony and Nintendo actually fund games. Like without Nintendo something like Bayonetta 2 would literally not exist because they made it a sequel to a niche game real. Quite different from "good guy Epic buying off everybody instead of trying to offer a better working store/client...C O M P E T I T I O N"

5 years ago

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They do not only fund games. Sony also pays companies to only release on Playstation. Quantic Dream was a multi-platform company before, then Sony paid them to develop exclusively for PS. QD would have made Heavy Rain anyway. It's not like without Sony QD simply would have stopped maing games. But Sony paid so that we PC users were not able to play it and the next 2 games. Luckily that deal is finally off now. They also grabbed Kojima Productions, which means I will probably never play Death Stranding. Fact is, they look for good studios and offer money so they don't release for other platforms anymore. At least Epic doesn't prevent me from playing any of the launcher-exclusive games. And at least all those deals seem to be limited to one year,

By the way, for me and many other who don't have a Nintendo console, Bayonetta 2 is basically non-existent. Not much difference between the game existing on a platform I don't have or not existing at all. Same result for me. I'd rather see a publisher fund games like that who releases on all platforms.

5 years ago

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Doesn't stop the Outer World outrage either.
True, MS store isn't the best but people love throwing "exclusive" around when it doesn't fit and then gets parroted everywhere.

5 years ago

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Pretty much this. The only way to challenge Steam is to be really brutal about it, none of the other launchers/stores managed to put a dent in Steam's popularity, we'll see how Epic will do in the long run.

Plus, people really are flipping out over nothing these days. Oh boo hoo, you have to install another launcher, horrible! I have over 2k games on Steam, but I just don't understand what's the big problem, I also have games on GOG, uPlay, or Origin. When I want to play them, I install the launcher, when I'm done, I uninstall it. It's really not that big of a deal.

5 years ago

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I don't think it's all about "only because it's another launcher" it's because of a lot of reasons.

As I have mentioned before those are mine.

-Then I know it was a DRM launcher (I thought it was a GOG DRM-free launcher). But no big deal, my mistake anyway.
-Then it was a lackluster, featureless launcher. But no big deal they are still new, in a week or two they will improve.
-Then over 10M Epic store account got hacked because of there weak security. Now I'm worried.
-Then they start pulling exclusives on a PC platform. Ok, now that's stupid.
-Then their launcher is basically spyware to steal all your data and sell it to a Chines company. I won't even visit there website after that.

A quick search can show you more reasons. So maybe if there are a lot of people upset about epic because it has a lot of problems,
Maybe, maybe they are right. Not just "people really are flipping out over nothing these days" ??

5 years ago

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No offense, but the part about launcher stealing 'all your data' was already explained as perfectly normal and done only by the request of a user (when you want to import your Steam friends).

Exclusives - as I said before, I don't see a problem with that. You don't have to buy anything to get the game, it's just another launcher. I understand some people don't like that, but I hardly think it's a really big problem.

The only actually worrying bit is the security practices, which are (were?) below average when creating the Epic Games accounts. This should be fixed, if it still isn't.

Overall, people flipping out over nothing.

5 years ago

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He confirmed that it was supposed to only work when the user needs to import steam friends but it was always working which was the "mistake".

You guys are right that we ought to only access the localconfig.vdf file after the user chooses to import Steam friends. The current implementation is a remnant left over from our rush to implement social features in the early days of Fortnite.

as mentioned here
plus they don't use steam API as every launcher do. Which is shady the lest.

On the other side, there was this tracking bot on users who download epic which they didn't respond to at all

For the exclusivity, it's only the beginning. later we will get pay to play only, play an exclusive game if you purchased epic store pass for example. But it's just my conspiracy mind.

As for the security 10 MILLION, ACCOUNT HACKED is not "below average" and it's still going. Just search epic account hacked and you will find new threads talking about it every day.

So are you still sure with all of that, that "people flipping out over nothing." ?????????!!!!!!!

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5 years ago

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Well, excuse me for not trusting a random picture on the Internet. I mean the picture you posted uses the words 'Internet Explorer? moar liek "ni**ernet exploder"', does this sound like a credible source of information to you? It's a 4chan copy-pasta and, again no offense, I'm pretty sure you don't understand a thing of it, except for the big red text screaming at you to hate the store. If you get a process monitor and analyze other launchers or even steam web helper, you'll see similar (even identical) behaviours. For example, monitoring processes is something most of launchers/anti-cheats do, to prevent users from running stuff like cheat engines.

As for the 10 million accounts hacked, I can't find any info on it. I'm aware of the vulnerability with wrongly implement 2 factor authentication, not sure if that one was fixed. Never heard of any major accounts leak and google yields no results really.

I think a lot of the hate towards the Epic Game store is just 'conspiracy minds' of people, kinda reminds me of anti-vax movement, where people overreact on some misleading pieces of info spread by a few people. Or maybe there's a simpler reason, some people don't like the exclusivity thing that they want to force Epic Game Store to back off in any way possible. Spreading rumours is a good way to do so, if you throw shit at someone, some of it always sticks.

Personally, I will just keep monitoring the more technical channels and be sure to react if I find something actually worrisome there. And if I'm opposed to anything that's being pushed right now into the gaming world, it'd rather be Google Strada, which could have catastrophic implications for the gaming industry. But that's a topic for another discussion.

5 years ago*

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It reminds me of when Denuvo started. People actually faked screenshots and videos showing how Denuvo did all kinds of things including an absurd amount of file access, leading to an early death of your SSD. There are still people to this day who believe that is true.

I wish people would just be honest with their criticism. There is actual stuff to criticise with the Epic store. There is no need to overexaggerate or even fake evidence.

5 years ago

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As thepointman has already mentioned, the difference here lies in the fact that Nintendo and Sony (and Microsoft to a lesser extent) have exclusive games nowadays because they develop those games in-house or, in rare occasions like Bayonetta 2, they help fund them. As a matter of fact, Nintendo and Sony are among the publishers that release the most games every year, with several of those ranking among the best. True, it would be even better if we could have all those in a single platform, but on the other hand this also allows for consoles with different philosophies.

What Epic has done so far is approach publishers that were about to release a game that had probably benefited from its presence on Steam and pay an undisclosed sum for their exclusivity. If Epic was out of the equation, the games would have been released all the same.

5 years ago

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Oh no, more publishers helping me save money right in time my gpu fans are slowly dying... what will I ever do with all the free time I get by not playing their games...

5 years ago

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It makes no sense at all what they're doing.

5 years ago

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i'm sad

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5 years ago

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Aren't we all

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5 years ago

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Is it just me, or does UPlay not have a wishlist?

(Also, I need a new poll option, because I am very interested in the game, but I don't pre-order anything).

5 years ago

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I don't think so also.

I was about to add pre-order/buy/play in the options but I forgot. So treat the options as that :D

5 years ago

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It's to boost uplay sales.

5 years ago

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That's exactly what I think. Plus the extra money from epic of course.

5 years ago

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Well, another publisher to add to the iggy list. Isn't like Ubi has all that many releases I care about anyhow.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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All the recent Ubisoft titles on Steam need Uplay anyway (basically you end up with double DRM). I guess this one's no different? So you might just grab it on Uplay and tell Epic to stick it somewhere. Then again it also has Denuvo and it's overpriced anyway, so you might just go with Anno 1404, which is a great game and completely DRM free both on Steam and GOG.

5 years ago

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And that's exactly what Ubisoft want everyone to do since this move boosted their Uplay store sales on the division 2.
I find this quote very interesting "preorders on the Ubisoft Store are six times higher", so people preorder on uplay directly rather than ordering it on epic.

5 years ago

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All this talk about preorder makes me confused. Are you really saying it won't be available on Uplay unless preordered? I very much doubt that.All recent Ubisoft games require Uplay no matter where you buy them, so it wouldn't make sense for them to not sell it directly on Uplay after it's released and pre-sale ended. Again, I wouldn't buy (much less preorder) it anyway, because of Denuvo and because it's much too expensive for blindly jumping into it without any reviews.

5 years ago

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I know it's confusing, it's like that

Launcher Pre-Order After release buy
Steam Yes No
Uplay Yes Yes
Epic Yes Yes
5 years ago

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What Ubi is doing is, since you hate epic you can buy it on uplay and give them money directly minus epic cut
plus they already got money also from epic anyway so it's a win-win situation for them.

5 years ago

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Again, if I were interested in buying it (which I am not, because it's too expensive), I would buy it on Uplay anyway. That has nothing to do with Epic store, I simply don't want double DRM. I've fell for that trap once (on Steam, with Anno 2070), I've learnt my lesson. Now if reviews are positive, when the price's gone down to something more reasonable and maybe when they've patched out Denuvo (not likely, but one can hope, right?), I might even consider buying it. So much for "more" money for them directly ;-)

Though, I have to admit all that confusion might drive up their preorders on Uplay. It's not working with me.

5 years ago

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Oh no no, I didn't mean "you hate epic " as you carlica. I Ment people in general who hate epic.

And ya I totally get your point

5 years ago

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No hating Epic would go too far, let's rather say I distrust them. Epic belongs to a Chinese conglomerate who probably is required to collect personal information on their users by the Chinese government. So I'll stay as far away from that Epic launcher as possible. But that's a whole different story.

What would be really interesting to know, how many folks are only preordering on Steam now just because they're afraid they might not be able to get the game on Steam later, unaware of the fact the game requires Uplay anyway?

5 years ago

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That will be interesting for sure. But I dought steam will release any data regarding that.

5 years ago

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I don't use Uplay anyway, so this doesn't matter to me.
But I still don't like this waiting until it's almost release day and then springing those news. Regardles of them promising that there will be no drawbacks for Steam users (this time?).

5 years ago

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It's really weird that they did the same thing even after the metro exodus incident.

5 years ago

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I'll buy it at whatever one gets the "full edition" at 10eur.
Too early to bother with releases when they are year-projects with dlc. Why bother?

5 years ago

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True. At this point, it's better to wait for every game since they are cutting original content and selling it as "DLC" to make quick money.

5 years ago

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This has happened, sure. But people make the mistake to assume that it just happens with every game. Every Anno game so far had more than enough content to justify the price on release, if you ask me. I don't see a reason to assume it will be different with this one. If it actually happens, we can still be angry about it then.

5 years ago

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"The whole thing became more stupid to the point where even mention it became mundane."
More like, at this point it became a meme

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Genius move by Ubisoft.
They're using this opportunity to exit Steam, flock people towards UPlay while still getting some money from Epic. They get more pre-orders on Steam because some people only buy if it's on Steam and they get more copies sold on Uplay because no one will get from Epic. In conclusion, they get the extra money for not giving Valve their 30% cut and Epic, the extra hate.

I know it's working because I've already heard some friends saying stuff like: "I always had to use Uplay anyway, might as well remove the middleman" or "fuck epic, I'll just get directly from Uplay" xD

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5 years ago*

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That's absolutely true, and it worked pretty well for the division 2
I find this quote very interesting "preorders on the Ubisoft Store are six times higher", so people preorder on uplay directly rather than ordering it on epic.

5 years ago

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One could also say Steam brought this upon themselves with the gouging of 30% So, maybe toss some hate at Steam while you're at it.

5 years ago

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Microsoft, Sony, Apple, Google, and Nintendo charge the same 30% on the developers plus of course the devkit in some cases.
So I don't understand why people making this as a point of the argument??

Steam is a big platform and its average monthly users are equivalent to some of this platform's users combined.
Steam 30% compared to epic 12% seemed reasonable to me, since steam is superior in both its store and launcher plus your game will sell better on steam.

And on top of that steam doesn't interfere too much in terms of what's on its store unlike epic who refused an excellent game like (Assault Android Cactus) because of no reason or as Csontzuzo phrase it better on the topic comments "epic don't want niche games, they want blockbusters so they can spy on more computers."

Sure It's unfair for every indie dev out there including myself but it's the standard. So using this point IMO is a weak excuse to favor epic

5 years ago*

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It's not really an Epic store exclusive though. The game can still be purchased on Uplay. So instead of having the option between using just uplay, or uplay & steam when playing the game, you've now got the option of just using uplay or use uplay & the epic client.
When I actually get a Ubisoft game, I tend to prefer to not get them on steam anyway, but on Uplay directly. Why use double clients when you can avoid it? So for me, this makes 0 difference.

5 years ago

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As Hassat phrased it better

exclusive means "not on Steam" for some reason now.

So yea, I myself tend to call it the same.

As for Uplay launcher. I think that's what Ubisoft going for "if you hate epic buy it on our launcher directly so more profit for us"

5 years ago

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so you share that opinion just to keep up your clickbait misleading topic title?

5 years ago

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Clickbait??, I'm not a youtuber to profit from anything to "Clickbait" people.

The outer worlds is on epic and MS store and people still calling it epic exclusive.

5 years ago

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Clickbait isn't only for youtube, it is for anything with a misleading topic title to generate clicks, traffic and not only for profit, but it is also for disinformation, propaganda, etc. With the fact you don't want to change it to the proper and correct information, it looks like a paid advertisement by epic.

Other people can call other games exclusives too, they just showing to the world they don't understand the meaning of the word exclusive, like the author of the pcgamer article, no clue how someone can be journalist who don't even speak his/her native language (as he/she don't understand of the meaning of some words on his/her native language i guess that is the fact).

A more suitable title will be: "Epic bribed Ubisoft to not sell Anno 1800 on steam after release"

5 years ago

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Not going to argue over a title.
If you've read what I wrote on the topic you would know that I'm on steam side.

Anyway, changed the title for you. Hope it made you happy :)

5 years ago

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I have several Uplay games already so I'll just stick to Uplay Humblebundle... (Uplay charges me tax)

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Option 5: will get it when it is cheap. Maybe Steam, maybe Uplay, maybe Epic. Who cares.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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exclusive? Not for me. Will crack it and wait for it to release on Steam and then buy it :)
fuck you Epic

5 years ago

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Aye lad.

5 years ago

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How should I interprete that response? :D

5 years ago

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Should we set course to the Bay of the Pirates, Cap'n?

5 years ago

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Aye aye cap'n.

5 years ago

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Your poll is missing several vital options. Wait for reviews, wait for discount, wait for bundle, pirate and buy cheap later, pirate and never buy out of spite.

It's quite ridiculous to assume everyone who's interested in the game will pre-order it. The vast majority of people don't pre-order, it's a pretty stupid thing to do. Why pay for something before the reviews arrive?

Also, this is a new low in shitty publisher tactics. Announce the game's moving to Epic, but keep Steam pre-orders active until release. So now people who want it on Steam have to either buy before the reviews are up or wait a year. Many people who otherwise would have waited for the release and don't pirate for whatever reason are probably going to pre-order instead of risking having to wait for a year if the game turns out to be great. Between this and the bribe from Epic, Ubisoft has been given a free license to release a steaming pile of shit and still make a killing. Good job Epic for making a scummy industry even worse.

5 years ago

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I meant to add pre-order/buy/play to the poll but totally forgot so treat them as same according to there launchers :D.

You're right. It's quite a scammy way to treat your costumes this way and I'm 100% sure they discussed this before making this decision and they still did it anyway, even after the metro exodus incident.

It's like Epic wants people to hate it more and more.

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by The0Warrior.