Personally, I always say something like "thank you in advanced" or "thank you for your time" when I first send a support ticket. It usually takes a little time before your ticket gets checked anyways, so even if you forget, you can always edit the ticket q:
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Yep, I mentioned that: "I always try to put a thank you of some form in my comment on the tickets I make,"
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i don't see the reason for this.
not bothering them again for that issue is thank you enough.
they won't see it anyway, cause there are too many support tickets.
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Agreed on not bothering them again. That's why I said a button and not a comment so it doesn't give them a notification.
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They would see it though if you commented reply as they'd get the notification
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you can't. they close it after they have dealt with it.
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I'm not saying anyway should just that it is possible and that they would get that notification.
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i'm not sure if editing would give them a notification.
re-open maybe.
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It's called edit but it's only one function and I'm pretty sure it does as I've used it in the past and got near immediate replies.
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I think its a bad idea for pretty much the same reasons we dont give a rating to judges after a trial.
Im sure there are some unpopular decisions to be made and a thank u button adds a bit of bias to that decision.
Of course that doesn´t aplly to all support tickets but when it comes to suspensions and disputes between users it could.
Im not sure Im making myself very clear here but I tried xD
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How would a thank you button for a closed ticket bias a decision?
If the ticket is closed, it's already settled, so there's no decision left to influence?
Maybe I didn't quite catch what you were trying to say.
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Yeah I really struggled with saying what I wanted to Ill try again
It adds a bias because the support staff knows there is that he might be more inclined to help you.
Which is fine most of the time but not when it comes to player disputes or for example the amount of time for suspensions.
here are some of the problems although much of it doesn´t really aplly
its funny though xD
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length of suspension is preset dependent on the offence so you can't influence that. Pretty much everything else is already subjective and dependent on the whim of the support member you get.
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Pretty much everything else is already subjective and dependent on the whim of the support member you get
This is exactly my point...Im pretty sure the support here know they are appreciated (if not...u are xD)
I think it would add more of a strain to support than actually be a show of support. Its a little like every support ticket becoming a GA where the "thank u button" is the equivalent of the marked received button. And this is not how it should be...if your support request is denied there is probably a good reason for that and the possibility to not say thank u afterwards is pretty similar to saying FU afterwards.
at least that is my opinion
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I think the best way to thank support would be if more people read the FAQ and Guidelines thus cutting down the number of nonsense tickets.
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Hahaha, followed by not posting topics constantly complaining that support hasn't closed their ticket yet about that thing they didn't read in the site rules
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As someone who works in support. (not here, but at work) I concider the matter resolved after I have answered and find it pretty annoying to get an extra unnecessary message :)
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Agreed and addressed that already (and in OP):
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I completely agree, now more than ever after the whole Drunk Wizards fiasco, and recently when I opened a ticket, I took that idea and went completely apeshit, I'm not sharing this to make myself look like a good guy, I'm sharing it for the same reason that OP made this post, so that we can all be appreciative towards the staff and everyone that makes this site run whenever we get the chance. Some parts of the ticket have been redacted for the privacy of the families of the victims. Wait what?
Commence longest ticket ever in 5...4.....3......................
Well this is unfortunate. I just had a reroll approved due to the previous winner gettting banned for accepting gifts that he/she already owned. So the reroll just went through and was completed, which I wasn't expecting no big deal, but now the new winner is someone whose account has not been active for the past 90 days. This giveaway was originally created around that time, 9 months ago. I'm fairly certain that the correct thing to do in this situation is to wait 10 days to make sure they don't sign back on and THEN request a reroll but given the circumstances I was wondering if this could somehow be expedited and have the reroll now. When I made the attempt to help the first winner correct their mistake who was trying to right their wrong and get reinstated, I never even once thought about this outcome as a possibility, and now I'm worried that I might have to go through several 10 day waiting periods followed by a reroll followed by 10 days wait, and so on and so on. They say no good deed goes unpunished and I really don't think of what I did as all that good of a deed [2ND PRINTING EDIT, I'm just worried that I've been sucked into a situation that is going to take a lot of time and commitment before it is resolved, as well as being worried that, should this go on for too long that eventually I'll forget to keep up with it and end up having a bad mark on my own account, all tracing back to an effort to help someone who never should have been entered into the giveaway in the first place.F
Well thank you for taking the time to read my long explanation, and regardless of the decision, I just wanna throw out my sincerest gratitude for this website. I've had a rough last couple of years, without a doubt it's been the darkest part of my life. But finding this website put just enough light into my world that it got to the point where it became part of what kept me going, and I am in no way exaggerating. I remember several really awful days where the only time I smiled or experienced any joy or even a lack of misery was when I came home and saw that Space Cat light up my screen, or the satisfaction I felt giving games away when I was doing better financially, knowing that it might brighten someone else's day, someone who needed to see that Cosmo Kitty [ADVANCED EDITION EDIT: SIR PUT DOWN THE THESAURUS AND SLOWLY BACK AWAY] just as much as I did. Much love and thanks to everyone involved in this site for what you do for people. Not saying you need to walk around with swelled heads, just saying that you should recognize that you are really doing something special for a lot of people, people who might not get out that much and have probably spent way to much of their lives starting at screens like the one I'm staring at tonight; because we love PC gaming, because it's more than just a hobby, it's something that gives us an escape, but more importantly a sense of community knowing that there are other people out there just like us, people who own the internet and have been using these things since before there was a World Wide Web, people who dialed into each others computers to shoot at each other with Plasma Rifles and BFG's (could you get the BFG in multiplayer because I can't remember?) way before mainstream society decided to invite themselves in and crash our party and flood our home with idiocy and racism and all the vile things that we started doing this in order to avoid them in the first....... Okay, I'm rambling.... cutting it short. But the rambling alone tells you something [SUPER HYPER TURBO GXX## EDIT - YOU ARE PATHETIC WE GET IT]; that there are alot of lonely people out there, who could just go on about something they love forever if there was someone around to say it all to, how we sometimes go a little too far and say WAY TOO MUCH when they finally get the chance to say something to someone about something they feel passionate about, and how nice it is to have something like your website to take even just the smallest amount of that loneliness away.
aka Protagoras Ember
3 weeks ago
It's silly to wait 7 days for someone who hasn't been on the website for months, so we can reroll this immediately if you would like. We can't force the system to choose a user who has been online recently, so let's hope for the best. Otherwise, if you choose, I can forward this giveaway to the administrator to delete the single copy, and you can create another giveaway with the gift link to find more recent winners.
Thank you for taking the time to write out all of your gratitude. I'm glad to hear that Steamgifts has helped you and I hope that things will be looking up for you. As they say, the darkest hour is just before the dawn. It really is amazing how a group of strangers, from all over the world, can come together and form a community.
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Simple way of shooting a quick "thanks" over to the support person that handles your ticket.
I always try to put a thank you of some form in my comment on the tickets I make, but still feel like a "thanks" is in order after the ticket is sorted out, especially when tickets get knocked out ridiculously quickly. I don't really want to add them on Steam just to say thanks either and leaving the ticket open so the user can comment "thanks" is definitely not a good option. Something like a simple button the user can click on to register a thanks to the support staff that helped seems like a possible alternative. From there you could have your own epeen contest for most thanks of the month or something among the support staff (tongue in cheek joke here).
Really though, the suggestion would obviously be low priority (if it's even seriously considered) as it's not core functionality, but just figured I'd throw it out there.
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