It would be nice if some users had a reminder of "You forgot to Rep DeltaBladeX, and he could have 10 more +Reps if people did that already, after stressing they should get one themselves"
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I can already see how this can piss off some of the people. Some people just don't want to bother giving rep to others, which is very rude thing.
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Yup, same here. I've got over a dozen missing +rep from people who couldn't be bothered.
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That's why since i have a big rep, always tell people, please give me the rep and ill give you back. But that is also not quite good solution because some people just give the rep like a day later for various reasons. So the notification is kinda reasonable in that case.
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I must agree. They should have something like Kickass torrent has. Just a small button that shows the number of things you haven't rated. It dosen't bother you, if you don't want it; then it can be easily dismissed.
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Right, it should be just like a new message thingy here, it doesn't bother you, just give you reminder of a new reply left, and you can dismiss it.
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It would be nice, although most of the time it should happen right after you trade with someone.
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again me bumping an thread for no reason, but i want to see what more people think of it. I had same experience again yesterday for leaving a rep to someone later on.
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well, it sounds nice in theory. but can also be exploited easily. if there is a notification as result of someone giving me rep, then a smartass could just give rep to 500 random people and hope that a few of them will rep back.
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sure, but that can take weeks, or even months. support is quite slow here, unfortunately. until support reacts, a scammer might already have scammed 50 people.
i had some guys myself who just didn't give me rep (i guess at least 40-50). but i'd rather live with that than create a new opportunity for scammers to easily gain some rep.
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that is also something i have a problem with. the rep system should be used after trades, and for nothing else. you should not -rep someone, because you think he tries to trick the system. maybe you are even wrong about it. maybe he just made a mistake. you just don't know.
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Well this can be exploited like that, but nevertheless people are exploiting rep system even now, i know some people who just come and give you a rep and add you asking to give him rep back. But that's the problem not of the system it's up to people. I once even got a -rep because someone just wanted to give me -rep i didn't even talked with him. If someone want to scam people he will do it one way or another and if someone don't take precautions he will be scammed anyway.
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i have more than 1000 rep here, and never came a guy to me and gave me rep for nothing, expecting me to give him rep aswell. if that happened to you - well, i guess it's not that common. at least in my experience. all i am saying is, that we shouldn't make it even easier for scammers to get fake rep. especially if we don't gain that much. i mean, it's not like we have to fight for our rep in every second trade. yes, it happens from time to time that someone "forgets" to leave rep. but it doesn't happen nearly often enough that i would see a function like described here as necessary. i post my feedback page after every trade, and 95+% use it and leave rep for me. if it's about the same for you guys, i think we all can live with it, right? :)
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Seems like a fine idea.
It would also be nice if we were able to write something up on the top of our feedback pages. If we were able place a warning, it would be a nice deterrent for impersonators linking to our +rep feedback and scamming folks.
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+1 i agree, it's a nice idea to be able to write something about your profile page. If you meet a impersonator of you, you can put a warning there.
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It would be nice to implement some kind of notification when someone leaves you a feedback, or notification on new feedback.
I like to leave feedback to anyone with who i trade and left me a feedback. Last night the website was down and with someone with who i traded we couldn't leave feedback to each other.
So by today i totally forgot about that and the other guy left me a feedback some time today. I just accidentally noticed that i have one more feedback left, so i checked and gave the feedback back to that guy.
But sometime it might happen that someone doesn't leave you a feedback for some reason, and if you leave him a feedback some kind of new message or notification about new feedback would be nice because it will remind him that he have new rep and should rep the other person back. Also it helps me if someone leaves me a feedback, i can see and leave a rep back.
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