CLOSED! (Note: for any last minute stragglers I will accept any submissions till EST USA till 12 noon--- pm me on Steam!)

Welcome to the first week of a new event lasting 12 weeks with each week 2 new connect-the-dot challenges!

Big Ben in JPG format

Big Ben in PDF format

Simply print the jpg or pdf (or use paint programs) and complete the connect-the-dots and submit your finished picture in this thread! For participating you will be invited to a special Steam group for GA rewards!

Here is an example:
Example of completed Dot-to-dot -St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia
Example of COLORED Dot-to-dot -used colored pencil, adding some detail

If you want to accept the ultimate challenge then add some coloring to your picture for next week voting will be done on colored submissions for winners and special GA entry!

Check HERE for details on your submissions and the event!

And don't miss out on the other challenge this week of the Eiffel Tower!

The BIG BEN Challenge!

Where: London, England
What: the second largest 4 faced chiming clock in the world! 23 feet in diameter!

Interesting facts:
Bell is 13.5 tons in weight!
Bell is named "Big Ben", either after the Baron Benjamin Hall or the heavy-weight champion Benjamin Caunt.
It has cracked several times and had to be repaired.
It is technically known as the "Elizabeth Tower".

GOOD LUCK on the challenge! Create for us some breath-taking Big Ben for some awesome GA wins!

Most interesting pic of Big Ben-- being cleaned:

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8 years ago*

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I tried...

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8 years ago

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What do you mean, tried! That is sheer awesomeness!!

Like a boss!!

8 years ago

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Thanks! Didn't turn out as I'd imagined though.

8 years ago

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I have to agree with Jeff. I really love your "try". It's fantastic!!

8 years ago

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Wasn't quite the feel I was aiming for, but thanks anyway (:

8 years ago

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How do you add an image to a comment?

8 years ago

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Never mind. Found the guide on my own.
Seems pretty lazy in comparison to the other submissions ive seen up to now, but heres mine.

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8 years ago*

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Love the colors!

8 years ago

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Thanks. I thought that if im only using paint might as well try making it uniquely colorful.

8 years ago

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Correct image-link would be:

8 years ago

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Fixed. Thanks for the tip.

8 years ago

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I forgot to turn off flux, so I don't know how much that affect the result, and it has transparency, so whether your browser automatically makes a black or white background may also affect it, but here is my "postcard."

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8 years ago

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Oooh, I can get dizzy staring at that background!

Love the postcard idea. :)

8 years ago

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Nice work. The background is really mesmerising.

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8 years ago

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Holy crap, you've invented animated jpg's! ;D

8 years ago

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NEAT! Like the stamps and greetings making it a postcard!

The patterns that fill and color are really cool!

8 years ago

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BTW, thanks for the message on your picture... It made me smile really big but, maybe not have it there for finished submission and it will look better? Especially if I make a quilt of all the finished products...

8 years ago

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I don't know if it really looks better because now there's a lot of empty space, but okay.

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8 years ago

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It's a postcard, it was part of the image with the greeting "back home". Ignore Jeff, it was better with the message. :)

8 years ago

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ignore jeff. the greeting is part of the style

8 years ago

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I guess I see your point... it is a postcard so a postcard without a message is strange...

8 years ago

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Tree, I forgot it was a Postcard... duhh.. .they are right, a post card without a message is weird. Forget what I said...

8 years ago

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Bump! Would love to see more entries!

8 years ago

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Here's my submission:

That's bad but it was fun :D

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8 years ago*

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Wow! Very creative!

I love it!

8 years ago

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Here's my entry. Handdrawn. It was fun :D

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8 years ago

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Some of my favorites added in background! Rainbow and grouchy cat, icecream and a funny teddy bear hiding behind the tower!

Thanks for your submission!!

8 years ago

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That's pedobear and Nyan cat, Jeff. :P

I don't know the icecream reference though, if there is one.

8 years ago

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I scream for icecream... I do know that one...

8 years ago

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It's pedobears icecream for luring.... ah.. nevermind :D :D

8 years ago

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Oh, and I forgot, it's grumpy cat, not grouchy. ^^

8 years ago

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Trippy Big Ben:

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8 years ago

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WOW thats not with a computer program but with real colored marker... right?

I REALLY like this one!! Thanks for tripping it out for us!

8 years ago

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Everything is hand drawn. The background image is one of my old drawings.

8 years ago

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Bump and meow. Sorry, not an artist.

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8 years ago

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Add a little color to the cat or the tower and we will count it in with the colored submissions!

BTW, what a cute cat!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Perfecto!! A color-speaking cat!!

8 years ago

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Have to reconsider counting as a color challenge...

8 years ago

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No worries! By the way, am I supposed to be in a group now or does that happen later on? And on another topic, I did the Eiffel Tower but I broke my scanner at the office so have to wait until Monday for it to be fixed :-/

8 years ago

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Can you take pic with smartphone or iPad and upload?

8 years ago

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Doh, didn't think of that - and I left the drawing at the office. Oh well, don't worry, I'll try again another time.

8 years ago

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Group will be made by 3rd week and invites sent...

8 years ago

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Group will be made by 3rd week and invites sent...

8 years ago

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Pff, finished in time, now with the eiffel tower. Sorry the coloring is meh but I couldn't fix my printer and i'm not good at coloring with a mouse.

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8 years ago

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WOW very nice!! Love Dr. Who's addition!

8 years ago

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I think you're missing Captain Jack and Rose!

8 years ago

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Awesome background, just stunning!!

8 years ago

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My entry..
I'm not good with colouring, especially on computer.. Will try and hopefully could update it later..

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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WOW! Fantastic! It looks so real!

8 years ago

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May I ask how you made this? It's so detailed, but doesn't quite follow the lines, and most of the times the lines aren't even visible.

8 years ago

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I think he combined it with real photo.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I started with basic fills, then built it up with the detail, copying a photo. You can see I didn't finish the bottom.

8 years ago

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I use Inkscape

8 years ago

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I actually struggled with this in my design... With the actual clock face I copied patterns from actual pic of Big Ben and filled and stacked layers to create final face but it's almost like I could have copied and pasted and it be same...

For all future submissions I'm staying away from original design and create a whole new one that isn't like original.

The goal is to showcase skills in design... Unique and original is what we like to see.... so break away from photos of actual landmarks.

8 years ago

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So do you accept this submission or decline it?

8 years ago

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I will confer with Nordhbane on this but I think it should be accepted and with this clarification we will see future submissions more original...

Just thought it would be good to clarify what we want to see from challenge...

8 years ago

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Reason I wondered is because when superimposing the lines on your image, it feels like it doesn't match them very well. Almost like you've taken a photo and hidden the lines behind it to hide that it doesn't quite fit the challenge. Don't get me wrong though, it's a nice vectorisation of the Big Ben.

Also, Inkscape seems like a cool program. :)

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8 years ago

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No colour, but some extra things added.

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8 years ago

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Oh, that's good enough for counting as coloured. :)

8 years ago

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Here is mine
It took me more than i thougth but I did it in Paint and it was hard to color it. Not to mention i am not really good at this :)
And i dont think the colors match or combine but well... it was fun!

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8 years ago

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Thats a great job!!

You seem quite skilled at paint now... just imagine all the new things youll learn each week during the event!

Thanks for conquering this challenge like a boss!

8 years ago

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Aww thanks! (⁎❝᷀ົ ˙̫ ❝᷀ົ⁎)
Tomorrow I will try and do the Eiffel tower
Thanks for this event its really fun!

8 years ago

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Shoot, only just saw this. :/ What's the exact time for the deadline?

8 years ago

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if you turn it n by Sunday then that will be fine... there is the eiffel tower thread too...

8 years ago

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I feel like an architect ^^

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8 years ago

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This is my entry, I added some details, shadow, lighting, some background buildings. © Getty / Images/Flickr RF is my real name.
THIS IS NOT A REAL ENTRY! I just wanted to make that joke, I hope you won't hate me for it (you got a free bump out of it at least XD)

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8 years ago

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Think it lacks some detail. Barely even followed the lines!

8 years ago

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Agreed, the details could be better, I got lazy, and my lines are tilted! I guess I'll have to start over.

8 years ago

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Now that's what they call "pretty as a picture".

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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here we go this is my attempt

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8 years ago

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I like your style.

8 years ago

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ty sir :D

8 years ago

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How many time do I have?

8 years ago

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You have 24 hours on this thread and 15 on eiffel towers thread.

8 years ago

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I finished Eiffel. I just have some troubles with my idea about this one 'cause I'm newbie in photoshop.

8 years ago*

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Eiffel is closed now.

8 years ago

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Alright for real this time, since everyone is going for artistic and perfect, I went for the speed challenge... wait what do you mean there's no speed challenge?

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8 years ago

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you prolly didnt saw cfw34683 post above you. pretty much the same style :P

8 years ago

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Didn't see it until I posted :p Still I feel like I was faster :p

8 years ago

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This won't pass for coloring challenge...

We must see coloring added to the landmark... Or time devoted toward detailing.

This is an attempt to find a loophole .

8 years ago

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It was an attempt at finding a loophole/putting minimal effort into it, technically it does follow all the rules :p I'm not taking the event too seriously so it's ok if you won't accept my entry, I'm just having fun with it. I hope you aren't too bothered by my silly humor (I'll stop if you ask me too).

8 years ago

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I like the humor... You make a valid point.., too in the process.

I guess I should add it's up to hosts discretion if something is passable..,

For now your submission is acceptable as completed dot to dot but not color challenge...

8 years ago

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Haha, I understand no worries. The only thing I really care about is that I'm not annoying you or ruining your event which isn't my intention ;)

8 years ago

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Far from it!

I love your jokes... We all need to laugh!

It's awesome... Keep it up..

Plus it bumps the thread! ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yay, I've actually finished it! He-he-he...

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8 years ago

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Bonus: just rain

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8 years ago

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Lol this is hilarious!


Too bad it's just black and white... So not count as colored...

Psyche! Jk

It definately counts...

So this is an original design? Not like you picked off the ani,action from some other gif and added?

Hate to have to ask but with some of the silliness that's been going on this thread lately.


8 years ago

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I take only your dot image, some overcast sky and few free images: lightning, skeleton and Marry. If you want I can give you PSD-file.

8 years ago*

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BTW, it is second animated gif that I ever made. First one was 10 years ago...

8 years ago

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Fantastic job! I could see this become popular on Internet...

Professionally done!

Nice to take an idea and create it into reality like this... You have some killer design skills!!

What a way to set the bar high for others!

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8 years ago

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I think this definitely counts as coloured? Black and white are still colours after all, and the amount of effort in this is much more than other "coloured" ones. But you know, it's your rules, and not my decision to make. (:

8 years ago*

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Long since I heard it used, but it means he's just messing with escollo's head. As in joking. It definitely counts.

8 years ago

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Of course... Even he said it definitely counts. I'm an idiot...

8 years ago

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Where's the part where she regenerates? I mean, Mary Poppins is definitely a time lady right? :P

8 years ago

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i saw this thread and immediately thought this.

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8 years ago

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for reference
also jpg because png was massive :(

8 years ago

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Funny... Excellent design!

I'll watch video now.,

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by jeffhowe.