Watch the teaser here

New teaser, called "D23 Special Look"

Edit 2:
The final trailer for the movie

5 years ago*

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Lol, they couldn't have made more "sorry for TLJ" title.
Or give a giant middlefinger after what they pulled there with Luke.

5 years ago

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Star Wars: Episode IX
The return of the Mary Sue.

5 years ago

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Came for this comment

5 years ago

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Well, it's true. Luke got saved by Han, what, four, five times in the original saga. And he was clearly weaker than Vader till the end, even after training with Obi Wan and Yoda.

Reí has never been saved by anybody, defeated the big bad basically the first time she held a jedi sword without any training, defeated Luke Skywalker, never got any training whatsoever and didn't need it.

For me, Disney was afraid of the Twitter crowd, and just in case made a Mary Sue charácter.

5 years ago

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I didn't disagree, Rei is a boring character.

5 years ago

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To be fair, Luke is one of the most boring characters ever created too. So it's par for the course since Episode VII was basically just a complete rip-off Episode 4...

5 years ago

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Well, at least you remember the name Luke. I mispelled Rey for Rei, and seriously nobody noticed in the thread, and started calling her Rei.

That's how boring she is, nobody even bothers remembering her name.

5 years ago

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Well, at least you remember the name Luke. I mispelled Rey for Rei, and seriously nobody noticed in the thread, and started calling her Rei.

Well, Luke is an actual boring name. If Rey was named Kate, I'm sure even people who graduated finger painting would be able to spell it.
Luke was always a Marty Sue. Except he was one for the boys to project into so it was ok. Rey is obviously for the girls so it's a problem.

My point is just that they are both boring empty vessels for the audience to inject itself in the story. I don't find that particularly interesting in any gender really or any movie. I like characters with depth. I don't even like Harrison Ford but I prefer Han Solo to Luke in the first trilogy.

5 years ago

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Prove Luke's Stuness. In ANH alone he got...
Saved by Obi, Han, Leia, T3, Obi again and finally had to rely on Obi again.
Also Leia and Han were not impressed.
Now try Rey for 2 full movies...
And true to Sueness every loves her the moment they meet her, except Luke. But he's wrong!

5 years ago

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Did you forget has been saved by C-3PO and R2-D2?

Shame on you Gary Stu

5 years ago

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Well, everybody saved each other, as TEAM

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5 years ago

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Sorry, T3 is R2... had KOTOR on the mind.
When did C3-P0 save Luke though?

5 years ago

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Without him guards would not leave the control room, so R2 could not had full access to the console

Oh and that time with the ewoks, worth 6 million languages

5 years ago*

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Did forget that.
Was talking just about ANH though. Or we need to add Yoda and Leia and Lando on the Falcon for ESB. And it would be unfair to add RoTJ before RoS.

But yeah, team-effort. But in TLJ they just all split up and each "team" of 2 is just woeking against each other. TFA basically is Rey and entourage, all supporting themselves except for Finn and Poe at the start.

5 years ago

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A marty Sue can't be saved over, and over, and over. That's exactly the opposite of the character. Han made fun of him twice after meeting him, during training. Again, the opposite of a Marty Sue character. His whole arc with Yoda is very interesting. And at least he has some development, from nervous farm boy to confident jedi knight, something lacking of Rey.

I understand that you don't like Luke, but he is usually among the top in the popularity rankings of the huge star wars cast, the three sagas.

5 years ago

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I really have no trouble getting the reason why he is popular with guys. That was the whole purpose. He's a blank slate with vague heroic motivations and super powers who save the world.

I also have no trouble understanding why Rey is not popular with guys.

And again, this is all for arguments sake because I don't like the character, I hated all the movies of the Disney Wars franchise and at this point I'm hoping the slow decrease of the franchise will mean they'll leave it die a well deserved death. However, considering the money they bring in with licensing alone (every damn time a movie is made, even water bottles are painted in Star Wars basically), that's probably not going to happen.

5 years ago

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So, you yourself admit that you don't like the character, Rey, same as everybody else, men and women. Point made.

Also, polls don't seem to show much difference in the rankings for star wars characters between men and women.

5 years ago

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So, you yourself admit that you don't like the character, Rey, same as everybody else

Oh I know a lot of women love her. Go figure. I guess same way guys love Luke. They just want to be her.
I don't get it but I'm fine with it. Honestly I'm more sad that the story is so bad. I'd be fine with characters I don't care about if the story was good, like the first trilogy.

5 years ago

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Again, you only mention yourself and people you know. That's only circunstancial evidence. That's like saying I personally know people that like Jar Jar Binks, and assuming that means fans love that character.

Polls at higuer scale show that star wars fans, both genders, usually like Luke a lot, and dislike Rey a whole lot. Not everybody is so obssessed with gender. Ripley, female, is universally loved

5 years ago

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Check mate,

I personally know people that like Jar Jar Binks

I'm worried about the people you meet, are you sure they are not drug dealers or .politicians?

5 years ago

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It has nothing to do with gender what-so-ever, except for very superficial people who can only identify with someone if they look exactly like them (so, basically racists).

We relate to characters for their action and their character (the actual one, not the one Phasma's actor claims she has), not their gender or skincolor.

And it's very sad we have spend 40 years and Ripley is still the best hero around.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I understand that you don't like Luke, but he is usually among the top in the popularity rankings of the huge star wars cast, the three sagas.

Not sure how serious that ranking is, even Thanos is there.

5 years ago*

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It's hero's journey (IV-VI) to "MaRey Sue" (VII+). One is good writing, the other not. Guess which is which.

5 years ago

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Well it's not entirely true. Rei couldn't defeat Snoke and was saved from Snoke by Kylo. But I agree she's not a good character. Neither are most of the characters in these new movies. I don't care about these sequels at all.

5 years ago

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It's not that Snoke and Rey ever fought. And Kylo was ordered to kill her, to prove his loyalty, which he didn't do. That's not exactly "saving"

5 years ago

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They didn't have to fight because she was no match for him. She was completely helpless in that situation. Kylo was supposed to kill her but he chose to save her instead. I don't like her but I'm saying she's not always portrayed as unstoppable and all powerful.

5 years ago

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Being unarmed because you have previously surrendered, doesn't really count. She gave herself up.

And we don't know how strong Snoke was. Maybe he just appeared impressive but was just a poser

5 years ago

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He obviously was strong. He easily overpowered her when she tried to force pull the lightsaber to herself and he lifted her whole body and tossed her around.

5 years ago

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That is true, but that is basically the one time it happened, and in the very next fight scene she saves Kylo from a guard.

5 years ago

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Yes a major problem with the sequels is the inconsistencies with character's abilities and what they can/should be able to do. The point is Rey was shown here as completely outmatched by Snoke, which thankfully was the right thing. If they had had Rey duel and kill Snoke I think all the anti-SJWs would have completely lost their shit.

5 years ago*

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People with any kind of standards when it comes to writing would have lost their shit.

5 years ago

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Don't worry, we can still have Rey beat Palpatine single-handedly where Luke and Yoda failed.
Wouldn't that be greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Not just that, she does nothing wrong ever, and that "area" under the island... yeah, no problem... aced it, whatever. Mary Sue characters are boring, and in this case, also without a personality.

5 years ago

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On top of that, what really irks me is how she is able to walk for miles in a scorching hot desert without even breaking a sweat. You can see it in this new trailer too. Perfect makeup, perfect everything

5 years ago

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The Force gives her extra resistance from heat and fatigue.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

5 years ago

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Ever thought how the girl raised and living her entire life on a desert planet is an expert swimmer?

5 years ago

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First time ever not hyped for a star wars movie :(

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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And that's sad. Disney has handled terribly bad the franchise

5 years ago

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The worst Star Wars movie title ever...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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bet they meet up with the Avengers cuz Thanos snapped half of StarWars universe too....

5 years ago

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Looks mediocre at best. So the same as every other Disney SW.

5 years ago

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As with TLJ, I'll hold my opinion until I've actually seen the film.

5 years ago

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I am kinda excited.but i will hold my opinion until i see the movie.Last Jedi was decent .

5 years ago

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I'm really excited going to see star wars in concert october and then this in december

5 years ago

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Ooooookay... seeing Carrie Fisher was depressing. :(

For anyone who doesn't want to sit through a long presentation stream, here ya go. You're welcome.

5 years ago

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That can't seriously be the name? It is? Bloody hell. At least it wasn't Episode IX: Revelations of the Reckoning.

5 years ago

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i never understood the appeal for star wars. mediocre at best.

5 years ago

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i never understood the appeal for [insert anything here]. mediocre at best.

Has been said about everything in existence. Next time, just don't open the thread.

5 years ago

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As has your "don't like it don't engage with it" cliche response.
Next time, just don't bother engaging comments or opinions you'd prefer to ignore. . .

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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What I love about this picture is that it's early-mid-60's Spidey at its core. The sloppy NYPD lettering, awkward police truck door and the weird look of the leftmost him's arm totally look like Ditko to me. I've never really gotten why there were so many Steve Ditko fans out there. Yes he created Spiderman's look. Most of his art looked rather amateurish, Spiderman looked totally better once John Romita Sr took over as artist.

5 years ago

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yes, everything about any topic has been said before. should we now stop talking to eachother because of it?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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good, you follow your dreams. i am not participating.

5 years ago

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Now jokes aside, I never liked a great deal of popular shit in many areas but I can see or at least try to see why other people like it, it's called open-mindedness. And in the end if I somehow still can't figure out one single aspect on why other people like the thing in question, then maybe there's a problem with me. Don't let yourself be confined by your own beliefs.

5 years ago

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and you shouldnt jump into conclusions too fast and judge other people. it is considered to say " i like this". why is it not normal to say "i dont like this"? its about sharing your opinion. you dont need to challenge everyone who sees the world differently. you basically are lowkey calling me retarded or backward person who cant be open minded or understand other people. think about that.

5 years ago

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Calm down you're overexaggerating. I never said you're not allowed to dislike something or to share your opinion (where did you even got that from?) and I never called or implied you're retarded or "backward person". I merely gave you an example of what I do when I dislike something. I try to see why other people like it before instantly dismissing it and it's not hard to do that unless you simply don't want to. Disliking something and understanding its appeal are two different things, you can both dislike it and understand it at the same time. If I unknowingly called anyone retarded then that would be me, the only part that was about you was my last sentence. And don't act all holy moly, you didn't come here with the best of intentions. You came here to a thread, where you knew people cared about the thing in question (star wars), specifically just to shit on it and not adding anything to the conversation, think about that.

5 years ago*

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you must have a very special talent to see through the intentions of people by a sentence alone. you should work as a fortune teller.

"I can see or at least try to see why other people like it, it's called open-mindedness. And in the end if I somehow still can't figure out one single aspect on why other people like the thing in question, then maybe there's a problem with me. Don't let yourself be confined by your own beliefs" let me break down your statement: "I can see or at least try to see why other people like it, it's called open-mindedness" you are stating i cant see or try why other people like certain things.
"it's called open-mindedness" you are explaining to me that its called open mindedness. saying i dont know what it is.
"Don't let yourself be confined by your own beliefs" you say that i am confined to my own beliefs and cant see beyond that. is there a need to explain that you clearly insulted me?
stop being a a hypocrite and follow your own advice. your intention was clearly to shit on me and after calling your asshole behaviour out you paddle back.

5 years ago

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"you must have a very special talent to see through the intentions of people by a sentence alone. you should work as a fortune teller"
Well what other intention did you have with your original comment except to shit on it? Please enlighten me, I'm curious. I could say the same shit about you, you must have a special talent to see through my intentions by a few sentences, you're a way less effective fortune teller.

Jesus Christ, I was using pronouns like "I" and "me" all over my sentence not "you". I even degrade myself and say that if I somehow don't understand, it might be a problem with me (which means it happened at least once otherwise I wouldn't had mentioned it) and after all that you still think it's all about you. It was not an insult because I don't know what's going on in your head or how you approach things in life, it was simply an insight to what I do in hope that you'd get some use out of it to not outright dismiss things you don't like.

Do you really know what open-mindedness is? I'm starting to doubt that, did you at least try to explain why you don't like it or why you don't understand its appeal?

"you say that i am confined to my own beliefs and cant see beyond that" Read it again, I'm not saying you're confined by them because again I don't fucking know what's going on in your head, I said don't let yourself be confined by them, it's a big difference there, you're again twisting into what you want it to mean.

No I'm not paddling back because I don't know you and I don't care about your feelings. I only care about my comment being misinterpreted, at this point I don't even care if you yourself believe me or not. Trust me if I wanted to insult you from the start I would had been way less polite and would had no problem admitting it but I'm stopping being polite. Stop victimizing yourself, it's disgraceful. Even if you took it as an insult, was it that harsh of an insult worth getting your pants in bunch for? "u dont need to challenge everyone who sees the world differently" who fucking cares your comment was barely an opinion to begin with, the thread would had been better off without it, you didn't add anything of value. You're way too emotional and immature, learn english better because sometimes it's hard understanding you, I'm from a non-English speaking country too, you have no excuse. "it is considered to say " i like this". why is it not normal to say "i dont like this"? the fuck does that even mean? Grow up and stop being a baby. I don't really care about you or your reply, don't even bother.

5 years ago

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cared enough to take your time to write this down. lying hypocrite. now you are changing the topic by insulting my english. good boy.
if you didnt care, you would not have left your comment under my comment. but you couldnt stop yourself because you got triggered.

5 years ago

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Haha that's all you came up with? The old "you cared enough to comment card"? The most generic and boring comeback ever? I already told you above I cared for people not misinterpreting my comment and that's why I explained myself but I don't care about you or your feelings. Apparently besides writing, you need to learn reading as well. Where did I change the topic in two sentences at the end? Did you somehow miss the rest of my paragraph which consists of at least a dozen other sentences, were they too hard to for you to understand? Of course you're avoiding answering or even addressing everything I wrote you, because you're probably just one big troll. Calls me triggered when he got triggered at a harmless comment and then calls me hypocrite, not releasing he's a hypocrite as well when he acts like he's not triggered. Is hypocrite the only insult you know? I told you I won't be polite anymore, why should I be polite if you started being a bitch. "its about sharing your opinion" GTFO with your autistic kindergarten shit. Did I hurt your feelings? Awww so cute, you amuse me too much, go ahead and cry more you oversensitive stupid manchild!

5 years ago

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You didn't say "I don't like this". You said, "I don't understand why anyone likes this: it's bad".

5 years ago

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"mediocre" and comes to the same result other wording.

5 years ago

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The difference is that you are not offering your own opinion, you are instead stating that other people's opinions are poorly formed.

5 years ago

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isnt that in itself an opinion? :D

5 years ago

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No, your wording presents its mediocrity as fact and condescendingly admonishes others for the defect of failing to see this.

5 years ago

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how can you present a fact on a subjective matter? if you are talking about movie, series or music its always subjective.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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Maybe palp is the puppet master behind it all, and Snoke derived all his power from palpsie

5 years ago

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nice, more food to keep haters busy ^^

5 years ago

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Aren't they all already pretty busy whining about how Captain Marvel is going to ruiiiiiin the Avengers movie?

5 years ago

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Captain Marvel has never been a popular character in the comics. She's never been very likable or fun or funny. She's a boring character with a boring backstory. I'm sure the comic writers realized this which is probably why they changed her identity multiple times in the past and then decided to give her powers to Rogue and put her in a coma (how's that for sending a message that nobody likes you?). Now for no reason she's suddenly this key character in the movies and her role is pivotal to the story arc? Many fans don't feel she deserves to be important because she never has been. The whole thing just feels forced. You can't force people to like someone, especially when they're not very likable.

5 years ago

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If popularity was any reason for anything, Hank Pym would be the Ant Man of the MCU.
I know quite a few people who find her likable and funny and I'm pretty sure the billion dollar box office shows that the majority is not with the people who don't like the character. (or are you with the conspiracy theorists who actually believe that Disney somehow bought one billion worth of tickets around the world to erase the shame of a failed movie? lol)

As for Rogue, I don't know if you read the Xmen but it's very obvious that Claremont liked Danvers or he wouldn't have locked her into Rogue's mind. She got more exposure in that comic book than in the Avengers at the time. She keeps taking over Rogue's body, having whole conversations with her, its not erasure by any means.

Many fans don't feel she deserves to be important because she never has been.

Unlike Falcon, War Machine or Black Widow, you mean?

5 years ago

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Black widow has always been more important than captain Marvel. In the 80's and 90's the writers didn't know what to do with an obvious overpowered c- class character.

Also, the box office only shows that people that didn't know the character or read the comics went to see the movie because it was the preview of the avengers movie. Her solo cómic before the movie juggernaut was a failure.

5 years ago

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I used to love Black Widow. Seriously she was the reason I hung on through the less interesting Daredevil era. Unfortunately the MCU version of the character doesn't do her justice by any measure. She's just there to parade around in a skin tight suit. She's a disgrace to the character I loved. (and by the way Black Widow never had more than a few limited volumes for a good reason too.
So I guess popularity is not an issue with her either)

My point was only that if characters showing up in movies was about "reasons" for them to be there. There really would be no reason to have her around. At this point, and even from movie 1, she's grossly overmatched by any foe they encounter and with Thanos and the Black Order in the mix, she could have been cheerleading on the side of the battlefield, she would have been just as useless.
Just like Hawkeye or Falcon are.

The reason they brought Captain Marvel in is that they want to move away from the Avengers NYC zipcode with Phase 4 and they needed a character whose powers could take them beyond fist fights.

Also, the box office only shows that people that didn't know the character or read the comics went to see the movie because it was the preview of the avengers movie.

Heh sure. I'm sure everybody left the theatre asking for their money back. It was not a hit. At all. It was just random. Let's keep telling ourselves that if that makes the world a better place :P

5 years ago*

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I am not taking about the quality of the movie. Just answer me that question, before the movie, how many people honestly knew the character before Disney decided to make a movie about her? Even in the comics she could have been killed years ago and nobody would ever miss her.

Even I saw black widow in t-shirts before the movie universe appeared

5 years ago

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Incidentally also a Mary Sue character.

5 years ago

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›it's another "oh shit they're right better pull the 'hater' card. Oh, and I'll add '^^' at the end to show how totally not mad I am" episode

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5 years ago

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so mad losers waste their time in hating stupid things like movies, oh yes.

5 years ago

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stupid things like movies

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5 years ago

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Mully only spends her time in super valid things like hating the way people use their money and cv on steamgift forums, or post opinions on bundles that are "whiny".

5 years ago

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And you're spending your time talking shit about Mully to other people.
How ironic.

5 years ago

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Well, I'm not the Steamgifts forum regular complainer complaining about other people complaining.
There's the irony there. I never said things like "oh my gawd, complaining is so stupid. And about stupid things. Which are stupid since me, I, don't care about them."

5 years ago

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No, like I said, you just spent your time talking shit about Mully to someone else over some innocuous comment that had nothing to do with you.

Certainly you have better and more productive things to do.

5 years ago

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The irony of your replies are palpable.

5 years ago

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Certainly you have better and more productive things to do.

That's the only ironic thing I said, but sure, whatever you say. ;)

5 years ago

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hating the way people use their money

not only you are an idiot, you are also a liar. nicely done!

5 years ago

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and not at all mad totally chill losers defending atrocious writing quality

5 years ago

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Have to watch last jedi first... But I kinda gave up on sw after first part of new trilogy xD

5 years ago

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Maybe they should have planned out where the trilogy should go at the start, at this point they might as well start over, since most characters are in the same place as they were one movie ago.

5 years ago

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Whaaat, you mean movie 2 diregarding 1 and then 3 disregarding 2 is not the way to make a coherent trilogy?
I wonder if they add different colored endings. I hear that's the best way to end trilogies.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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rise of the skywalker?
is that the new starwars porn
will it star princess labia, Darth vibrator, and Any-won kanblowme

5 years ago

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i keep trying to think up good star wars porn names but cant think of any good ones.

Chewkkake... ?

5 years ago

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hand jabba the hut

Kit Fisto- thats a real name from clonewars

5 years ago

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Since the last SW movie i start to apreciated the "version" made by Brazzers and Private.

5 years ago

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after the last film... I am just pretending all the ones that were not made by George Lucas do not exist.

5 years ago

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Rogue one was ok to my mind

5 years ago

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+2 for being the only person on the internet that can spell rogue right.

5 years ago

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Ha, +1 to this.

Everyone... EVERYONE!... calls it Rouge One.

5 years ago

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i don't even remember what it was about...

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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I just think of them as really big-budget fan films.

5 years ago

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Lucas directed one good film and three crappy ones.

5 years ago

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The more time passes, the more I think KOTOR2 is the best product from SW

5 years ago

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It is. The Old Republic lore is seriously the best thing to come out of Star Wars as a whole.

5 years ago

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Too bad there was never a follow-up to KOTOR 2...

...ayup, a real shame...

...SW:TOR never happened and you can't convince me otherwise

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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It's almost like how most people now consider New Vegas to be better than Fallout 3, when in the years just after release it was the complete opposite.

5 years ago

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According to this interview, there's hope for KOTOR

5 years ago

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Is this the movie where Darth Vader turns into a giant scorpion?

5 years ago

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scorpion king flashbacks 🤔

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5 years ago

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Hopefully it starts with Finn waking up and he dreamed all of the The Last Jedi

5 years ago

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The laugh at the end was the only vaguely redeeming quality. I like to imagine it's the corporate spirit of Disney laughing at the idea that anyone would find this mess entertaining.

5 years ago

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So once we're past Episodes VII, VIII and IX... can we still have at least one Thrawn movie? I don't need a trilogy, just one would work.

5 years ago

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