Do you interested?
Honestly, I'm not sure if silence mean good or bad, but this mass silence sure demotivate me a little.
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Huh, I don't recall having this problem before I put into the internet but now I can't launch x64 too (x32 is okay though).
Edit: Oh great, I put 32bit exe to both 64bit and 32bit version, it even have same size! should have double check it.
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I just upload 64bit exe and their dependencies only, just extract and replace if asked, it should work this time. Thank you :D
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x64 is exe only, so download x32 then put x64 files onto it.
Editing OP, should be clearer now. :D
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I kinda like that font, but I think I overused it, perhaps I'll just used for title. I'll change UI a bit, mostly hide those str, int, dex, as they aren't crucial to be display all the time.
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Right now its abit confusing as to what to do, etc. Targeting / picking up stuff is extremely hard when using mouse to turn and look, unless you press "alt" and click it.
Another gripe i have with it: It doesnt support 1280x1024 res. Yes, i have been told im odd for using that, but i dislike widescreen, and its rare games dont support this resolution/ratio.
The game also seems to be pretty damn hard, my mercenaries and myself usually get wiped out on the first activation thingy.
Having to re-equip everything after restarting also is mildly annoying (though i suppose thats what loadouts will do in the future?)
Might become a nice little game for in-between (no idea what the final goals will be, judging from current experience, 1-2 hours playtime), but still seems to require some work.
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Perhaps, adding crosshair, dot or something when using 'mouse to turn/look' should fix it?
As for 1280x1024 resolution and the like, I temporary disabled it as UI are all messed up with these resolution, perhaps I'll do some UI overhaul, those stats aren't crucial to be display all the time.
I'll try to lower the lowest difficulty, but I'm not sure if I should make enemy weaker, spawn less or better starting mercenary.
I think, I'll make character auto-equip item when starting game, and party roster to remember last picked mercenary.
Thank you. :D
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Instead of lowering difficulty, i would suggest something like a tutorial, that sets you up with some slightly better gear maybe and teaches you the ropes. Maybe just some 3 room area that guides you.
What i also would like, is a real equipment screen, like many other rpgs have. Tied to that, i also would love being able to at least carry over equipped things between runs. Right now apparently you got to vault your items to keep them,and then take them out again.
However, vault-space is pretty limited in the beginning, and it seems to cost to deposit them there (not sure about taking them out).
Or, let me buy weapons and armor up to a certain degree in the camp. On a sidenote, selling stuff in camp might also be fun, maybe at a cheaper rate than if you found a trader?
Crosshair might help a bit, but for item pickups id prefer simply being near one, picking it up with <interact key>.
Another thing that annoyed me a bit: Aiming heals at your mercs often has the "projectile" being intercepted by another, potentially fully healed merc, making you waste charges.
All in all having played a bit more, its quite funny actually, once you get the hang of things. Of course it needs some work still, but i really do wish that you succeed with your project. On that note, i voted on greenlight for it :)
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Dedicated basic tutorial? I might do that one.
Not sure about real equipment screen, but I'm thinking about display equipped item and other data (like used weight and money) on inventory screen.
Items actually carry over if winning that run but clear out if defeat or quit, but can be vault to be used it on any new run. Deposit only once and it will always in the vault, and it will be transfer back to vault automatically (free - like you owned this one), only durability or quantity will changed to last used one unless you decided to delete it (throw away, or selling it). I'm looking a way to explain better in game.
I planned to add camp-shop but not implemented yet, not sure about selling and trader-discount though.
About automatically pick nearest item though, I have been in situation that lot of loot being so close or on top to each others. Or perhaps pick them all then throw away manually?
That's actually a feature, you can even throw into tree or other obstruction, although it fly throw enemy, perhaps you wish for it to fly through full health ally?
Thank you again. :D
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Was thinking about equipment screen as "keep it, unless you die". Basically, you find that nice new knife to murder stuff with, equip it, then decide to quit, and still have that what you equipped, but nothing else. You fail by dying (and not having revive etc available), you lose everything you carry on you, even equipment.
Could also move stats to this screen, should you decide to make one.
Vault imho should be a free storage option, but once you take an item out, and fail, its gone for good. Vault-storage slots still can cost points.
Would be more consistent and "rogue-like/lite", though a bit more harsh overall in case of dying.
In that regard, i would like the game to keep my current state of everything, if i finished one run, and then quit the game because i want to sleep. Currently you seem to lose everything you didnt vault away.
I dont want the camp-shop to be discounted, i wanted to actually give you less for your stuff, than a found trader. But that was before i found out that money isnt guild points.
Still would like a camp-shop though, if only for basic items like weapon repair kit, slightly better heal kits the free sword/ kit in case you lose it, and the like.
Pick them all, then throw away might be a hassle when combat looting and getting overencumbered. Maybe a short press gives heal-pickups (red crosses) and the like, and a longer press opens a list you can quickly click one item, then it closes?
No idea, im not a game designer, but the current system is a bit clunky unless you press ALT to get a mouse-cursor.
Also, id like some slight particle effect on items maybe, because sometimes theyre really hard to notice depending on where they are.
As for the heal, dunno, i dont like the feature, for heals at least. Id rather have it applied instantly, instead of a projectile, considering it also uses supplies and charges on the heal-item itself. Maybe make a healing spell for AP that uses this mechanic instead?
As for supplies: Why use a charge-based item AND supplies? Maybe make supplies used for any kind of revive instead (also revives done by mercs) and implement some sort of camp option that regenerates X% health for the group at a fixed rate of supplies? (Maybe 100 supplies for 50% group HP, a revive on someone else 25 supplies, self-revive 50?)
Wondering, are there currently more areas, or just the one you start with? If so, mind sharing how to see another set of rooms?^^
(Please note: this is just my ramblings, i dont have too much clue about game design and the like. Its just my opinion, and chances are i have no clue about your final intention of the game. I just try to give some feedback on what i personally find unclear, dislike, or probably would have done differently, could i make a game. :) )
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Hmm, I'll need to think about free vault and on die stuff, although I prefer the current one because it could be problematic when playing higher difficulty, if you manage to lose in higher difficult and lose equipment you saved up, forced you to go back to lower difficulty again because lack of items. (As for current design, you may want to play on lower difficulty to stock up consumable, or play for less stress of course)
I planned to add save and continue when finish, and perhaps saving mid-game too?
Actually camp-shop, as I planned will have random stuff to sell (like mid-game trader, but uses guild point), and some others service like repair/recharges and enchantment vault items.
Picking powerups that way could be easier, but may have problem when you want to save up for later, but I'll try to make it easier or change it. (At first, it will be pick when stepping it, perhaps made it options)
By the way is item highlighting not enough ('Z') to make item noticeable? perhaps always highlight them instead? (Particle effect may drop FPS when used amass, so I want to avoid that)
I can understand if you missed, although it doesn't make sense when you try heal someone across the map :P
As for healing spell, I didn't add them because it will end up replacing healing item, and could force someone to be healer-only, although I already have other system in mind but didn't add into this game yet (I'm experimenting), healing spell as temporary HP and item as real HP, perhaps I should try in this game.
(Edit: Then again it could make heal-only role, also not sure if healing spell is lore-wise ;p (haven't work on lore for long time now))
At first I didn't have supply system, but then I always end up so many healing item and could throw all over the place (even with low charges), or if I overencumbered I can drop in one room then come back to restock them. So I added this system to encourage managing item usage instead. Also If I remove charges but use supply only, could create drop once and sell duplicate things problem.
Regenerate camp could work as an additional room type, I think trade supply for temporary buff or something?
For revive by supply, I'm thinking about item that can be throw to revive (uses supply) to quickly revive someone, because combat reviving is slow enough (unless you want it faster but use supply, but that could discourage revive someone)
There will be more area later, like forest, or desert region with different enemy set, but right now main gameplay should come first ;p
Thank you again, I actually love design discussion and brainstorming :D
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I didnt mean you lose your vault too on death. Just the equipment and inventory. Free vault storage so you can collect items, and if you fail, have a fallback-stash of weapons and gear to use, and go in again. Maybe increase carry capacity a bit, so you can effectively stock up on things.
My thinking behind this is this: You want the game to be sort of rogue-like/lite, or at least i assume so :). Losing your equip and items on death would be that rogue-like factor.
Now, to make it more "lite", you have the option of stocking up on weapons etc in your vault, so you dont have to completely start over everything (what rogue-likes usually would do) in addition to keeping your spells and the like you bought in guild-camp, and your overall level of the "class" you use (which seems to differ from the level you get while actually playing, this also seems to reset. Not sure what that "master" level does, though).
Furthermore, having the option to retreat from a current campaign, which would let you keep your equipped things (but not other items) lowers the risk a bit, and may give you some risk/reward considerations:
You got low health, low healing items, but a nice stash of found weapons and gear. You only have to destroy the vital crystal now. Do you take the risk of trying to destroy the crystal, to keep all these wonderful things you found for stashing away / later usage, risking everything should you die, or do you chicken out, to keep the good stuff you came in with?
Saving mid-game could work, i guess, but i thought you simply intended us not being able to save :D
Shop sounds good, though i think some things should be fixed and always for sale, maybe. Like healing drops I, for example.
Yeah, found the highlight item key later on, and it solves some of my problems :)
As for healing, of course i try to heal over the map. Right now the merc AI doesnt really offer me much of a choice anyways, because before activating the "forcefield" and after the fights are done, they have a tendency of being everywhere, except near me. Running across the map for 5 minutes just to heal up mercs would really spoil my fun.
Wouldnt mind a heal-only role either though. :)
As for Lore, have no real clue about that. Will it be implemented into the game at some point, or put into some story-like campaign?
Yeah, from that viewpoint supply usage makes sense, though i probably would just reduce drop-rates and / or charges on these items. Then balance it out a bit, in so far that a trader always has at least one heal item available, for a price.
A cave-area/dungeon would be lovely too, if it fits into your lore at all^^.
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Unless I'm misinterpret, but you seem want to disable depositing items when lose but not quit mid-game (by lose all inventory on lose), currently losing or quitting only forfeit the guild point bonus, while winning you can choose to restart and get the cumulative bonus, or risk another run for more bonus, continue will retain item, and enemy power from last run.
Also win or lose (or quit mid-game) you can always deposit item with guild point once and take them out as much as you want, but I'm been thinking about get rid of first-time deposit cost, but make vault slot more expensive instead? (Not sure, this could create new problem too)
The problem I'm been reference is, let's say you get some high tier item, you deposit it and then harder difficult (or when enemy power is so high) with that item taken out, but you fail and lose that item which forced you to play lower difficulty because losing that item, unless you mean lose everything but vault-taken item.
Master level is real permanent character level, which gives skill point to be spent in class's skill tree or something like that for bonus.
Hmm, if AI running around is annoying then, perhaps forced them to be close to player or stay together in one location?
I hate one-role, especially healer-only :( so I'll have to think about this.
Yes, I have lore and a bit of story but I can't continue on it yet, actually I want this game to show some background and a bit of story. Gameplay come first through :D
Can't say about that, but somehow I always end up more than enough healing item in others game even though it's so rare.
Cave and dungeon will be added of course, but not sure if as separate region or region's room, I also never made cave based environment before ;p
Thank you again :D
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Basically, yes. When you die, you cant deposit aynthing, because everything is gone (due to you dying). If you instead quit yourself while in the wild, you only keep equipped items, everything else is gone. (of course, you can then deposit what you had equipped, if you wish so). If you quit the game from the camp screen, you dont lose anything, instead the game picks up from where you left, when you quit, because everyone needs a break sometimes, and taking a break shouldnt be punished imho.
Depositing cost generally.. well, yes, they are pretty annoying. My logic there is: I went through trouble getting a good item, why should it cost me anything more to deposit it. Especially with the current balancing at least, you can never really keep any of the better item, because depositing cost is extraordinarily high. Tried depo'ing some item, had a cost of 1,5k points. Doesnt really encourage using the vault for higher grade stuff at all :/.
If you die, and had some high tier equipment on you, well.. bad luck. That would be more "rogue-like" ish, even though you still would retain your "master" level, skills, vaulted stuff, etc. All you lose would be your current progress in this specific run, and all items/equip you had on you. Removing, or significantly lowering depositment costs, maybe increase starting vault size to 5, giving a slightly bigger carry capacity (maybe +20%?) however would encourage and enable people to save up gear in case of sudden death.
So you die, lose your nice sword, armor, etc? Pick new stuff you saved up, and try again. And maybe next time, you know when its better to retreat.
To clarify: once its out of the vault, its not in the vault at all, unless you choose to put it back again.
Though honestly, with the current durability and decay, you dont have most of your nice things for long anyways, since repair kits are hard to come by unless youre lucky, and they eat supplies like cake. ;D
That skil tree isnt implemented currently, is it? Sounds interestng though.
Maybe enable some commands for mercenaries, simple stuff like "follow me" "hold position" "do what you want"?
Healer class isnt a must for me, i am currently more annoyed by the wrong mercs receiving the heals.
Still think it would be a nice addition, to have something more heal-y. Doesnt need to be locked to that role exclusively. Maybe introduce a "healing magic" multiplier for spells only, not items. Combat oriented classes have that multiplier at 0,5x, magic-oriented at 0,75x, healer at 1,0x, whereas the healer maybe isnt good at weapon-based combat, but still able to use weapons or damage-magic?
On a sidenote, i think ive found a bug: If you die, and immediately start again without changing equipment and the like, you seem to keep your inventory. You only "lose" vaulted items, which get put back into the vault.
Again, these are just ideas. Honestly would like to hear other peoples ideas though, because what i deem a good game, often largely differs from others views.. lol.
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Well, you convinced me about die and lose stuff, I'll see about it.
Not sure about mercenary command, it could be chaotic in multiplayer (something about stealing command) , then again I planned to have different mercenary behavior/personality with most are being regular (first 6), others could be lone wolf, team spirit, or one that will actually do objective.
Class and skill tree stuff aren't design yet, so I'm not sure, although I'm thinking about just a basic base stats improving, perk-like bonus, and perhaps class only ability.
I'll check out that bug, thank you again :D
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Havent tried MP yet, does everyone get his own group of mercs? If so, well, he should only be able to command his.
If not, why not give team-leader / host the command-feature, everyone else that is human not, or designate a merc-leader in the lobby?
(again, didnt play MP, no clue how it is)
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Mercenary and players share same party roster, hence the mercenary only slot, so no.
I currently have problem designing retreat thing on multiplayer situation, so I'll put it on hold for now. Alos, let's see if I should make it more roguelite or more rpg ;p
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Easy way would be, leader decides if retreat or not, or dunno, quickvote system. lol
As for direction, no clue. Small, segmented rooms, "playthroughs" of an area in 30-60 minutes (for now) would make me say "roguelike/lite", but in the end it all is your decision :)
Do the game you want to play first and foremost. Of course this bears the risk that not many others would like to play it, but on the other hand, you might make something truely unique, that gathers you a small but loyal following of players.
(Of course, dont disregard player feedback entirely, either)
No idea if you have heard of Soldak, for example. they make their own flavour of a-rpgs. They dont compare graphically to any of the bigger ones, they most likely dont sell half of what d3 or torchlight 2 might have sold, but they feature very unique gameplay-features, making his games very popular with a small but dedicated group of people.
No matter what you do, or what direction your game might take still, i wish you the best of luck with it. I will definitely try to check on your game / greenlight from time to time, if my head doesnt become overloaded with other things, that is :D
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I mean situation about client leaving host because of fear to losing stuff, or when they join mid-game where it's already losing. That's said, it could be abuse somehow?
All in all, Thank you for the support <3
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Hmm, I think I now have another problem, for some reason most prople that only look at screenshot or video keep telling that this game is MMORPG.
So, can anyone point out why does it feels like that?
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Kinda looks like it. You got a random amount of humanoids, stuff flying around, and a "team" window.
Could also be a scene from some MMO.. lol
Dunno, i read text first, looked at screens, and then tried it out. I mean, hey, its a free beta/demo/whatever, worst case id have lost some time.
(Cant say i regret testing, though^^)
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Haven't played it.I just saw the vote results and no is ahead. everyone is looking at it from the gamer aspect and having so many other games to play they won't show any interest in something new. On the other hand looking at it from the developer aspect all you need to do is love your creation and show dedication to your work in order to make it better and achieve something that would end up among other great indie games. Keep it up.
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Thank you, even more so, if you see the dread Steam Greenlight result, it's sure disheartening.
Anyways, I'm in process of making new video, and new screenshot should provide better overview of the game, hopefully. Also new demo version.
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I uploaded Demo Trailer and a new set of screenshots, but I'm not sure if it's OK to be put on Greenlight, can anyone watch it?
Screenshots: Imgur Album
Gameplay Video: Youtube
Oh and here's new GA.
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I haven't played it yet, but I have seen the screenshots. I can tell you that it does not look interesting. You have to improve the graphics overall. Specifically, you need to improve the terrain texture and possibly increase terrain polygons. I don't know about the foliage and player models, since the screenshots were too pixelated. The HUD needs to look better: it is too basic, like it was made in the 90's. Those are the #1 turn offs for me. It reminded me of bad games I have played. I did not bother to look more into the game after that.
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Hmm, when did graphics become so important especially for indie games now? anyways, that is not main focus of this game, it's all about gameplay.
I understand if it's all about first impression, but I think I'm done with impression making, I would rather spend time on gameplay right now.
You know, more meat but not-so-pretty shell.
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Yeah, I get it, but there should either be a minimum standard and type you have to have or your gameplay should be extremely great. Your pictures are uninformative; it should show the menus for abilities, perks, and such.
I just watched the video, and it does show the abilities but only for a brief moment. I also saw that the combat consisted of one melee attack, one range attack, and maybe a special attack or two. That is way too basic. Gameplay looks extemely repetitive.
There are tens of thousands of games in the world. You need to stand out, and you need to really show that. It could be graphics, gameplay, or ideally both (pertaining only to your case).
Also, in the video, I mainly saw the combat for the first minute. With the combat as it is now, that turned me away. In my opinion, videos need to be informative about the gameplay within the first minute. It doesn't have to show all of it at once, but just start being informative in that first minute.
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Greetings, sorry for my shameless game promotion again. If you remember my prototype game 8 months ago, here is a new version of my game, generally close to finish but pretty much light on content right now, I wanted to make sure if foundation is right before I continue adding contents.
Here's quick sumamry of my game
It is a combination Action, RPG and few Roguelike elements with session-based gameplay, with random generated world part that connected together in room style, play by alone or co-op multiplayer with AI Mercenary in the mix.
The combat is real time medieval, completed with melee and projectile ranged, with ability and items. It's play like Star War Jedi Knight series but without jumping, and with targeting abilities.
About the game
Xenocrystalloid: The Eradications is a rogue-lite party-based Action-RPG where players play as a member of mercenary guild with a task to search an unknown randomly generated area and destroy a Crystal, a potential source of power that can cause a massive threat when its power become majorly imbalance. Destroying these Crystal is not simple however, it's protected by barrier which required specified procedure to dispel it. Each play through is start from zero but can be chains up for greater rewards, loot and risk, however your mercenaries will be stronger and guild point can be spent to unlock ability, perks and mod for their next search.
As a member of mercenary guild, you can bring friends or mercenary NPC with you, mix and match your team and travel together.
Imgur Album
Gameplay Video
Every Feedback is appreciated
Anything with suggestions, even you don't like to look of things, or even English error.
I'm bad at first impression, perhaps point that first.
Download Demo
Google Drive, v0.80.0
Google Drive, v0.80.0 (x64 EXE Only - Optional but recommended)
And please go through my profile and vote it on Steam Greenlight, yes, no or ask later is appreciated.
GA below.
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