">The thing is, the DRM is really really similar to steam...The only diff is steam you have to sign in before playing, and Xbox does it automatically at night for you (once per 24 hours)"
Except Steam also has an offline mode... So even if Valve goes bankrupt, accidentally deletes your account or your ISP hates you, you can still play your games.
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Only if you're lucky and the offline mode is 1) working and 2) prepared before Steam goes offline. And you can never reinstall after that
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I've never had any issues recently with Steam's offline mode. Even when they go under (which they're not even near that) I'll still have access to the games I've downloaded.
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That's just an assumption. It could also happen that Microsoft releases an offline patch
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With Steam you only ever need to sign in once. Even if somebody blows up the entire internet you'll still be able to play your games. With the XBO you won't.
Offline mode stores the login on your computer, that's why.
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I remember steam being bad in the beginning too :P
like origin in the current years... was horrendous in the beginning, but they certainly are improving
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At least first party games won't and single player 3rd party games won't too. Online is the only thing up to the publisher if they're going to use online pass (EA would look really bad if they brought it up again)
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EA said that they won't be having anymore online pass thingies :D
And they are removing the online pass from their current titles through patches
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That man doesn't know what Customer relationship management or PR is :P
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Also, Steam works on different systems (Hardware/OS).
Actually, I don't understand why some people directly compare Steam with Live or PSN.
The last two are online platforms for consoles. If you want to compare Steam with something else do it with Origin...
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Not really, Xbox One's Live and Playstation Network are focused on a closed device/console/PCs baptised as "consoles" /name it as you like.
On the other hand, Steam is more flexible since the consumer has the freedom to select where to use it. It can be a Desktop PC, a Laptop, a Mac, a Linux PC, Steambox, you name it.
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Yes but that doesn't isolate Steam from running on everything else ;)
Unless Valve has other plans... (they better not).
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Their Steambox might be running on Linux but if they exclude Windows from Steam in general,
that will initiate a self destruct process for Valve.
Be prepared for a Humble Valve Bundle :D
They're not stupid.
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Isn't me who's comparing, but I'm thinking what MS wanted to do was adopt something close to the steam business/process model focused more on the digital distribution of games so that middlemen (like GamesStop,Target) make less profit and more money goes towards the developer. Not be a direct competition to steam, but be a similar offering in the console department
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You are aware that Gamestop makes like 2$ per each new game sold, right?
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It did :P
But so did some of the info of the NSA Prism program
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Well my laptop is always on,sooo if i don't have internet connection i can still play offline games.If you come to think about it neither does Xbox 1 completly shuts down (as they said).Xbox 1 enters a sleep state where "only Wake Up Xbox" command works,but i doubt it.So if you come to think of it,they could done something like...if Xbox 1 is always on it could automaticaly check the connection and let you play even if you don't have internet more than 24 hours.
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True, Steam only lets you play offline for so long before you have to re-authenticate.
However, it's nothing ridiculous like every single day.
I forgot, it's a week now for the Xbox One, isn't it? Either way.
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The post does say that they are reconsidering the 24 hour rule... only time will tell
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So you're saying Xbox Live has no real sales? Can I has source for this, please? :<
Edit: Unless you mean sales as in 'discounts', not 'stuff sold', but either way, XL has sales, too, maybe not to the tune to 75%, but it still has them, and Steam never does 75% on new AAA titles either, so I fail to see how it is any different.
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You're still paying 60 dollars a year. They fucking better give some good sales like what sony is doing with PS+, some of their recent sales are on bar with steam sales. Microsoft only had one big sale and thats at the end of their consoles life cycle.
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So far the best attemp was those games at 10$ each (decent titles, even though not too recent) and a few free games here and there (like Fable 3). You can't really compare such a little selection of titles to Steam's sale madness.
If Xbox One wants to be this "closed" about login and second-hand games it could use these "real" sales, but they need to state this now or people will just keep being scared by the 24h login. (Even a 3-day one could probably be ok with most people: while everybody probably had to suffer an almost full day of ISP downtime at some point, it rarely takes more than 1 day to be solved).
And I stress sales so much because I think they are the main reason of Steam's success.
Of course now we also have Steamworks titles, the Workshop, etc... but if you want people to forgive you for limiting them to your terms, you need to lure them in in some way.
And you can't really hope that people will think "well Steam was quite like this too and now it's great" (the point of the thread), because that was 9 years ago.
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My whole point is that Steam is an already well-developed platform. Where Steam doesn't arrive there's the community (for support and modding) and the other sites selling keys for even better prices (I bought Tomb Raider for 13.60€ 2 weeks ago on GMG).
The Xbox One could succeed, but so far they haven't showed a single thing that would be worth the limitations they stated.
While I don't plan to buy any console in the near future I'd still be VERY happy for them to compete with eachother, every gamer would benefit from it, including me. :)
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That's what I'm saying on several threads on SG and other sites.
They serve us nearly obsolete hardware (especially GPU wise) as a next gen breakthrough!!!
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That's what Apple does all the time with great success, so...
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With great success where? On the US market? Because the stats telling otherwise.
Obviously, I'm not referring to the mobile market.
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Great success regarding their revenue. And you can't just exclude their mobile devices
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I can because their mobile devices are off topic in this thread.
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Both Apple and Microsoft are selling old hardware while promoting it as the next big thing. That's the connection between those two, and this includes mobile devices. I'm not talking solely about gaming here (since Macs are rather bad for gaming) but the Xbox One isn't meant purely for gaming either
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Apple is selling personal computers NOT consoles (at least not yet). Yes, they have specific hardware AND specific OS. However, you can always install other Operating Systems, therefore you have more freedom compared to consoles. Unfortunately, Sony did that with PS3's launch but they took it back later, which was extremely disapointing. Anyway, it's something different and still bringing the mobile market in this thread is irrelevant.
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That's splitting hairs. The fact that you can install different OSes doesn't matter when you say that old hardware can't be nextgen. I proved you the opposite using Apple as an example, because Apple promotes old hardware as a breakthrough (as PC or as mobile device) and they have huge success with it including a good reputation (well, at least their products have a good reputation)
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On my first reply I was wondering where is that great success you are talking about? I don't see it anywhere. I never said that Apple's hardware compared to the PC is breakthrough. What is breakthrough is the design on their Macs. Unfortunately, this is going way off topic, but it's an interesting discussion. Btw no I'm not an Apple hater if you wonder. I had Apple products since the late 80s.
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You don't see it because you randomly exluded mobile devices...
And it's Apple saying that their devices are a breakthrough. Same like Microsoft, like i said.
Sorry, this is my last reply. Seems like you don't bother reading my replies and you also simply exclude some of my arguments without responding to them. I don't have time for that
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OK let me ask you one final question then. Can you play your Steam games on Apple's mobile devices? We both know that the answer is no. This thread is about Xbox One and Steam and how Microsoft is trying to do the same (?). I'm reading your replies carefully and still I'm unable to follow why you bring the mobile market in this thread. Apple is successful there, but they are extremely unsuccessful to dominate the desktop and the gaming market.
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Ofcourse not, but does that matter? A piece of hardware can be nextgen even when no Steam games can run on it. This means, whether or not Steam games can run on it has nothing to do with your first statement that old hardware can not be nextgen
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Well with the same reasoning let's start talking about next gen refrigerators. You can't play your Steam games on your fridge, but it's all about the next gen hardware right?
I thought that it was obvious that this thread was about Steam & Xbox One = Games, but since you're talking in general, I agree. Apple's marketing is superb on selling older hardware in a well designed case, but they are not successful for that on the Desktop/Gaming market. This is where I have my objections on what you said.
We are gamers on this site not just hardware enthusiasts. I guess we have a different point of view to define Apple's success (or not) story.
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Sorry but that was a direct answer to 0x442E472E. You jumped in out of nowhere.
If you have something constructive to add please do so. Otherwise, don't read my comments.
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If you don't want your comment read then message him. The point of a forum is for people to read, critique, and add onto the work of each other.
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Thank you so much for your lesson, I never thought that. Did you actually, read this thread or you just scanned our posts? There was no critique on anything, but a random non constructive reply from someone who participated in this discussion just to say this...
Btw for your info this site does not have PMs. Therefore, this "If you don't want your comment read then message him." doesn't make any sense.
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Ive been saying this for ages. The one thing they did wrong was include a disc drive. .. Which they kinda had to do for blu ray. XBoxONe and Steam to me are very much alike, and on purpose. MS has seen the future. Unfortunately us console gamers want to live in the past. (Myself included)
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Very true, digital distribution is the future...
Not everyone wants to accept that reality
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Wasn't so at the very beginning... Only time will tell how it goes with XBox One
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Like Steam, without the good parts like ludicrously cheap sales, backwards compatibility all the way back to nineteenninetysomethingorother and no subscription fees.
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They are trying to remove the middlemen like Gamestop and Target out of the picture so you never know about the discounts + sales part (after all they want to be more like steam).
Only time will tell I suppose
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There will never be steam-like sales and discounts on XBL. See, Steam manages to do many sales and discounts because it has a lot of competition. You have Desura,Origin, GOG, Greenmangaming, Amazon, Gamefly, Gamersgate, Direct2Drive, etc etc, all competing for a piece of the pie. That and the fact that people can easily pirate most PC games. Steam twarts piracy by offering low prices with a compelling service to complement it( like achievements, community features, screenshot, workshop integration, etc,etc)
But in Xbox One, if Gamestop and Target get out of the picture.... your only option is the XBL store! They will have no competition, and they can charge what they damn well please. There will be no piracy or competition to speak of that will make the prices cheaper.
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Well said BernardoONE. It's all about the competition guys. For us, the gamers/consumers that's what makes a HUGE difference.
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I agree the only sales will be on the producer's end.
The problem with charging whatever they want is they don't have a monopoly on the games themselves and there is a point in which charging more is no longer profitable. I'm pretty sure games have found that point already.
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Steam is leaps and bounds better than what it was a few years before though... Hopefully XBox One will mature in to something good as well :)
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If I wanted my game consoles to be more like PC, I'd...
...wait for it...
...buy a friggin PC!
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Steam doesn´t require a 24 hours connection to the internet. This is all MS bs to try to save some of they horrible pr.
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Try logging in to you steam account from multiple places? :)
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It's like steam except a lot more expensive, without bundles, more invasive on privacy, more restrictions, have to pay for gold account to do pretty much anything, has a creepy camera that's damn near always watching, and has to be connected to the internet far more often. Still no thanks.
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This is apparently the case, according to an anonymous microsoft X Box Engineer.
Clicky to read
Not a fan of the X Box One or the PS4, but with the current trend it certainly is an interesting read
EDIT: UPDATE : XBOX One has changed it's policies so that there will be no more DRM/24 hours online checks. link to original announcement post
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