Seems like the methods to cheat are neverending. It's amazing what some will do to get a game.
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in the long run, it would outweigh the constant "some dick cheated and now an invite for 10 people turned into 100 people" i mean, yes, to your previous post. it would take quite a bit of coding. But it would cut quite a bit of the support tickets down due to brute forced entries and people handing out links
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It's not about someone sneaking in. It's about someone who shouldn't even be there in the first place and reducing the odds of everyone who should be there.
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I think an option to select who can enter from your list of friends is a good idea.
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say someone made a private giveaway, give it to a bunch of friends. One of those friends shares it. and boom. it spreads like a virus! not saying it happens often. But it happens
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So why sharing with an untrustworthy person in the first place?
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If this is the problem so there is no problem. Pick yr friends wisely, thats one.
What if u dont deliver to the winner that shuldnt be in a giveaway ? What are the rules for this kind of a situation ? Putting description in a giveaway that only invited will get a game.
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such as my previous post, someone you give a link to, might try and share it on. and then that person shares. and before you know it, there's 10 times the number of people you invited, and the odds of one of the people you intended the game for, are cut dramatically. Not saying it's fool proof, but it would cut down the number of support tickets for rerolls and such
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sorry, what i mean is. you don't know if someone you give the link to is going to pass it on. this way, they couldn't. it's just an idea.
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You can make a group like I did. No one can enter if they don't belong to the group. It effectively shuts out people who don't deserve to be there.
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Although I am quite the newbie here and there are some good suggestions for workarounds, I am with AJValentine and xboxer on this one.
It doesn't hurt to think about such a system, does it. And it would be easier for the support. There wouldn't be any need to reroll anymore because of some people abusing an invite.
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Would be easier for the support if peapole was smart. It would be also easier if ppl made private groups. Why bother support with such things in the first place ?
Who cares if u dont want to make a group ? Dont want it dont complain :)
Why complicating simple things ?
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ok now i like this, it would work perfectly! but it would still pose a problem on say, puzzle giveaways. you don't know who or who has not really worked out the puzzle, or just been given a leaked URL. there must be some kind of fix for this?
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I don't think there is an effective way to do this... even if SG crew could create their own puzzle system, that could give different URLs of the same giveaway for everyone who solves it, linking the URL to the user who solved it, people could just PM or email their friends with the answers for the puzzle. BTW, I'm no programmer, so I don't know if the described system is even possible/viable. Sounds like a lot of work to me, though.
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that again is a pretty damn good idea. and that would sort out the puzzle thing too, assuming someone completed a puzzle, it would display one of say, 1000 unique codes, and the only way to get another is to redo the puzzle (which to explain to someone who doesn't get it, may be hard)
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i was thinking moments ago. If SG had a system in place where, if you want to invite someone to a private giveaway.
Could you just say, click "private". then it brings a list up of your steam friends, or a field to type in an email address/steam ID.
I was thinking, if that could be implemented, it could act as some sort of whitelist system so that people couldn't cheat the private giveaway system?
Just a thought... mull it over :)
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