It's tough getting back into the workforce after taking a long time off, keep trying! Some places offer "returnships" to help, they are becoming more popular as technical mothers with impressive degrees try to get back into the workforce. Good luck!
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thanks friend! yea, having a 2 year gap in a resume looks a little sketch haha but plenty of places are becoming more accommodating to stuff like that, so crossing my fingers to get somewhere as forgiving
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thanks! :) thats one thing that has been a bump in the search , finding something where i can feel comfortable. ive let my agoraphobia take over which has been a struggle to get through. my last job was work at home so in a sad way, it sort of enabled me to shut myself in more. but i really want to get something that is public but not entirely overwhelming. i figured night shift would be best
(sorry for the info dump =_= )
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Ive been searching for a job as well. There are some vacancies in the city I live in, but Im going to try for those only after I have tried to apply some other vacancies in another city some 200 km from me.
I better move to different city then work something that isnt interesting and comfortable for me
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Job hunting is unfortunately a bit of a lottery, kind of like giveaways on Steam Gifts. You may have all the skills, but still not get the job due to being unlucky, and you may have to get lucky to actually get the job. But, the good news is that, just like on Steam Gifts, if you keep trying the odds are you'll get lucky and land the job and everything will be good. :)
So good luck! :)
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that is seriously the best way to think about it haha!
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i feel ya. it can really suck trying to get back out there after being unemployed. i'm in the same rut myself. just gotta keep putting yourself out there and remember to look fresh and healthy during interviews. if an interview doesn't go so well then try to learn from it and do better on the next one. people love you, you got this π
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its hard to not think that it might just be something with me, but we got this friend! hoping you have some luck for yourself <3
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i'm glad you said something with you, and not something "wrong" with you. i've become a bit of a shut-in myself these past years and i know how it feels to think you don't belong. maybe some failed interviews are some steps you needed to help you succeed. to kind of piggyback off of timobkg's analogy, sometimes i like to think of these things like gaining exp points, if that makes sense to a fellow gamer lol. anyway, don't get yourself down, about a job or anything else. we can easily be our own worst enemies without even realizing it.
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After years of unemployment after (not finishing) university I finally got lucky and found an opportunity to study and get a good job that has nothing to do with what I studied in school. Keep your eyes peeled and don't exclude any job just because you don't know anything about it, you shall find one sooner or later.
Good luck with your hunt and your family!
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good luck to you finding a job you actually enjoy. or at least one you don't totally hate.
also here is a tiny dog barking to cheer you up.
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I will add my best wishes to you for your job hunting. One of the most depressing things really - often no feedback so you are never sure if there is something to improve or they just had someone slightly better. But you will find something so keep trying.
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It's rough. I had a massive 10-year gap in my CV way back when, due to the results of an unmedicated depression, the resulting anxiety fuckery and neurosis, and a bunch of personal issues arising from a bad household as a kid. Been a sloowwww process once I started looking for work, and then I finally got a job. It was only part time, working only 15 hours a day (literally 3 hours a day with a total of 2 hours on bus per day too), but it was something. After four years I had to give it up to become a carer for a family member, then took a few months to myself after he passed, because I was in a bad place for a bit and the job I could have potentially gotten back in with was uh... not the easiest. Anxious dumbass plus calling customers to deal with admin stuff relating to orders that frequently went awry, yeah, haha.
Right now I've been out of work for a year, and it's hard getting back in. Either the vacancies feel too intense for me to hold down, or my employment gaps turn them off, or my last reference dried up due to the place actually having shut down. Was mostly office-related work, but I never got qualifications I could cite (GNVQ in IT, but that whole thing was from a previous form of the education system and is worth very little now). Hell even my GCSE scores were bad due to the depressive stuff.
Its funny how the best way to find work is to look for a job while you're actually still in work, right? :P
At this rate I might give game development another shot, but it would feel wrong publishing something that I don't find genuinely fun myself, and those kinds of games tend to come with a certain level of design-stage hell.
From one employment tumbleweed to another, all the best of luck. Once someone gives you half a chance you should do fine <3
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Just Keep your eyes open for every opportunity to improve yourself like doing some volunteer work. It'll help you get out of your house and meet new people. You could also learn some stuff online.
And finally learn to shake it off when stuff gets you down.
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im just trying to keep my chin up about being unsuccessful getting back to working. i had to take time off for my health and to take care of my youngest but ive been applying to a lot of places and had a few interviews that didnt work out. got me bummed but im looking forward to when i finally get something so i can give away something wish listed by a lot of people. for now i only have some older keys that needed to be dusted off.
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