I think people are now aiming to contribute to this: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/dDO2j/community-train-80-choo-choo
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The OP audacity to make this thread lol
Back in the days when I first joined I also take, but along the way I realize how good this forum, then I try giving back although not much. Nowadays it looks people just enter any giveaway available and think of Steamgift as a freebies machine instead of superb community
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And this is the main problem - some people treat Steamgifts as a source of free games. They don't care where these games come from or why there might be fewer of them - simply because if you only put them here and don't get anything in return you will eventually find another place where you might as well give away the keys for free.
The OP won 500 games and gave away 25. That adds up to 475 games that other players might as well enjoy if he kept a 1:1 ratio and wasn't selfishly selfish.
Currently, it looks like a cry of, "Hey, you're giving away too few games! I can't win anything lately!"
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It's moi, I'm taking all the games and runnin' away with 'em to my private island {insert evil laugh here}... Which I acquired a map to from a fine fellow in an alley. He assured me there was in fact an island there, so now I simply have to find it. Don't ask, I'm tired and have a headache. XD
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So much this, and we've yet to really hit the crunch once winter starts and electric usage goes up. All goods, services, and utilities have increased quite a bit, while earnings have not.
On top of this, the US has doubled the amount of US curency in circulation, which will soon have a serious effect on everyone's savings.
This looks like the decade where america and the eu get bled dry in order to feed and empower the nwo.
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Yeah, here gas goes up by 400-600 euro per month (note euro is almost as much worth as the dollar these days).. but because of the electricity prices, businesses also come into problems (a bakery will go from 20000 to 80000 costs to just bake their bread).
Which means higher prices on products or they even go broke (which results in people getting fired)..
We used to have prices going up and down, but the last decade it only goes up, up and up, they feel like they need to keep making a profit each year.
I said it here before, i am not a conspiracy believer, but if you look into the WEF, many of our government, mayors and people in high functions are members, their saying is own nothing, be happy (well you scratch the last part) but this way we strangely are headed that way.
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Used to be a big conspiracy theory i found interesting, but for the past few years they've simply been openly admitting it.
Now they're just working on their "hearts and minds" campaign to make all the people look forward to the leadership of the WEF and the system it's working to create.
I do dream of a better system, but the one that's being shaped looks to be more of the same, but with ever more, going to a diminishing few.
"You will own nothing, and you will be happy."
Considering that as one of their perspectives, and having observed a fair amount of humans, i get chills imagining the horriffic reality that is planned.
But i suppose it'll be fine for those who grow up knowing of nothing else. So my current favorite conspiracy theory, is how it is tactically in the ruling powers favor, to have people die soon after or just before they leave the workforce. So all guidelines that deem things to be "safe" are all based around the goal of living to the ripe old age of 60.
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"You will own nothing, and you will be happy." (Say the people who own fking everything..)
Not too worried that they will actually accomplish some version of this nonsense, but rather that the will screw it up horribly in the attempt.
They're already demonstrating how they haven't a clue how to pull it off, considering the riots in Sri Lanka and the farmer protests in Netherlands. There will be food riots cropping up everywhere if they continue to pursue their idiotic "utopian" agenda. Then we can all look forward to crackdowns and ending up in some lovely police state.
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"You will own nothing, and you will be happy."
Not too worried that they will actually accomplish some version of this nonsense, but rather that the will screw it up horribly in the attempt.
I can't speak for the world, but at least here in The Netherlands there is already a lot of this "you will own nothing"-ness going on:
In all of these examples people "don't own anything", but they will be 'happy' because it provides them with basic living standards, and in some cases it's their own choice for convenience sake. Meanwhile, rich people can still afford all of that and the gap between rich and poor will become even greater. Should that basic income be introduced, this would only amplify this gap further. I also don't believe any farmer protest is going to stop this either, as they are still a vocal minority. And as time goes on and these changes become deeply rooted into society, future generations won't even know any different lifestyle so why stop it?
Note: I'm not entirely convinced that this is all due to 'evil big Corp', although I don't exclude it either. But at the very least they are taking advantage of unfortunate times. In a world where population numbers keep increasing while resources keep depleting, remaining resources become extremely scarce thus unaffordable. Of course some of this is artificial scarcity, but a lot of it is, or will be, happening naturally.
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Thank you from a fellow Dutchie backing up what i was trying to say.
You forgot however i believe is the biggest concern the explosive energy prices coming up this winter, or next winter for people that will drive many households into actual poverty and it also impacts companies (i saw on tv, a baker telling his costs goes up from 20000 to 80000 just for his ovens to bake bread in) will he make his bread 4 times more expensive? And they still didn't all recovered from corona. People gonna get fired (again).
There was no money for us (this year) to help us, yet the next day there was a magic bag of 700 million for the refugees and 20000 houses.
We got a demonstration going on today, but it unfortunately seems to be more about anti corona and has some questionable guests...rather then about the poverty.
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Sorry to hear all of this. Similar things are happening in the US. Young couples can't afford starter homes because hedge funds are out bidding them in order to repurpose them as strictly rental properties that are then packaged into investment portfolios. They also can't afford to start families as they are struggling with inflation and debt. Likewise, used cars prices have gone up 50% since 2020 and the price of gas more than doubled since then as well. It's getting to the point where working class people can barely afford to drive to work and put food on the table. Inflation is killing us here - and our government just keeps printing more money.
I don't believe population is the problem here. It's phony scarcity, profiteering and mismanagement of supply chains during the disastrous covid response at the root of this. Your farmers are a case in point - considering Netherlands is the second largest exporters of food in the world, what's going on right now is going to create food shortages somewhere in the world and people who didn't need to, will starve. It's awful.
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It has come to the point that this country that has consistently ranked top 5 happiest and best quality of life countries in the world has:
Looking at the greater, global picture this may sound like a lot of "waaah" to some. Especially when a country like Turkey recorded an 80% inflation rate, which is by the way the official number, something critics claim to be much higher in reality.
But fact of the matter is that we've always been sort of a Valhalla to many. Specifically used by American social democrats as an example country, together with the Nordic countries. Now look at us, and winter has yet to come.
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Looking at the greater, global picture this may sound like a lot of "waaah" to some. Especially when a country like Turkey recorded an 80% inflation rate, which is by the way the official number, something critics claim to be much higher in reality.
“I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself”
― Winston S. Churchill
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There will be food riots cropping up everywhere if they continue to pursue their idiotic "utopian" agenda
Nobody actually said that. And to bring things back into perspective, food is not considered something you own in any social, economic or philosophical perspective, even on an abstract level. Food, shelfter and clothing are basic human rights.
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Things that require effort to create are generally not considered rights, even when they are necessary for survival. But it really depends on the type of society/culture you live in.
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They actually do say it in a short video. Whether that indicates merely some random prediction or an actual agenda (or perhaps a bit of each?) is up for debate - in context with the other 7 items, it does seem to be an idea that they like. It's become something of a meme because people don't really like the idea of unelected powerful elites trying to order their lives, even indirectly, even if they mean well.
Not exactly sure what you are getting at here. I am simply connecting the dots between badly applied ESG policies and food insecurity.
Food absolutely is, in my view something that you own in a very concrete, non-abstract way. If I raise my own food, you can't walk into my garden and take what you want without asking. Nor do I agree that food, shelter and clothing are "rights". I believe those things are earned, though I do think that people should be afforded a fair opportunity to earn them if that is what you are getting at. Still, I don't understand how any of this bears on poorly applied climate policy and its impact on world hunger.
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+1, from what I observed is that people from younger generation don’t read, so they tend to get their information from social media. Then the elite or the government controls the media, so they are feed whatever bias propaganda from that limited source.
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+1 on people not reading and checking things for themselves. They do get their "information" on social media and they can't think for themselves and have way too much time on their hands so they tend to believe any cuckoo scary theory rather than logics and facts, even when they are open and right there.
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So much is wrong with your post, I won't even get into the details because debunking online conspiracy theories has become tedious now but just in case anyone does read this and doesn't mind reading anything that's more than 500 characters, and on the off chance they also believe 4 minutes of actual information is better than 3 minutes of video misinformation
Fact check: The World Economic Forum does not have a stated goal to have people own nothing by 2030
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That our gas prices aren't going to be raised by that much? That million households and companies will suffer major consequences, even go down in poverty, our finanicial minister saying oh we don't have money to help you, yet another minister throws in a bag of 700 million and 20000 houses (while many are waiting 15 years on one) for refugees. That it all wrong with my post how? I live it.
I wish that was fake/not true but it are the cold hard facts.
How this does fit into so many of the plans of the people behind the scenes, and you are a fool to believe there are not big lobbies pulling the cords, the ministers, presidents are just puppets.
I am not saying the WEF conspiracy is true or not, i am just finding it all very suspicious to say the least that we are on the path to really owning nothing..
And you can drop in 1 website with "facts" while i could also just throw in other websites with "facts", but i won't people should educate themselves, on both sides.
Just because it's called fact check, doesn't automatically make that site the 100% truth, and with so much fake news these days it's hard to really "fact" check, and with what Shadowverse actually was saying our governments own the media, so it's propaganda from their side.
People are getting fed up on how they are being led in poverty, and it's global, The riots in Tunisia are just the beginning, people are even talking about civil wars everywhere, not just what i am reading here, but hear it from friends all over the world.
Anyway this is getting into poltics and it usually ends up wrong here. Point is economy is one of the reasons people here might gift less.
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Whoa Nelly.
First off, I'd gladly appreciate it if you didn't go on the offensive by throwing things around like "you are a fool if". I did not put you down for spreading misinformation, nor did I get personal. And considering how often you share about yourself on these pages, I could have but I did not.
Second of all, I did not dispute the fact that prices are rising. Did I? No. Moving on then.
Third, I am fully aware that there are lobbies and corporations making a fat buck on the rest of us. You know how I know? I have a job. I pay taxes. I am getting screwed daily. I know.
I also know that conspiracy theories about dark shadowy secret organisations with secret members and secret evil agendas only serve one goal: to distract the attention of easily distracted people from the real culprits who are operating in the open, without any secrecy and screwing hard working people and consumers on a daily basis. And from the politicians who serve them.
Fourth, Reuters is not "a website with facts". They are a huge organisation and they did not just throw things around like Random Guy #4 in an online rant video with nothing to support it. They went to the source of the misinformation: a quote that was misinterpreted, and truncated, (mistakenly or on purpose) and explained why it created a wave of misinformation relying purely on speculation and not facts.
If you have a credible source, by all means, share it.
It's not the truth because it's called "fact check". It's the truth because it quotes sources.
If you wish to continue this discussion, I'd appreciate some reciprocated courtesy. If you can't do that, by all means, feel free to ignore this post and go on with your life.
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You start with "So much is wrong with your post." how do you think that makes me feel in the first place of not "being attacked"?
And if you think you are a fool TO BELIEVE (which is a saying for crying out loud, not calling someone names and even if you see it as one, then sorry you are just very easily offended) but if you can't even distinguish from that, i don't think yeah there is much further to go on. And that's why politics never work here (anymore).
So Reuters asked the WEF, and they said offcourse it's not true? That's how it happened and we just have to believe it's the truth? Hmm okay..
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Fluffster is the neighborhood Communist half-wit. Everyone gets sick of seeing him constantly yapping on here. He contributes absolutely nothing (which is always ironic for a Communist).
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So much has gone up in price, and by a lot, that many people just don't have as much extra money that they can spend as before. There are many people here that were struggling to recover from the lockdowns, and are now getting beaten down by inflation and all the rising prices. At the same time a lot of people that have been doing OK financially are getting worried that they wont be soon, and are saving money as fast as they can to try and prepare for the worst.
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Exactly, and here atleast people with a low income get money from the government to share in the cost of healthcare and getting a rental place (although what you get doesn't go up along with the inflation) but a working couple both with an income don't get that help financially, and they even got children so extra costs (also with the electricity, gas), not to mention childcare cost so much it's sometimes better not to work. Right now our inflation is 13%.
They say invest in solar panels (but now electricity companies make sure you don't get back as much out of it) or heat pumps (which you can't place on every house) but people also just don't have the money to invest in that. Now people go get wooden stoves (good for nature..) but then the wood prices go up majorly.
Prices used to go down and up, but now it's only up, and companies are just obsessed with making profit each year.
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not to be rude but since your last giveaway was 2 years ago - what right have you to demand giveaways
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clearly by asking why there are not more - he wants more - it was more of a joke really and to prove the fact that they can add giveaways if they think it's too sparse
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They ask what happened, there was more a while ago. It's a perfectly valid question, if something halved the number of giveaways.
There is no need to bully people because their stats and some imagined greed, without even trying to give an answer.
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sorry if my comment was harsh - i did not mean it that way
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[Displaying 529]
In September, 1,000 winners appeared and the remaining 500 slots are active.
This month has only just begun.
By the end of the month, we will probably be around 15,000th.
Hmm... -125
8% Maybe secretly 8% of all GAs are missing.
It seems that the global economy is still having a big impact.
Have you run out of budget to buy the games you were all planning to buy for the winners of the planet?
But don't worry.
I have secured the contents of the gift.🎁( 「'Θ') 📭
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Yeah, whatever leads to us having only a few giveaways listed :D
For me it's currently 2 copies of each: Cult of Lamb, Spider-Man, Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy and Victor Vran: Mötorhead Through The Ages, the big ones being 30 day long "promotional" giveaways. I like it when the giveaways page is tidy :P
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Public used to[*] be flooded with junk (sorry, I don't use the word lightly, but) that I doubt most who entered even had the slightest interest in, it does sound like nothing of value might've been lost. That stuff used to come from lesser bundle gigs, and there's not many of those left anyways.
Among the major players on the market, there's been a trend for bundle prices to increase, too, and as I have been saying once every blue moon, bundles were the driver behind SteamGifts' meteoric rise and subsequent slo-mo shrinkage.
What effect this will have ultimately on SteamGifts might be an interesting subject.
Perhaps, this will bring it back to something closer to what it started out as, 10+ years ago. If extreme CV farming and all that it entails went away for good, SteamGifts might go through some rough times, but possibly find itself in a better place than it used to be. Much smaller, most likely, but hopefully better.
[*] I never look at public, outside of misclicks.
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Shitty bundle, point system not encouraging to give anymore, people using SGTool which is killing this website....
So yeah...
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I regret looking at OP's profile now lol. It made me wanna say some things...
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the more games you own, the less GAs you can enter , so if you already own 80% of gifted games...
another reason is maybe you're only lv2 and ppl are bored to give games to bots hoarders and leechers so they put a min lvl threshold on their giftings and avoid public distribution for rare and good games
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Most people were naughty this year, so Santa scaled back the gifting so much, Steamgifts in the summer was affected.
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fewer and fewer game bundles. If you look at the recent giveaways, most are humble and fanatical bundled keys and nothing else. Humble recently changed their policy so they can ban dupe accounts efficiently and sells fewer bundles. Plus no third site that sells bundles anymore. Check the stats: https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/community/giveaways . In October 2015, Humble Bundle launched its Humble Monthly subscription service, and look SG giveaways rocketed in 2015 :D
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I'd assume the main reason is that the entire world is going through a more turbulent economic time and they are worried of spending on bundles and giving them away and maybe saving more for the winter. I noticed it too, but I find it normal.
Sometimes it's flooded with giveaways, especially when it comes to events like Summer Sales and great bundles. We have a lot still, but overall, they end up making every player who buys them to end up having pretty much everything. And unless they aren't like me, they wouldn't buy a whole bundle if they don't want any of the games to play. I don't see the point of giving away just for the sake of giving if the people that get the games don't ever play them.
Alternatively, it became more rewarding to be in group giveaways, as there's less of a clutter and actually people that win your games play them.
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Wow some of this thread has turned weird lol.
Community trains tend to siphon giveaways to invite only, which, luckily for some, are entirely available to hm... shall we say... the less active (in the sent section) part of our community but is at the same time also less available to... shall we say... the less human part of our community.
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Oh and after a topic like this, you will see less GA as well, since your will get BL a lot.
I had 8 BL just my comment above....
So yeah....
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Ratio is not mandatory on this site, it's only an issue on SGTool, which is currently killing this site...
You are proving my point made in my first comment, that's nice of you.
Also, it seems that's it's better for a lot of you to give away 50 games at 1 dollars and winning 1game at 50 dollar, because the ratio is better....but the money amount is nowhere near your equation...
Win 1 (50$) / give 50 (1$) = good ratio :)
Win 45 (1$) / give 1 (50$) = bad ratio :(
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the ones who really kills this site are leechers and bad accounts, which is explained above
sgtools contributes to the well-being of the site
and the full value games you're speaking of are often used to cheat the CV system, making region restricted GAs with them, because you bought it cheap in your region, which is far from full value
but idk, if that's the case in your case
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Humble Bundle Europe Region...how is it cheap?
So you are discriminating people actually....good to know.
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He is still restricting to the Europe region. And that is not a cheap one. So I don't follow how he could have exploited regional pricing with that.
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i've blacklisted him, so i couldn't see his regions
FYI you can use private browsing to bypass blacklists
maybe he uses some other sort of trick to cheat the system
I don't understand, why would they cheat the system without even having any sign of cheating the system? One does not need to cheat to get more wins than what they give away. Or did I miss out on something?
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He is probably mad because I'm level 7 and have a lot of win...
What he doesn't understand is that I'm on this website since 8 years and him only 9 months...
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FYI you can use private browsing to bypass blacklists
right, i've already forgot that option, thanks for reminding me
I don't understand, why would they cheat the system without even having any sign of cheating the system?
i'm not talking about his wins, but about his gifts, full value games are often used to cheat the system, by buying them cheap or beg devs for free keys and then gifting them to reach high levels fast, but i'm not saying this is the case in his case
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Ratio is not mandatory on this site, it's only an issue on SGTool, which is currently killing this site...
Nothing is mandatory on the site. And neither is gifting games to people who don't see fit to give back to the community once in a while.
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For the OP:
So much unnecessary hate :(
according to statistics there is a huge amount of lvl 0-2 users, which translates to a low number of giveaways done (either based on quality or quantity).
There is NOTHING that can be done to fix that, we can't force people to do giveaways (can we)?
For the rest:
He is one in a thousand, and he decided to make this post for unknown reason and many of you are being egoistic focusing your hate into one person that reveals himself to talk about a valid subject. Why not focus your hate in the other thousand that meet OP conditions/status? Is this a witch hunt?
If some people don't do giveaways, there are many restrictions that are instantly applied to them which are levels, SGtools requirements made by USERS and more.
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People want more and more of everything, that's the biggest issue everywhere. The site would be great if there wasn't any levels, groups, whitelists, blacklists and auto joiners. Just one chance for anyone, even if the chance of winning was minimal.
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your joking right that is the worst thing that could ever happen
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I don't see the point on the profile stats, they could just keep the 400 point system and I'd be happy. A big raffle for each public giveaway would be awesome. The less stats the better. That's just my opinión.
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I see so many groups with such few entries and also prívate giveaways with the same deal. That's something I agree with Mully (probably the only thing), many created groups for a límited number of people, just trading games or whatever. I enjoy the events on the discussions a lot, but I feel groups have become just an easier way to win not allowing the starters, people that have a really small game collection that could really benefit with many group giveaways on the public section, but then again we have bots, auto joiners etc and that still the main problem imo for a real balance. For the record I'm not talking about the group giveaways because somehow I feel affected, in fact I was in many groups but It just didn't feel right, I may have done 1 or 2 giveaways for each group and that was It, I rarely join those ones despite my first won game was in a group. Maybe I'm really influenced by the section I have won most of my games which is public, I still feel public is the most fair and exciting section after the big events on the discussions. But anyway, It's their money, who am I to decide what is fair and what not.
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Fair is the last word that i would use for public GAs, special without a level restriction.
I hunted too many autojoiners, multiaccounters and accounts with unactivated wins.
Thousands of them. Sadly no joke.
My BL have only level 5 accounts in it (maybe 5 "special guys" are below this level) and the 1k spaces are full. I would be happy about more spaces, alone for the level 5+ ones. For accounts below this level i would need 3k+ spaces.
I see, a good bunch, of the groups -of course not all-, mainly, not as "easier/better way to win" and instead as a form of a place where GAs can be made protected and enforced by rules against the worst users.
Depending on the dif. groups, how much protection are provided.
My group as example is free of bad accounts, as far as i can say and if we spot someone that do bad stuff we deal with this user, which give us the possibility to make level 0 GAs.
I would prefer to give sometimes to the public but everytime i do public GAs, below level 5, i regret it instantly.
My last cakeday thread is a great example for it.
1 winner of the invite only (more or less public) GAs, the rest would be on my BL if i would BL so low level accounts. I don't go more into details, to avoid calling out.
That cg don't care to stop the hordes of autojoiners, multiaccounters and accounts with unactivated wins, is sad but it is what it is and i don't expect that something change. One of the reasons for my retire from the hunting and helping the site.
It's better to let it die as to waste thousands of hours of lifetime because the owner is lazy and not willing to do basic work that would costs him a few hours. He earn money with the site, i don't. And i am not more willing to support his earnings with my work.
Maybe he will do something when "the house burn" but i would not bet on it.
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The bot accounts are the main issue here, you could say that all those options available (levels, groups, etc) are some sort of restrictions just like Georgeous say but that just divides the userbase even more. I get It, You may want to be part of something but I feel It would be better if none of those "restrictions" would exist, as long as auto joiners/bots wouldn't be a problem.
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Because autojoiners are nowadays, assumed from me after many years of hunting, 15% of the active sg users, i can say "sg without them is and will be a dream". At least if cg not change some things drastically -and i don't expect to see this ever happen-.
One of my members and i catched in the last weeks 44 autojoiners.
The catched ones are/were 31x level 0-1 (16 perma suspended), 3x level 2, 3x level 3 (3 perma suspended), 3x level 4 (2 perma suspended), 2x level 5 (2 perma suspended) and 2x level 7 (2 perma suspended).
195 autojoiner tickets are still open and a few more will be done in the next days.
Besides that got 15 multiaccounters and regifters catched from my tickets of the last 2 weeks.
And the reported autojoiner thanks spammers are, of course, only the, very easy visible, iceberg tip. 90% of the autojoiners are "smarter" as this ones (but still visible if you know where and how to look...).
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At one point I blacklisted a bunch of people due to their winning ratio, I was kinda surprised some of them were perma banned when I checked the list once. The smarter one somehow managed to enter a SG Tools giveaway when the "games you own" parameter was below the games he own. At that point I think I may have done a mistake but then I check his profile and It says something like "I'm not here most of the time because of work and other stuff so If You want something It might take a week or more for me to check". When he realized I blacklisted him he was very eager to know why I did It, and despite I told him he probably had some good programming skills and managed to enter something he could not, was still eager on showing me he was legit. It's not like I do great giveaways anyway, I just realized about him by coincidence because the number of entries were 5 and I wanted to know how many games they own since the limit was 300. He was the only one that exceed It the number by far and with that legend on his profile...
I still have my doubts on that giveaway It may have been a mistake, It's been a long time.
I really admire the users who give really cool unbundled games at level 0.
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If someone can enter a sgtools protected GA, without to fullfill the req., he is listed in the invalid entries.
If that is the case, he can only got the direct link from someone that passed the check.
In your example, would that mean from one of the other 4 users.
To be honest, my heart blood each time when i see that someone make a level 0 Giveaway, special when it is for a higher priced game.
Because i know that 40%+ of the ones that enter are "black sheeps" and because of this is the chance high that one of them is the winner. It always make me sad to see then such a winner, see that the winner don't have the basic manners to write a thanks after the win, see that the winner write 1h after the win, where his win is, he have won (ultra demanding behavior) and such stuff.
I appreciate such GAs in general, if it would give a fairplay here on sg (no autojoiners, multiaccounters, win resellers) but i hunted to long and to intensive the cheaters as that i can believe that we will ever have "fairplay" on sg (it is much too easy to cheat).
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maybe be a rule saying one giveaway made per giveaway won - does not have to be same price but just a giveaway made - get rid of the leeches
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I get your point, OP is one of hundreds of thousands (I think million?) on the site but they are also the ones wondering why there are no GAs like they happen by magic.
Some users merely pointed out that giveaways happen when people make them and that SG is not some magic vending machine that somehow drops gifts every once in a while.
I believe it's the irony of the post that got some people going.
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https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/uj1Xb/bounty-of-one gotta have more cowbell
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I remember answering something similar a few months ago. It's really a mix of several different things.
The fall on number of giveaways started on October of 2017, the same month IGN acquired Humble Bundle, that brought changes in how the site looked and was navigated, this made bundles more expensive, since people couldn't really tell what the BTA was (and for many bundles now they don't even have a BTA). On Monthly bundles we gradually saw an increase in price of subscription and less games for each month. And support started banning people that gave away game keys, despite having the option to gift themselves.
The bundles more expensive made other sites less attractive to publishers and developers, thus hampering the overall quality of games being bundled since, nowadays we only have bundles from Humble Bundle and Fanatical, but there used to be a lot more, their quality was way higher and they were cheaper as well.
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For real.
Folks are hyper-focused on the wrong things here. The reality is the golden age of bundles has come to an end and with it excess. Everything else is secondary.
When people buy less for themselves, there are fewer leftovers passed around.
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It's gone all very expensive last time. Don't really money left that most people can spend.
Have tried to support all users of this platform and have run / running giveaways last week so much as possible for me.
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Because people are posting stuff like this in giveaways and some other people are so blinded by trying to stop bots that they actually believe them without fact checking. Don't worry, I do the fact checking a few comments bellow right here.
Y'all need to learn the balance between people being poor and bots/leechers. You honestly want to harm innocent users over the missdeeds of others? (And yeah OP you look like a leecher not gonna lie but also not gonna stop giving the little that I can over people that do what you do because I hope that I can give something I wouldn't enjoy to someone that will.)
You want to level restrict your giveaways you are more than free to do so, but don't hide behind some bot and leecher battle when you are restricting giveaways for people that were able to only reach a contributor level of $250 or more. Just say that you expect poorer users to contribute as much as you or more even if they aren't able to, on in the case that I found above that you're trying to inflate your account with cheaper bundle wins and restricting triple A's as to increase your chances or winning. At least be honest about it.
(And yeah you're free to add me to your blacklist if this reply bothers you because you know 1. if the shoe fits and 2. I don't want anything from anyone that is giving something away unwillingly.)
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I don't support all that prosac write and how he write it but he bring some points that i support -and he have a part of his text copied from me (as example the sgtools links :-D)-.
I give you a few facts.
One of my members and i catched in the last weeks 44 autojoiners.
The catched ones are/were 31x level 0-1 (16 perma suspended), 3x level 2, 3x level 3 (3 perma suspended), 3x level 4 (2 perma suspended), 2x level 5 (2 perma suspended) and 2x level 7 (2 perma suspended).
195 autojoiner tickets are still open and a few more will be done in the next days.
Besides that got 15 multiaccounters and regifters catched from my tickets of the last 2 weeks.
Infos and tests, made from other users:
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Q0WKE/farnham-fables (The interesting stats)
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/oEt99/vendetta-curse-of-ravens-cry (public GA, Entries: 2,038)
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/9PxYF/vendetta-curse-of-ravens-cry (invite only GA that was posted in the description of the public one, Entries: 63)
Yes, a few low level accounts are normal users, without a doubt, and it is sad that they get hit too when someone set a min. level for his public GAs but it isn't possible to avoid it when the extreme majority of the level 0 and 1 accounts are autojoiners, multiaccounters and accounts with unactivated wins.
Don't take my words as against you or anyone else that is low level because that is for me nothing bad.
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That sounds like a whole lotta work friend! I'm thankful someone does it or at least care enough to see it happening and tries to do something about it.
I for one haven't done any more gibs (still positive ratio) but haven't been able to win in years either.
Yes, money issues, region restriction issues (Argentina), 75% taxes issues too on top of whatever thing you wanna buy.
If anyone wants to think I'm being selfish (no wins no more gifts) is their right I'm -trying- not to complain, take things as they come and try to help others, if it cant be with money then good deeds are often free and fulfill way more than spending money, least I want to believe that.
Aight, imma gonna go now, whole sunday cleaning, scrapping and then painting a wooden ceiling got me tired :P
Have a great week!
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There's a reason why I clapped back at Prosac's comment but not yours that I saw here: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Jf27o/the-forest#gbztzdg
You actually bring up good points along with a heck ton of proper research that was done (It's lovely how Prosac was part of said researchers but doesn't even provide this evidence to others on his little speech), you don't suggest a conveniently close to your own level min level, you don't bring up how "easy" or not it is for a user to reach X or Y level assuming their financial capabilities or restrictions to use certain retailers and you have a proper disclaimer at the bottom.
They have no business trying to make anyone feel bad for not being able to contribute as much as they can. There's a war, a recession and a crap ton more happening right now. It's uncalled for and belittling.
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I don't think that's a significant contributor to the decline in lower level giveaways since reading messages like that is only a drop in the bucket of why people level lock their giveaways.
I don't like drama, so I won't get into that and I'll just stick to my own experience. I started level locking giveaways because it weeds out a lot of post-giveaway issues for me. I'm much less likely to need to chase around someone to activate their win. That may filter out some legitimate users (and it did filter me out a few months ago), but it is what it is. Even back when I couldn't access higher level giveaways I understood why it needed to be so. There isn't another easy way to filter out a big chunk of autojoiners, plain and simple.
I give games away because it feels like a waste to let unused keys rot when someone else might enjoy them. With that said, if it's more trouble than it's worth, then I'd rather lock out a fraction of the users than deal with annoyances. I simply level lock and add legitimate lower level users to my 0 level whitelist when I encounter them.
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yes they would rather be take and take and never give in return
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I more often hear charity. Then people claim 500 games to not play single one, only idle cards from.
But, since these are gifts, we can choose where and who gift them, none force us give more games to people who don't play games, don't say thank you or resell games from multiple accounts.
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I was away for a couple of days and inactive on this site.
Now that I've returned I'm curious, why the amount of available giveaways seems to have halved in the meantime?
Has something changed on this site?
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