Thanks to everyone answering!!

8 years ago*

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If the adice that she should leave him came from you if she knows you like her she might dismiss the whole thing, she could thing you want to ruin her relationship for your own benefit . You said "we tried to talk" in the post so i guess it was you and also one other lets say it was her relative also she does care for her/his opinion and she doesnt think that her relative wants to help you because you are friends and she still wont listen then i think its better to give it time to relise that for herself. If you may want her support her but it seems to me you are already in the friendzone and there is not a good advice on how to get out you need to stay around but also make her wants you if had the solution to that i would be rich

Anyways it seems like based on her condition she thins that guy is the best she is gonna have and maybe she is blinded by love she feels its a tough situation, i have a question for you tho since she has this low self esteem you think you could survive in a relationship with her and overcome the obstacles? i now from experience cause my fiance when i met her she came out from a bad relationship that left her with low self esteem and the relationship is challenging you have to guess the person within and try hard to let him/her out .

In your shoes i would ask her for a coffee conffess my love ask her out and saying what i would do for her and i would let it sync a litle with her i doupt she would say yes right way or at all but i would be at ease , and i wouldnt say a word for her current boyfriend cause that would hit a nerve

8 years ago

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You hit so many right spots in the first paragraph. I tried to be a somehow "objective" adviser, supporting what my friend said and not trying to get too much involved, but yeah, she knows I once liked her.

I don't see her anymore with the energy I had on the past. I have some empathy with some of her character traits, and I somehow care for her, because she is a relative to my friend and of my past feelings but nothing more. No prospects of a future with her or anything. I'm stepping out.

What was it like the story with your fiancée?

8 years ago

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Trying to keep it short he was mistrieting her from what i hear from her make her feel like garbage. I have to say here i didnt knew her back then i met her 2 years after she broke up. I was hard for her since she loved him at some point and she kinda take the blame for most back then today she blames him if it comes up but not then. She took her 1.5 years to gather the strengh and kick him out of her life and down the road 2 years she was a mess until she met me. She didnt want to do anything with men but i clicked on her. Anyway i enter the relationship cause i saw a light in her but i knew i had to clean a lot of crap b4 it shines.

Its hard to give an example and someone that never dealt with the situation would completely understand but it was hard for her to trust me even tho she wanted the relationship first. I had to deal with a lot and if you go through it make sure you are up for it , i dont know how broken she will come out from the relationship but my guess is that she will be a litle broken normally any person in her situation would have broken up with him already right? My story after a year my girlfriend at the time with my help raised a litle her self esteem and within months she was her old self and i finally met the girl that i believed was trapped in her. Today we are 5 years together and we are happy we got engage will marry and have kids.

Hope the girl in your story will have a happy end too maybe with you these things take time so brace yourself with patience

8 years ago

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Sometimes I wonder what we see in other people, what make us tick without couldn't grasp it or even name it. I wish you good luck with her!! Thanks for your reply!

8 years ago

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I dont think there is an answer to that you are asking :P

8 years ago

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there's only so much you can do to help someone unfortunately. be there as a friend, give advice and offer a shoulder to cry on. let her know that she deserves better but also respect her right to make the choice herself. the more you try to convince somebody that they're in a bad relationship the more they can sometimes cling to it in response and the more you will push her away
try to build her self esteem if you can, it takes time but even just knowing that people give a damn can be a huge thing

8 years ago

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Yes, we are learning we got to respect others decisions. Tough as they will be. But like others said, and like I experienced with other things, time cures all.

8 years ago

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You can kidnap her. :o

Or if you want a decent opinion, then... sorry, there's not much an outsider can do. I mean, if you were her best friend, you maybe could... at least by my experience, as I've been once dumped by a guy and second time almost dumped by another guy, whose best female friends told them some bullshit about me because they were jealous or something... So yeah.. if you want to try and get really really close to her emotionally, to the point where this pigeon will eat more from your hand than the guy's... but in my opinion it's not worth it, if she chose this thing for herself she probably sees something good in it. shrug

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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That's an interesting way to call it o_O

8 years ago

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love or 'love' - you cant do nothing with it if some1 doesnt want to see that he/she is in trouble
be there for her when he dumps her

8 years ago

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Way you say is like she is inside a vicious circle about dominance/toxic relationship. If you try to get her out, if she is totally under his control, she will reject you. Best thing you can do is show support and not let the person stay alone and isolated from her closest circle.

Also, this can be nothing related to an abusive relationship and its just my biased interpretation

8 years ago

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But seriously. If you care, try again talk to her. If not. Why you should bother?

8 years ago

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Thank god you didn't attach that image to the board!!

What is that cult? It's some Cthulhu shit isn't it?!!!!

8 years ago

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I have a relative in a relationship that sounds like that, but hers is a marriage for 40+ years. She is one of the nicest, soft, kind people I ever met, but very quiet and subservient and low self-esteem. He will give her a look & she'll shut up, or leave the room or whatever. He says rude things about her (in front of her) and always criticizes her and makes her feel dumb. He makes her do all of the hard work inside and outside the house. Even when she fell & broke her leg, she was outside mowing the lawn instead of him. He does not allow her to work or drive, so she is stuck home like it's a jail. She doesn't have friends of her own & depends on him 100% for everything. They do not come to family events like parties or weddings.

And she won't have it any other way.

The family doesn't like it but if he's not physically abusing her and she doesn't complain about it then there is no law against him being a giant asshole. Best everyone can do is let her know they care about her & are always there if she ever wants to talk about anything for any reason. But trying to get her to leave just makes her attach to him even more strongly because he makes her feel like she is too weak & stupid to survive on her own without him. So I will suggest you & your friends can just try to be a good friend to this girl but don't put any pressure on her about it. You've already made your opinion known so I would leave it at that unless she brings it up. (Obviously if you think he is being physically abusive to her you should intervene.)

Anyway, good luck ;)

8 years ago

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Man, that story you told it's identical to what happened to one of my neighbours. But, her husband died a few years back, so she is in a kind of freedom, she started doing a lot of small things that amazed her but where normal for pretty much anyone else in the world. It's sad to hear that it's a relative because things struck a lot harder when seeing the shit treatment she is getting. Thanks for your reply!!

8 years ago

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I am living with depression, but still I can only guess what's going on. The way I feel I would say she feels already bad, insecure and sees every thing in black, rather then grey or even white. So having a boyfriend who cheats on her and even blames her for it just proves that she sees the things right. It sounds horrible, but I would think it proves her depression and she can't imagine being worth something else.
Don't really know what you can do. You can't force her to see it differently, that's a progress she has to make on her own. So just be a friend, care for her, talk with her, be understanding and supportive. It helps me having friends who confirm things for me. But don't take to big steps. If you don't agree on something you should stay vague or don't answer directly. There might come a time, where you notice that her opinion changes.
Dunno if that helps at all. Maybe it explains at least a bit :)

8 years ago

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Yes, I think that it's the best way: supportive but nothing too direct, at least coming from me, I don't know what my friend will do. Thanks for your reply!

8 years ago

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So, that "like" feeling is gone now?
If not, you should approach her somehow to save her from that bad influence guy :p

8 years ago

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Yes, it's gone, if this was 2015 I would answer differently :p

8 years ago

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I made up my mind, thanks to everyone answering and sharing your personal experiences!!

I will close the thread now.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by ddk1ng.