Are you holding back cause of the blacklist?
you are right,
I dont care about the winning either its more the feeling that people dislike you and most of the time dont know why
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Yep. If someone dislikes you it's his own problem, not your's
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yes got to learn that, thats why I opened this topic cause I had the feeling that more people are scared (and I'm right according to the votes)
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For me it's more the feeling that I might have offended someone without knowing it.
But some people are so easily offended that you really can't help.
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the example you use could really be true and thats the scary part. But by posting this....and hear so many people saying the opposite of what I feel it helps.
Hope it helps the other people who voted yes too
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I'm truly inclined to lean towards FoxCunning's statement that I am more interested in whether or not I have legitimately offended anyone as I've no intention to do so.
I understand that most people actually wish to avoid ending up on a blacklist for any reason. Therefore I can grasp why people get apprehensive about posting. The fact of the matter is, even the person that resides on the most blacklists here still has thousands of lists they are not on at any given time. So even that person has plenty of opportunity to participate. The imposition created by landing on a blacklist is generally minimal (and in most cases you will never even know what you are missing out on). It may be easier said than done, but try not to let your uneasiness limit your participation here. Just have fun, and be respectful of others. There are just too many factors that are out of your control when it comes to blacklists that you just cannot allow it to deprive your participation... especially when it sounds like you would like be more vocal and active.
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I was actually expecting to be blacklisted for that very comment, but it hasn't happened so far.
Instead, I've whitelisted a few people here including the OP, which is always good.
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haha indeed I dont want to win from those people ;) added you to my WL for this smart remark
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Ummo.... It's always been Hatsune Miku. Except for the month or two where it was a Kpop star.
So to answer your question, I've always been taigo, and asian lady avatar
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Phew glad I could help!
I just now realized I gave you the wrong username XD I gave you the one I WANTED to change into
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As often as the topic comes up, there's no point in responding to something that seems spammy.
Moreover, if you can't grasp the mindset of the OP, what exactly would you offer to the topic?
"Don't mind, don't mind." ? Anything else you'd offer would be dismissive, or even rude toward the OP.
Better to not say anything at all related to the topic.
Besides, it takes time to write responses, and people typically vote beforehand. :P
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I'm getting them blacklists like candies. :B Don't worry, yoshi, nobody dislikes you. ^_^ I don't care if people blacklist me, but it wouldn't be nice if they would enter my giveaways afterwards.
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Still getting on them? I at least thought you'd take a break from it after those shenanigans :P
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Depending on which shenanigans you're talking about. :P But yep, still getting some delicious blacklists. xD
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Got one a few hours ago whining about my comment that she shouldn't post keys without using a cipher. She replies back saying I shouldn't be a "smarty" and then accuses me of stalking. Lol guess she's either being an angsty/narcissistic teen, or had a bad day, or immaturity / hormones. I should've known how she would react from her profile pic anyways so it was partly my fault for even poking that hive.
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You used to be on my blacklist some time ago, but I notice you on forums being... normal so I removed you like 3-4 weeks ago. I don't remember why I blacklisted you. I gotta say you have an impressive number of comments in just 3 months... :O
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Likewise. I hold back from giving my opinions, and end up not posting anything....if your post goes against the OP, then you'll get blacklisted. That doesn't sound fair at all. A lot of other people have been afraid of expressing their true opinions since the blacklist feature was introduced.
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I had hopes I was the only one
Its wrong that you and I and the others that voted yes cant express what they really want to say I think
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It's not so much holding back as is just not being a jerk. The main thing I try to do when I post stuff is make some people chuckle or help them with questions. Usually, when you're considering blacklists due to posts in threads, it's because you're kind of a jerk, bigot, racist, hypocrite, or otherwise unpleasant person.
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people also blacklisted me for asking a question about why so many people assume that everyone is a male
a normal question I think and a nice discussion but still 4 people blacklisted me after asking this question
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maybe if you knew and did read that it was about cats then you would have understood it and wouldnt have post this silly post
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I know, sorry, I was joking and maybe it came across the wrong way? On your original topic, I think we need less blacklisting and more love -- and your dialogue with Soraiah is a perfect example of that, even if it is just about love for cat pics. :) :) :)
So, it is great when people get along. We should all get along more often.
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honestly cause I got to learn to speak out I find it really childish to say get a room
with the second comment I totally agree with you
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Fair enough, I am glad you did say something -- like you, I would hate to think I offended you and you just took it without saying anything. If I did, I apologize.
I had some very dear friends that often said "get a room" to me when I was being nice to other people (like, hugging other dear friends)... But of course, tone makes a huge difference, and they said it in a dearly way, so it never offended me. But tone does not always come across in a short written message like that, so I should have been more careful.
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isnt the blacklist a tv show? i am pretty sure it is, he hunts them down... just keep me off the list.. i need to game
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Harsh language under the spoiler.
Fuck worrying about blacklists. This part of the site is for discussion. If someone wants to blacklist you because they don't like your opinion, then fuck them and fuck their giveaways. I mean, if your opinion is some wildly offensive bullshit that you'd totally expect people to not like you for, then it comes with the territory. But if it's just like, "I think Valve runs Steam extremely poorly and so I buy games from GOG when I can," or "Trump is a steaming pile of horse shit," then whatever. If someone wants to throw you on their list then be glad you aren't going to receive a game from a dipshit.
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Honestly, I used to feel like you did a bit early on because I can be abrasive and because I hadn't really yet opted into the discussion part of the community rather than just the giveaway part.
But if I thought I couldn't participate in the discussions here without getting blacklisted then I'd just find some other place to be part of.
Fear should not rule your interactions here.
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Thx for being honest did you see how many people voted yes?
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I don't blame 'em.
But I'd rather try to have an honest dialogue here and find that this place isn't receptive to me than walk on eggshells.
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Our national nightmare has an expiration date. It has to.
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Awww :3 I'm going to adopt you ^.^ You and your kitties and your dog as well
Don't worry too much about blacklists, instead, be happy about the little blue hearts ;) I mean, just like in real live, the people that like you are far more important than the other ones.
and hallo, my favourite penguin <3
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I think the only thing that would bother me is if someone who I considered a cool person (idk I don't have close friends on here but acquaintances?) blacklisted me. Then I'd be a bit hurt and confused. But thankfully that hasn't happened. :D Otherwise I don't take it personally. Even though it's easier said than done, I really wouldn't worry about who blacklists you. :)
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No I'm not - there are basically thousands upon thousands of contributors on SG. Who cares if you get blacklisted by 10 or 20 of them? Are you feeling so weak about your opinion that you are willing to drop it for the sake of 1/1000th f a chance to win a single game once a month? I will even say more - If you voice your opinion you're not just risking BLs - you are also getting a chance to get WLs from all the forum-goers who appreciate your forum activity..
I am personally on 180 BLs. And I don't care. Because I'm also on 559 WLs and I appreciate each and every one of these 5 times more than a BL from person who get's butthurt because he cannot win in an argument.
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:) no not about the winnig I dont enter that many GA, more the feeling that people dislike you
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Then even more of what I said. Are you really worried about some douche who will BL anyone he/she disagrees with not liking you? Nope. If someone is such a miserable person that instead of discussing different opinions he feels like he should blacklist everyone who disagrees with him - he's a sorry human being and you shouldn't feel sorry about him BLing you. Maybe 5 out of my 180 BLs are ones I'm actually worried about, from people I see valuable etc, all the rest - I don't care. If someone is not worth any respect himself why should you feel disrespected by him BLing you?
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you are surely right. I hope by posting this I wont be scared anymore and dont care what people think
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Ever since the stats i've started to enjoy it.
considering i just ecently shitposted with intentions of getting blacklisted, i looked for whoever blacklisted me and tried winning them back, some dude removed me from the list as if nothing had happened. that was interesting
So yeah, it doesn't scare me, though whenever i'm just giving games or away from the forum for a couple of days and my meter raises to +1, i find that to be a bit maddening
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hahaha never heard that people are enjoying it, but its better then to be scared :)
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Getting blacklisted because of my opinion is the last thing I'll be worrying about in my life. If somebody is so childish that he (or she) has an urge to blacklist somebody only because he has different opinion or view on particular topic, then it must be a really sad person who will have life hard enough to understand the mistake that have been done. I'm not blacklisting anybody for anything, and if somebody blacklists me for one reason or another then I really couldn't care less - my WL/BL ratio being on 5.0+ now is enough to state that I'm not that bad person as I usually consider myself.
You won't satisfy everyone, even if you wanted. Instead of focusing on small number of people who will always disagree with you, focus on those who enjoy your companionship.
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thats a good attitude, maybe I'm a little insecure :)
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For example, you have a good example of leecher below, who should get #1 spot on my BL, but he got blacklisted by so many people that I don't even have a heart to add him to my own blacklist - his life must be a real pain. I'm sad I can't help those people even if I wanted. It's like the last thing you can do in order to prove that you disagree with somebody - add him to your blacklist. Now that it's done, there's nothing more you can do, so you pretty much lost an argument :3. And by doing that, you expose yourself, which will in fact do more harm than good from other users who also find such behaviour childish and inappropriate.
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Referring to cg´s intereview from back in the day
"Steamgifts is a site dedicated to Steam users who are either looking to win free games, or looking to share games with others. "
So...why would anyone blacklist you for leeching and why is it such common used term around the forum?
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Leeching is not that bad, although it might look like simple greed for some people. Personally I don't even have problems with users having "outstanding" winning ratio (my ratio is not that great either). The problem is when you disrespect generous people giving away those games to you, by claiming to use bots and other scripts automating entering all giveaways you possibly could. And you don't even give a damn about descriptions or what giveaway creator wants to tell you. Not to mention not saying thanks or other "misc" rude things, compared to lack of respect. If that's not enough for a blacklist, then you must be an user like me not using blacklist feature at all, because personally I couldn't find any more appropriate reason to blacklist somebody. Even insulting me is nothing compared to such act of killing the whole nice community we have here, by rude and impolite behaviour.
I'm not calling out anybody of course, that would be breaking the rules. I'm just worried about the thread linked above. Is it fine with you? Are you not sad about such behaviour? I'm pretty disappointed.
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Most certainly I did, like majority of people that blacklisted you for the same reason.
You don't restrict me from anything, because you're not even making giveaways, nor you have intention of ever giving away another game. Your blacklist is a simple act of disagreeing with people who blacklisted you, and this is fun, because I never did blacklist you, yet you did blacklist me.
You can't even notice that you're making it worse for yourself, as by blacklisting me you're pretty much asking for being blacklisted by other people who don't share your opinion and find your behaviour rude, impolite and childish - something I'd blacklist for, but I don't want to fall on your level.
Therefore, have a nice day :3. Maybe in a few years you'll understand your mistake.
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If you read the first few comments. No one mention anything about automatic joining bots/scripts. There were no link in my original post. I never knew there were add-ons for steamgift until I made that thread.
You did blacklist me.
You can't even defend yourself. You're literally telling to get other people to blacklist me to feed yourself like a fucking pyramid.
"by blacklisting me you're pretty much asking for being blacklisted " Who the fuck do you think you are?
"something I'd blacklist for, but I don't want to fall on your level."
As for people who blacklist me. The restriction they apply to their giveaways. How the fuck am I suppose to join if I don't meet the requirements? You think I'll buy some games to loophole my contributor level or befriend and join group giveaways. Telling me you are going to blacklist me, I tell you to go fuck yourself.
You are free to apply any restrictions on your giveaways. I have my own restrictions when I join giveaways.
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Because it's in the human nature to disapprove and dislike someone that is in a different "group" than them (i'm not talking about a steam group obviously, but about a group in general). And I'm not saying that as something good. Who said that humans are the good ones in this planet? :P
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Depends on how one defines leeching. If it's simple more won than given, it's straight silly. SG is a closed system, for everyone with ratio>1 there must be someone <1. What most (I assume) really has a problem with, is the feeling of waste when game ends up as another +1 in thousands sized library, or likely will not be played as it's 200th win in a year while it could go to someone who would play the shit out of it
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Which is not necessarily true - I might look like that kind of guy, with hundreds of wins and thousands in library, yet I'm very grateful for all games and I'm trying to play them, and while I simply can't enjoy every game only because of getting it for free on SG, I have at least a dozen of those I played and greatly enjoyed.
Don't assume every leecher has money to buy games for himself, and also don't assume that every guy with thousands of titles in library is treating a game as +1. Generalization tends to the worst assumptions. I made such assumptions myself in the past and many of them turned out to be false. Winner is a winner, what he does with the game doesn't depend on his level, nickname, avatar or library size - it's entirely his choice.
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You are the collector, your goal is to catch them all and you take a joy from closing to that goal. Not from winning that one particular game, any game you don't have would do. That's ok, but don't assume that your happines makes automatically gifter equally happy. It's as false as assuming everyone with big library is rich, ungrateful leech )
See, when I do a giveaway for a game I loved or have on my imaginary wishlist, I simply want it to go to someone who wants it and will enjoy it as much as I did/would. Any other result is disappointing to say the least.
Similarily when I want to direct my gifts towards those that have even lower budget to blow on games then I have. Someone with 3k games is a big disappointment as a winner in this case.
In short, ideal situation is when I'm happy and the winner is happy (and second doesnt necessarily imply first)
Leecher is a bit different. I put leecher label for attitude - those that clearly can give but choose not to. I take much more into consideration than won/given ratio. Giving to them would left me with very bad feeling.
And last, note on generalizations and assumptions. There is no way around it. Nobody would be able to do anything without them. Being right or false is of no importance, as long as one updates (or throws away) them with new observations (which sadly doesn't happen very often, but that's another generalization ) )
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I don't really care who blacklists me or why. Life's too short to worry about the little things.
I always speak my mind, though I prefer to use a modicum of tact and propriety when doing so. ;)
As a side note, I've always been curious how many blacklists CG is on.
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you are right :) still 27 people voted yes
Thats not a good sign
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I mostly stopped entering giveaways, so I rarely give a fuck. It is mildly amusing to see using blacklists against me like some sort of revenge, silently putting me on it like a little spineless bitch instead of finishing one of the arguments I sometimes get into, but if I want to say something about a topic, I say it. In real life too.
On a semi-related note: the more you worry about what people think of you and try to conform the arbitrary half-baked assumptions they make on you, the more stressful you become and the less of the real you remains there. While most of the New Age bullshit is, well, bullshit, but the "be yourself" advice is generally a good one since it can reduce stress a lot. Which is a healthy thing.
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I agree with you thats why I opened tis topic (cause I take the risk to get blacklisted again)
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Is it under three digits? Then it's like as if you aren't even blacklisted at all.
Also, think like that: there are tens of thousands of people making giveaways on this site. Maybe even up to six digits. Does it really matter if even a few hundred of them drop out? Unless you somehow run into it with a forum-posted giveaway, you most likely will never even know who blacklisted you or realise what you are "losing".
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if people want to BL me then what they're really doing is making their blacklist grander by my inclusion, so why should I begrudge them that
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well I guess people could do that too if they wanted but they might find it difficult, all things considered
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I played through paper mario thousand year door twice and got that yoshi both times
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Green baby yoshi is the only baby yoshi to own. I've played TTYD I don't know how many times, and now I always make sure I time it right to get my little green friend.
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I think the problem is that people think all Mario games are equal and so dismiss them with one stroke. But TTYD and most of the other RPG mario games on the consoles and handhelds are pretty fun, with interesting characters and a good sense of humour. And then the 3d mario games still offer the best platforming out there, bar none. Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2 are critically acclaimed for good reason. Most of the other mario games are only really good if played with friends in couch co-op/ competitive mode.
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I'm currently playing Zelda The Wind Waker on my pc using Dolphin emulator, works great! So you can play Mario games on pc ;)
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Sometimes I dont say what I want to say, because the blacklist thing scares me off. Mainly cause everybody can blacklist anyone without any reason
I was wondering if anyone else is having the same feelings about the blacklist thingie. Its not that I cant enter their giveaways, but more a thought of people disliking me. I know maybe it sounds stupid and people will probably blacklist me even for asking this...but thats ok got to get over the fear of the blacklist
Or dont you care about who or why people are blacklisting you?
6 more blacklist cause of this topic, but it didnt hurt cause also got whitelisted many more times
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