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well, i think the mods get to know if another account enters within the same ip so that stops that, plus if some of the friends wins and he doesnt get anything, mods will be asking questions to him and the giver, ending up in the suspension of both
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You if think they check anything beside what users report with the report user/GA button you are in a big mistake. And if you think for 2min you will realize how easy it is to make it (almost) unprovable that the GA was not real.
I actually think that there are enough ppl that already exploited this.
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Also Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat
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Well, at some point the faker will cash in their fakes to enter high CV giveaway. You can be sure, people who give away the big CV games check on the winners if it's someone they never saw before...
Or the faker talks something stupid on the forum and people check their profile. If the same 3 people have won all your giveaways, and none of those "wins" ever got activated, it's obvious... :)
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If the person doesn't have the game on their account at the end of the giveaway, then he'll be suspended because he didn't redeem the gift.
enough of these users on the same giver will mean that the giver is fake and may lead to a ban or suspension of all accounts associated with it.
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You gotta activate the game you won, or you can kiss SG goodbye.
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Easy then. They would create a GA each time they are about to buy a game. Win it. Buy it. It would all look legit with the extra points as reward.
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Except you need at least 2 people to enter that GA to get CV from it, and there's only %50 chance of winning the game for the right owner. Say you bought yourself a game, told your friend to make a GA and you entered that GA with a 3rd friend and 3rd fried won. Hence he gotta activate your game. Not so easy ha?
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If they're boosting their contribution value it's in order to enter more giveaways. If they win enough giveaways, someone will eventually notice that they have won the same game twice or hadn't activated a previous game. It would also be pretty easy to filter those who have created x number of private/group giveaways or received x amount of value from them in a 24 hour period and manually check them from there.
I find a lot of people who abuse the system also bring attention to themselves and it only takes a few minutes to verify all the games someone has won or given away! I would assume your two private giveaways are test runs to see how it works? That's a fine example of bringing attention to yourself.
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A couple of my friends did this- constant private raffles containing high cost game bundles so their give-worth was >$1000. They were banned by the end of the day, and from what I know, no-one actually reported them. So mods must do something right.
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Yes, I beg for tf2 items so I can sell them and give huge things like Bioshock Infinite to the group.
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I also use personal resources, and I also look for people who don't play Tf2 anymore.
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shark [shahrk]
verb (used with object)
verb (used without object)
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So it's bad to take things people aren't using and make em into a huge giveaway(Bioshock Infinite)?
I was not informed
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A straw man or straw person, also known in the UK as an Aunt Sally, is a type of argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and to refute it, without ever having actually refuted the original position
Also my point is, taking things under they value from people to benefit yourself in some way is bad.
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I know it's not the best thing to do, but I'm 15 and therefore do not have a lot of money so I must be creative. I'm turning one man's trash into another man's treasure
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No you are not. I'm not saying that making giveaways is bad but you are no Steam's Robin Hood.
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Yeah, definitely. I'm nowhere near cool enough to be Robin Hood.
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Rarely do I ever see groups for sharking as staright up begging seems to take up less effort and is the more common notion. I'm not doing anything about it because I'm waiting for the whole thing to just build up to the point where it gets out of hand. Well, that and to see how long it lasts before a few more ppl report the group leader.
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Damm I fucked loved that series. I have a couple of figurines at my parent's home and also some of when they appeared with the Dinos what where those called?
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I do, but my friend should be able to do something close enough to the comic style official art. He loves Megaman.
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Wow, $300 worth of giveaways. Seems like such a great thing, but a shame you had no entries.
Whoops, right, 150 max points value, the games were much more.
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Nearly 1.8k dollars worth of giveaways, actually.
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And the other private, 3 prizes, 2 winners, and the visible winner lacks the game.
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It's blatantly obvious when people try to exploit. You know on the front of the page there's a little thing on the bottom that says "Latest Received Gifts". It'll also get strange if the same people keep entering the person's giveaways, + regifting is caught very easily.
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This thread is a great big 'WTF!?' - OP comes in with two private giveaways for something NO ONE ever gives away, with a big title called 'EXPLOIT!' (You know, those things that if you are going to use them, you don't really want to draw attention to it) expecting the community to say "Oh yeah, that's fine, we do it all the time..." and then some other guy jumps in shouts 'AZAMAT' and is an obvious system abuser who promptly gets banned...
...Is this real life!?
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They call me The Great Chain Breaker, Master of all Intra-web-unal Communications. My mission is to break the reoccurring song lyrical chains, that have been created within these series of posts, until of which my spherical receptor covers have increased in mass and i'm unable to have them remain open. And now... i am but two... for two
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What a joker, what a smoker, what a midnight toker...
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What is keeping someone from making bunch of fake invite-only giveaways and getting their friends to enter, or entering from different accounts?
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