Last update: Giveaway over, thanks to everyone who participated. You can still post here if you want to be in the group just for the heck of it. (No, there won't be anymore giveaways. :P)

UPDATE: Steam won't work, so I had to change everything. Please read below.

So... I still can't search users or invite them to the group. This means I have to change the whole thing. Alright, I have a REALLY bad feeling about this, but here goes...
In order to be invited to the private group, you must follow these instructions VERY CAREFULLY.

  1. Comment on the Steamgifts thread.
  2. Wait for me to reply.
  3. IF you get a reply, follow the link to the group.
  4. Post a comment in the comment section of the group.
  5. I will send you an invite to the REAL private group.
  6. Enter the giveaway, have fun.

Now, let's hope this works... :-/

And here we are! I bought a game to giveaway and was thinking of a good puzzle idea I could use... Well, I'm too lazy to think up something good as a puzzle. Instead, I'll just "borrow" an idea from a few users that I saw a while ago...

Do I Know You On Steamgifts? [GIVEAWAY]

So, how does this work?

Simple. If I know or recognize your Steamgifts name or profile picture, I'll invite you to a Steam group, where a giveaway for Super House of Dead Ninjas is ready and waiting.

Simply comment on the thread, and I'll check if I know or remember you. If I do, I'll reply to your comment and you should receive an invite to the Steam group.
Please feel free to let me know in the thread if you didn't receive your invite even if I replied to you.
Also, please don't insist if I don't remember you.

Giveaway ends in two days. Good luck and have fun!

1 decade ago*

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do you know me ?

1 decade ago

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Of course you do! Well... probably not. And if you do, I changed my pic anyway (a little more purple colorizing).

1 decade ago

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Go to this group and leave a post in the comment section. I will send you your invite.

1 decade ago

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remember me?

1 decade ago

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I've no idea who remembers me anymore. Ages ago I used to make sure the forum was filled with Natla though. <3

1 decade ago

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Go to this group and leave a post in the comment section. I will send you your invite.

1 decade ago

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Kinda surprised I'm still slightly recognizable. I made myself scarce for months. :p

1 decade ago

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Maybe you did something that stood out a while back... Or maybe your profile picture is uncommon. Either way, I clearly remember seeing you. :)

1 decade ago

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Closer to when I first registered, I used to sit around the forum trying to help new people, answering questions, etc. Wasn't ever a mod; it was just something I liked doing. That was waaaay back though. About the same time nearly every one of my posts had Natla in it. I'm pretty sure that was what I used to be infamous for before I disappeared like half a year. lol

Oh, and I made my profile picture. So at least that makes sense why it sticks out. :)

1 decade ago

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Do you know me?

1 decade ago

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I'm French.

1 decade ago

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Go to this group and leave a post in the comment section. I will send you your invite.

1 decade ago

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Everytime I see you in the forum, I have to surpress the urge to post the "I'm French" Renekton youtube vid :3

1 decade ago

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don't think you do

1 decade ago

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You won't know me. I just came back from the wilderness. Without any internet AND steam! Now I will never be able to win this damned summer event.

1 decade ago

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o.O :)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Nice response picture you got there, i'll take it!

1 decade ago

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I don't post much on forums but I have seen u here quite a bit...

1 decade ago

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Go to this group and leave a post in the comment section. I will send you your invite.

1 decade ago

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Possibly you know me?

1 decade ago

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I don't know you. :p

1 decade ago

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remeber me? :3

1 decade ago

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Go to this group and leave a post in the comment section. I will send you your invite.

1 decade ago

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I remember your avatar, but i doubt you remember me.

1 decade ago

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Go to this group and leave a post in the comment section. I will send you your invite.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Hi jbond :)

1 decade ago

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I thought I knew that profile image.
Go to this group and leave a post in the comment section. I will send you your invite.

1 decade ago

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oh, hello :)

1 decade ago

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I'm not going to enter because I don't think I would like the game. I'm just curious if you know me.

1 decade ago

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I swear I know this 007 guy

1 decade ago

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wow you don't know me

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I don't expect anyone to recognize me, i'm not much of a talker.

1 decade ago

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I am... YOUR SON! dun dun dun

1 decade ago

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Go to this group and leave a post in the comment section. I will send you your invite.

1 decade ago

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Only one of your dads is coming to our wedding.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 8 years ago by jbondguy007.