Usually this happens when there are multiple expensive games on a free weekend. The games appear in the user's library and allow them to register. The new site allows us to temporarily disable those games from counting for registration, like I've already done for this weekend's games.
Send a re-roll request. We'll take care of the user and get you a new winner.
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Thanks! Just did that.
Also... seems it's not my lucky day!
One of my other winners who received my game some hours ago - he already marked as received then! - added me now and says my key did not work.
I know for 100% it was a working key since I bought that bundle myself and I always mark what keys I used / gave and no one else has acces to them.
Checking his profile here on the site what the ... I see?!
He has a just-finished giveaway with MY GAME!
Hilarious. Only level 3+ ga-s from this date, that's for sure.
I'm reporting that acc too now, as I see all of their giveaways are those he won.
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he already marked as received
You are having a bad day... Hope you get everything sorted with all of these issues you are having.
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there is a show in germany where the moderator "fight" against a person (that can win money). on the first show you (by calling) can win one car, if the mod wins you can win in next show two cars and so on. i think the record was winning 7 cars. (just one person)
so everyone asks ""But what are you going to do with 7 Cars?".
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I'd say it's time to change
to Rules
and things like
Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration, and they should not be regifted, traded, or sold.
to something like Won gifts must be activated to the Steam account used during registration, and they can not be regifted, traded, or sold!
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Potentially put a link to the rules above the Enter Giveaway and Create Giveaway buttons
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Now that Steam no longer allows for the form of activation we used to be able to use in bundle sites, we can't tell who used it, or if a key has been used. This site will do the minimum weekly check, and can see if the game that was won is on the account, but wouldn't be able to tell if it was the key that was won.
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rotf so this guy wo won was retard ;d its obviousle 5 copies = 5 ppls that will win 1 copy each...
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I noticed that too late, all I checked he gave away some games so I thought it's an OK user. I should've check that those are the same games what he won here. But seeing my game put up to the site right after he got it... I had to refresh like 5x as I could not believe my eyes.
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Wow, what bad luck.
I just had a similar scenario a few days ago. Two different users won different giveaways from me and each regifted them. One user has regifted almost every game he has won on this site, which is nearing 20 games. Users like the latter should be permanently banned from the site, in my opinion, as they clearly have no interest in the nature of the site.
It's not Steam Re-Gifts, after all :)
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Speaking of "not my lucky day" or in my case, week. I also won COD: Black Ops 2. Guy said he "made a mistake" and made 2 giveaways. THe other guy hasn't gotten the game either. He then tries to make a trade with me (in his favor). Not sure why he was trying to trade. Then he finally offers a game from Steam to me that's 90% off and is like $1. The whole time he says he's from Brazil and can't afford anything.
And I won another game today, lucky me right? But the gift email from Steam says it's already been used. Trying to get in contact with the guy.
Whew I feel better
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An extra page loading in for the user while their first-time giveaway creation with some basic info about how this site works and what are allowed and what not also with an added Understand link hidden in the text what the user must click if he wants to continue the creation of the giveaway could be useful and would not be too much work to implement I think.
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my tickets on the other hand take months to be answered.i have spotted some second accounts but the tickets are still pending so i make new ones for the same reason after some time..
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Making new tickets of same issues will not speed up the process.
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i keep the old ones and make new ones too in case they see them faster.i check back after some days and see if some isues are resolved by other users tickets and delete my tickets.
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A "checkpoint" should be included on the signup process- whenever a person attaches a steam account that has f2p games or weekend access games, such as OP mentioned- they should be blocked from registering until they have- lets say 5 or 10 "real" registered games.
It would cut down on abuse, and I don't think people would complain very much because honestly who signs up for a site like this who has legit only f2p/weekend access games in their library- Leechers, that's who.
Just a suggestion.
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A new suggestion (don't wanna make a new thread about this short one):
Permanently suspended users should have get automatically removed from all the other users blacklists (well, from whitelists too).
Just noticed this is not happening since I had to manually remove the one, while I remember reading: having big blacklists can slow down the site (+ makes it harder to maintain).
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there seems to be misunderstanding red.. he means accounts which have been permanently banned ...but we can still see there profiles..which are useless. a list of linked steam accounts( so they won't be able to login to site again) is enough
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In this thread I was reporting 2 different cases.
The one with 0 paid games - probably a phiser trying to build up their library on their accounts - got banned.
EDIT: To the Staff:
You should check the IP what he used, and look for other accounts here with same IP, I wouldn't be surprised if he made a sh.tton of accounts during that free-weekend to here.
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wow..similar thing happened to me a day before yesterday a guy with private profile won a group giveaway of 3copies puzzler world 2.I sent the game to him. he marked it as received & but i can still see the game copy in my steam inventory as sent and not as redeemed. Other two copies have disappei have reported him for that. any idea what else to do?
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yes I did report him & created ticket. (can't check private profile games on steamrep :/)
I am thinking of revoking and giving away game to some one who has it on wishlist. but just to be sure have sent him friend request(some 20 hours ago) to ask why haven't he activated it.but no response yet..
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I have a similar issue with a giveaway I did a few days ago. Am waiting the 7 days before doing what must be done. Shame really over a meaningless dollar game.
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No, it was for a key. I am just following procedure and waiting the 7 days the giveaway winner has to redeem to their account, before reporting. Which it has been now that I just checked and will check later if they have activated game to their Steam. Which will most likely be a no and did what I think did and just re-gifted.
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I usually just try smashing things and throwing stuff to get shit done. And then some Voodoo if that doesn't work.
But you should just wait the 7 days and see what happens, instead of dwelling on it. Don't bother the member, they have 7 days to confirm things after the giveaway has ended. Then just report or re-roll or whatever needs to be done in the next step. The support will do what they can do figure it all out if need be.
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If that user is on your friend list, can you also check it by trying to send them that game as a gift (add to cart, purchase as gift, send my gift directly through steam) and checking for their name in the list? Or it doesn't work for private profiles?
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Sorry but I don't understand, why is it a problem? If a week from the GA passes, retrieve the gift and ask for reroll. Maybe he just couldn't redeem it at first and then forgot about it or something.
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I guess after reading it a few times I am also confused..
Member won 3 games, you sent the games, they marked as received.
They confirmed 2 of the 3 gifts you sent (which you reported them for doing) and now you still have one remaining that they have not confirmed yet and you are wanting to revoke it...
I need about 750ml of something to understand this now...
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They have 7 days to mark as received. It does not state that they must activate it immediately upon winning nor confirming only that they should activate it to the account that won. But then again some of the wording in the guidelines is open for interpretation.
Such as
Won gifts should be
Winners should correctly
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Exactly, I also mentioned this above:
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The GA creator has 7 days to send the gift, however the receiver is also given some time to activate it:
Allow the giveaway creator one week to send the gift. Please be patient and do not contact them during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you may contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up.
Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing. This feedback should be kept up-to-date if the status of the gift changes.
Though, I guess, if the creator takes 6 days 23 hours and 59 mins to send, the receiver can take a bit more time then a min to redeem XD I suppose though, you should mark is as receiver only after you redeem it. Anyway, if I were you, I'd try to contact them on steam, since the situation is a bit weird (why would they not take the gift?)
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but just to be sure have sent him friend request(some 20 hours ago) to ask why haven't he activated it.but no response yet..
there are 5 people continuing 3 different conversations under the same subthread in's getting too damn long XD
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I know that common sense is overrate, but jeez some people really lacking common sense too much. Sorry for your annoying
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One of my raffles just ended, checked the winner's Steam Profile and it says:
His games are all f2p:
0.3 hour avarage gametimes per games.
Has 2 friends with the same name like his own.
tl;dr -> Totally legit account.
I thought there's some minimum limit to be able to reg on this site and enter to giveaways?!
What should I do now? I don't want to throw my game out of the window. (Probably he'd not even mark it as received.)
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