SGTools is a service (not created by SG) to put certain requriements on joining a private giveaway.
Bump is short for "Bring up my post"
You can use SGTools to find out your real CV (Contribution Value. It makes you level up) and your progress to the next level. Bundled games give you less CV. Bundle games are any games on this list:
You get keys through buying from websites which provide games as keys (such as Humble Bundle, Indiegala, etc)
A train is when someone links a private giveaway which contains a link to another private giveaway which contains a link to another private giveaway, etc, forming a chain of many giveaways.
I believe community wishlist is just the most wishlisted game out of the active users. However, I am not sure about this.
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Bump is short for "Bring up my post"
It actually originated as 'bump'- a re-positioning based on non-significant contact- and the 'bring up my post' ended up being a backronym of the word once it became well established. Of course, I'm speaking from my personal experience, but the internet as a whole does seem to favor that interpretation of the history as being the more legitimate one.
Keep in mind, bump is a companion word to poke, so it's quite normal for it to have been used in the manner it was, without any sort of extra meaning associated to it. Honestly, if it was easy to get a functional word in for 'K', poke'd probably have been reconsidered into an acronym by now as well.
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About bundle sites, look at this discussion, maybe you'll find some interesting hints:
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Welcome to Steamgifts, I'm sure you'll have a great time here :)
See you around :)
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As you said, the Community Wishlist is just an aggregate of all members' wishlists.
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Im new here aswell... But I do know a few.
What is SGTool?
no idea on this one yet.
What is "bump"? (I'm not native english so I don't know if it is just a word or some kind of meme)
Bump = just a reaction to pump life into a thread. mostly done on forum to get the tread noticed.
Are the levels hard to obtain?
Giving away games that cost money raises lvl. More money given away = higher level. Think the amount progressively increases with level.
How do people manage to get keys, is there a place where you can buy them? (I'm thinking about doing a GA)
Many people buy bundles, @websites like humblebundle, bundlestars etc... They contain steamkeys... and lots of people have doubles. The doubles get gifted away.
What are those "trains" I've been reading?
Dunno, but has something to do with raising the level to the next step with a 'train' of giveaways?
How does the community wishlist work? (I've read there is a poll or something but I can't find it)
Wishlist = steam wishlist. Sync your steamgifts account with your steam account to upload your most recent steam wishlist.
As I'm new aswell, I don't know if i'm correct. But at least you get to know my thoughts on your questions.
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What is SGTool? It's used to set more requirements for users to enter the giveaways (not only level). Also there are tools to check if users broke rules in the past.
What is "bump"? (I'm not native english so I don't know if it is just a word or some kind of meme)
Originally it's just an english verb, but it's used in forums and discussion boards for many years meaning to bring the thread/topic to the top of the forums again (by a new posting).
Are the levels hard to obtain?
The first 2-3 levels are easy, but since they aren't proportional, it's more difficult later on. Read this guide for further details.
How do people manage to get keys, is there a place where you can buy them? (I'm thinking about doing a GA)
Bundle sites. Official reseller and key seller.
What are those "trains" I've been reading?
Trains are several giveaways linked to each other.
How does the community wishlist work? (I've read there is a poll or something but I can't find it)
That poll thing is deprecated. It's just based on the wish list of all members.
Last but not least: welcome to Steamgifts! :-)
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Welcome and meow! =^.^=
Getting to Level 1 is easy - just create one giveaway. Thereafter, higher levels require progressively more giveaways to attain. One piece of advice: before buying a game to giveaway, check that you can actually create a giveaway on Steamgifts, as some games that have been given away for free cannot be used as giveaways here.
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Welcome to sg! .-)
some links to start out:
comment formatting:
useful scripts:
puzzlr guide:
games considerd bundled:
games you can't create GAs for:
not sure how good / up-to-date this is, but there is an (unofficial) spanish translation for the FAQ:
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Hi everyone. I'm new as well, ad also have a question that I didn't find the answers for in the FAQ. Maybe someone can give me a quick info on this ?
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Thanks. Yes I've seen this "email" thing in the FAQ but the users emails don't seem to appear on user profile. Does it mean I will be able to see it when the giveaway is over ?
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You will see who your winner is, and their email, on your giveaway created page
On the same page you will also be able to add/modify the game key.
I would suggest not using email to deliver keys or links. There's a higher likelihood the winners do not check their email.
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Thanks, I think everything is clear now ;)
And more thanks to everybody for the answers to Xirne above, they were also useful to me ;)
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Keep in mind that if you didn't inform potential winners in the giveaway description that you'd be using e-mail, you may encounter delays- many of us don't check our e-mails on a regular basis, especially if we haven't been informed we need to.Add in that e-mail delivery is by far the least common method of sending keys through SG, and it's not the first thing some of us think of on our own.
You'll be able to add (and deliver) keys through the site once a giveaway completes. The winner's e-mail will also be revealed, and you can simply add a winner [though again, still better to give some indication of your plan to do such in your giveaway description, if you want to minimize delays] on Steam and give the key directly through Steam chat [which allows you to confirm whether the recipient immediately activated the key or not. Some users appreciate that extra sense of security, though in practice it really doesn't affect much.]
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Once it is over, the Winners page of the giveaway will have an Add key button. It is a useful feature.
You will also see the winner's email address. Some people prefer that. Others add their winners and deliver keys in chat. I find that tedious as fuck, but it is a question of personal preference.
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Hey xirne, welcome to SG!
You've already gotten pretty detailed answers for most stuff so just a couple more things. Here is a thread that has the exact values of what the levels represent, as already mentioned you'll easily reach a certain point over time and after that it gets quite "grindy" and costly. My advice is to generally not obsess over levels here, it'll happen when it'll happen, no reason to go out of your way just to raise them, especially after 4.
Also about the keys question a few people have already mentioned some good sites but I'd just like to add that it doesn't necessarily have to be a key for you to create a GA. You can buy stuff directly from Steam, keep them as gifts in your inventory and either send them to the winner's email or add them and gift directly after the GA's conclusion.
Hope you enjoy your time on SG!
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Most people get their keys from HunbleBundle or G2A, they can be aquired from other places too. A lot of people also do steam gift giveaways too, so basically you add the other person and gift it to them. When buying a game on steam, there is an option to store it in your inventory for someone else. HumbleBundle and G2A has the best deals most of the time and HumbleBundle gives out in bundles, buy a game you wanted for less price, giveaway the other spare unwanted keys for someone who wants it. A steam code is basically an alphanumeric code with dashes that activates a game or item on steam upon it's use. Ex: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX (Replace the X's with letters and numbers :P .)
Get a game during a sale to really benefit from it, the more the discount the more points you get for less money. If you giveaway a $60 game you bought during a discount or sale, you will still get the normal contribution point from it as if you bought it full priced. Most people do this and also buy the extremely cheap HumbleBundle Bundles.
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Most people get their keys from HunbleBundle or G2A,
Let's go with 'Bundles', 'Storefronts', and 'Resellers'. Don't imagine G2A beats out other non-Humble sources, but even if it does, it certainly shouldn't be given the sense of legitimacy that comes with being the only other one listed alongside Humble in a recommendation :P
And certainly, recommending G2A (or H2K or GMG or IG) without any warnings is nothing but a discourtesy (given the consumer-unfriendly tactics those sites are known for, and the poor reputations all those sites have).
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Talgaby alone pretty much covered things well enough, not to mention the other contributions, but I suppose I'll add a bit:
In slang usage, a train is a sequential sequence of linked encounters of similar nature- for giveaways, that means a series of private giveaways linked to each other [by placing a link to a following giveaway within each giveaway in the train until the last one]. An alternate method is to just place all the links for following giveaways in the description of the first giveaway offered, thus allowing people to more quickly access the giveaways they're interested in.
I personally try to only use trains when they make some sense to [ie, if I'm running a narrative between one giveaway and another, and I want them to be read in a specific order].
SGTools is invaluable for filtering out basic rulebreaking [even just setting no restrictions at all can filter out known exploiters, as SGT has its own blacklist for such users, but you can also set checks against non-activations, multi-wins, and Steam VAC bans]. You can also use it to set more complex checks than just SG account level restrictions (such as how my usual SGT rules allow users with few wins or very close win:sent ratios to access my giveaways regardless of their level). This helps you set criteria that better matches your personal expectations of what is 'fair'- or sometimes, just what is the most fun arrangement for an event.
If you've any other questions, feel free to keep asking us, though you should probably continue to read through the site Help pages, as they do cover a significant amount of detail on how the site works [including detailing what each account level requires].
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Since everyone already answered everything, I just want to say... welcome to Steamgifts! :D
As it is pretty common for new users to forget to do so (and in turn ending up doing things wrong and getting banned), I also want to point out that new users should probably read the FAQ and Guidelines. Once that's done, you'll not only know lots of cool features about Steamgifts, but you'll also avoid the risk of doing anything that may affect you negatively.
With that said I hope you'll have fun here, and thanks for checking out the forum!
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my formatting is tired today... anyway, have this link as well:
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Hi ^^
I discovered this website 2-3 days ago. At first I just thought "Hey, free stuff!" but today I've been a little more curious and I started reading posts and the feedback they have and all that kind of stuff. And I gotta say this community is awesome, people are really kind and I can feel the good vibes.
I decided to learn more about it, so I have some questions and it will be much appreciated if you guys/girls could help me out (You don't have to answer all of them ;D )
What is SGTool?
What is "bump"? (I'm not native english so I don't know if it is just a word or some kind of meme)
Are the levels hard to obtain?
How do people manage to get keys, is there a place where you can buy them? (I'm thinking about doing a GA)
What are those "trains" I've been reading?
How does the community wishlist work? (I've read there is a poll or something but I can't find it)
I know some of you are going to tell me there is a FAQ (and I've read part of it), but honestly I would rather ask directly to the community, so I become part of it. Thank you all in advance <3
If some other people have questions like me comment here so we all can learn from it.
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