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Never actually thought about using Dropbox for this.
Awesome idea.
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Very nice solution, never thought of it. I personally just change the actual location of My Documents to my separate partition D:\ drive so when I format C:\ I don't lose anything.
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Combine methods, this will save u if your HDD will suddenly die.
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you know what id settle for? if every game, regardless of steam, put ALL its editable content (configs, saves, etc) into its own folder named after THE GAME (NOT THE PUBLISHER!) but all in the SAME PLACE. some use my documents, some use the my games sub folder, and some shove that crap WHO knows where... so much dick-ish behavior by developers. FOLDER named after your game, IN the 'my games' sub folder, put ALL UNIQUE CONTENT (saves, configs, screenshots, mods even?) INSIDE IT, YOU BLOODY USELESS BASTARD DEVELOPERS. that way if i format, i can just back up ONE folder and keep everything rather than having to hunt all over the place to make sure i have everything.
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I never understood why are they doing this, especially since Windows has a special folder for this.
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To save in game directory you must be logged in as admin. Who wants to deal with thousands of noobs storming support with 'my game doesn't save progress' cries? And we can approach the second problem now. If we have 3 noobs using the same computer, say noob1, noob2, noob3 how do you make sure noob1 doen't overwrite save files of noob3? Same story - if they login using different accounts each of them has his own 'my documents' folder. Problem solved. Now you know whose fault all this mess is.
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the point is that if one game can save to a location (my documents for example), and can contain all the config and save files that the game requires, why cant others. it doesnt matter where they save, as long as its consistent and the folder contains everything thats needed.
you point out that each user has their own my documents folder.. total non issue, again, the point is that everything for each user should be found in a consistent location. Im not saying every game has to save in the same location for EVERYONE... just that 'for noob 1', or 'noob 7', every game they install, saves to its own folder in a consistent location, wherever that may be (their own 'my documents', for example), so that whatever theyre looking for can be found all in the same reliable place.
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Hmmm.. by your logic wouldn't it be the same if game 1 saves noob1s file under his say name noob1 save and then noob2 files are saved under say noob2 save file then even if they all use the same pc having it saved under specific names would eliminate the chance of overwritting..
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You forget they are noobs and won't bother to create profiles. Noob3 will select 'New game' and all 400 hours wasted on oblivion go to oblivion. Next thing you know noob1 gets rid of noob3 and commits a suicide. Bethesda doesn't need this kind of sh#t, noone else as well.
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Well I guess this is what would happen with the current system as well, with any system actually. Nothing is noob - or error - proof.
I agree that the system should be consistent through all the publishers, all the games. Valve should make this a requirement for all the games it sells on its platform.
Also, it'd help if savegames were limited in size, so to make it practical to use the cloud as a back-up. Steam could ultimately offer an automated backup (for a fee?) service
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Yeah, that would be easy to do and best for everyone.. I still miss the days when every game stored all its stuff inside its own install-folder, because this way I always knew where to look for it.. nowadays its a new adventure with every game if you want to find the savegames ;) Would be best if they´d all just follow one standart and just put it all in the "my games" folder. They dont even manage to keep a straight line withing one publisher, one developer or even one gameseries xD I also love my "Electrontic Arts" (yes, electron>T<ick) folder from Dead Space 1 xD
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Every cloud should have a SILVER lining.
In your case, I guess that.... um.... you have a bit more free disk space?
Sorry for your loss :(
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Why didn't you transfer them over in some way? I also formatted my pc 2 nights ago :P I carried the saves I cared about most
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The thing I'm afraid of losing the game save from Faerie Solitaire. I spent 66 hours in the game. Two times I started again because that i delete the game. I needed to find only two fucking pokemon. I do not know where are the save files.
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Every pc user should have COMMON SENSE!!!
(Seriously, what did you expect, when you format your pc?)
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Had a similar issue with Super Meat Boy. The difference is that the devs promised cloud saves about a year before I had the issue, so I didn't bother checking if it was implemented yet. I figured 1 year was enough time to add it. Lost about 6% progress (from 95% to 89%, since I made a manual backup about a week before).
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That's not gonna work :)) My Fallout 3 saves were somewhere around 5 Gb :))
Anyway, I use and before I found this I used to manually back up my saves. Still have every single save since 2002 :))
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(haha)[]... I just remembered I uninstalled SuperMeatFlaps without backing, ohshi...
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i heard of a new advanced technique they are developing to avoid this kind of issues: they call it a backup
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At the very least I would be happy if devs would stop throwing saves in a hidden folder somewhere or some deviously named folder. All games should puts saves where the game is installed or in my documents.
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Unless Valve makes so Cloud is easily editable, I'd rather games don't have them.
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Just formatted my pc a few nights ago and lost alot of game saves..the one that gets me the most is Mass Effect 1 and Lost planet 2..spent atleast 20 hrs on ME 1 and 8 hrs on LP2
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