I hear that the 700 series ain't as good as the 600 series. That's why they cost as much as the 600 series.
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One should never go with AMD cards. The 660 isn't too bad, although a 670 or 680 would be better. So very sorry your card died ~ that sux! I had it happen to me before too. Shop around for the best prices though. I always check newegg.com first. Good luck to you bluerage.
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Sadly Newegg is a US site, the closest I can think of to it would be Scan, since it has the best value, as well as loyalty discounts. I would have thought about a 670 or 680, but they tend to use a hell of a lot more power than the 660, which kind of swayed me away from them.
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AMD has better price/performance only on the lower end and mid range cards (which I would still personally never use for hardcore gaming). Nvidia cost, but you get better drivers and support, regular performance increase patchs rather than just patching the latest games to get them to not glitch on AMD, etc. The reason behind that is Nvidia has created their own development tools for game creators and work along side them. I would suggest going Nvidia GTX 660Ti or GTX 760 or greater for gaming, anything below that go AMD... Nvidia GTX 680 and 780 are beasts towards ultra resolution, lagfree gaming, the 690 and 790 however are overkill and well overpriced.
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Better drivers? They're essentially the same now except in mobile and multi-gpu configurations. Both companies increase performance with drivers so not sure where you got that from. Development tools? The only thing is they give money to devs to optimize for their cards better. And apparently you've never heard of the 7970 Ghz? On par with the 680 and cheaper?
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nVidia drivers have a faster release cycle, but you're essentially being given beta drivers. I've had ten times as many problems with nVidia's driver updates than I have with ATI's, because ATI puts quite a long time into actually making sure their drivers work. But that means you get them slower.
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I personally haven't had any issues with nVidia drivers (not using Beta thou), and my brother using AMD had major with his even running some of the latest games at first (they released fixes for it). Geforce Experience, and yes Development Tools, make it better for most games - best performance / quality graphics settings. I've even helped in some small game development and found Nvidia easier to work with as they own PhysX (AMD fakes it), etc...
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my 9800gt died earlier this year(up until the death it still worked for what I was playing), upgraded to GTX 650 and I almost wish my old card had died sooner
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i had a nVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT for 2 years and it died. then i used my lifetime warranty and got a new nVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT for free. the new nVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT runs perfectly
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I did that, and that's about all I could see worth buying.
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I'm not sure if this applies to you, but I went through 3 Nvidia cards ( 6800 GS, GT 430 and 560 TI) that would randomly reset the pc and eventually not last more than a minute or two after booting up, if it would turn on at all. It turns out it was some still unknown issue with Windows and installing to Windows 8 (or any Linux) completely removed all issues for me. The cards were completely unusable in Vista and Windows 7, but ran smoothly in Linux and Windows 8.
Edit: To be more precise, it is an issue with Windows and certain hardware combinations. One of the cards that didn't work for me is running fine in a different pc with Vista. No one seems to know exactly what causes it.
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A friend had a similar issue with his GTX460, luckily he had warranty. Mine has been completely fine for me, though. Only after a whole year did it decide to die on me - I think I was about 2 hours of gameplay through Payday 2 before my PC decided to freeze/reboot.
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Personally, i would go with a gtx 760,its better than the 660 ti and cheaper. Btw, why do you hate amd gpus?
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I don't care about enabling PhysX so I usually just go with AMD cards.
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buy either a nVIDIA GeForce GTX 760, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, or AMD Radeon HD 7850
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My 6670 just recently died and I upgraded to a 7790, I chose this card because it was the fastest for it's price compared to nvidia cards. And the games it came with vs free to play game cash (nvidia) also helped sway me. I would say even though you don't want an AMD card get the 7870, unless you want Splinter Cell Blacklist which is coming with the 660.
Plus I would take into consideration that both of the next-gen consoles have AMD CPUs, so I would assume developers will be optimizing more for AMD tech now and in the future than nvidia tech.
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Yes they have, but the next-gen consoles are the closest to PC in terms of CPU architecture than they ever have. And since developers have, over the years, been catering more for the console gamers I would assume that they will continue this path for the next-gen as well. Which will more than likely mean more optimizations for AMD cards and less for nVIDIA. I love both companies AMD for their budget and nVIDIA for their mobile chips and PC drivers.
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If your budget is only $270 get an AMD, they are better on the low cost end. Yes, I did read your entire post.
Edit: Also, consider ordering from Germany and having it shipped. Electronics are cheap over there and delivery is often free of charge.
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This is what pcpartpicker (UK) is telling you to pick.
nV 660 or AMD 7870. Benchmarks suggest the 660 is better but it's an issue of optimisation. Take your pick.
Edit: The 7870 does anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering much, much better than the 660.
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I thought you'd be among the people who knew this really old le funy maymay XDDD from like 2004 :V
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Take a 600er one, because from then it is compatible with nvidia shield. though i find the GTX 560 TI better as graphic card.
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7870 XT if you can, if not a 7870. I prefer AMD here because of the budget as the cards have an excellent price to performance ratio and I can personally vouch for their quality (it's not some cheap unreliable brand as may be assumed by its generally lower prices)
if you decide to stay in the green camp, as you would most probably do, then I would recommend the 660 Ti.
For the brand go with ASUS/MSI if you can, they are very reliable.
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He said he wanted to upgrade, not downgrade.
Anyways those buying those cards now is pretty silly.
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Pretty much as the title says. I did have a GTX460, but I might as well upgrade while I have the chance. My budget is about £100-180, hopefully. I'd rather you didn't recommend AMD cards, since the AMD FX-4100 becomes a brat rendering anything more than a box falling off of a shelf. I was thinking about getting the GTX 660 non-Ti, since a lot of people recommended it to me. Opinions?
EDIT: I've been reading all of your comments, even if I didn't reply, and some of you do have me swaying to AMD a little, but I would still miss my PhysX. I should have also mentioned that since my case is only a midi, that it's pretty important to have an external exhaust on the card, as opposed to the usual fans (I honestly have no idea what they're called.)
In any case, I do appreciate the feedback so far.
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