I'm aware of the reduced or no value asterisks, but I'm still not sure how their games are priced. Is it based on the historical lowest key value on Ggdeals or something? Are the non reduced value games priced according to the current steam price or the lowest ever discount?

6 months ago

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IIRC there's a certain fixed percentage off, but I forgot it.

Oh, yeah:

Reduced Value
15% contributor value when given away after the effective date.


6 months ago

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Awesome, thanks for the link and for the heads up! Much appreciated

6 months ago

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You're welcome!

6 months ago

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ita actually much simplier.
its the US steam store not-reduced base price it is based on. reduced value is 15% of the base price.
btw... the points needed to enter are also based on this, though with a limit to 50p.

you can also install some add ons like ESGST. so when creating a giveaway and clicking on review it would show you the expected CV you would get from the GA if it gets finalized.

6 months ago*

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Ooh, didn't know about this, thank you so much!!!

6 months ago

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Here's a comment I left in a previous thread about this with an example explaining how the CV is calculated and how it can drop over time.

When you create a giveaway, you get full, reduced, or no CV based on the date you created the giveaway. This will not change, you will always keep full, reduced, or no CV, but your CV will slowly drop over time because it is calculated based on the current US full retail price. Steamgifts does not remember the price of the game on the date you created the giveaway. Temporary sales do not affect your CV.


  • You create a giveaway for a $60 full value game and get $60 CV.
  • Some time later, the game gets bundled or sold at a discount of around 95% off or more.
  • Everyone who now creates a giveaway after that sale started gets 15% CV of the $60 game. You will continue to get $60 CV while all the new giveaway creators will get $9.
  • Then at a later date Steam keys for the game are given away in a free promotion.
  • Now anyone who creates a giveaway gets 0 CV. People who gave it away after the sale still get their reduced $9 CV, and everyone who created a giveaway before the sale still gets the full $60 CV.
  • Then the full price of the game permanently drops on Steam to $40.
  • You now get $40 CV and everyone who gets the reduced 15% CV now gets $6.

I should also add that support will backdate the full, reduced, and no CV dates based on when the game was in a bundle or free. If there is a bundle today that should cause the games to drop to the reduced CV category, but you create giveaways for the games before support has a chance to drop the games down from full CV, you will temporarily get full CV. Then when support adds those games to the reduced CV list, they will use the date of when the bundle was released so that anyone that created a giveaway from the day the bundle was available will have their CV dropped down to the correct reduced CV for those giveaways. The same applies to games that are given away in free promotions.

6 months ago

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6 months ago

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Thank you for the very detailed response! I'm a bit confused. Let's say that, instead of a key for a single game, i have a key for a pack of games. Will the pack adjust to the key value of the individual games that have been bundle before or it's registered as a separate product?

Also, let's say that the pack is currently 15% off, and it's historical lowest is 90% off. Will i get the CV based on the 15% off sale? And if so, will it also be the permanent fixed amount that will be tied to my CV even after the sale??

6 months ago

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Let's say that, instead of a key for a single game, i have a key for a pack of games. Will the pack adjust to the key value of the individual games that have been bundle before or it's registered as a separate product?

If the pack exists on the Steam store, you'll get the corresponding CV of that package. Otherwise you might want to choose one of the games of the package for the giveaway (usually the one that gives you max CV). Sometimes support will manually add that kind of packages to the givesaway list of games.

Lilly (sensualshakti) usually warns about this on her bundle threads. You have a nice example on the Fanatical Killer 30 Bundle thread:

SSI Classics Collection is not sold on the Steam store as a package, thus you won't be able to give it away as such. You can instead give it away as one of the included games (max CV: 1.50 for any $9.99 game).

In some cases you might have a key for a game that would give you 0CV (because it has been given away, for example) but if it's a key for a "package" (special or deluxe editions including DLCs) you can create the giveaway for a particular item in the package that will give you its CV, despite the base game being set to 0CV.

6 months ago

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thank you very much! How do i figure if a package exists on the steam store or not? Because i'd assume that the SSI Classics Collection is on steam

6 months ago

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The Steam API allows sites like steamgifts to get current information about all the games in the Steam store. That is where SG gets it's info for figuring out how much CV to give for created giveaways. So, any information this site gets comes directly from the Steam store unless support manually changes something, but I don't think that is that common.

Since the values SG can get come directly from Steam, there needs to be a package available on Steam for you to get CV. If you have a single key for a bundle of games, the only way to get credit for all the games is if Steam is selling that same bundle in the Steam store. If Steam doesn't sell that specific bundle and SG support doesn't manually create it, you will just have to create a giveaway for the game that will give you the most CV and then you can write in the GA description that it will also come with other games.

As for the 15% and 90% off sales and how much CV you get, temporary sales do not affect CV. The CV you get is based on the full US retail price. If the game is $40 and currently on sale for $20, you will still get CV based on the $40 price. The only time you will get less than the full CV is if the game has ever been sold with a massive discount of around 95% off or more or if it was available for free. The 95% discount is not set in stone though, it is up to the discretion of support to decide. Also, sometimes a sale of 85-90% can get a game on the reduced CV list because foreign currencies are taken into account. If a game is on sale in a country like Russia, that sale price will be converted to US dollars and if that price is around a 95% discount off the US price, it will get the game put on the reduced CV list. Once a game is added to the reduced CV list, everyone that creates a giveaway after the date it was set as reduced CV will get 15% CV. The value of the game will never go back up to full CV.

6 months ago

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Awesome, thank you for the detailed response! So if there's a corresponding SteamDB page for the bundle as a pack then i should be able to get the entire bundle's CV, correct?

6 months ago

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I don't have much experience giving away packs of things, so other users may be able to explain things better. I'm not sure how SteamDB works either. I don't know where it get's it's info or if it lists things that are no longer sold on Steam. I would just go to the page to create a giveaway and type in the name of the pack or it's app id which can be copied from the URL in the Steam store. If the pack shows up, then you can create a GA for it and the CV should be based on what that packs sells for on Steam.

I think the pack needs to have it's own app id that identifies it to be able to create a GA. Sometimes there will be a single Steam store page that lists the base game and then a pack below it on the same page. The app id for that page will be for the base game and that is what you would get CV for. I don't understand exactly how things are listed on Steam, but if the pack doesn't have its own app id, I don't think you can create a giveaway for it. I think in that case, the pack will not show here on SG when you try to create a GA. I would just check here first before buying it to make sure it shows up on the list.

Also, if you create a GA for anything worth over $50, it will only show as 50 points for people to enter because the site is capped so that it never costs users more than 50 points to enter a single giveaway. You will still get CV based on whatever the game or pack is worth though. A $70 game will still give the giveaway creator $70 worth of CV even though it only costs 50 points to enter.

6 months ago*

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