it's a demo, isn't it? I mean, they are free by definition. the title might create false expectations.
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there dlc character you can buy with trial version , full version already have all of them so not worth the trial version
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While the full version is a massive discount (90 dlcs at 2-4$ each is crazily, absurdly, obscenely more than the base game's cost), I'm sure some users wouldn't be opposed to just purchasing a handful of their favorite characters at a cheaper total price. If you're someone familiar with the franchise and you know you only like the playstyle of a half dozen of the characters, paying about $20 would be a much more reasonable investment than the $60 of the base game.
Outside of that specific circumstance, yeah, the DLCs for the Trial version are basically a scam. :X
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After so many companies accidentally released their full games as demos I don't take any chances.
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Card drops are tied to activation type. Paid activations [anything you purchase through Steam or activate with a key] will drop cards automatically, Free-To-Play category activations drop 1 card per $9 spent through microtransactions, and Free category activations drop cards the same as a paid game after activating a DLC [through purchase or key activation]. Meanwhile, Demo and Beta category activations cannot drop cards at all.
By way of that setup, with the exception of count-them-on-one-hand glitched games and paid games which are temporarily free to activate, cards will never automatically drop for any content that you can activate directly through Steam for free. In short, since this Trial activation isn't a temporarily free game (or even a full game at all), we shouldn't be expecting it to drop any cards [as it should presumably be typed as either Free or Demo].
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As I noted, there should only have been a handful of glitched games (I believe it's only two, in fact), and those worked by being configured as Free games which also gave their first DLC free with the base activation. It's uncertain if it's even still possible to configure games in that way but, even if it is, precedence indicates it's both unlikely to happen and going to be intentionally done when it does happen. In any case, one probably shouldn't hold their breath on expecting such a configuration to occur.
(Of course, if you're aware of there being more oddly configured games, do make a thread to let us know; Multiple previous threads on the topic give the indication that if a decent quantity of such games do exist, then the majority of SG is unware of the fact.)
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Some questions before I start
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@1: Nope.
The trail contains two modes. Online you can play with six characters, though only two of those six will be available at any given time on a rotating daily schedule. In story mode you can play only three of the characters from the 90-strong full roster.
@2: The Season Passes appear to have entirely different content than the base game; The base game appears to be a discounted form of the officer DLCs, while the two Season Passes primarily have cosmetics, the ability to play as a handful of NPCs, and the story modes associated with those NPCs. The content of the Season Passes appears to be remarkably minimal. Detailed content for the Season Passes linked in following:
Season Pass
Season Pass 2
Put simply, as I understand things, they released the full game, then they released season passes with [limited] additional content; Then they released the demo "Trial" version of the game and made the remaining content of the full game purchasable via officer DLCs (the full set of which flags as being owned if you own the full game) so as to offer an alternative purchase method for people who only want a few of the remaining officers.
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"In story mode you can play only three of the characters from the 90-strong full roster." doesn't say how much you can play with those characters
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By using "Trial Tickets," you can play the early stages of the story mode using any officer of your choice. You can choose up to 3 officers from our cast of 90 officers.
Official pages emphasize repeatedly that only "early stages" of the story mode can be played for the three officers, but I'm unable to find a more precise detailing as to what that entails.
For all of DW9's review criticisms as far as weak maps and encounters due to the open world structure, story components seem to be far better developed and integrated than in any previous game [due in part to that shift in structure]. Even with that, however, it's still a DW game- and as such, the story is mostly just a backdrop in-between mindless brawling sessions.
The series is just a direct tribute to The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so- as popular and well known as that setting is- there's not much call to emphasize the story past a fan-service level in the first place. In short, you shouldn't really ever be left feeling hanging regardless of where you get cut off and, even if you are, it's likely that a much richer take on that part of the narrative can be found through googling.
The story progression is stated to carry over to the full game after purchase, so there's not really any reason to hold off on trying the demo from that perspective [as Steam syncing should store your progression even if you uninstall after].
But yeah, if a more precise answer to your question is an important prefacing to your trying the demo, then you'll hafta wait on someone willing to actually give the Trial a go. ^.^
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Maybe Take - Like game ? or not ?
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