Hello people,

there are not really much exorcism games but I think it is an interesting theme to make a game. How would your exorcism game play or looks like?

Well I am really into games like Punch club so I would have a mix between simulation and RPG. With a good story included. You have enough options to add many twists and plots in such a setting.
Would you prefer a setting like exorcism of emily rose? Or more like something like D.Grayman?
There are so much ways to approach such a topic. I would prefer a traditional exorcism theme like emily rose. That you have some random encounter and some really hard story focused exorcism. And maybe some way to skill your hero like you want it. More aggressive exocism that the host can take a lot of damage or something like that.
Another idea would be also, that the player have to get to know the demons better to make a careful exorcism.

What are your ideas or wishes? I am really curious what you guys think about this.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Honestly? You think your heart can take it? xD

6 years ago

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I never tried VR so i don't know how "real" it feels.
And i got a inherited heart thingie, it's been awhile since i got it checked out, have to do an echo on Friday and a mri later, but then i can know if my heart can take it (but yeah i am probably too scared for it too). :x

6 years ago

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+1 seems the most likely.
Having to grab the various objects as a priest to exorcise a demon for at least part of it. Maybe trying to navigate the house and/or area as well. A mix of hide and seek that evolves into more strategy and survival with a catholic based defense.+

Accept jobs as the local church from an uprising in possessions and hauntings. In the end you fight one of the princes of hell is behind it and face them in the end.

6 years ago

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Not a bad idea. I think the hide and seek part can be thrilling in VR.

6 years ago

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Horror survival with RPG elements? You can be the "newbie" at the Vatican's exorcism order (or something similar) and work your way up from poltergeists and mini spooks to something like the case in the original exorcist movie (with more flash and bang though) which would also be the end-boss-fight.

6 years ago

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Yes that sounds good, the motivation to get harder cases as the player and maybe even the possibility that you can sin and the demons use your sin as weapon. :D

6 years ago

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DDR - Dance those demons away!

View attached image.
6 years ago

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what has east germany to do with exorcismn?

6 years ago

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Anime zombie horses ninjas , with chainsaws .

6 years ago

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Sounds like a trash movie :D

6 years ago

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There is some weird enjoyment i find in garbage movies like that tho :p
Sorry for not giving you any real creative idea , but i would pay for a game like that so thats why i suggested it :p

6 years ago

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Like Lucius, the Devil wins! :3

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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a mix between a adventure and RPG
you need to investigate the cause of the posssession then enter their soul world to fight the demons in there.

6 years ago

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Ok, here is a ridiculous fun idea: a casual, solitaire game (like "Fairway Solitaire" or "FreeCell Quest").

6 years ago

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Doom (2016) pretty much fits it already.

6 years ago

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If you are making a game, i'll give you this one for free

Vr, story driven walking sim where you visit multiple houses since your first exorcism to your last in random order.
Those memories slowly build a narrative.
And the actual exorcism would require you to analyze de demon first before choosing a method.
You must also recite the holy scripture

6 years ago

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I would go with a Noir based on the movie Fallen with Denzel Washington, but instead of Denzel, you are the demon.
Ti-iiii-i-ime is on my si-ide, yes it i-is.

6 years ago

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i think it should totally be dance, dance, revolution style. x for 'the power of Christ compels you' y for 'you have no power here'

6 years ago

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With lots of various bodily fluids.

6 years ago

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How would your exorcism game play or looks like?

Ironically: saving poor intelligence creatures from the monsters, who's using them to indulge any awful behaviour

5 months ago

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Mine would look like a taco. A very evil taco. It'll play soft or crunchy. Probably alternate between the two.

5 months ago

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