While I can still see some potential issues, this suggestion removes any issues with free weekends or Steam API issues by avoiding them entirely. GuiDoteiro is suggesting that giveaways you have entered are only removed once you click "Received", meaning there's no API check, you have to manually click that you've received that particular item.
Edit: I just realised that he is suggesting that it uses both the "Received" checkmark and the Steam API, and only if both are true to remove the entries. This won't work for a lot of things (DLC/etc), in that it won't detect them as activated. But it still wouldn't affect free weekends and the like, because it would also require the user to manually tick "Received".
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Ironically, it actually wouldn't work for most of the DLCs, since the API doesn't report them :P
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There should be some system that checked if you really activated the gift after you "Mark as recieved", and if it is true, remove every entry for the same game/DLC you are currently running.
From what I understood he wants both: when you click on "received", you are for example given a pop up to let your account resync and automatically remove all the entries for that game, if it's found on your account.
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I wrote the below, then reread your posts and saw that you both seem to be saying exactly this. But I thought I should still post in case someone else doesn't immediately realise the same things we do:
True, but problematic in the sense that it wouldn't remove entries that should be removed, rather than erroneously removing entries for giveaways not actually owned (e.g. free weekend).
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An automatic thing may make you lose points, if they go over 300. A message that reminds you to remove entries for games you already won and marked as received could be useful and easily implementable.
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to please everyone... "Add a button to remove entries from stuff already owned in your library" drop the automatic so people have nothing to complain about on free weekends or similar.
there's a possible script under construction for it, unless it's an abandoned project (idk for sure which). but as it is now it doesn't work yet. but i'd still prefer the site implement something instead really.
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You're just not recognising the burden he faced, he had to click several times, you heartless swine...
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True. But this is the first time I actually remove my entries. Killing Floor DLCs are not popular GA, few people enter it, so this time I removed every entry so I wouldn't win again. This way I won't bother the GA creator (this is why I opened this suggestion), since I had to reroll one GA I created long ago, and it is not the easiest proccess in the world.
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1: pick "entered" from the drop-down menu of giveaways
2: write in the name of the game/ddlc you won, press enter
3 click on the red Xs on the right-hand side to remove entries.
Can take up 10-20seconds top if you have dozens of entries for it. Don't be so goddamn lazy, it doesn't take much time, nor hard to do - do it.
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Would be handy, but like you said almost never happens. A better feature I think would be that it will check your joined giveaways after you synced your library. I have way more often that I'm buying game bundles or trading games and earlier did join giveaways for them. With that feature, both problems would be solved (as you activate it in your library).
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There's a script (from RoyalGamer06) that works like you want, check it out:
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What should it actually do? Does it create a button on the entered list that I'm not finding?
EDIT: Looked at your script. For me the whole function set to document.ready is never called...
EDIT2: Keeps getting weirder... I just removed that part cause I did not know why it should not just call that code... now it does not call the function that should evaluate the $.get($(".nav__avatar-outer-wrap").attr("href"), function(data) { part... even though I see that it triggers a call to my profile pageIgnore that last part, that was me testing the code in the console... sigh
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It seems to be related to the fact that you use jQuery and the differ in who can use it when...
adding a
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6/jquery.min.js
jo the header maked the button show up and stuff like that, but it still won't trigger cause of permissions to the function you added...
anyway, tired now, maybe some more debugging tomorrow :P
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Okay, this nagged me "on principle!" so I played around with it some more and I got it to work in both greasemonkey and tempermonkey with only minimal modifications.
1) as mentioned below it's recommended to use your own jQuery(// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js
) cause using the one that the page might already contain causes problems with callback functions and stuff.
2) apparently stuff should not be just added to the unsafe window (unsafeWindow.removeUnwanted = function(steamID) {
) but instead just generated normally (function removeUnwanted(steamID) {
) and then exported into it(exportFunction(removeUnwanted, unsafeWindow, {defineAs: "removeUnwanted"});
)... There's also cloneInto and createObjectIn for other mods to unsafeWindow but this seems to be the one that works...
I might still switch to TM, i like it in my chrome and I now it is more communicative in some places but I remember that the firefox version is not that stable or something... Mainly just lazy. Same is with my browser, at work I have a well configured chrome and at home a well configured FF and I'm to lazy to switch one (or both) to anything else ;)
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I've read that tip as well but that did not do the trick for me...
Kind of weird anyway, cause most of the things I read had the problems the other was round, i.e. Chrome did not like the simple $ usage... But then again, saying you require jquery makes the script continue working even if steamgifts stopped using it... I think?
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How's about automatically remove all other entries when I enter the giveaway?)))))))
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Well, I just won a giveaway for a DLC that I didn't have.
But I didn't entered only one giveaway. I entered in all of them. I won one, now I have to manually remove every entry, but I already activated the gift and marked it as well.
There should be some system that checked if you really activated the gift after you "Mark as recieved", and if it is true, remove every entry for the same game/DLC you are currently running.
By doing this, we can avoid that little near-impossible chance of winning the same thing twice (I think this is the reason about why this system doens't exist already), which will end up by bothering the support staff and the GA creator a little bit.
Oh, sorry for any mistakes. English isn't my mother tongue and I'm falling asleep. I didn't even proofread what I wrote. Hope it all makes sense.
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