Potatoes, with or without the peel
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Wait, if you buy a game "full price" when it was never on sale or bundled it can be on reduced value and decrease your level, MONTHS after the GA? I thought it was only for when games are bundled/sale and then the price will update IF you buyed it when it was on that state (or after)
Also, with or without the peel?
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Creating GA for a game after it got given away en masse (subjectively) => 0 CV
Creating GA for a game after it got bundled or heavy discounted in any region (!) => 15 % CV
Creating GA for a game before bundle / heavy discount in any region => 100 % CV
Recently changed can be figured out by the given link. But: the bundle status is managed by a person. Therefore there's delay.
Also base price drop leads to less CV (e.g. game's price was at $60, you created a GA. Now its base price is at $40, the CV is reduced (yes, afterwards).
Difficult to figure out, since you would have to check all games you've given away and check price history for US Steam price.
Furthermore there are bugs due to Steam bundles on sale, especially Daedalic (see here: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/G9heW/daedalic-games-now-100p-edit-question-answered).
In the end: don't care about it. CV shouldn't be the (only) motivation for doing GAs.
Poll: without.
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No. The reduction in CV is from the date the game went over 95% discount (i.e. usually from being in a bundle). If you give it away before that date, you keep full CV. The only confusing aspect is that the bundle list is updated manually and so lags behind (sometimes by months).
Oh, and definitely with peel.
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Some games are put on the reduced CV list even when they're not discounted over 95% (like CoD: Infinite Warfare which was put on the reduced list mostly because it was for sale on cdkeys at 90% off and people just went overboard, giving away 20 copies to load on CV)
Sometimes it's also because games are sold for cheap on the grey market or on sale in India for 2 hours, even though there are region restrictions and SG knows which region we're from.
Basically it's a purely subjective thing that can happen without you knowing what's happening, which is what the OP was saying I guess but it's part of the way it works. We're still getting games for free so can't complain, right?
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Ignore the cv value or level going down as games come down in price or get bundled all the time and your level adjusts accordingly. Just keep making giveaways and forget about it is the best advice I can give. Spending time trying to find the game that brought your level down makes no difference as its unlikely to change. Use that time to play more games instead!
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Yeah i know, i just love doing perfectly useless things while having not fun doing it (that's not even a sarcasm, i'm seriously addicted to procrastinating on non essential questions, also it's for my book of grudges)
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I'm seriously disappointed by the amount of people who peel their potatoes. Shame on you all
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This should be the test for whether or not people are allowed to breed. If you peel your potatoes (or cut the crusts off of your bread), your sissy-pants, soft, eternally-3-years-old @ss gets chemically neutered, because you're going to create another generation of whiny little self-centered, mamby-pamby, pathetic do-nothings. </grumpy old man voice>
Wait...was that out loud? Crap. Sometimes inside thoughts get out. π€£π€£π€£π€£
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Holy shiet i just look at your profile and, what are all those invite only GA, do want :p
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I'll have a new event up and going on Friday. Stay tuned... πππππ»
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Nicely played.
Spoiler alert: I'm just waiting for the Dungeon Sandbox to get up and running again so that I can finish construction. :)
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the peel of potatoes contains poison... when you eat them daily or have weak body it can have bad side effects...
i like them with peel, tastes more natural...? :3
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I'm afraid everything we eat now is poisonous to some level, even well advertised "organic" veggies. I do see your point though I don't know how much potato peel an average consumer would eat per day, even if they do eat fries and potatoes daily.
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My real CV recently dropped from Lvl7 (1000$+) back to 865$... so well - it can be quite disappointing sometimes :P
but hey, it's fun to give away, right? So I don't really see a problem with it - gotta keep the page floating and some sorta inflation has to be there, right?
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What I find lately is if I make a bunch of giveaways, my cv immediately goes down and when I don't give anything away for a bit, it goes back up again. Magic!al thinking. Works for me and reduces stress.
As for potatoes, I treat them harshly. chop them in wedges - peel on of course - douse them in oil and hurl them into an oven cranked up just under explosion level (that's 550 F). They love it!
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owww it's something that often happens, but I never check xD
anyways you've already been suggested well I think with sgtools and the last bundled games =)
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Hi, i'm just wondering if i can know what giveaway i made in the past was changed to "no value" or "reduced value"? It's a bit infuriating but still, the rules when the level drop but i would at least be able to see what game did that ^^
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