Hey everyone!

I recently set up a game review site: https://gawain-games.com/ . It was initially part of a university project, but I carried on with it after as a personal project. I plan on developing it further and using it as a means to learn new skills. Obviously I'll be using it for reviewing games too.

The most recent change was when I started using the Steam API for certain aspects, so things like the Steam description, genres, and total playtime on review pages are all being pulled through using the Steam API. I'll likely replace other elements with this process too.

I've gone for a somewhat minimalist approach with the site, in the hopes of making it as easy to understand and use as possible. The review pages are broken down into different sections, starting with general information like the Steam description, developer, and publisher. That's followed by a short breakdown of my experience, like how much of the game I completed, time spent playing, achievements gained, along with some short likes and dislikes. I then go into a more in-depth review, for those who prefer having more of a read. Generally that will be followed by a few screenshots and a short gameplay clip or two to help get a better view of the game.

I'm always happy to take feedback, good or (constructively) bad. Don't go hurting my feelings :P

Seriously though, feedback is welcome and appreciated! Like I said, I'm using it as a bit of a personal project, so if there's ways to improve it, I'm happy to at least consider anything mentioned. One of the previous suggestions that I implemented was the "Upcoming Reviews" part of the home page, but that didn't require too much change to be fair. I think one of the main suggestions since has been for an area where users can suggest/request game reviews.

Thanks, and happy gaming! :)

4 years ago

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