To elaborate a bit more :P
First Sentence: False. Yes, they all have values, that only add up to $30 or 20% of your Non-Bundle CV, whichever one is larger. (Or is it 20% of your Total CV? not clear on this, thread linked from FAQ says Total)
Second Sentence: True. It's a bundle game from Humble Bundle, refer to third sentence.
Third Sentence: False. They all have CV, equivalent to their Steam Store prices, but counted differently towards your total CV, refer to first sentence.
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I made a giveaway for the double fine (which is sold as bundle even out of humble website) and received 29.99 CV for it... Now alan wake is sold bundled but is not a bundle, you activate them separately and I could even buy it from Steam and put a giveaway here, where is the difference?...
I don't get it why someone should be judged as exploiter just to make 1 giveaway of alan wake...
And I don't see the point not to reward ppl with CV, since the offer won't last forever, and then Alan Wake will be back as his own price...
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i love how bundles come out and totally invalidate the people that actually paid good money for games and gave them away. its pretty backwards i think the way CV works here but im not one of the smart people so im not allowed to discuss it lest i be slammed
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if that worked then my cv wouldnt have been cut in half magically. its broken and a lot of people dont want to admit it
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thats just as broken of a concept. why lower the value of my CV cause of a price drop? i still paid what i paid for them.
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i know its just holarious how so many people want to complain over others getting points for stuff but they dont argue the points we spend. why lowe the value of something in terms of CV but still ask for the same amount of points to enter the GA for said items. if points were that important then it should apply both ways
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Actually, the points for those games will also lower then. If game X costs 50 bucks now, you will need 50P, if it costs 40 next week, you will need 40P. What happens if you have a GA overlapping and people withdraw their entere P and enter again I do not know though.
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he means if the steam store price drops the value does too, it isn't fixed at what it was when gifted.
gift skyrim when it was 60, price eventually later drops to 30, lose 30cv for no reason.
edit- no, no he doesn't. he's asking why we have to pay full point value to enter for bundled games? wait what?
editedit- (the above edit was referring to pirateninja not criztz who was saying the first thing I typed)
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well that explains it, this whole SG thing is inherently flawed and there is no way to do it properly.
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ive only done 2 giveaways that totalled less than 15 bucks. is it that hard to beleive? is everyone here so hard up for cash that they use what little they have to buy games on sales just to give them away????? is that what this is for?
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It's working just as it should. It requires you to continue being a contributor if you want to keep your contributor value. It keeps people from being able to reach the CV they want and continue having the advantage that offers even if they never contribute anything else ever again. At that point you're not a contributor any more, you're a leach that USED TO BE a contributor.
If I contribute $100 worth of games right now, that should not matter for shit 5 years from now.
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Steamgifts doesn't record the value of a bundle at the time that you give it away. It uses the current value, so price drops will reduce your CV. I don't know why. Steamgifts records the time of your giveaway, as that is how it can retroactively mark giveaways past a certain point as "bundles/exploits".
I would initially guess that it is a matter of simplicity, but the way SteamGifts handles it is probably more complicated than storing an extra value at the time of the giveaway.
So I guess it was so people couldn't just amass a hefty contributor value and then just sit there for years, never offering giveaways again. (Except the system, if you care about CV, favors people who give away a lot of cheap titles versus giving away expensive ones. A $60 new game will see its price drop over the next couple of years, anywhere from 50% to 85%. Twelve copies of an older $5 game won't see that kind of drop.)
Best to just ignore CV. If you give non-bundle games, it will go up. Sometimes it will go down. Sometimes the cap will be increased.
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like i said before im not one of the cool kids here so of course i dont understand
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This is exactly why contributor value made SG lose it's spirit of gifting. There are tons of Alan Wake giveaways from people trying to get more point for themselves, and nothing more. Back in the days giveaways used to be more balanced and good natured.
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trying to fix tings just made it more pointless in the longrun
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Because you're giving for your benefit, not others. You wanted $50 more on your contrib value for a measly $1, not because you love the site and its users so much that you felt this giveaway needed to done. I mean, there's a dearth of Alan Wake giveaways right now, right? Clearly we needed another.
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And what's wrong with Alan Wake giveaways? Some people can't buy the humble bundle, either because they can't use any of the payment options or even because they don't have a single dollar to spend on games. So actually someone who wins Alan Wake probably 'needs' the game more than someone who wins a 2000$ cv requirement Skyrim giveaway and has so many games and money that he probably doesn't care anyway.
The current cv system is as good as possible, but it's very, very far from perfect. It's almost like you have to be ashamed of gifting bundle games, and that's exactly why I stopped gifting the bundle games I don't need here. If you gift 10x Bad Rats you're a super cool guy, but if you gift Darksiders 2, Brutal Legend, Alan Wake or hundreds of other bundled top titles you are called 'the bundleman' and your cv will stay at 30$. That's ridiculous.
I'll be honest, I won't spend money to gift a game to a random kid sitting in front of his 2000$ computer who doesn't even say 'thank you' after winning (only one of the four winners of my giveaways said 'thank you', funnily enough it was someone with only 30 games on his account and no cv). But I would gift my leftover bundle games if I would get something in return other than being called a stupid bundleman who only gifts worthless crap games.
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He said 'There's a dearth of Alan Wake giveaways right now, right? Clearly we needed another'. And that was what I was referring to. Plus I think that actually almost all people here care about their cv, even though they don't want to admit it. I at least haven't seen someone who gifted hundreds of bundle games only. So much for the 'spirit of gifting'. Ideally cv should be a nice way to say 'thank you for gifting', but in its current state it is not (don't get me wrong, I know there are technical limitations and I wouldn't know how to improve it). And people who gift bundle games only are treated as if they did something wrong. Maybe my whole post is a bit off-topic since the op clearly gifted for the sole purpose of farming cv, but you see a lot of complaints like the one I replied to about giving away bundle games in general here, which upsets me.
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Generally, no one who matters will hassle you about only giving bundle games unless you do something like complain about not getting full value for them or something. There are some forum bullies and the like who might make snide remarks, but people usually like them even less, so no worries. There are plenty of people out there who still appreciate it. Lots of good games go into bundles. Frankly, the whole contributor system needs to be ripped out and replaced.
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I've given tons of bundle games. No ones gives me grief about it.
I'm way past the point of them being worth any c.v. but I still give them out just to give them.
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I give out mainly bundly games. And to be honest, I am actually quite proud of it. I know the people who get it really appreciate it and can have as much fun with it as a non-bundled game. And the people who are like 'oh it's only a bundle game' probably also won't enter it (as they already have it themselves or don't want it).
I even thought about getting to 100 giveaways before getting to 100 CV, but unfortunatly, that didn't really work out.
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Maybe my whole post is a bit off-topic since the op clearly gifted for the sole purpose of farming cv,
If you understand this, why did you misunderstand my post so badly? My point in mentioning the flood of Alan Wake giveaways was to say that the giveaway wasn't made because this person thought that the site could use an Alan Wake giveaway (clearly there are plenty available for those who want them), but that they wanted to use the game for a quick boost to their CV. If you understand they were farming for CV, why don't you get that?
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Well you see, if the cv system allowed full pricing of bundled games, then virtually everyone would make an initial investment of, say, 10 $ and get off with hundreds of cv. With it as it is now, there's your Bad Rats vs Darksiders 2 paradox. How about no cv at all? This way, people could still give away bundled games, but out of good heart and without being labeled as "bundelmen" , while poor souls who can't even spend a dollar on games would stand a better chance of winning every giveaway on the site. Fewer available entrance points would mean bigger chances to win every giveaway, while people would actually enter the giveaways they REALLY want to win, and not end up winning a game that's just gonna sit in their inventory.
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Id rather keep CV and drop the bundle list. Those who want to limit their giveaways still can and they'll just adjust their entry requirements to account for higher cv all round.
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Why you didnt recognize that your CV didnt raise, after your last giveaway? Your thread is like one month to late and for the wrong game.
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So after the the first $25 GA it should rise no more CV? (to simplify, cuz its not well explain and confuse on the MAIN post.
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they say it complicated, but its just:
first $25 counts as non bundled, the rest is 20% of non bundled total. nonbundled cv always counts.
formula is (nonbundled+(25 of your bundled cv))+(whatever that total is *.2 or whatever nonbundled cv you have whichever is smaller)
so for example(examples help):
$50 bundled, $0 non.
first 25 cv from a bundle counts as non bundled, so you get $25 bundle $25 non bundle
so its 25+(25 or 25*.2 whichever is smaller because thats how caps work. 5<25 so its only 5 that gets used)
so its 25+5
so the most you can get by gifting purely bundle games is 30. (you don't lose the extra, its just sitting there useless until you gift something non bundled)
so lets say that same guy in the example above now gifts fortix:
you recalculate it so its:
26non bundled, 25 bundled
so fortix lets you get another $0.2 cv out of your bundled stuff(because his excess bundle value wasn't lost, just stored)
cv is now $31.20
lets say you had 200 non bundled and 50 bundled.
first 25 from bundles counts as non
so thats 225 non bundled and 25 bundle
so 225*.2=45
25 is smaller than the cap of 45, so your cv is 225+25=250
of course this is all assuming i have it right myself lol
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ah, so if you have 30 non bundled and 25 from a bundle, you'd get to use the first 25 from a bundle, so it acts like you have 55 nonbundled you'd get to use all of it, you'd have 55cv.
unless you meant how much additional bundled cv the 30 would allow....then its 30*.2 which is 6
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yeah but i say... suppose i give... dunno.. 100 dollars in bundled games..and my cv is 30...
and then i give 300 in non bundled games... my cv will be 330? or 330+ the 20% of the bundled games that didn't give me cv ?.
or u lost that cv when gives cv 0 ?
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" 330+ the 20% of the bundled games that didn't give me cv ?"
you don't lose it.
having previously had the 30 based on bundle calculations doesn't matter, when something changes I think it just recalculates as if it hadn't before(not that it'd come out any different that way really anyway so whichever is easier to think of it as) so:
300 non bundled, 100 bundled...
so you have 390cv (and 10 stored bundle cv that isn't doing anything right now)
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So, for bundle games GA I won't receive a DIME and just stored CV for the moment that I GA a NON BUNDLED game and the will it become a PLUS?
To simplify the idea for me so I can get it.
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So which will be the best combination to take "advantage" and utilize that CV from BUNDLE GA that is save?
I mean how not to just stack a lot of it and just that... ( hope its clear)
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clicky what you thought you'd get $50 cv for $1 and they wouldnt have a way to patch it so you didn't break the system lol. funny op is funny. not saying you set out to game the system, but nobody ever seems to take those facts and then think of it that way and wounder what the little stars next to the game they were gifting may mean...
but more helpfully, the formula is (nonbundled+(25 of your bundled cv))+(whatever that total is *.2 or whatever nonbundled cv you have whichever is smaller)
you already have as much as you can get without gifting something that doesn't have an *
you have
90 bundled cv, 0 non bundled
make the first 25 of your bundled cv into nonbundled, so 90-25= 65
25 nonbundled, 65 bundled
20% of 25=5
so your cv is 30, and you've got 60 unused value you need to donate non bundled games to access.
20% of non bundled games is the amount you can use of bundled.
you would have to gift 300 non bundled cv to make full use of all your bundled cv because (300+25)*.2=65
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Is there no contributor value given for the Alan Wake games?
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