Hey guys, I've had borderlands 2 game of the year edition in my inventory and decided to trade it, but as I've visited the store page it says that the base game is region locked. The thing is I can't remember how I got the one in my inventory. I want to make sure that it's not region locked. The description doesn't say anything, it only lists the contents of the pack.

7 years ago

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If the gift is regione locked, you see it in the info box in the inventory description, if that doesn't say anything, it's ROW as far as i can tell.

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7 years ago

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maybe u bought it before they made region/pricing changes

If there is no red RESTRICTED COUNTRIES on gift, u should be ok with giving it away to anyone

7 years ago

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Thanks to both you :)

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Argestus.