Would you like to be on my whitelist?
can't imagine how you came up with pac-man and a unicorn though lol
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I saw no perversion in there. Not sure what would you like for us to do to be picked for your whitelist. Present fine music, play toghether, fetch artwork, tell a joke? Cant think of an solution, not sure how many do you even want whitelisted.
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Absolutely nothing wrong with a perverse mind, or in practicing with it :P
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Too lazy to even make your own post and add a pic? Good!
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Pac-Man and a unicorn making sweet, sweet love. <- This
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Sure, feel free to whitelist me. I'll return the favor, though I'm too poor to really make much use of it. I suppose it'll be more for the principle than for the practice.
You can also blacklist me if you want. A lot of people are apparently pretty fond of blacklisting me.
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... why is it always puppies with you foreigners.... what about kittens, are they not better, commoner victims...? I love both but, i dont think anyone leaves them in boxes, they rather trow the poor kitties out trough windows, no matter from which floor, then just to stray off and suffer terribly in these cold weathers and hostile residents of various kinds, and this happens only to cats, i speak from expierience, dogs...? Best pet around these parts and undoubtably the best where you come from and many elsewhere, its awfull... you say its an unspeakable evil yet you so calmly speak out such an example, as in a cruel joke... appologies but this bothered me.
Thats a nice freebie you linked up there but its useless to me as it appears you hate poor people too... if all or most your giveaways are contributor only then i have no interest to be in your whitelist if you shit on poor people as myself like this and rudely tease...
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My main purpose for using this site is to win games, since the community is toxic and no longer enjoyable. I don't particularly care whether I'm blacklisted per se, but more care that someone would blacklist without any reason (or with a laughably poor one). Yeah, it sucks when I'm blacklisted and it feels like a bit of a personal slight, but I can get over it. What I can't stand is abusive behavior.
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Well you've pointed out the reasons you want to use this site and that you are poor in almost every topic you reply to... We got it, you will keep doing what most people refer to as "leechy" behavior. It's you that makes people blacklist you by putting up a sign on you...
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I only point out my poverty when it's relevant. I don't see how it's wrong to mention that when it's pertinent to do so. And for your information, I'm not so poor that I can't give anything away. I still try to give away games, though these days it's mostly on SteamCompanion and not SteamGifts. Anyway, I try to contribute to the community in other ways, such as constructively contributing to threads and encouraging healthy site habits. I help people with their issues and do my best to be a respectful member of the community.
There is no such thing as leeching on a giveaway site. Giveaway sites are platforms wherein users can give away games, typically out of generosity and philanthropy. This isn't a closed community of elitists and traders. So-called "leeching" is a fundamental and necessary component of giveaway sites and for you or anyone to disparage it only indicates a failure to understand the very site you are using. Elitism is killing SteamGifts, and the very idea that "leeching" is even possible on here is indicative that it's already prevalent.
Blacklist me if you want. I don't care. I don't deal with elitists who don't know how to use the site. I'm not saying you're one of them, but I sure hope you aren't.
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No matter what you say, people will judge you. The only way they can judge you is by your activity on SG. Your activity is multipart, it consists of what you say, how you say it, how active in forums you are, how much you win and how much you give back. Since the site offers everyone the ability to check those then everyone can judge you.
In order for a giveaway site to work, there need to be members that giveaway games. For it to work better, more member need to create giveaways. My experience since the beginning of this site has shown me that there is a limited number of generous people and philanthropists. There is even a limited number of people that just need an incentive to giveaway, such as wining a giveaway first. But since you are a relatively new member, the numbers shown on this table will make that clear to you too. 86% of SG members (634,164) have created no giveaways at all.
So my opinion is that if SG is being killed by something, is by that 86% that sees the site only as a raffle house. So yeah, you might characterize people that use the term "leeching" as elitists, but I find those people more concerned of the well being of the site than you are. So before implying that I don't understand the site I am using, you should consider what would happen if those "elitists" stopped creating giveaways.
And by the way, if you think that a negative stance on most things on this site is contributing to the community, you are fooled.
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Although all those are aspects with which I could be judged, I don't believe they should be individually referenced to discriminate against users. So long as I am an overall constructive and contributory influence on the site, why should it matter whether I financially contribute by giving away games? What matters here is my overall conduct, not the particular shortcomings I may have.
I agree that there needs to be more giveaways and contributors on SteamGifts, and the percentage of noncontributory users should be closer to 50% (or less) as compared to an overwhelming majority of the community, but the corollary of this is to encourage reciprocity and contributions among these users, not to disparage and treat them as inferiors for being so-called "leechers." Doing so only breeds resentment and contempt among the community, whereas the former would help foster a healthier and improved environment for everyone to enjoy.
How exactly are elitists—a term I used to describe users who only give away to high-leveled contributors, operate primarily within closed groups, and disparage those who don't contribute a minimum or equal amount—more concerned about the community than I am? Elitists want to reshape the system to fit their goals and agenda. They are more interested in using the site as a sort of prestigious gambling club for the affluent to give away games, and only among their own tight-knit, exclusive group members to win. They aren't interested in using the site to give away games for less fortunate people to win; they want to exploit the services of the system to fashion a pseudo-trading ring for them to give away among their own respective bands. Elitists want to treat this site less like a charity and more like a casino. Last I checked, philanthropists typically care about the people with whom they interact during their philanthropy more than the gamblers and blackjack dealers in Las Vegas for the people trying to test their luck.
Unlike them, I give away games (and I have given away games on SteamGifts, however few, in case you didn't notice) in order to contribute to the community and give back to the very site that helped receive so many games I could have otherwise not afforded. If I had more money and my wants and needs were met, I'd be giving away many more games. The difference, though, is that these giveaways would usually be for everyone, not just certain privileged individuals of similar CV. Why? Because this is a giveaway site, and anything I give away would be for those who are unable to afford it. This isn't a friendly poker match among a bunch of acquaintances of similar economic status, an exclusive club for raffling off items and laughing at (and hating on) the "leechers." This is a giveaway site. If I wanted to give away a game to a friend, I'd trade it to them.
If these elitists were to stop creating giveaways, it may cut back on the quantity of giveaways (especially among the aspiring ones trying to boost their CV through bundled games or cheap deals in order to qualify), but those who would be hit the worst would be the elitists themselves, who keep the bulk of their giveaways reserved for higher levels. Then again, I'm beginning to get the impression that we have different definitions of "elitist." It seems to me that you are using the term "elitist" where you mean "high-leveled contributors." I don't have a problem with the major contributors of the community and I sincerely appreciate their contributions. I respect what they do and their willingness to give away so much to people who have done so little to earn them. My problem is with a certain part of that demographic, those who are so stuck up that they more resemble Scrooge McDuck than Mother Theresa.
The problem here isn't "leechers." It's elitists who think "leeching" is a problem on a giveaway site founded for that very purpose.
I'm being critical of most things, because it seems like nobody else is bothering to examine and analyze them. A lot of the time, my criticisms may be negative or harsh, but they are nevertheless constructive. If I was just being some complaining negativist, I wouldn't be trying to propose ideas and reformations which may improve the community, or encourage different site habits which could lead to a healthier environment. I would just whine about the community and shitpost about how terrible it is without proposing any way to remedy it.
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We have different views on what this site is for, on what a constructive criticism is, as well as who the actual contributors of this site are. So this discussion will probably never come to an end and I don't plan to spare more of my time replying to you in such extent.
You may say anything about yourself and half of it could be lies. I'll never know so I can judge you and discriminate however I want. You can do the same of course. You may say you are poor, but it doesn't add up since you do have a working computer and an internet connection. Your walls of text show that you are also educated. You even have money to spare for giveaways in other sites like you say. So yeah, we even have different definitions of "poor". You can stop using that as an excuse and just say that you rather use your resources otherwise...
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Well, I disagree that our views are so disparate as to be irreconciliable, but I respect your wish to resign from this discussion. For what it's worth, I do agree with you on several points; I only focused on the points of contention because simple concurrence won't encourage further discourse.
I understand your cynicism and skepticism about the veracity of people's claims on the Internet (I generally feel the same way). I know it may not be worth anything to you, but I can assure you that I'm a habitually honest person and I only lie in extreme circumstances when I believe it is the lesser of two great evils. Otherwise, I consider any and all overt lying to be immoral and deceitful by nature and abstain from it whenever possible.
I have an Internet connection because my family is paying for it. Moreover, Internet access isn't particularly difficult to come by in a developed region of the world, especially one like the United States. It may not be cheap, but it is freely accessible in countless areas within walking distance of me. The apparent erudition of my vocabulary and typing skills are born from my love for language and passion for learning. Much of my education has been autodidactic in nature, and I have books and the Internet to thank for that. My vocabulary in particular is the result of my old habit of literally reading the dictionary when I was a young child and using terms I found interesting in my everyday speech. Contrary to what you may believe, the relationship between financial wealth and education is nowhere near as strong as it used to be and if someone, even an impoverished person, were passionate about learning, they could without too much difficulty.
As for the giveaways on other sites, those giveaways aren't very much anyway. I purchased the two Real Horror Stories Ultimate Edition copies when it was -90% and the Portal and Portal 2 copies were extra giftable copies given to me when I redeemed the Valve Complete Pack I won on SteamGifts. I already had a copy of both games beforehand (and therefore it was an indirect purchase) from a couple of years ago, before I used SteamGifts and during the time when I was gifted Steam Wallet funds from my family.
Maybe we do have different definitions of "poor," seeing as I have to be borderline-retarded, unable to use the Internet, and incapable of giving away any games in order to qualify as such. Either that or you're just being a presumptuous douche who's trying to tell me my life story before I could say it myself.
You're wrong again and I'd appreciate it if you didn't assume my life.
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You clearly want to provoke people to argue with you. And to do that you once more twisted my words to your liking. I said you seem educated, you contradicted that with "borderline-retarder", I said you have access to internet you took it to "being unable to use the internet", I said you even spared some money to giveaway games and you replied with "being incapable to give away any game". So it should be clear to you when I tell you that you are not a person to discuss with.
By the way, I have the right to assume anything of your life, as do you for my life. I'm pretty sure though that with your "talents" you could find some more productive ways to spend your time and maybe even address your poverty issue.
Am I presumptive douche enough for you?
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I want to have discussions, yes, and sometimes I do provoke people to argue with me (I've stated as much before). However, right now I'm not trying to. I'm accusing you of being wrong because I believe you are grossly twisting my words in much the same way you're accusing me of doing so. Yes, I used hyperbolic exaggerations, but I did so to illustrate a point: you have this fallacious view of what qualifies as "poor" and none of the characteristics you mentioned I exhibited contradict my claim to poverty. Nevertheless, you cite my Internet access and apparent education as indicators that I'm either lying or fail to understand what it means to be poor, despite how neither traits necessarily contradict my assertions. Perhaps I was a bit tactless in my response, but I said what I did in order to show just how absurd it is that you doubt my poverty based on those premises.
I am currently in the process of improving my life. At this time, however, my life is rather dreary and I'm pretty poor, so it would be wrong of me to state otherwise. That would be lying.
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The only time discussing your poverty is relevant is when...
a) someone asks you about it.
b) your financial status is a precondition for something.
c) you are paying your taxes.
There are plenty of people on this site who are impoverished, but most of them don't make a lot of noise about it. Quite a few of those people are also active contributors to the site. Being poor does not prevent a person from being generous and/or nice.
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Being extremely poor to the extent that you can't afford even the basic necessities without financial assistance from the government and one's family is probably reason enough for me to be a bit skimp on my giveaways, Khalaq. Whenever I mention my poverty, it is for reason (b), in particular that my poverty prevents me from giving away as many games as I'd otherwise be doing. I have only mentioned this in cases wherein I have been accused of leeching because it implies that I am selfishly withholding my generosity in favor of being a leech on the system (which is not the case). Otherwise, I'm not a fan of pronouncing my financial destitution, since that is a rather shameful and embarrassing thing to acknowledge.
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I am extremely poor to the extent that I cannot afford even the basic necessities without financial assistance from the government and my family. My poverty prevents me from giving away as many games as I would otherwise be doing. I have only mentioned this in those few cases where someone in a similar position has used poverty as an excuse for not being a very active member of SG.
There are many ways to be involved with SteamGifts, whether by investing your time or your money. There is nothing wrong with choosing to spend your time and/or money on other things. (SteamGifts is not required to live a full and happy life.) For myself, I try my best to be a positive contributor to the SG community despite being poor.. It is quite probable that I spend too much of my own time and money on SG, yet I find enjoyment in giving to others and still manage to get by. If you would like to follow my example, I recommend buying games to give away which are either bundled or on sale for 85% or more off while trying to always be positive and helpful in community discussions. Yes, that is difficult to do, but I find it has been worth the effort for me.
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I am an active member of the community, or try to be. I am just not a contributor of giveaways to the community and for the reasons I stated previously. I'm not using my poverty as an excuse, but as a valid reason. I seriously doubt I could write off "buying random Steam game to give away to strangers" on my monthly expenses and the government would gladly compensate me for that, even though I probably should have spent that money on groceries or rent.
I'm not sure where you got the idea that I'm not an active member of the community, despite how I have tried to ensure users get free games, made two different suggestions to improve the site, and contributed two different threads attempting to spark debate and encourage healthier site habits. The latter thread was mostly constructed within the course of only 22 hours, meaning I had spent nearly the entire day interacting with users, constructing arguments, and contributing to the thread. Aside from that, I have also made hundreds of comments on threads, more than I could even hope to find and link to, all with the intended purpose of contributing to that thread and participating in the community, despite how I've grown to despise the community for how toxic and hostile it has become.
I may be poor, but I'm no leech. I have explained this multiple times (I'd search the forums for them all, but that's more a hassle than I'd like to expend, so here's one instance): what I can't do in financial contributions I do my best to make up in participation with the community by means of thoughtful and constructive threads and comments.
If I can procure some funds and there's a good sale, I may purchase a game or pack to give away.
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But you're too sexy for my shirt! And my cat! And stuff. I forgot the lyrics.
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if you mostly know what people you like it should not be a big problem ^^
..if you wanna create giveaway for them, make it last for a while so then you have time to add them
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Don't look through the forums, you will find a ton of weirdos. Like me.
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Here's a video for you to watch. Friend, pal, homie.
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My whitelist is kinda empty, and I'm too lazy to look through the forums for the people I like.
Soooo...um. Just uh, do stuff, and I'll whitelist you, maybe.
Oh, and here's this: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/o9HhV/
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