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Wait a few days.
"These games now have new shit for crafting a foil badge: ..."
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But wait! It doesn't stop there! Preorder NOW and you get two foil cards for the price of one!
And then it all turns into a shitty product commercial.
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Level 5 TF2 Foil Badge will unlock an unusual Tinfoil hat with orbiting burning trading cards.
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So you want to tell me Beat hazard is a bad game?
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As I replied to Movac: "As someone who prefers to sell all their cards, I don't want to be at a disadvantage in the game because of it :/"
Especially when these "bonuses" are only introduced well after the game got cards, when I've already had plenty of time to earn them then sell them.
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And like I've said (or heavily implied) elsewhere, we all have to make choices. You want to have your cake and eat it too.
Plus, it's inaccurate to say the bonuses have been introduced "well after the game got cards". In the case of Torchlight 2 and Beat Hazard, both were announced roughly the same time as cards were released.
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I just hope this doesn't lead to large/important ingame extras in the future. Maybe the ships are already an important extra in BH, since I don't play it, and don't know much about it, I really have no idea how much difference the ships would make to gameplay.
Yes but I fear many devs will instantly jump on this idea, and release bonuses for their games, and there are plenty of games which got cards a while ago. I mean it only takes a couple of hours to get all your cards and sell them.
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nice find. and sad.
sad for two reasons...
1) as mentioned already, dev didn't know how the cards work before implementing this thing that relies on the card system.
2) the dev is okay with people "just leav[ing] the game running"... doesn't care if they're actually playing the game, or wasting electricity.
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How can an extra content that the developers weren't obligated to do be a bad thing? That was me translating.
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Thanks for the translation.
It's a bad thing when we have to craft badges for it. We need to craft a foil badge for the Dragon Ship. That's insane.
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Don't you understand that before we got nothing besides the badge and extras from Steam? You got no extra stuff in game. Now for crafting badge aside from getting the badge and extras from Steam you also get some extra stuff in the game. They don't have to do it and as you can see no one else has done that yet. They're first. It's a good thing for those who craft badges. Those who don't craft them will definitely not craft them for a ship or two.
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Most people craft normal badges, not foil ones. Check the prices of foil cards for BH and then come back here and tell me that it's a good thing.
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But some craft foil and why shouldn't they be addtionally rewarded? You craft normal ones - you get something extra. You craft foils and spend more money - you get something extra as well. Where's the problem? It's just a little bonus for people who craft badges.
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It depends on what kind of award it is. Refer to Desuvk's comment.
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I just hope this isn't the start of something bigger.
Like a you-only-have-access-to-this-content-if-you-get-level-5-badges sort of thing. That would be bad.
Do the devs get anything with this whole card system, or is it just Steam that's profiting?
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Why would it be a bad thing? Does your OCD compels you buy everything even remotely game related?
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Gotta agree with you there. If they keep everything else and nerf the points bonus, I think more folks will be happy. As is, the ship itself would be cool even without that.
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I agree with you. I never even paid attention to high scores and whatnot, though I do get why some folks would dislike the 10% bonus points that the dragon ship gets. To them, it screws with the leaderboards a bit too much. A lot of people like the competitive portion of BH.
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The only point you made which is valid (and I think worth seriously considering, because it's a good one) is that there are only enough foils for 5 people to craft the badge. While some might say, "Oh that will change in time," it will not do so that rapidly, or extensively. I think Beat Hazard is a relatively popular game, as indies go (or at least it once was), so there are probably quite a few people that would like to get the new ship, even if it means buying or trading their way to a foil badge, and there's going to be no way of doing that for many of them.
Your other points though I think I mistaken. This doesn't "force" anyone to do anything. People have a choice about what is worth their time and money. This gives them one more choice. This may or may not provide less money to the developer, depending on whether it generates overall greater interest in the game / franchise, and how many cards get bought / sold over time. Finally, I think saying that the cost of the foil badge is a bit premature (foil prices are always highest immediately after a new set is released, and with 30+ games released in one day, a lot of people have not collected their cards yet). I expect the cost to drop at least in half. Also, I think it needs to be thought of as a reward or bonus, not as a dlc you're buying. It's a reward for those that are passionate about the game and/or cards enough to craft a foil badge.
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Yeah this is rather stupid.
Of course specific to Beat Hazard, at least the Gold ship was available already if you bought the game at the right time (already stupid in my opinion).
If you want me to get this content, stick it into a DLC and add 2-3 couple of extra tracks specifically composed for the game (The ones included in the base game are some of my favorites to play the game to) to make it worth the price. Then I'll happily buy it using funds gained from selling cards I have no interest in.
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I would rather have the two ships for Beat Hazard Ultra to be released as DLC, and then have the option to unlock them via crafting a Level 5/Foil badge (and should be applicable to many other games that chooses to do this.) That way, some people can choose their preference in how to obtain them.
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I'm surprise people don't like this, I remember tons of comments alongs the line of,
What do badges do?
It allows you to increase your level which allows more booster pack drops
Thats it? Lame
We already have paid dlc, what's the big deal for card-based dlc? I think its a cool idea.
Can't make people happy ever.
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You can easily "win" the game without it. Well, maybe not easily, I don't know anything about Beat Hazard. But I'm sure that people have beaten it without this ship.
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"We already have paid dlc, what's the big deal for card-based dlc? I think its a cool idea.
Can't make people happy ever."
Look at the possibilities...if the Devs can make unlocks based on the Badgelevel, then it must be possible to let cards drop by doing something in the game...which would mean, no more idling for cards
"You can easily "win" the game without it. Well, maybe not easily, I don't know anything about Beat Hazard. But I'm sure that people have beaten it without this ship."
You can't win the game ( at least not really ), but can get better Highscores with it ( 10% more Points )....but i think the most people who complain about that are not the ones who play on the hardest difficulty with max Effects on insane songs...
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Do the scores do anything outside of position on the leaderboard and giving bragging rights? If they do, can that be done without bonuses of foil card ships?
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The Scores are actually just for the leaderboard, nothing else.
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You "win" Beat Hazard if you get more points than other players. Getting free +10% of them is somewhat 'cheaty'.
Kinda like sports, where now-a-days it's not people skills that decide who is the best, but it's more and more about who is richest and had more money for better equipment...
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No one is entitled to that "gameplay stuff" that you feel you're missing out on. If companies feel they would be better served (in other words, would have more sales) by selling the dlc as opposed to making it a reward, they will.
There's no reason that people that collect cards should not be rewarded in some marginally meaningful ways.
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yeah have that one myself as well. I believe it was summer sale last year.
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In Beat Hazard earning the 5th lvl badge and the foil badge unlock 2 ships. Cards are useful now!
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