Put on your YOGSing pants yet?
Dungeon of the Endless was in the June 2016 monthly, not sure why ITAD doesn't detect any of the versions as bundled.
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somebody has added it as "Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack":
they have entry also for "Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Edition": https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=dungeonofendlesscrystaledition
If Crystal Pack and Crystal Editon are same thing, they should be informed to merge them but it's probably requested already among 100's of others: https://isthereanydeal.com/dots/
Nonetheless, it is also a package of 4 items... so I guess it still wouldn't make "Dungeon of the Endless" basegame count as bundled at ITAD as they see it as separate item: https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=dungeonofendless But maybe they can make it appear as part of the package above somehow: they have issue tracker where you can report about these things: https://bitbucket.org/tfedor/isthereanydeal.com/issues
Rust has been in 5 bundles previously, not just 3: https://barter.vg/i/405/
Garry's Mod been bundled 4 times before: https://barter.vg/i/40/
The first Yogscast bundle was in 2013: https://barter.vg/bundle/2302/
2014 Yogscast bundle is missing from ITAD but I just added it to Barter: https://barter.vg/bundle/2936/
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Many thanks for this info, I updated the thread based on it.
I really need to find some time to integrate Barter into Lex's script (aka pull the data from Barter too, in addition to ITAD)...
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"Who needs an advent calendar when you can have a bundle calendar"
but will prob. buy it mixed it up with the awesome Freedome Bundle
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hope you will still find some good games in it. not sure if i'll buy it.
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Thank you c: I already picked up Garry's Mod and Q.U.B.E, and I'm a sucker for advent calendars so even the thrill of 'what will it be today!' is enough for me c: Worst case scenario, I get to donate to charity and give away a bunch of games.
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Thank you for posting, Sensualshakti! ^^
Maybe, it will depend on the next game reveals.
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My Predictions:
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I can't find anywhere on the internet these predictions. Are they yours? :)
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Are they yours?
Yes. Edited the message to reflect that. :P
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Wow. You are so wrong.
Some DLC? No way. It's specifically some DLC for games that aren't included. Lot of "deluxe content" (art and soundtrack) ones at that.
Also I'm guessing a demo too.
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It's specifically some DLC for games that aren't included. Lot of "deluxe content" (art and soundtrack) ones at that.
Probably. It wouldn't be a first. Also judging from the latest Codemasters bundle where half of the BTA tier was comprised of coupons and DLCs for not included games I'm afraid we'll start seeing this more in future bundles.
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Hah, yeah most likely. Though to be fair, that CM bundle was solid enough on it's own (and even with reveals to come) that the coupons didn't come across like empty stuffing masquerading as content to me. It felt more "oh, and here's something extra" in the way that sort of inclusion should feel
I've just got this vivid memory from last year. Things were already increasingly dismal as the reveals whimpered on, and on one of the very last days, I saw "Bohemian Killing" and figured at least they're actually trying to end on a high note---before noticing it was the soundtrack. (-_-)
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Yep. Same... That Bohemian Killing soundtrack shit they pulled was ridiculous. I didn't get the bundle, and I was more and more glad I didn't as more games were revealed. Games that were bundled several times over, VR game(s)... and just not particularly enticing stuff. And then a code for a freaking soundtrack that you could only use if you went out and bought the game on its own. It's not even as if HB had bundled it in another bundle recently. Just... ballsy.
Happy to finally get it in the Nemesis Bundle 4.
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100% goes to charity of my choice, so that's good. I can give what I'd normally give anyway, and get free games as a bonus.
Seeing the reveals every day is fun.
On the down-side, I probably already have almost all of those games, and a bunch are probably F2P junk. Soooo.... we'll wait and see :)
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You can set your own charity on your account. and it shows up for every bundle.
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Nah, you remember correctly. I also prefer to donate to a charity of my choice and have done so ever since they allowed it, and it happened fairly often that it wasn't allowed, not in a while now though.
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I'm also pretty sure that some bundles have railroaded you into donating only to the featured charity if you were to go the charity route for that bundle. I remember it specifically in connection to the Call of Duty charity (it's called something like that) that provides games and other assistance for army veterans.
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You could click on them, incredible how much information is accessable if you do so.
"The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a non-profit that defends your rights in the digital world. This world-class team of tech-savvy attorneys, activists, and technologists fight in courtrooms and Congress to protect privacy and free expression online and throughout the world."
"Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a non-profit organization protecting the freedom to read comics! Our work protects readers, creators, librarians, retailers, publishers, & educators who face the threat of censorship. We monitor legislation & challenge laws that would limit the First Amendment. We create resources that promote understanding of comics & the rights our community is guaranteed. Every day we publish news & information about censorship events as they happen. We are partners in the Kids' Right to Read Project & Banned Books Week. Our expert legal team is available at a moment's notice to respond to First Amendment emergencies. CBLDF is a lean organization that works hard to protect the rights that our community depends on. Please support our important work!"
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Do you even have any actual idea what are you talking about besides complaining? It's not the lawyers who make the laws! They can not veto it ffs. That's like you complaining at the local police officer about what the speed limit is that they have no control over, they just maintain a system based on the existing laws and rules.
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Please don't bother me ever again until you learn to read and understand 3 lines. You're demanding them to do something that's not their job and ignoring what are they doing. Try to be better than an elementary school student, please. They can read longer text and understand it better than you do.
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It's more of Humble's way of saying that they won't take a cut at all by default. There's not even the possibility that they or the devs or anybody but charity gets any of the money. I'm sure there are a lot of people out of the tens/hundreds of thousands who buy Humble Bundles who just go with the preset distribution of money and can't be bothered to manually assign the portion to charity/devs/Humble.
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The Dev's generally donates the keys for free for this charity
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Hmm.. Looks at spreadsheet and looks up last years bundle. Well over half is unredeemed. Played very little of it. A few good games. Some stuff I do intend to play.
Nothing on day 1 I care about that I don't already have....
Arg... I'll likely buy it again. lol.
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Considering you can purchase it whenever you want during December, I would wait for more unlocks first.
In the OP I listed the events from the past 2 years, maybe this helps a bit :)
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But is it just these few games which are limited to 150 000 and we know it's 150 000 for them and no less or is 150 000 for the whole bundle and there could be less for some games? And where-from do 150 000 come in the first place?
I hate that they remove keys in any bundle whatsoever.
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You can 100% charity every bundle on HB, so that doesn't matter.
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No publisher should have an expectation of a return on any bundle sold anywhere. They are lucky to get 1 penny per bundle sold, I've seen dev commentary on bundle sales figure stats before online that said as much.
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Its because the Dev's are the ones that donates the keys I think free of charge for the charity
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Buy it at any point in time for $35 and receive all games
Yeah, not biting unless there's something great showing up. 35$ is a lot to pay for re-bundles.
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Rust and Garry's Mod were also in the very first yogscast bundle in 2013: http://web.archive.org/web/20131230165540/https://www.humblebundle.com/yogscast
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What's happening with the money from subscriptions/adverts on twitch.tv/yogscast?
- In previous years the Yogscast have donated all earnings from twitch subs/ads to charity.
- This year subs/ads for December will NOT be donated to charity! Instead, streamers and guests will share the earnings as normal.
- Lewis will still be donating any money he receives from December to charity. Other streamers will be doing this at their own discretion.
- Losing a month of twitch revenue and donations is hard for some of our streamers, who also give up their free time during the busiest month of the year.
This makes me a little... uncomfortable.
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Well, the reason is that last bullet point. The fact is, the Yogs aren't that popular usually and most of their streamers are eeking out a niche living or doing it as a sideline. So not earning for a whole month can be a financial strain for the ones who rely on it at least in part.
This change does introduce a mercenary aspect, but more along the lines of wanting to eat rather than buying a second yacht, so I understand.
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Many thanks for pointing this out, I added this info in to the OP.
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I don't mean to be confrontational at all (sorry), I'm curious what part makes you uncomfortable? Is it the fact that they gain exposure during the charity event so therefore more views? Or that people might assume it's going to charity because of past years?
Personally I'd see is as more sketchy if you were required to subscribe, but so far they haven't had sub mode on unlike previous years when the money was donated to charities. Twitch wouldn't be giving their half to charity anyways, so best to donate directly through humble bundle. They also just did a charity "garage sale" over the summer before moving, selling a bunch of shared items and donated to Special Effect. Just personally don't think they're trying to abuse the system, but rather support the people helping stream ~10 hours a day for a month.
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After last year's shitty DLCs, betas and free games, they can all go fuck themselves. After I say anything rational about how bad that bundle was and how bad this one will be with free game(Q.U.B.E.) day 1, all I get is downvotes. Shitty subreddit, full of fanboys knowing shit about anything.
Also, technically, they gave away 47 games instead of "over 50" as they said, with last bundle. Other stuff were DLCs for the shitty games not even included in the bundle. So I highly doubt there would be 60+ games this time, either.
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Your anger made me chuckle. Reddit is cancer though, it's bad for your health over there.
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Don't switch targets; nobody's talking about the cynicism of HB's charity-washing PR, which is rightly criticizable. Agrass was criticizing the content of the bundle, which is essentially criticizing those devs that did donate free games. Losing focus by switching targets isn't helpful is seeing how absurd that criticism is.
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Hurray for developers who donate free games! But adding to that that someone pays money to get unwanted and often useless content (like DLCs for games they don't play) for the buyer, it's subject of criticism. Maybe the devs give it for free for HB, but HB asks money for it, so as far as the buyer-seller connection goes, it's veeery much the subject of what content for how much money.
Also criticizing content is not criticizing the dev, get that idea out of your head. One ccould give good game for free (like FTL) to HB who then sells it for 20$. And it would be a shit deal and a scam on HB's side.
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The "buyer-seller" paradigm, and criticisms that might be valid in a context where the person giving the goods is receiving something in return, is totally inapplicable when the recipient of the money is a third-party charity. You're talking nonsense. Regardless of whatever scam HB is running (and I agree they are, as you already pointed out), you can't have a "shit deal" when you don't have a "deal" in the first place at all but rather a donation.
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You're so focused on charity that you're forgetting that people still pay money for it. As soon as you get anything for your money, it's subject of criticism. The only reason it counts as donation because you pay for HB who then forwards it as a donation. Casually ignoring the middle-man to enforce your idea about how noone should complain about it.
Have you ever thought why people not just give their 30$ for the charities, but pay through humblebundle then be all so happy about "it's all for charity"? People want shit their money. It's just the yearly poseur-fest of totally-not-giving-for-games. Incoming replies "it I already give I rather get something back" in 3, 2, 1...
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Again, you're switching targets. Are you criticizing the devs who supply the content or not? Trying to criticize HB is a red herring, and now you've switched to criticizing the customers whose (very obviously selfish and fun-oriented) motive explains why they buy it. But why people buy from HB is totally irrelevant to whether you are getting a "good deal" in return for giving a donation to a charity and have any right to complain about it. You really need to focus on one issue and stick to it, instead of jumping around to whatever target makes it seem like there's a problem.
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All of my bundle profits always go entirely to charity. Yours and anyone else's can as well.
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I put it on Wikimedia because I use it all the time and I believe their sites are great for bringing knowledge and information to everyone in the world.
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The link is not work to me. It link to Yogscast 2015 which was ended.
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Maybe. Need to see at least half of the reveals before deciding if it is worth it.
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Id like to remind you that this is for the charities, it is not about you. If you choose to donate then you are doing so for the charities benefit. You are very lucky that you get a good amount of games for it. Stop being so selfish. This is for the charities, not about you.
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Then again, there are games involved so people are commenting on what they get for their buck. I donate to a lot of charities on my own, I don't need Humble Bundle for that. If they want to motivate people by making a bundle, it should be a bundle that doesn't look like something out of a trash. for the charities sake.
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oh I didn't mean this one is trash, I was speaking generally. Most of the games are old news though. Bundled already or from the monthly trove like Teslagrad, and too many DLC already. The point is to get people to buy early so if those are the top of the bundle, it's not great
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Right? And they keep going! I wish that they had bigger things coming but it seems to me it"ll only get weaker as it goes and I have nothing against DLC but it seems more and more bundles are about offering cheap things to make you buy expensive games and I don't see the point. Not really trusting their counter right now because there seems to be a lot of people buying what i literally a DLC bundle.
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🎁❤🎄 Humble Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 🎄❤🎁
$35 for 60 Steam items (games + DLCs) + others
1 December - 31 December 2017
Useful links:
Reddit announcement (+schedule)
Yogscast' live Twitch stream
VODs on Yogs Live
Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 - System Requirements
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg - Lestrades
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
The following are available only in some regions:
Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 Region Restrictions
Contribute $5 (about €4.22) or more to get:
Pay $35 (about €29.54) or more to get to get these games... and more added EVERY DAY through December 25th!
(Caveblazers - Arena Mode, Dimension Jump, The Inner World were not included in the leaked version)
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
Retail (Steam items only):
If you would rather prefer to spoil yourself the rest of the bundle, you can go here
Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker
Previous Yogscast bundles
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!
My deepest gratitude goes to GodFeelling for notifying me and providing information about the event and to luckz for helping with the poll answers.
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