Steam won't do anything to your account, just change the feedback to "Not Received" and contact the giveway creator to inform him and sort it out (either he can provide you with another copy of the game, or he can request the deletion of the giveaway with your permission).
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But it is true O.o that I'm clueless e.e
I only read this: Lara Croft and the %%%%%%
I was so happy that day that I did not read well '-'
in my account no have more game relative to Lara Croft
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That's a terrible idea, if it doesn't get revoked and the giveaway creator contacts us about this, you'll get in trouble.
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What Joachim said. If you received the game then you should activate it right away and mark it as "received". You'll be able to change that to "not received" if it ever gets revoked - you won't be stuck with a "received" for a game you don't have anymore.
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Since it is two of you now, it can either be that the guy purchased the keys from HB with a stolen card or one where the bank revoked the credit.
It is also a possibility that the HB glitch from a few weeks ago struck again and the site itself provided bad keys.
In any case, you definitely should try to contact him so he can ask HB support what's happening.
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Has HB ever provided keys that worked but then were revoked, NOT due to region issues, though?
In fact, I've never heard of HB revoking ACTIVATED keys before, without it being requested.
All the recent HB issues I've heard of had to either do with them providing region-locked keys or the publisher pulling keys due to their region restrictions [and all the cases really seem to tie in only to Germany or south America].
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There were several reports, and I can confirm, that HB did provide duplicate keys, especially around the Capcom bundle time frame.
And to top it, since according to the stats we are talking about a user who does region locked GAs, your hunch about regioning issue and revoke may be on the spot.
All I'm saying is that there is a decent chance of possibility that the problem is not necessarily made by the GA creator but HB or maybe the publisher who provided the wrong keys.
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Well, HB replaces revoked keys, so that'd clear up easy.
The only issues are the bundle they allowed Germans to buy on accident and the publisher forced a full revoke on all Germans that had bought it; or if there was some kind of processing glitch that gave them a duplicate bundle, or something.
No other reason for an entire bundle to be revoked, at least for reasons internal to HB, that I can think of.
I wasn't aware the intent of this was clarification of the creator's odds of having engaged in malfeasance.
No, I'm of the opinion you should always provide benefit of the doubt until it's unreasonable to do so- I wasn't making any comments to that regard.
Just pointing out that the times Humble has had notable issues have been few and very specific in nature, and they've always done their best to resolve them- even if all they could offer was a refund.
Gotta extend that benefit of the doubt to Humble as well. :)
That being said, no doubt that things have gotten a bit sloppy of late, hopefully HB can clean things up soon. :X
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Won from here:
The message is in Spanish because it is my native language, but translated says this:
" Steam Support Alert For ####### - January 11th, 2016
A Steam Product code you activated has been removed from your account
Jan 06th. Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris ROW Launch
Your recent Product code activation has been revoked due to a problem processing payment for this item. The games associated with this product code can no longer be played as a result. This could be due a problem with the payment methods you used to acquire this item from a third-party seller; or a problem with how the third-party seller acquired the Product code. Please contact the seller you acquired the Product code from for assistance.
If you would like to purchase the item, please visit the Steam Store. Otherwise you may choose to delete the local content associated with these games "
The first time the alert appears me what does that mean? Why is that?
Steam can ban my account for that? who else has this happened?
I should do in this case? although I'm afraid to active codes won from this page >.<
Thank you for your answers ^^
EDIT: When active the game that day(January 06), i only read this: "Lara Croft and the %%%%%"
I did not realize that the game won and activated were different, but equally it does not seem right
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