It's ALWAYS like that.
You can check if it's a freeweekend by looking directly underneath the 'free' entry.
If the exact same game entry is listed underneath with a price tag, it's just a free weekend :P
In this case, if you scroll just a bit down, you'll see the game is $3.74 (or international equivalent) at the moment.
So nothing deceptive or confusing there, if you're familiar with the interface :)
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Did you buy it before or what? Cuz you can still get it, you still have 2 days :D
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It´s only Free Weekend,
the Key´s are like Beta Key´s and cant activate on Steam to get unlimited Access
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ok the First Dawn of War ^^ but the 2. dont work ;) and First i got always >.> But Hey why not a Free awesome Game
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Based on TheMcSame's comment
Click CD key on the game's page in your library
Copy the code
Activate the code as normal
My guess is that you select the game in your library, then on the right-hand side you click on CD key, and use the code as you were activating a game. Don't know if it works or not, I already have the game :\
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That's interesting, many were reporting that the "CD Key" link on the right (to get the key) disappeared for them.
But perhaps if you already had the key from before it might still activate...?
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You should probably remove the link to that person's profile because of the "no calling out" rule. You might end up getting suspended or something.
Still, the length some people will go for free CV is always disappointing to see. Cleared my blacklist recently but that guy is now on it.
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Ooh, thank you for the tip! It seemed to work for me ^^
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I wouldn't use it.
Using glitch is:
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"My friends are stealing from our local shop. Nobody catches them so far..."
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So if a shopkeeper would run from a shop to help rescue somebody from f.ex. a car accident, and leave his shop alone,
you would say it is a feature for a thief? It is
but only for bad person
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Well your example is totally retarded and irrelevant. so there is another one
there is a glitch on a online store that list a ps2 for 27 $ so you buy it. Why you are abusing the system if it's 27 $. btw this already happen in bestbuy or some thing like that, because there is no hack/steal they law obligate them to sell it at that price and can't charge you more
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Sorry, but your example is wrong as well. You can't really compare buying something at online store during a temporary pricing error with manually adding a CD-key which you had to look up in the first place and it's something you most likely wouldn't normally do if you didn't know that after doing that, the retail copy is added to your library for free. Someone probably made a mistake by revealing these working retail copy CD-keys and people are simply exploiting that, so it is in fact taking advantage of the opportunity which we all know isn't exactly legal so if Valve decides to not only revoke all the exploited retail keys but also ban the accounts of those who added these keys to their library, they will have the absolute right to do so and there is no way for people to defend that and can only hope that Valve will lift the ban after apologizing.
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that example is way more clear and related but it's add a license 25 Sep, 2015 Dawn of War Thirdparty Retail Retail, i don't know if it's considered as a 0 $ purchase(price error) or not.
i doubt they ban pp for that, they showed the key them self and we had access to it with out any use of hack or vpn, it's a feature of steam to show our key. Is not like we had to buy some thing to get a gift then we use a refund and keep the gift so we didn't break any legal stuff in any way
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You still used a key you knew doesn't legally belong to you as you did not pay for it, so not only you knew what you're doing and so you won't be able to defend this action, but also you did that knowing it's not a usual procedure of legally obtaining and adding a game to your library, so if they ask why did you do that, you won't be able to explain it in any other way than telling them the truth and your true intentions which were to get the game for free, at that point it will be their call whether to ban you or not. Although, since it's not only you who did this, they will have to deal with this on a larger scale rather than dealing with all the players individually. This is why I said in a different post that the more people do this, the better, as that is the only hope to actually get away with this without ban.
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i know that they might revoke the key but it might be a special event and they gave the key, it's not yet an exploitation because we can see the key.
it's real that i didn't pay for the key but they showed it in my library so if its a mistake they will remove it, if it was an exploit they would have to let us know they have a problem with that and would probably ask to not use that until they found how the issue appear.
But for now, no one stole the key and no one exploited it because we don't know yet if it was a mistake or not, as long as we don't know there is a problem it can't be considerate as an exploit
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I never call you retarded, please don't be mean..
I would say you are wrong.
Buying a car for $ 100.00 instead of $ 10,000 is bad. [1%] (price error - the person who wrote the label made it wrong - his fault)
Ok, what about: $ 1,000 instead of $ 10,000 [10%] ? For me it is still bad. (also employee fault)
You say "paying" 0% is ok. (system fault) For me - it's definatelly not.
Well... I don't know what to say....
That kind of discount is... emm.... It is amazing? Yea?
But NOPE!! Let's buy for $0...
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i didn't called you ''retarded'' i said that your example was because is was not related at all to a price error, srry about that
well that doesn't matter, i don't know the law where you live but where i live the consumer have right and protected under the law in case of price error (i don't really know about that kind of error) but there is price policy under some store, the most common one is 10 $ off for item over 10 $ and free item if is under 10 $ and for online store, if the bill is already made, they can't change it so even you pay 5 $ for a 52 000 $ item, well you still have to pay 5 $
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I was talking about morality.
Not law.
I know that consumer is right at pricing error. But 99+% discount made by accident are usually illegal (~at least in 99% countires?)
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to be an exploit you need to know about that, if you make some thing that make you automatically win the game for no reason, you cannot be ban for that. If you had the intention to use that bug to win that is another thing, the first one who found it didn't necessarily have the intention to use a exploit and win but just discovered a bug
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I never say it.
But I regret every bad thing I have done in my life.
And I fix almost every one - I think...
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"I will steal it from steam!! I DEMAND MORE GAMES!! I am a good person :)"
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dude, you can be for real
like listen, those keys will be probably revoked and thats it, justice will be served
like jesus christ, some people
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at least one with good morale
you got whitelisted^^
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you have a good point, a lot of guys here a against piracy and then they do things like exploiting glitches. I was going to do the same because the prices are raising so much with my country's economical crisis, but its so lame to steal especially when they are offering a trial and such a big discount. There is this saying where i live: "When they give you the hand you try to get the whole arm". This is exactly what people are doing here.
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You must be Poland / Ukraine / Belorussian / Russian :P
I'm form Poland and I know it :)
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i'm brazilian, we have taxes over taxes and the economy is still falling haha. One AA game costs like 1/7 a minimum wage :c
It's nice to see that you are not using it as an excuse for bad actions, i hope your situation gets better :)
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In the past when obvious exploits like this have happened, Steam has used a ban hammer on the exploiters. The downside in this case is that the keys get traded and gifted out and the receiver would have no idea that this happened, so hopefully they'll just revoke the keys or do nothing.
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Really? Got proof of this 'ban hammer' being used?
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No. I just recall someone complaining in a steam forum that they got VAC banned because they'd used an exploit like this and they thought it was unfair.
Edit: The other situation was different, too. It wasn't from a key they got from the free weekend. I think worst-case for this game will be mass revocation. I think it's more likely nothing will happen.
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VAC bans are game specific, so no, nothing to do with the current situation. I dunno why you even posted your original comment. Just FUD.
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-.- cause its really a big deal that some people got a few free cards of it, bohooo
im sure it caused a huuuge looss for the devs
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Cards? Yes. Now those cards will fall in price.
Anything more? Yes - free game.
Are developer bothers?
Yes, they are fighting piracy, they made their price, they made some extra occasions (free weekend? -75% price?)
Imagine you are working. Working really hard. With sweat and tears.
Then somebody take "a part" of your salary.
Just because.
Would you be happy?
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the keys will be revoked anyway, so i cannot understand the bitching
im willing to bet personally that they keys will be revoked automatically as soon as the free weekend ends anyway
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Normal cards were already for $0.05, which means dev always gets 1 cent from them anyway, so it's only card-sellers that lose money here.
They might lose few cents from foils, but then, with more foils and lower price might come more purchases, so it actually might give them more money.
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Yes. :)
Free market is like chaos :)
Everything can happen!
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As you probably know, Dawn of War games are on weekend sale and the first ones are on free weekend. For what I'm reading you can copy and paste the key of Dawn of War GOTY edition and steam is thinking that you are activating the game. I'm reading that the "2 days remaining" is disapearing.
I already own the game, so I dont know if there is free or a bug. With the expansions, for example, it doesnt happens.
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